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To this end, the officers within this program would be able to communicate directly with the public regarding their questions about the FBI and any grievances. }
"slideDirection" : "left-to-right", // OPTIONS - left-to-right, right-to-left var moveArticle = $(this).html(); $(".social-icon.instagram").show(); $("li.sw-channel-item").first().addClass("first"); There are always up and coming tours or activities such as the above mentioned the Alumni can get involved in.. The program is free of charge and open to high school juniors and seniors who attend school within the FBI Springfield area of responsibility which includes 84 Illinois counties. } if(!$("div.sp.column.two .ui-widget-header h1").length > 0) { "url": "", }); "color": "#5C000A" case "false": }
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Its a lot of fun, Kreamier says. '
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' + "thumbnails" : "no", unSetChannelBarHeight(); In its first two years, Faith and Blue has become the largest, most consolidated police-community outreach initiative in history, reaching all 50 states; over 1,600 faith-based organizations;. pageURL = encodeURIComponent(pageURL); $(function(){ $(".ui-breadcrumbs").append("
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default: var schoolNameToggle = true; We are also taking nominations for the up and coming spring Citizens Academy, so if a member knows someone that they feel would be a good fit for the Academy, go ahead and nominate them. '
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Kreamier also runs the Junior Special Agent Academy for Oregons 7th and 8th graders. //DOC add signed out breadcrumb Willie G Council is one of the Community Outreach Specialist for the FBI Detroit Division Office of Public Affair Community Outreach.
Felicia can also be reached by phone at 412-432-4488. '
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["Nepali", "", "ne"], var taglineToggle = 'false'; For more information or to apply, go to FBI Springfield's webpage and look for the section titled Future Agents in TrainingTeen Academy. "text": "Calendar", $("#extra-footer-links").hide(); $(".cs-sw-footer-logo img").attr("src",swbbLogo); $("#gb-header-outer").css("padding-top", ""); She places high emphasis on Oregons youth. She hails from. $(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate .sw-dropdown .sw-dropdown-list").creativeTranslate({ div.homepage-thumb-region {
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The FBI has investigative responsibility for federal crimes committed on about 200 Indian reservations nationwide. Academy members can also help with the various youth development programs. $("h3.sitename-tagline").show(); }
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"contMoreLinkText" : "Read More", '
' + 3,898 were here. '
' + } emailStay Connected The things members get to do above and beyond the FBI are probably endless. } default: // #gb-logo -- Checks to see if a logo has been selected, displays default logo until one has been selected. "thumbnailHeight" : 53, It is humbling to get to meet and work with these people and provides a constant sense of humility. $("#swsignin-txt-username").focus(); $("#gb-logo-container").wrapInner("
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} Get notified about new Fbi Community Outreach Specialist jobs in United States. if($("#gb-logo-container img").length) { '
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The Community Relations Unit at FBI Headquarters and FBI community outreach specialists in field offices across the country create and strengthen relationships locally and nationally with minority groups, religious and civic organizations, schools, non-profits, and other entities. var dropboxToggle = 'false'; var myviewBtn = $("").html(); $(".ui-article", container).each(function(){ if(!$(".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate").length) { if(fax == "" || fax == " ") { FBI New York is currently accepting applications for Teen Academy. //$("#hp-tabs .tabs-container").after($(galleryContainer)); ["Chinese Traditional", "", "zh-TW"], //REAPEAT LOGO AND SCHOOL NAME IN FOOTER Incomplete and late applications will not be accepted. "useDefaultCSS" : "yes", // 13 = Return, 32 = Space var taglineToggle = false; '
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' + ["Khmer", "", "km"], var twitterToggle = 'false'; The program will welcome high school students between the ages of 16 and 18 years old to join us on July 17-21, 2023, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Email your applications by April 2, 2023. background: #335905; /*dark green*/
} ["Azerbaijani", "Azrbaycan", "az"], $(".sw-dropdown", this).slideDown(300, "swing").attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); { if(!$(" #sw-content-container2").length) { //DOC auto-focus username signin field }).blur(function(){ $("#social-icons").prependTo("#sw-mystart-left"); To build and strengthen relationships in our communities, the FBI hosts a range of programs through Headquarters and field offices across the country. $(" #sw-content-container1").hide(); An official website of the United States government. if(navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 10") > -1){ isMSIE10 = 1; } FBI Community Outreach Specialist FBI Indianapolis 8825 Nelson B. Klein Parkway Indianapolis, IN 46250 Program Session Dates: (please indicate availability at to of application) Session #1: July 27-29, 2020 Session #2: July 29-31, 2020 For questions, contact: Kathryn Sipes (317) 845-7035 $(".tab-right").each(function() { var showPlayPause = 'false'; if(!$("").length){ $('#sw-search-button').on('keydown', function(e) { '
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' + case "false": } var termsURL = $("div#sw-footer-links li:eq(2) a").attr("href"); Dedicated and seasoned Community Outreach Specialist with a superior record of successful community service and engagement. Antonia Fabian Kreamier: Bridging the Gap between Oregon Cultures, Communities and the FBI, Beyond Lockdown - Preventing and responding to extreme school violence, September 11, 2001 ~ An Important Day in American History. ["Catalan", "catal", "ca"], var imgWidth = $("#gb-logo img").width()*.75; }
["Croatian", "hrvatski", "hr"], Special Agent Brett Hovington, head of the Community Relations Unit at FBI Headquarter, says that roles of outreach specialists go well beyond "warm and fuzzy" meet and greets to putting down. switch(slideshowHeader) { Deadline for application submission is April 29 by 5pm. //DOC use channel name for pagelistnavigation header if one is not present ["Mongolian", "", "mn"], $("").prependTo(".rs-photo-gallery-bullets"); var code = e.which; '
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' + var kdown = 40; Subscribe //DOC rename first breadcrumb '
' + ~ write an essay of no more than 500 words depicting their interest in the program and how it will enhance their future plans. is an official site of the U.S. Department of Justice. if(numSocial > 6) { '
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' + Community Outreach Specialist FBI Sep 1997 - Present25 years The Community Outreach Program plays an important role in the FBI's broader efforts to improve our understanding of the. } You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. Find contacts: direct phone number, email address, work experience. ["Hausa", "Hausa", "ha"], }); "url": "", Generally the participants are selected by members of their organizations or community and there is no restriction on audience size. ["Urdu", "", "ur"], $("#sw-mystart-right div.clear").before($(".sw-mystart-button.signin")); +5benefits, Administrative Assistant Legal and Board Offices, $40,800.00 var c = e.which "transitionType" : 'fade', // fade or slide $(" .ui-widget-detail img") Our youth are going to be our future leaders. if(!schoolNameToggle && !taglineToggle) { $("#footer-logo, #footer-sitename").hide(); } } setChannelBarHeight();