Vic Police Commissioner Salary, Articles C

YES, CCV's non-response was intentional, willful and malicious. Yes, maldonado demanded money orders upfront from me before he would start any work, then once he cashed them, he failed to return calls or emails, abandoned my case just days before my trial forcing me to represent myself, to my horror, (But since it was a bogus case to begin with i secured a complete dismissal of my case and i had and still have no criminal record) , then in violation of az state bar ethics rules malfonado failed to return my fees, then he refused to return my written demand for return of my fees, then to get even with me for demanding back my money, he maliciously wrote and mailed a bad - nsf check to an incorrect out of state address days before my az trial, which i was in az preparing for, so i would have to spend a two days and a thousand bucks to drive out of state to retreive it to cash it to hire another replacement lawyer, which he knew i would have to do. Brian and Lisa live on the side of a little mountain in the country where Brian wants to start a farm. Just one person? They would likely never set foot in a church again. So why do you continue to preach as you do? But you seemed to have missed your own point that you apparently went to the Bible or Google to lookup after your first critical post. It is one thing to disagree with another's faith (and actually substantiate that disagreement), it is another thing to disagree with another's faith, and then misrepresent it (either intentionally or unintentionally). It too was taught by the Apostles to the early Church. Position Summary: CCV Stars is a year-round, rapidly growing, multi-site outreach ministry of CCV that exists to connect the community through sports. Where did your doctrines come from? They are usually only set in response to actions made by visitors which Bus Guides 7. And the truth must be known. CCV uses necessary cookies to make our site work. He is likely the one responsible for weekly sermons and may also oversee various Bible studies or Sunday . or "Who actually believed these ideas before the 16th century"? And the origin of the theology they base their salvation on is not from the Apostles, it is you. You have over 8000 people who look to you and your version of the Bible for their salvation. Click here: 3rd Unanswered Challenge for Protestant Theology: Is Catholicism Apostolic, name one doctrine that isn't, name one doctrine the early Church believed that the Catholic Faith no longer does. 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 And it is this pride, and your position as spiritual leader of 8000 people, that prods you to continue to teach them ideas that have no connection to the Apostles and are therefore not Biblical. But to get there is to move beyond just knowing about Jesus, and deciding to actively follow in His footsteps. Maldonado was in youth prison for many years and that may be one reason why he's now representing indigent criminal youth for Maricopa County in AZ away from anyone who knew him in CA. You can't find a single person before the Renaissance era who believed or even heard of what you now teach 8000 people as the gospel of Jesus Christ. Again this sounds so harsh, but what else am I to do to defend the attacks of Don Wilson's theology upon the Catholic Faith? CCV is a wonderful Holy Church that has helped countless amounts of people in needincluding myself! Hasn't Don told us for years the errors of Catholic theology? Gods will, not Mans. Actually the fraud IS between CCV-Maldonado and the victim. Just as the Mormons claim Biblicism for their theology with zero historical support prior to Joseph Smith, your theology claims the same, with zero historical support prior to the Renaissance era. Prior to CCV, Ashley worked at Intel, where he first felt the call to full-time ministry. He has a passion for healthy church and organizational culture and works with a gifted Executive Team to shape the future direction of CCV. And this made me absolutely sick not just for myself, but even more for the image and reputation of christianity. The crime is called "AiDING AND ABETTING" AND IT IS ALSO A FELONY. cookies to gather anonymous site visitation data and marketing cookies to help us understand which I have sold products and hired numerous individuals over the years from the CCV online community section and was never under any kind of delusion that these people were guaranteed saints just because of where I found them. If you are a christian you likely know that christ, the main god - human - face in christianity, held a special contempt for these exact types of religious people - the phony, fake, two - faced religious leaders of his time - and in fact he called them various things from "brood of vipers" to "whitewashed tombs" - indicating the sickening stench of their phoney pious - perfect outside yet corrupt, rotten, filthy and maggot infested inside - refering of course not to their colons but their hearts. Unless there is truth to what this Catholic apologist is telling us, that not a single Christian soul believed Don's theology before the Renaissance era. Brian has been married to his wife Dr. Lisa Jones, for 35 years. They first met in the church when there were 80 people attending and have had the joy to watch and serve over the years since, seeing God do amazing things in the community. All a person has to do is make an accusation, then it's all about defending and trying desperately to exonerate yourself. [1] In 1996, Christ's Church of the Valley found a permanent home, after raising over $1million in one day to purchase 50 acres of land in the northwest Phoenix. You do not want CCV to know the origins of its theology. Log In. For over 30 years Don Wilson and the elders and leadership he's surrounded himself with has proven to be above reproach. "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.'' 214, Administrative, Pastor of Adult Ministrieslisa@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. Your staff and congregation might not see the logic yet, or maybe they will, but many are asking themselves: Her desire is to see people . You want to know the Bible better because you know the Bible will make you better. "If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins 27 but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries." Your blind faith in Mr M is overwealming, you are a follower, I am a questioner. You have a conversation with someone long enough and eventually the dam will break and their real and true self, heart and character will eventually emerge. That is not sound logic. NFTs Simplified > Uncategorized > ccv teaching pastors. It doesn't matter if the idea is a new invention to Christianity, for your 8000 parishioners, if you say it's THE gospel, it's gospel. But as the injured party, I wanted to send it to you in hopes that we can eventually see eye to eye on this matter. Your attempt to defame the righteous and Godly leadership of this church because of your personal bad experience with someone offering services on the church's free community section is sickening and deplorable. It is the exact same logic. And this is the first time your faith has been challenged in this manner. Listing Daniel Im, of Lifeway's New Churches initiative and himself a member of a teaching team, said . I.e. Many churches even require this for church membership. You and your staff have made charges against it, and then refuse to justify them in any manner. These cookies (supplied by Google Analytics, Facebook, Hotjar, Gloo and Chartbeat) allow CCV Click here, the 7 Stages of Christian Spiritual Development. In January 2004, Christ's Church of the Valley moved into their current 4,500 seat multi-use structure on a 100-acre campus. With nothing to support your opinion of the Bible outside of your own opinion of the Bible. visitors move around the site. It is always preferable that all pastors who attend a Pastors Workshop are given a set of training manuals to take home. King David is a model of how to make that happen. Christ's Church of the Valley also held services in an elementary school and a strip mall for a short period of time. Instead he has called this person vile names, made inappropriate personal attacks about irrevelent personal traits, and made crude bigoted remarks not at all in line with his professed CCV Christianity or as a lawyer aka, an officer of the court. I applaud Maldonados victim for holding back and not punching out this [censored]bag lawyer Maldonado or confronting him at his workplace or in front of his kids, which he could have easily done. That is what the Mormons would have us believe. . He and his wife Pam have been married for 27 years and have three children. because this did not happen good leadership does not exist inside ccv church. He holds a BA from Pacific Christian College, an MBA from Keller Graduate School, and has studied theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. Why doesn't he do some of that "Pastor stuff" and validate the claims he has told us for years are Apostolic? Next service. Brian can help you understand and follow Jesus teachings. You've shown everyone - yet again, Mr Maldonado. Simple? This is a legally recorded Maricopa County Recorder's office document from Maldonado's home lender who he and his wife also screwed over. Here is another example: Writing a bad - nsf check - is a felony in maricopa county az. We recognize that many have . That pride itself is driving the rationalization of embracing ideas invented only centuries ago, that have no connection with the Apostles (or even your own original reformers). 0; . "CCV has drifted" you ask? Click here, the 7 Stages of Christian Spiritual Development. He did a real bad job. But it is troublesome that 8000 people blindly follow your personal version of the Bible with zero historical support. Mark is also the author and co-author of many books mostly on the Life of Christ, book of Acts, and Revelation. He was influential in the development of the system of Christian theology later called Calvinism. Till it was way too late for nearly everyone. US street preacher arrested in London says speaking truth is now a ' hate crime': After facing arrest and detention for preaching that homosexuality is a sin, an American evangelist is warning that "things are getting very bad" in the United Kingdom and other Western countries, suggesting that the situation has deteriorated to the point . Or even reformational? Makes me want to puke. Even if CCV posts a disclaimer on its website that it is not responsible for fraud that might occur with its advertisers it is not shielded from legal liability. I like you Don. Co-defendants Emilia Ceniceros, 36, Edward Jose Maldonado, 37, and Gabriella Maldonado, 36, all of La Habra, were convicted Oct. 8, 1991, of MURDER, assault with a firearm, shooting at an inhabited dwelling, first-degree robbery and shooting at an unoccupied vehicle. our systems. [2], On October 29, 2017, Don Wilson, CCV's founding pastor stepped down as Senior Pastor after 35 years at CCV. No offer to make him provide restitution as is required in the bible. "The Church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth" 1 Tim 3:15. If not today, maybe tomorrow or the next. Fake "Christian" Maldonado coincidently started running his "honest representation" lawyer solicitiation ads AFTER he realized he had mismanaged his finances and was in a financial meltdown and was in default on his written mortgage loan agreement. AND, many of these very doctrines were even taught by your own original Protestants!? (Letter to the Romans 7:3 [A.D. 110]). Trip attendees click here. Mark and Barbara Moore - CCV Teaching Pastor 3. The CCV Leadership Institute was developed as a response to the alarming statistic that 85% of pastors leave the ministry within their first 5 years. Dave Stone, senior pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky and his younger successor Kyle Idleman (Inset). That is how far CCV's theology has drifted from orthodox Christianity. Eswatini, Challenge Ministries 2 - Oct #408351, Eswatini, Challenge Ministries 1 - Sept #408362, Eswatini, Challenge Ministries June #408384, Bulembu Special Needs_Construction Feb #853300. Haven't you yourself cautioned Christians to be wary if a following is guided more by "the man," than by Christian precepts and historical Christian beliefs? Senior Pastor at Christ's Church of the Valley Greater Phoenix Area. filling in forms. Yes, there is not a single verse in the Bible to substantiate the "Bible Only" idea that you preach as "Biblical". Does that sound like CCV's theology in the year 110AD? The use of this word "falsehood" might offend some, but it is the truth. A place where people are saying 'yes' to God and experiencing life in a fresh way. Certainly not a Christian. The truth is; we are guilty until we are proven innocentthat is the reality! So be afraid, be very afraid of this new accountablility and transparency. But at least they would know the truth and the origin of CCV's distinctive theology. 8000 people following the personal interpretations of one man. I was out of town in Farmington New Mexico and attended a local church there sporting my very new CCV shirt when the pastor there spotted me and my other half and asked about our shirts. U-N-B-E-L-E-I-V-A-B-L-E. Either it is or it isn't. So why are you silent? Lets hope you never have to deal with the murder or a close friend or relative, because it may be hard to understand when the police stop looking for a killer when they advise that becuase no one has been caught or charged there can be no murder. Again, the Holy Scriptures tell us to: Shame on CCV and Wilson for learning nothing from the NewLIfe mess and perpetuating this image of Christians. I never take the word of a leader without investigating and ballancing that with what I believe.. CCV has been a great church for fellowship, my lack of membership, though a dedicated atendee is that I will attend any church where god is present. What a sad missed opportunity CCV and Dr Wilson. their initial and primary training was to tell their flock to obey the DHS [Department of Homeland Security] version of Romans 13." 4 . 228, Bookkeeperrobinw@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. .com/ci_[protected]?source=rss_viewed#ixzz16c5rzViD. Hold on to the good. NOTE: This is for donations only. "Brenda" is Edward Maldonado's online alias. The 17th century Anabaptist idea of ONLY Baptism by immersion and ONLY as an adult. He and his wife, Cindy, have four adult children who were raised at CCV over the past 26 years. Tithing, or giving back to God 10% of your income every week is a false teaching used by the church, independent cults, and charlatans of every description, as a club to beat and threaten church members into surrendering ten percent of their salaries in obedience to some phantom law.