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Are Chinchillas Territorial? Do have hay constantly as well; keep a rack with hay and replace it routinely before it gets moldy. Along with the quality of good that you feed your pet chinchilla, the quantity is just as important. The bottom line is, chinchillas dont need treats, but if you feel bad or want your chinchilla to be happy, then you can give them treats occasionally. Plain Shredded Wheat. This doesnt cost you anything additional. Bread and Dairy Products. The most crucial behavior factors about cats you need to know about them is that they are: On the other hand, the personality traits of the chinchilla are: With such divergent personality traits, its now evident why your cat and chinchilla might struggle to get along just fine. Instead, offer your cat leafy green vegetables like kale, bok choy, or arugula. For these two pets to live in harmony with each other, patience and constant supervision is necessary. Their diets should consist of 30 percent fiber, 14-16 percent protein, 35 percent carbohydrates, 3.5 percent fat/oil, 4 percent sugar, 6 percent minerals and 7 percent moisture/trace elements. They eat Royal Canin special Persian cat food and the kittens are eating kitten food. Remember that treats are only supposed to be offered sparingly and not in large amounts daily. Therefore, you need to make sure your chinchilla is safe in the cage placed in a different room your cat cant go into. . All cats drink filtered water from the water fountain. If your cat does this, theres a high likelihood of it ignoring the chinchilla, which in turn doesnt get so stressed by the cats presence.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'smallpetshq_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_3',181,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); However, if you have an overly active cat, it might not be a good idea to have these two pets live in the same house. They are very sensitive animals but can be great friends if you know how to take care of them. Cats are carnivores (meat-eaters) whereas chinchillas are herbivores (plant-eaters). You can barely overlook the significance of animal intelligence. Distilled water isnt as easy to get hold of as water from the tap and it, unfortunately, does not contain any minerals which your Chinchilla needs. You should also try to avoid giving your chinchilla anything acidic, such as citrus fruits. As with all pets, a proper diet is key to health and long life in chinchillas. and always check to see if the fruit is recommended for chinchillas and what quantities it should be offered in. This is a question many pet owners ask themselves, and if you fall into this category, youre in luck.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'smallpetshq_com-banner-1','ezslot_11',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-banner-1-0'); Heres a detailed article on the compatibility of chinchillas and cats to make you better informed on whether owning these two pets is a good idea. You can either purchase wood sticks from a store or collect your own. The quality of the ingredients used by manufacturers to make cat food varies enormously. What Owners Must Know! Fresh drinking water should be offered daily in a water bowl or bottle. Chinchilla Image Credit: Veera, Shutterstock. Both chinchillas and hamsters are small rodents, so it's not surprising that they have similar dietary needs. The kittens get lots of attention and handling, so grooming and cleaning the eyes will be easy in the future. Chinchillas can consume a wide variety of human foods, most notably vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and grains. Give your chinchilla space from the cat, which sees it as a prey. However, this does not impact our reviews and comparisons. If you dont have at least a basic understanding of chinchillas dietary needs, then there is the potential they could become seriously ill as they have extremely strict dietary requirements. In addition to this, a lot of fruit can actually be harmful to chinchillas and they certainly cant just eat any and all fruits. Fiber: should be at least 15%, preferably up to 35%. Chinchilla Sleeping Habits: Are Chinchillas Nocturnal? Copyright tagDiv. The diet of chinchillas should ideally be high in protein and fiber while containing low moisture and fat content. Arrives by Fri, Mar 31 Buy Auto Feeder Water Dispenser Set Rabbit Cat Dog Chinchilla Food Hanging Gravity at Walmart.com Image 1 is the male father & Image 2 is the female mother.. These are dried fruits, dried herbs, plantain, and root vegetables. The answer to this question is no, Cat foods are not suitable for chinchillas and there are many reasons why you should avoid feeding it to them. Get the Best Price and Selection of Dry Dog Food at Pet Supplies Plus. We recommend that you stick to simple and researched greens and vegetables rather than experimenting with all sorts of different options that really arent needed, remember, a chinchilla only needs a simple diet to be both happy and healthy. The pets need chinchilla vitamins and nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamin C, natural vitamin E, and many more through adequate nutritional content. If you want to give them something extra special, then you can include some fruit snacks, peanut butter, cheese, or eggshells into their food bowl every once in a while. In the wild, chinchillas are omnivores, which means that they eat both plants and meat. Indigestible bedding, such as wood shavings, also can cause obstructions. Caring for a Chinchilla: What You Need to Know, Overgrown Teeth and Dental Issues in Chinchillas. As you know, chinchillas are very active, so they run around a lot. Note: Its important to understand that this is a guide only. Stay on top of the latest news about canine behavior, nutrition and health. One of the questions we were asked recently was whether Chinchillas were territorial and we felt compelled to delve into this subject a bit deeper and provide you with some more useful information How Often Should Chinchillas Have Dust Baths? Reasons Why Theyre Smart. Here are useful tips you should follow to ensure peaceful coexistence between these two: Whereas your cat and chinchilla might eventually learn to live with each other, dont expect them to be best friends. This is especially vital in the first days when youll be able to closely supervise your cats behavior around the chinchillas cage.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'smallpetshq_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',186,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Here are some steps you need to take when introducing these two pets. Providing greens in small amounts and not too often is something you will have to get used to as a chinchillas owner due to the fact that chinchillas have unusual nutritional needs. As long as your chinchillas are eating plenty of their regular food so that they are receiving the right nutrition, there shouldn't be a problem. I'm the main author of Pocket Pets Forever. Its quite possible that if you put cat food down on the floor, your chinchilla will try to eat it. Dry foods are made entirely from grains and other similar products. Do take your chinchilla to the vet if it is vomiting or showing any unexplainable symptoms. Wild chinchillas are omnivores and feed on grasses, seeds, fruits, small plants, plant leaves, small insects, and bird eggs when they get a chance. Commercial pelleted food is also available for chinchillas but should be offered in limited quantities of no more than one-to-two tablespoons per day for an adult chinchilla. They won't go hunting for insects, but if they see one, they will eat it. Once you do this, you can be sure that your cat wont be able to swipe your chinchilla or its cage as they get used to each others company.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'smallpetshq_com-sky-3','ezslot_21',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-sky-3-0'); While you might be excoriated to introduce your chinchilla to your entire family, and this includes your cat, its vital first to make sure it first gets used to you. . Both critters should be eating a high quality hay as the majority of their diet. Please do not leave them alone at any moment as our pets security is our topmost priority. Chins have a high metabolism and can eat constantlyideally, they shouldn't go without food for more than 12 hours, but 24 hours is doable if absolutely necessary. Are Chinchillas Cuddly? Here is a breakdown of the nutrients your chinchilla needs in their diet and in what percentages. Overconsumption of pellets can also be fattening and can lead to obesity and diarrhea due to excess carbohydrate ingestion. They will consume stalks, stems, leaves, shoots, fruits, seeds and roots . If you have to leave your chin alone for up to 24 hours, ensure you leave out plenty of food and water to cover the time span. Oxbow Essentials Deluxe Chinchilla Food. If you do this, your chins diet should easily fall into this low calcium and even lower phosphorus model providing you stick to safe and recommended greens and veggies. In addition to that, if you have two or more chinchillas, they can become quite protective of the feeding bowl, which can cause fights between the chinchillas, and also, one might eat more than the other. kathson 35oz Hanging Automatic Food Water Dispenser Gravity Pet Auto Feeder Waterer Set for Rabbit Cat Dog Chinchilla Guinea Pig Hedgehog Ferret Rating Required Select Rating 1 star (worst) 2 stars 3 stars (average) 4 stars 5 stars (best) But if you want to own both of these pets, the question running in your mind right now is, do chinchillas get along with cats? To be more specific, the diet should have 30% fiber, 16% protein, 35% carbohydrates, and the rest should be filled with fat, minerals, and sugar. Chinchilla Pet Animals and Pets. What Greens & Vegetables Can Chinchillas Eat? Bottles water is safe for chinchillas to use but is an expensive way of providing your Chinchilla with water and some would consider this quite wasteful. Avoid feeding dried fruits. You can find out exactly which variety of Cheerios is safe to feed to your chinchilla right here, then check our easy to follow guide here. Yes, chinchillas can eat C heerios, . Plain Cheerios. Finally, since chinchillas cannot vomit, small or hard foods such as dried fruit, nuts, seeds, or raisins can get stuck in the back of the mouth or esophagus leading to salivation, gagging, lack of appetite and possible problems breathing. Protein - 16-20%. Chinchillas have an extremely sensitive digestive system as we have already mentioned in this article. Like most animals in the world, chinchillas require a variety of nutrients to be considered healthy and for their organs to work correctly. The auto cat feeder has a 1080HD camera with automatic night vision as well as wide-angle view and supports 10-second voice message recording. We have created a list where we share our recommended timothy hay and orchard hay products to feed your chinchilla as well as the best place to purchase them from and you can access the list right here. Nonetheless, this can be achieved by only slowly introducing these two pets to each other. This is because fatty foods are very harmful to their digestive system. hay, fresh vegetables, and pellets should still make up the majority of their diet. If your hamster has consumed any of these items then please seek veterinary advice. Hey is extremely high in fibre which is important as the dietary tract of a chinchilla requires constant movement and large amounts of fibre are essential to help with this process. 2.1 Fresh Vegetables. Orchardgrass. Its important to know how much food you need to offer your chinchilla each day in order for them to be considered healthy. You can do this by understanding how a chinchilla behaves and using that to your advantage. Our main focus is helping owners to better understand and care for their pets with both straight forward and actionable advice. Made from dehydrated rose hips, Exotic Nutrition Critter Selects Rose Hips Chinchilla Treats are great little chunks that you can even add to a food puzzle. Lets look at some more information that is essential for chinchilla pet owners about pet food. You can preset the desired amount of food amount for your cat to eat and keep it healthier. Strong expertise in both dogs and cats. This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Hay that is recommended for your chinchilla. While it depends on your cat's personality, many will seek out to hunt chinchillas. Later in the post, we will show you how much hay, pellets, greens and fruit your chinchillas should ideally eat per day. Therefore, youll want to choose the hay wisely if you dont want, Read More Best Hay For Chinchillas 2023 Reviews and ComparisonContinue. [What Owners Will Want To Know]Continue, This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. C hoosing a pet is not a decision to be taken lightly. Feeding adult chinchillas too much alfalfa hay can cause obesity and even calcium stones as the level of calcium and other nutrients is too high and out of balance. Limit fruits and sugary vegetables (e.g., carrots) to <1 teaspoon/day. In fact, when given the choice between dry cat food and fresh grass, chinchillas choose the latter every time! You can either purchase wood sticks from a store or collect your own, Wash The wood Thoroughly (remove all visible dirt), Ensure Sticks Are Totally Dry (should easily snap under pressure), Timothy or Orchard Grass Hay Always Available. Chinchillas require a diet high in fiber and low in fat. The Chinchillas are often described as adorable, but they're also Is your chinchilla looking a little too plump? Source: The teeth of a chinchilla are also constantly growing and coarse hay is a must to keep their teeth short and shaped correctly. Below we have listed the most common greens that your chinchillas can safely eat in moderation as part of a healthy and balanced diet. as their pellets are of a high quality and are fortified with vitamins such as vitamin D3. So, if you decide to make a purchase through one of the links on this site, I receive a commission for it. The hay should be dry and fresh-smelling with no trace of mold. 2.6 No Sudden Dietary Changes. Most importantly, you need to know what they can and cant eat! Following a healthy diet will maximize your chinchillas lifespan. Just make sure that they are safe. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This acrobatic animal eats food with a sweet smell as they are very picky. What Nutrients Are Important For Chinchillas? Overfeeding of fresh greens also can lead to soft stool or diarrhea. Guide + Chart. so from these numbers alone its clear to see that good quality hay is undoubtedly the most vital part of your chinchillas diet. Rhubarb. As it turns out, chinchillas have an absolutely wide diet that varies considerably in the texture, hardness, nutritional value, etc. Anu wood sticks you offer your chin needs to be from non-toxic trees and free from pesticides. Chinchillas dont need a whole lot of greens in their diet but they are still important in the right quantities. Give your cat and chinchilla enough time to get used to each other. Chinchillas are very friendly animals. Take a look at this guide that shares the types of water your chinchilla can drink, If you want to know everything you need to know about chinchilla water bottles in less than 3 minutes then check our easy to follow guide here. Adult chinchillas are recommended to eat timothy hay as this provides all the nutrients your chinchilla needs and in the correct quantities. Due to their opportunistic nature in the wild, most chinchillas will eat any leaves, seeds, fruits, and nonpoisonous insects that it can come across, and because they are endangered . If this is a problem you were undergoing, reading this insightful article has enlightened you to understand better if cats and chinchillas can get along. Always check the quality of your tap water at home before choosing this option. Thats why they need to have toys and accessories in their houses. This list includes common household foods that hamster should avoid but is by no means exhaustive. With this being said, as an owner, there is one nutrient that you will notice your chinchilla seems to need more than anything elseand thats fibre. This is a general rule for most small animals such as hedgehogs and even the majority of reptiles. If you feed them the correct diet, chinchillas generally keep themselves at the right weight. Although cats and chinchillas might not coexist peacefully at first, there are ways of promoting this to happen. Once this condition occurs, there is nothing that can be done other than to provide pain medication and soft foods. amongst other things so only a handful are really considered safe enough to eat even in small quantities. Hay and specially . There is, however, no harm in using this type of water providing they get enough minerals from elsewhere. The most obvious reason why you shouldnt feed cat food to a chinchilla is because chinchillas are not cats! This is important because your cat might terrorize your chinchilla even when its in the cage by either hissing at it or staying very close to the cage. But can rabbits eat chinchilla food safely? (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Nuts? To be more specific, the diet should have 30% fiber, 16% protein, 35% carbohydrates, and the rest should be filled with fat, minerals, and sugar. 1.1 Understanding The Chinchilla Diet. The small animals love their leafy snack so much that they can live off it alone. Many gastrointestinal disorders can result in yellow throw up. Instead, offer your adult chinchilla timothy hay or other low-calcium grass hays, such as orchard or meadow grass. The diet that you choose to feed your chinchilla should mostly contain hay. Basic nutrients such as sugar, fat and even calcium can all cause health problems to chinchillas if they are overfed. An overweight chinchilla is susceptible to many illnesses like diabetes, diarrhea, and liver damage. Chinchillas only need to consume around 3-5% fat in their diet which is easily attainable from their base diet so foods such as nuts and sunflower seeds need to be avoided. Offering too much or too little of one food group can cause your chin to have digestive and even health issues. such as elevated levels of calcium and in turn, cause health issues. Semi-dry foods consist of dried milk and grain. Cats are carnivores (meat-eaters) whereas chinchillas are herbivores (plant-eaters). For instance, chinchillas were observed eating " Puya berteroniana ", a type of succulent plants . Changing the brand of pellets . Much like many other rodents, a chinchillas teeth continue to grow throughout their life, so they need food that will help to stop them from overgrowing. Again, although this is the common amount of food that your pet needs, you need to contact the pet veterinarian to be sure of ample amounts of food that your chinchilla needs. Coprophagy helps to maintain the correct balance of intestinal flora within the gut, and also enables the chinchilla to absorb B Vitamins that are produced in the caecum (part of the gut). It's important to offer your chinchillas an unlimited amount of fresh hay in their cage daily so they can continually consume the large amounts of fibre they need. Dont discourage your pet from eating its own dropping, as it is natural for them to do so. Whether you're looking for tips, tools, activities or advice, you've arrived at the consummate guide for everything related to caring for dogs. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Romaine Lettuce? Feeding your chinchilla excessive amounts of pellets does not supply enough fiber for their gastrointestinal tracts (which require high fiber for fermentation of food) and doesnt provide the roughage to wear down their continuously growing teeth. Water should be provided in the form of a water bottle rather than a bowl as this is much more hygienic for your chinchilla. They eat all sorts of different plants . This can lead to blockages and other health issues. This cage features a plastic and wire mesh construction with a built-in wheel and hideout. The chinchilla should be given fresh hay every day. Foods You Can Feed to Your Chinchilla as Treats Include: Rope Hips are considered one of the healthiest treats you can offer your chinchilla. For any new chinchillas owner, one of the very first questions you need to ask is what can chinchillas eat?. Do you see that furry animal? If you give the chinchilla time to first get used to you and its surrounding before meeting your cat.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'smallpetshq_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_10',191,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); This gives your chinchilla enough time to be comfortable with the surroundings, with this especially crucial as theyre very social creatures. They can also be found in mixed dried dandelion mixtures, which can include dandelion leaves, flower petals, and even roots. Tomato Leaves. There are some things that you should do to have a healthy chinchilla. Average Chinchilla Lifespan: How Long Do They Live? If rabbits were to eat chinchilla . In conclusion, make sure to feed your chinchilla with care and monitor their diets properly. Always keep an eye on your cat even after your chinchilla and cat have started getting along. If you want to ensure that your chinchilla gets enough calcium, then you should add some eggshells to their diet. Consequently, this lowers the stress level of your chinchilla that wont now feel like a target, thereby leading to an environment where these two can live together in harmony.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smallpetshq_com-netboard-2','ezslot_18',185,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-netboard-2-0'); You need to be careful about how you introduce your chinchilla to your cat is you really want there to be any harmonious relationship between these two creatures. Chinchillas and cats can get along just fine, but this depends on your cats personality and demeanor. If they are fed certain foods together frequently, they will become accustomed to them always being served together. Thank you for supporting us on our journey as we continue to publish content with the aim of helping owners care for their pets in the best way possible! In the wild, chins consume very small amounts of fat in their diet so offering them a high-fat diet that their gastrointestinal tract isnt used to can lead to more digestive problems. Cats are feline predators that are known for hunting rodent prey like chinchillas. The stomach, chest, and chin are pure white. Too much calcium can have a negative effect on a chinchillas health as excessive amounts can cause calcium stones. You can just grab little bits of a few things and make a little sampler jar! Milk and other dairy products are animal products and not appropriate for herbivores. However, its still possible for these two pets to get along, but this doesnt mean that youll find the chinchilla cuddling on the lap of your cat.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'smallpetshq_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_14',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-narrow-sky-1-0'); Yes, cats and chinchillas can live in one house. You should do this by giving your cat ample time to become used to the new smell while making sure your chinchilla remains in the cage. Persians (the Chinchilla is in the Persian or Longhair cat family) can carry a gene that leads to kidney failure (called autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease) through the development of cysts in the kidney. Again, you can head over to our dedicated page herewhere we share all of our recommended food products for your chinchilla and the best place to purchase them from. | Learn More >> You are shopping: Livonia, MI Livonia. Locust pods. They have very different nutritional needs. All Things Dog. As you know, chinchillas are plant-eating animals. After all, it wont cost much and it might even taste good. It's safe to give your chin a raisin-size amount 2-3 times per week. Never change your chinchillas' diet suddenly, as this could upset their digestive system and make them very ill. Chinchillas cant eat cat food. Either way, you need to be careful when offering your chin both fruit and dried fruit and always check to see if the fruit is recommended for chinchillas and what quantities it should be offered in. Long-tailed chinchillas are primarily herbivorous. 2.3 Raisins. Chinchillas are so cute and such intelligent animals that make great pets. Because of the sensitive nature of a chinchillas digestive tract, sugar can be extremely harmful even if its fed in moderate quantities. In the wild, chinchillas live in cold mountains, crevices of rocks, moving from rock to rock to escape from predators and to find food.