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What if you dont have a compass that allows you to adjust for declination? You get the picture. Without getting over-complicated, a standard compass is different from a lensatic compass. number of degrees in a circle (360: north is 0 or 360, east is 90, south is 180, and. The degrees are in red, and are the ring's inner measurements. To get among the sources, you can discover the fascinating point to acquire. Any kinds of magnets whatsoever. Don't worry that your red orientating arrow doesn't point exactly map north. Spatial awareness refers to having knowledge about where everything in the environment is located relative as well as understanding how objects relate with each other spatially. 4. Check to see if the north directional arrow is inline with the arrow/line of the compass. So your true bearing would be 166. Its 230 degrees in reference to your position, as you can see. Were going to move that to take into account declination on our compass. Copyright 2013-2019 Collingwood Publications LLC, It's important to hold your compass stable, squarely in front of you, and level. north. Throughout this procedure, were not utilizing it at all.). 2. ), Set Your Compass for Your Intended Azimuth. On your map, shoot the back bearing that you just took with your compass from the top of Saddle Mountain. Using the rotating bezel, turn it until the direction of travel arrow lines up with the north arrow. (2) Keep the compass aligned as directed above while . With the thumb loop all the way down under the compass, put the thumb of one hand all the way inside the loop, and place the index finger of that same hand along one side of the compass. The bezel clicks as it moves--three degrees for every click. Weve compiled a detailed guide on how to adjust for magnetic declination, but at its most basic level it goes like this: Your map should state what the magnetic declination is in degrees for the region you are in. It has its advantages and disadvantages over the orienteering compass. 2. Rotate the compass dial until north on the compass ring lines up with north on the map. Look at which way the red needle is pointing. 1. 5. 6. A lensatic compass features a small pop-out area for your thumb, and a lid on top of the main compass body. Using your location as a pivot, rotate the compass until north on the bezel is pointing to the top of the map and the compass housing orienting lines are parallel with the maps vertical grid lines. However, we should be able to figure it out rather quickly. 2. Before we can start actually navigating, which well get to in Part IIIof this series, we still need to learnwhere we are in relation to our maphow to orient ourselves. We can find out easily enough, though. My 159-page, fully illustrated book is yours for the asking. Contours are king. Ethan Allan, the peak you observed, is cut through by the plotted line. Where can these symbols be found. Shows how to use the USGI issue lensatic compass to orient the map, plot a course based on two well-defined. What if you dont have access to a compass that can compensate for declination? A: You can use the arrow keys, or you can hold down shift and move in any direction to rotate a map around its axis. We may use the map to identify any landmark we observe in our landscape once we know our point location. Lets say you know youre southeast of Saddle Mountain and northeast of some smaller mountains. Execute your docs in minutes using our simple step-by-step instructions: Get the How To Use A Lensatic Compass you need. Lastly, the reading lens also helps cover the compass and folds out; this is where the term lensatic comes from. A Beginners Guide. Large Ball Compass - Easy to read ball compass shows two readings. Put your compass on your map. Most lensatic compasses are designed to withstand moisture to a certain extent, but nobody makes them perfect. navigation and combat. What's that? For this example, were going to go to the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge in Oklahoma. Survival Compass, Military Compass Hiking, Orienteering Lensatic Compass, Waterproof Navigation Compasses, Survival Emergency Luminous Sighting Compass. When we dont know where our point is, we have to rely on less precise kinds of orientation based on line or area position: Position of the line. Get your own customized topographical maps, built according to your specifications. 4. 9-4. SEE IT. At Advnture, we never head out into the backcountry without a map and compass. 2. SPECS dimensions:4.1" x 2.4" x 0.6" |10.4 x 6.2 Read More. Step 1 Determine the direction of the map of the declination and its value from the declination on the map. Welcome back to the Land Navigation Manual for the Art of Manliness. The floating dial is used to determine the direction in which you are pointing your compass. Plot a line on the map using the back bearing from that mountain. Take your compass and line up the edges with the north-south gridlines on your map. The base is the compass dial, bezel, and the thumb loopthe thumb loop is used for stability to garner a more accurate reading. When youre on this line and are facing true north, magnetic north lines up perfectly, too. Place your compass base plate on your map so the edge of the compass is aligned with the north-south meridian lines. Once you are physically at your starting location, its time to put your compass to good use. Its a subtle difference, but its a roundabout way of saying lensatic compasses are less prone to interference than others. Timetoprepare.net is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and Other Programs, an affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to the Partners. No worries. Steady the compass by allowing the hand holding the compass to rest in the cupped palm of your other hand. Youll see that it shows two arrows when you turn your headset or controllers around to show the new orientation of a map. The Lensatic compass also has a large number of drawbacks, including the use of a large case that can make this a cumbersome and heavy option. If youre in the Adirondacks, add 14 degrees to get a correct bearing of 194 degrees. Plot a line on the map using the mountains rear bearing. Were going to use the back bearing of that to plot a line from Saddle Mountain towards our general direction on the map. Get my Land Navigation coursehere. (Note: Ignore the magnetic compass needle. So, how are you going to acquire your point position? Youll want to stick to areas that are cool and dry, and dont offer any immediate threats to technological devices. (Note: The magnetic compass needle should be ignored.) You cant see the end point in your terrain, so you cant shoot a bearing on it. Place the three remaining fingers below as if you are holding a gun. Articles - Email - Linkedin - Facebook - Instagram. Youre somewhere on that line, so you know have a line position. What is the preferred method of using a lensatic compass when reading magnetic azimuths. There is some technical difference between the two, but for all practical civilian purposes, the words are interchangeable. This can be done either by (1) rotating the map the requisite number of degrees east or west or (2) holding the baseplate firmly, rotate the compass housing to the correct number of degrees west or east to account for the declination. To find directions from your map, you're going to need a protractor, a special instrument used for measuring angles. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). If your local declination is east of the agonic line, youll need to add the declination to the bearing on your compass; if your local declination is west of the agonic line, youll subtract the declination from the bearing on your compass. The plotted line cuts through Mt. You see that its 230 in relation to your location. 2. At this point, your map is almost oriented. Make a mark with your pencil at the notch on the end furthest from the sighting wire. To prevent this issue, well tweak our compass to account for declination. Read the azimuth: Lastly, ensuring the dial is floating, look down on it and read the azimuth. Lensatic compasses are seasoned or experienced navigator tools. The Lensatic compass is used to determine 'azimuths' or 'compass bearings' (horizontal angles). A map, by definition, is a small-scale representation of the real world or a section thereof. Youll notice the north/south symbol on a corner of your map with a straight 90 line going up. So, if you know where you are on the map, look ahead and see what features you can see. Center-hold. The rear bearing is at a 50-degree angle. You see that its 310 in relation to you. So its declination would be 14W. Let's say you see a water tower off in the distance. When you face true north, magnetic north is roughly 14 degrees to the left, or west, of you. Position in the area. Orienting the Map with aLensatic Compass. The edge of the compass baseplate is now pointing in the direction of the visible landmark from which you took your bearing. Orient the map to the terrain. Let's have a look at the sources that constantly give favorable points. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Ensure that the compass bezel is set to 0 degrees i.e. Home / Educational Resources / Math Resources / Compass: Definitions and Examples. 3. The needle on your compass dial will always be pointing north, so when placing the compass on the map, the needle on the compass should match the map's north in order to orient yourself. Step 1 Orient the map. 4. Positioned the cover of the compass toward the top of the map. When you face true north, magnetic north is going to be left, or west, of you by about 14. Before we do that, lets dig a bit deeper into declination. He has climbed a handful of 6000ers in the Himalayas, 4000ers in the Alps, 14ers in the US, and loves nothing more than a good long-distance wander in the wilderness. Suunto M-3 Compass. In this case, it would be 204 (24+180). This is because it is prepped to point instead to magnetic north once it's lined up with your compass needle. Remember, human features are the last port of call and, whats king again? 3. The lanyard hole that can be used by the orienteering compass user can limit access to the compass if not enough space is available to move the compass across your map. There are step-by-step to use a compass. 4. slide 1 to 3 of 3. While some elements of the navigation process are similar to using a baseplate compass, there are also slight differencesincluding how you hold a lensatic compass. 2. If the magnetic declinationin your area were zero, you'd proceed in the direction of 062 degrees. 2. Stand so that you can see where the north arrow is pointing, and where your direction of travel arrow is pointing. Were going to figure out where we are on that line now. There is nothing better than being at the heart of your navigation as a prepper, and truly knowing where youre headed without the need for technological input. A lensatic compass is just one of the many navigational tools we have built. Method #2. Make an "L" shape with the index finger and thumb of your other hand. Hold the compass with your thumb fully in the thumb ring, and your index finger wrapped around and gripping the circular part of the underneath of the compass's base. 3. Now its time to store your compass. Make sure the travel direction arrow is pointed in the direction you want to go. Method #1. Now were going to find out where exactly we are on that line. Using a little screwdriver or the metal piece that came with your compass lanyard, turn the small screw. When we know our point position, we can identify any landmark that we see in our terrain by using the map. PARTS OF THE LENSATIC COMPASS Compass, Lensatic, US Army, closeup: 2 (From another source) 1. Open the compass all the way so that the cover locks into position against the base, forming a straightedge along the left side. Standard compasses use floating dials, but lensatic compasses use a damping mechanism powered by electromagnetic induction. 3. You will receive a verification email shortly. In Part I, we covered how to properly use a compass, how to shootyour bearings, and the best map for navigating: the topo map. Then, you place your protractor on the map with its center point at your current position, making sure the north-south lines on the protractor line up with the north-south lines on the map. (1) Take the straightedge on the left side of the compass and place it alongside the north-south grid line with the cover of the compass pointing toward the top of the map. Assume youve climbed to the top of Camels Hump in Vermont. The first step is to always take a compass bearing. But I wish I had the simpler kind that just automatically points to the direction on the compass that I am . Photo: Wikipedia. Open the cover completely and pull back the rear sight. So, if youre at Muir Woods and your compass reads 180 degrees, subtract 14 degrees. It typically consists of a magnetized needle that is mounted on a pivot and placed inside a circular housing. But its important to understand the different types of navigational toolsincluding a lensatic compass. Now hold your compass horizontally and point the 'direction-of-travel-arrow' towards the landmark. You don't want to hold it crooked, cockeyed, or off level. Look at your map, or use a website to see your local areas declination. You discover that it has a bearing of 176. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); MyOpenCountry is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until you box the needlei.e., Put Red Fred in the shed. This is also known as triangulation. ), you just dont know exactly where. Were ready to start orienting ourselves now that our compass has been corrected for local declination. 2. You can always orient your map with a working compass. You notice another mountain peak out in the distance, but you dont know what its called. What happens if you dont adjust your compass for declination? Double-check by making sure the map title or legend text is the correct way up, or find the maps north arrow. Step 2 Lay the map in a horizontal position. If you have already adjusted your compass for magnetic declination, your map is now oriented and youre good to go. A lightweight, well-engineered orienteering compass from the Finnish company that helped set the gold standard in navigation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Come on in and save lots of money! One advantage is it's probably more accurate when it comes to "shooting azimuths," meaning the act of determining the specific compass direction to a spot on the earth. See that little black outline of an arrow? From point A to point B, thats your bearing. Step 2: Line up your lensatic compass with the North Star and make sure the index mark is on the star. You can also use this website to get up to date declinations. When your compass cant adjust for declination, you may make your own declination arrow out of masking tape and attach it below your compass under the right declination degree hash (This will only work if your compass has a clear base). The techniques employed when using the lensatic compass are as follows: a. What happens if you dont compensate for declination with your compass? Check the declination of your local location on your map or on a website. Now it's time to take out the map. This is a hard and fast guide on how to use your lensatic compass with a map, which is what it was designed for. When you have a line location, you know youre on a maps recognizable line (trail, ridge line, etc. Read the number at the index line. a. Program, Strengthen Your Tribe: A Report on the Atomic Athlete Vanguard, The Best Riddles for Kids (With Answers! My 159-page, fully illustrated book is yours for the asking. Turn your entire body as a unit until your predetermined azimuth falls under the fixed black index line. To use your lensatic compass to find the direction of your intended azimuth (which you probably got from your map, using your protractor): 1. Below, we offer a short, straight-talking guide to how its done. Spatial awareness refers to having knowledge about where everything in the environment is located relative as well as understanding how objects relate with each other spatially. So, if youre in Muir Woods and your compass has a bearing of 180, youll want to subtract 14. If youre facing south, but are holding the map right side up, everything on your map is going to be ass-backwards. 3. Bear in mind that an east declination value will be a positive number, and a west declination value will be a negative number. Spread out your map. 2. durability, and its hyper-accuracy in land. FM 3-25.26: Map Reading and Land Navigation. Lay the compass down on your map. 3 . Once you know that you're facing north, rotate the compass so that the luminous line is over the 170-degree mark. 1. Sounds like a lot more than a regular compass, doesnt it? You should be able to turn the map so that if you were to imagine jumping into it, the features would lie in the same direction both on the map and in your surroundings. Then turn the map until the position of the landmarks on the map corresponds to the real-world features in the terrain, then cross-check your position with additional features to ensure you have oriented correctly. 1. Look through the lens and sighting line. Take that bearing and plot it on the map using the technique explained above. Determine your position on the map and set the compass edge over it. Keep doing this until you get to where you want to go. The lensatic compass must always be held level and firm when sighting on an object and reading an azimuth. You dont have your point position. Designate your starting and ending points on the map. Now its time to use the lens. At least, I never saw him with one. for Faith in Humanity, how to orient a map using a lensatic compass, orient a map using a lensatic compass powerpoint. The variation between magnetic north and true north is currently so minor that this can generally be ignored. Required fields are marked *. With that bearing, we can use our compass to start traveling in the direction we need to go in order to get to our endpoint. Tags: download Elcenter Course, mp3 download Elcenter Course, download mp3 Elcenter Course, mp3 gratis Elcenter Course, Elcenter Course lagu mp3 dan video mp4. You can figure this out with a little compass work. Well, that is, unless you're doing something silly like holding the compass backwards. The housing lines should be parallel with the maps vertical grid lines. To do so accurately, however, we must first adjust our compass for magnetic declination so the reading taken from the compass arrow . Lets move to the opposite coast of the U.S. Lets say youre in the Adirondacks of New York. Identify where you are on the map and place the compass edge over this location. Using your compass, take a heading to a visible landmark. You can, however, see the two points on your map. Check back next month for our final briefingon how tonavigate using MGRS coordinates, just like they do in the military. {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you orient and read a map? Well, youre going to have to do some math with all your bearings to make sure you get a true bearing. There are so many different kinds of compasses, it can be hard to keep up. A compass needle aligns with the magnetic fields in the Earth, which is what it uses to help you find true north.