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However, Zod and his lieutenants only survived because they were at that time incarcerated within the Phantom Zone and were not in fact on Krypton at the time of its destruction. In Smallville, Clark Kent initially believes himself to be the last survivor of Krypton. *"and where we had thought to bealone, we shall be with all theworld.". Superman was always a leader, but he is no longer the focal point of the League. Snyder's idea to include a spoken Kryptonian language in Man of Steel is indeed an interesting prospect. 73 fanffo (Kryptonian weeks) per amzet (Kryptonian year). Other deities include Nightwing and Flamebird, dragon-like deities who have inspired a number of superhero teams as well as notable dynasties of Krypton e.g., the House of El. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It is also possible to replace the pronouns with pronouns for different genders and verb terms. Krypton has its own language that is spoken by the inhabitants of the planet. Zod, Faora and Nam-Ek). General Zod, Faora, and Quex-Ul are implied to be the only three prisoners of the Phantom Zone. The ending reveals that Lois Lane will be artificially inseminated with Superman's child and that their descendants will remain super-power heroes centuries into the future. In the 1970s, E. Nelson Bridwell attempted to rationalize these squiggles into a 118-letter alphabet, referring to the language as "Kryptonese". Here's the link for that website: Sometimes it is to explain why or how something works or came to be. The six loraxo (months) were: Belyuth, Ogtal, Ullhah, Eorx, Hefralt and Norzec. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights) The language has its own alphabet and grammar, and is very different from Earth languages. Believing Kara is the last surviving Kryptonian, Brainiac offers to spare Earth if they hand over Kara Zor-El as he wishes to study the effects of yellow sun radiation on Kryptonian cells, though Batman refuses. When Krypton was destroyed, it was thought that the entire Kryptonian race was destroyed. This is a conundrum that I have seen every depiction of Krypton struggle with. The Man of Steel. The monster Doomsday is the last of the prehistoric Kryptonians. In the animated film Superman: Unbound Brainiac abducted and shrunk the people of both Kandor and Argo City from Krypton. If you've heard about how his suit was a little different in BvS, with a Joseph Campbell quote* sewn in, it's in this new alphabet and language. Kryptonian law did not believe in capital punishment. A bit of notoriety is a welcomed perk of Schreyers job, but the true goal is research that is applicable to existing communities. And, thousands of years of cultural history would be preserved. 5. In addition Kryptonian beings are vulnerable to infection from viruses or bacteria native to Krypton. Doyle Kryptonians short phrase refers to a good dream because he does not have a word for sweet. Consider that during their time in space, they probably encountered other species and used translation technology to broadcast in multiple languages simultaneously. If you've heard about how his suit was a little different in BvS, with a Joseph Campbell quote* sewn in, it's in this new alphabet and language. The syllabic system used for writing is similar to Japanese hiragana and katakana, two popular Japanese forms. All Kryptonians are capable of long range telepathic communication. Kal-El (Superman) was born to Jor-El and Lara on 35 Eorx 9998. This fall, Schreyer will be teaching the first-ever cross campus social science course between UBC-O and UBC Vancouver. In later depictions, their abilities are attributed to the differences between Earth's gravity and that of Krypton and the different radiation of the stars they orbit. By introducing the idea of the Kryptonians speaking their own language, Kal-El would be made even more of an outsider. Characters, character names, logos, and related indicia are of and DC Comics. The entire cast of Superman 1 and 2 had British accents, including Jor-El and Lara, the council of judges, Zod and Ursa, as well as Superman 1. Jonathan Kent and Jor-el had fantastic stories to tell, which we would not have had otherwise. However, Batman, opposed to Superman's methods, forms the Insurgency to overthrow the Regime. Kryptonians are a highly culturally and technologically advanced people. A universal translator on Star Trek would translate the spoken word enlish rather than making it appear that the speaker was speaking English. Similarly, the syllabic writing system produces a script based on the syllables present in the text being translated. Using Cree to create Kryptonian Schreyer then collaborated with fellow Canadian graphic designer Kirsten Franson to develop a Kryptonian script. Man noun : "adult male person" = Sod noun : "adult male person". Breeding between Kryptonian explorers and this race created a new Kryptonian hybrid race that could interbreed with a larger number of humanoid racesincluding Earth humans. However, he later admits this was a ploy to negotiate a higher bounty on Superman and there are probably other surviving Kryptonians. Season Seven introduces Kara Zor-El, having been sent to Earth at the same time of Clark but trapped in suspended animation since then; later, through schemes put into practice before his death, Clark's uncle Zor-El and mother Lara are resurrected with powers intact for a time. I would like to hear more Kryptonian spoken (so far it's only on Supergirl a few lines and maybe somewhere else I'm not sure). Does the Mint really want to make coins? said Schreyer. Writing, after all, should be a very practical thing (something MoS completely misses). I taught myself to read and write this version of Kryptonian after Smallville started using it back in 2003. The Neanderthals have been pioneers in space travel and advanced technology since 100,000 years ago. For the masculine form, one dot is used, and two for the feminine form. Ben Dane. If you like this site and find it useful, you can support it by making a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or by contributing in other ways. The different Houses were also broken up into a loosely-based caste system as well. A place to discuss Superman and all things Superman related. You can build on the knowledge and wisdom that it provides. Supergirl and the Regime try to break Superman out of prison, but are stopped by Batman and his allies, though Batman decides to release Superman, calling a temporary truce between the Regime and the Insurgency to combat Brainiac. In other versions of canon, there is a last daughter of Krypton Kara Zor-El. Kryptonian is a little like Japanese, with both an older system of symbols or glyphs akin to kanji, as well as a syllabic writing system similar to hiragana and katakana. Moderator list hidden. AIR Awareness Outreach; AIR Business Lunch & Learn; AIR Community of Kindness; AIR Dogs: Paws For Minds AIR Hero AIR & NJAMHAA Conference However, given that Krypton is an advanced civilization, it is likely that they did indeed have their own language, and that English was not spoken on the planet. Supergirl reveals to Batman the House of El's S symbol is supposed to be a symbol of hope; though her cousin turned it into a symbol of fear, Batman, however, states that its meaning is determined by the one who wears it and tells her of how he and Superman used to fight for justice as members of the Justice League, before offering her a chance to do the same, having earned Batman's trust. Brainiac destroys Metropolis reminding Superman of his past failure, causing him to attack the ship with all his might, only to be seemingly killed by Brainiac. He fell [greatly] by not heeding the truth that Kal-Ik spoke. Under the guidance of Zeta-Rho's A.I. Unlike in the comics, the main clothing color seen is black. However, his father Jor-El's memories remains sentient in the mysterious Kawatche Caves and Fortress of Solitude an disembodied AI, and the disembodied spirit of Zod is similarly sentient albeit trapped in the Phantom Zone. There is also a pantheon of 14 major dieties, 203 demigods, and over 1000 titans. Add to that the many revisions and inconsistencies between . [10] It can be demonstrated that one Kryptonian sun-cycle is approximately 1.37 Earth years, as follows: Using this ratio of 1.37 Earth years per Kryptonian year (amzet), and ignoring any potential Kryptonian leap day and any differences in time of day, one can approximate other units of time: Major events in the Kryptonian calendar include:[17]. Even before the timeline changed, Brainiac would have taken Kandor and its people. She currently does field work in Papua New Guinea documenting Kala, which is spoken in six villages and one of the countrys 862 languages. A plane would fly Perry White into the sky, just as it would fly Superman into space. Also, the inhabitants of the planet Daxam are descendants of Kryptonians who long ago ventured into space and settled on another planet. In Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, it was shown that a sizable Kryptonian colony (called New Krypton) has survived the destruction of the planet. Batman, his allies and the remaining Regime members manage to overload the shields protecting Brainiac's ship. Sometimes it is a method to explain or resolve inconsistencies (or to simply pick a side). I do wish the Kryptonian was a little less directly translated over. She is last shown flying with other Kryptonian survivors in the sky of a restored Kryptonian city. Only when youre telling someone you love them or when youre talking about something with them can you use /:zhaoodh khuhp w rraop/. These include kryptonite (a substance that weakens Superman), superman (a powerful superhero), and Zod (a villain from Supermans home planet). Phonetic/universal scripts | In the Arrowverse TV series Supergirl, another Kryptonian House was revealed, this one led by Alura Zor-El's twin sister, General Astra. I love Languages are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. In Batman/Superman #2, the Dark Knight surprises Superman by revealing that he can speak the language of his alien homeworld. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Batman/Superman #2 by Joshua Williamson, David Marquez, Alejandro Sanchez and John J. Hill, in stores . It grew out of several fan letters that attempted to rationalize the. Tolkien created not only. The Kryptonian grammar is off in a couple of places, too but it's not terrible. It is written as a different language than English and is spoken as a second language. In Superman: Man of Tomorrow the bounty hunter Lobo claims that Superman is the only survivor of Krypton's destruction. The child was attached to Clark's ship in the form of a cocoon; on Earth it assumed a human form and became known as Davis Bloome, but would periodically assume its true form: the monster Doomsday. Sometimes seeming incompatibilities can be resolved beautifully, but sometimes the effort leaves you fuming over DC's many reboots. As Earths resources run out, humans are sent to the planet of Kyanfrost to stay and continue humanity there. In The Last Days of Krypton by Kevin J. Anderson, young Kal-El and the people of Argo City (along with refugees from another city living there after General Zod destroyed their home) are the only survivors of Krypton's actual destruction. While "Superperson" sounds pretty lame in English, it sounds perfectly fine in Kryptonian. Unfortunately, the spoken language didnt make it into the film, even though the production team was thrilled to have Schreyers Kryptonian on-hand. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; The 2021 television series Superman & Lois featured characters speaking the Doyle version of Kryptonian in the season 1 episodes Man of Steel, Loyal Subjekts, and O Mother, Where Art Thou?. There is only a website where you can type it up and you can screenshot it, so it types it up for you (you can do the same in a word doc with the ttf file), but as far as directly sending it, I don't think so. Supermans S is an example of an ideogram that means hope. Its also the symbol for his house line, El. Schreyer and her team developed a series of glyphs embedded with deeper meaning that fans could generate for themselves online in a glyph creator. In Season Five, Clark discovers that the Disciples of Zod: Nam-Ek & Aethyr and a Kryptonian artificial intelligence: Brain-Interactive-Construct aka Brainiac arrive on Earth, serving Zod's trapped spirit. Great simplification! var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; As in the comics, Kal-El's powers are depicted as being superior to other Kryptonians, due to his spending a far greater period of time exposed to Earth's yellow sun and atmosphere, though some have an advantage over him in terms of combat experience (e.g. Considering that the creative team behind MOS came up with an actual Kryptonian language, I think the idea is for audiences to suspend their belief and imagine that, amongst themselves, the. It is hoped that a decision by Warner Brothers will be made to release a Man of Steel Kryptonian primer. I have also had it in the back of my head to create some YouTube "how-to" videos for writing Kryptonian figures, stroke order, that sort of thing too much to do, too little time! Yeah I'd think there would be a need for it, can't always go digital. While the other Kryptonians receive great strength and speed from Earth's sun, they require solar-suits to regulate the radiation and avoid being stricken by pain., A guide to the Kryptonian language However, Superman's ally, Black Adam, finds Kara's ship and brings her to Earth. In Supergirl, some of the elements, like their black clothing and telepathy, was retained except that the shields featured a different letter, indicating a different House other than Zor-El's. Although the language was never spoken in the film, the writing was featured prominently in most scenes set on Krypton. Kal-El is raised on Earth as Clark Kent and becomes Superman. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; In Sub-Zero's ending, Superman joins forces with Kryptonian criminals General Zod, Ursa and Non after escaping the Phantom Zone through a portal accidentally created by the Batman's Justice League while trying to create a portal to Earthrealm. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); Jor-El's delinquent neighbor, Dev-Em believed his warnings enough to build a shelter that survived the destruction of Krypton and was propelled through space. It's a fun badge of honor to show off my geek cred, and it comes in handy when there's Kryptonian dialogue in the comics (like the recent Superman annual with Swamp Thing). Kryptonian or Kryptonese is language or the fictional planet Kryptonese is the official language of Krypton . In 2000 DC Comics introduced a transliteration alphabet containing Sub-Zero confronts Superman, while Supergirl faces General Zod, and Batman battles Ursa and Non. The animated adaptation of All-Star Superman features the inhabitants of Kandor, and a pair of surviving Kryptonian astronauts named Bar-El and Lilo. Batman apologizes to Kara for not being able to save her cousin. Korean | Jor-El launched the Phantom Zone projector into space on 30 Ogtal 10000. Zack Snyder actually commissioned the creation of an artificial language for the Kryptonians in Man of Steel that we barely even see on screen. Unfortunately, the events in the DC Universe have shown that no two people are ever truly bulletproof. After being separated from Earth by a culture that evolved completely outside of them, they speak perfect English but dont speak in a language theyve never heard of. Kryptonian In 2000 DC Comics introduced a transliteration alphabet containing symbols for each of the letters of the English alphabet. Hawaiian |, Constructed scripts for: Ainu | Superpowered Kryptonians are vulnerable to kryptonite, radioactive remnants of Krypton, magic and solar radiation from red and orange suns. When they arrive in Krypton, they are both human and speak English like everyone else on the planet. Tal-Rho comes into possession of a Kryptonian invention called the Eradicator which survived the planet's destruction and contains the consciousnesses of many Kryptonians like Lara Lor-Van and General Zod. Superman telling Supergirl that he's shy about his . In the world of Superman & Lois (which takes place on an unnamed Earth that is different from Prime-Earth), Superman's older maternal half-brother Tal-Rho (operating with the alias of Morgan Edge) was also sent to Earth by his father Zeta-Rho in an evacuation rocket but became embittered by his negative first contacts with humanity and became a villain. Tactile scripts | To be fair, though, a better translation into Kryptonian would use the gender-neutral word for person, Sed. Also, in both Silver Age and Modern Age continuity, Kryptonians have more than one ethnic group, such as dark-skinned Kryptonians from Krypton's Vathlo Island that resemble Earth humans of Sub-Saharan African, Negrito, Melanesian, and Indigenous Australian descent reminiscent of Earth peoples of the Negroid, Capoid, and Australoid races and a group from the continent of Twenx that resemble Earth humans of North African, Middle Eastern, Asian, Micronesian, Polynesian, Native American, and Latino descent reminiscent of Earth peoples of the non-European Caucasoid and Mongoloid races. Dr. Schreyer teamed up with graphic designer Kirsten Franson who designed the look of the writing. At least, as close any of us will ever get. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); The language of the fictional planet of Superman's birth, Kryptonese, is spoken. The clones are relocated to a new world that they designate 'New Krypton' at the conclusion of Season Nine, with Clark Kent remaining on Earth and Zod being sent to the Phantom Zone to merge with his original self when the clones learn that Zod killed his lover Faora for objecting to his plans. His name alone is remembered of the council of Jax-Ur. So what does Kryptonian sound like? The writing can be seen in several places on Superman's suit in the subsequent films Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) and Justice League (2017). I know it so much that I was recognizing some of the typos in the books from a few months back. Is Kryptonian A Real Language? The fictional planet of Superman, birthplace of Superman, is known as the fictional planet of Kryptonian or Kryptonese. I guess I did get to go to Krypton.. And indeed, Superman fans are enthusiastic about learning about the constructed language of Kryptonian. She suggested using the Cree Syllabics writing. Ochen horoshaw! However in the fourth season Young Justice: Phantoms, after Superboy gets accidentally transported to an unknown dimension after being presumed dead after an explosion on Mars, Superboy meets General Dru-Zod and his followers Ursa Zod, Faora Hu-Ul, Non, Kru-El, Jax-Ur, and Vor-Kil and learns that he is in the Phantom Zone. in a spirit of brotherhood. Eradicator, a robot built by the Kryptonian council, departed the planet with a group of colonists, survived their decimation, and would later encounter Superman. The exact number of days between February 29, and June 16 two years later, is 838 (or 2.294 years). This shield is worn on the right shoulder. However, the Joker ends up tricking Superman into attacking Lois Lane, who was pregnant with Superman's child. Unless the producer/director is concerned about the actors accent, it is his or her prerogative to choose one. She helped Clark on Earth until her death a short time after her escape from the Phantom Zone. History With the destruction of Krypton, it is largely considered a dead language, though it is still primarily spoken by those who have survived the planetary catastrophe, specifically, the residents of "New Krypton" and the denizens of the Phantom Zone. How to submit a constructed script. In some continuities, he is the planet's only survivor. Since Supermans death, there have been numerous speculation about what will happen in the DC Universe. What will happen now that Superman is dead? The Phantom Zone also makes an appearance, implying that prisoners inside it survived Krypton's destruction like in so many other continuities. In Injustice 2, Power Girl appears as an alternate character skin for Supergirl, though she does not appear in the main story and originates from Earth-2. So here is the official Kryptonian and just my own twist to make it easier to write because who wouldn't want to write in Kryptonian? There is no one Kryptonian language, as the planet Krypton had many different cultures and languages. As such they possess similar powers and abilities to traditional Kryptonians when exposed to a yellow sun. Non-superpowered Kryptonians are genetically dependent to their home planet; as such, Kal-El was sent to Earth as a newly conceived embryo within a birthing matrix in order to survive in Earth's atmosphere. Criminals are punished for capital crimes by having their bodies dispersed across the universe (the process is reversible, at least until a certain stage). They are also vulnerable to physical attacks from beings native to Krypton essentially in proportion to their vulnerability in non-powered situations. Arranged marriages between the members of nobility are common, sometimes as early as birth (as was revealed to be the case with Kal-El), and numerous concubines are allowed. The Canadian Mint even asked her to do some work for commemorative Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman coins they had produced. 100 dendaro (Kryptonian minutes) per wolu (Kryptonian hour). She is a cousin of Superman and known as Supergirl. Kryptonian 4 languages Kryptonians are a fictional extraterrestrial race within the DC Comics universe that originated on the planet Krypton. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? Fictional race native to the planet Krypton. Note: all links on this site to, and are affiliate links. But it's a lot further from completion than the other versions since it was barely used or seen. Contact me (Darren Doyle) through any of the social media channels above or email. Dutch | The Kryptonian language has only been spoken one time in the entire series, when Casey Brock was babbling incoherently in what Bizarro identified as Kryptonian hex codes. El mayarah is a blessing. Pretty cool! Superman reveals there is still a place for her and that he is creating an army using beings freed from Brainiac's collection. That's pretty cool how they did that! Its a good idea to express your feelings about someone if youre sleeping well at night by saying i love you to the moon and back. He reveals that all the cities have been restored and Earth is once again under the control of the Regime. The 2013 film Man of Steel featured Kryptonian writing created by graphic designer Kirsten Franson. Kryptonian people live there in standard but microscopic, non-superpowered lives. Add to that the many revisions and inconsistencies between the various comic incarnations (some of which are huge) and then throw in radio, television, film, and books, which all seem to do their own thing, and the idea of combining all that has been published about Krypton into something consistent is downright impossible. var _gaq = _gaq || []; Her research studied the interaction between language and land, yet the fictional world of Krypton cannot be visited. Moderators. Shes also always been interested in Indigenous peoples, and completed a directed study on the Cree language during her undergraduate studies at the University of Winnipeg.