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Many such surviving creatures (see Abhoth, Spawn CHAPTER 2 m a l Abhoth may treat with them (perhaps granting information or a boon) or, more likely, eat them. In general terms, the Elder Ones appear to oppose the ascent of the Great Old Ones, having at some distant point cast them down and confined them to deathless sleep. Optionally, the Keeper may allow a character to enjoy asserting increased damage with the crystal limb, granting +1D6 damage, although sustained use of the limb in this fashion will cause the person to grow tired (a CON roll after 1D4+2 round of use, rising in difficulty per round thereafter), and then suffer a penalty die on their subsequent actions until rested). It reforms (from the ball of metal) in 1D100+10 years. Possibly, surviving remnants of these ancient civilizations exist in the modern era. earthly gods or religions). The target may resist with an opposed POW roll. Wild Abandon: humans within sight or sound of the Lady may be overcome and driven to acts of wild abandon, effectively freeing them of moral and legal restraints. The small spider-thing acted like a parasite and seemed to gain command of the human, and both spider and human were sent back into the world. Touch: living cells physically touched by the Old Ones appendages are transformed into solid mineral formations if an Extreme POW roll is failed. Check out our current Pendragon products. Their books are solidly bound, the pages are heavy and pleasant to the touch, and the writing and artwork are excellent. Varies: the Keeper should determine what additional powers a Lesser Other God may possess. In addition, the cult is believed to perform human sacrifice by throwing captives into mighty flaming pyres. According to the Pnakotic Manuscripts, the entity was responsible for the destruction of the ancient lands of Hyperborea, Lomar, and Zobna, possibly an act of gross consumption through which Aphoom Zhah realized sustenance or the unwitting summoning of the entity that allowed it to run amok. If reduced to zero hit points, Cthugha implodes, drawing all attending fire vampires into itself. The entity may remain hidden in the host for up to seven days, although for each day that passes signs of the possession begin to outwardly manifest. Combat Attacks per round: 1D6 (lash, bash) or 1 (envelope) Attacks with serpentine limbs to lash and bash. One earthly location appears to be near to the village of Freihausgarten, Germany, where a strange magical ward affects the local population, causing them to unconsciously perform certain annual rituals, which seem designed to ensure the portion of Cyegha trapped nearby remains imprisoned (see Cult below). Perhaps, more than just its human-perceived form, the notion of this wolf devouring the world and gods may carry a hint of the truth, if certain beliefs concerning Tindalos are based in fact. Debate rages among certain scholars as to whether the rash of Crystal Man sightings reported coming out of Bolivia in 1908 are connected to Longbridge, who some presume did indeed become one with Qyth-az. Chaugnar Faugn is always accompanied by 1D6 of its spawn (see Chaugnar Faugn, Brother of), who will deal with most nuisances before the deity needs to become involved. Thus, only through the casting of the spell known as Light of Sacred Truth (see Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic) can this avatar be experienced; other spells or cosmic events may cause this avatar to appear, although such happenings appear to be rare indeed. Horror Roleplaying in the Worlds of H. P. Lovecraft. Unlike most others of its kind, the summoning of Ygolonac appears to be a simple (but horrifying) affair, with the summoner just required to read aloud the correct pronunciation of the name Ygolonac. Luckily, it seems the correct pronunciation is not quite what one expects, although there have been some unfortunate situations where a person has unwittingly pronounced it right. An external player, such as another Old One, a meddling wizard, or some cosmic circumstance may be needed as a catalyst to spark a subgrouping of Hastalk into such life. Each manifestation is characterized by its geographical location, with sandstorms in the desert, blizzards in the Arctic, and so on. We might presume that some folklore and cultural significance may stem from human contact (physically or psychically) with Atlach-Nacha. 1) and The Malleus Monstrorum, also published by Chaosium, Inc., provide further information, but are not essential for running this game. For each 5 magic points used, the weather may be adjusted (a light rain to heavy rain, a blustery wind into a storm, and so on)refer to the spell Alter Weather (Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic, page 27). Magic POW: 200 Magic Points: 40 Spells: any spell concerning or featuring fire; the Keeper should revise any spell they feel necessary to be a fire-based variant. 1115 Chest Instant death. This is an excellent resource for those who want more out of the beasties in their game, or want to take a shot at creating their own cosmic horrors. Most scholars suppose some form of Elder binding is at work, which at the least reduces this Old Ones ability to stay too far from its sire, Cthulhu. Otherwise, lone scientists, crazed cultists, and the like may seek to use or fall foul of Hastalk, bringing unfortunate consequences that must be contained and neutralized. Many members only see the group they are a part of, believing that they alone will be the ones to inherit TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: CTHULHU STR 700 CON 600 SIZ 1,000 DEX 100 Hit Points: 160 Damage Bonus (DB): +20D6 Build: 21 Move: 16 / 12 flying Combat Attacks per round: 2 (crush, swipe) or 1 (scoop, stomp) Being somewhat large, Cthulhu may stomp and crush with its feet once per round, or scoop with its hands or face tentacles (to then crush or devour) once per round. It is said factions exist with the cult, with some groups permitting only true ghouls into their ranks, as they consider human-turned-ghouls to be a lesser breed, while others embrace those that were once human with open claws. An unusual entity seemingly composed of living flame that burns a green-blue color. Enough blood poured over the Old Ones hibernating form (10 hit points worth) may be enough to revive it. Black Gale: the mist surrounding this entity constantly swirls, causing its cloak-like limb to twist and curl, the movement of which may be increased by expending 5 magic points, causing 98 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS changes the lifeforms thereon. A single pseudopod has STR 60, with each additional pseudopod granting +10 STR (so, four pseudopods combined against a single target would have combined STR 90). Each round, call for a CON roll, once this has been failed, the character begins to take 2 damage per round until they depart the area; once at half hit points, the character falls unconscious due to heat exhaustion and smoke inhalation if a Hard CON roll is failed. Aura As the whiteness of Melvilles Moby Dick is regarded by some as a metaphor for death and fear, so too is the radiant light of Iod. While a reference to the Tablets may be found in certain editions of the Necronomicon, the Pnakotic Cult No human cult is believed to exist, although both the migo and the sand-dwellers are said to hold Ubbo-Sathla in their devotions. Target(s) may attempt to Dodge hurled spikes, which have a base range of 20 yards/meters. Fighting Trample Possible Blessings Hog Form: able to physically transform into a hog-like creature (see Wild Boar for profile). The close proximity and psychic waves directed to the chosen one causes the person to suffer the loss of 1D10 Sanity points per day until all Sanity has gone. Bite: those bitten by Ithaqua will turn into wind-walkers within 1D100 days, with most disappearing into the cold wilderness before the change is complete. 159 CHAPTER 2 m a l that the sects members sought out new homes to practice their devotions. Those falling indefinitely insane during this time should attempt a Luck roll: if failed, the madness causes the person to remove their own eyes. Note that one form may be identified by a different name and possess a variation of appearance. Hit Points: 400 Damage Bonus (DB): n/a Build: varies* Move: 0 / 100 flying Combat Attacks per round: 1 (sphere or bolt) May summon monsters (one per round) to deal with troublesome types, or may simply cause a person or a group to travel somewhere else in space and time; otherwise, it may forgo such powers and utilize spells or its Spheres and Bolts attacks. 146 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS The avatar is worshiped almost exclusively in Asia, and specifically within China. Once on Earth, Ghatanothoas presence reverberated, calling out to entice new worshippers to this strange god. Of course, such a venture is likely not without hazard, and the petitioners will have no idea where the avatar is sending them and whether they can even return the same way. Encounters Perhaps, when the Old Ones break free, their effect will be to awaken Hastalk across the cosmos and, in so doing, help change the nature of things. Fighting Bite/Kiss Monstrous Form STR 150 85% (42/17), damage 1D6+1D6 60% (30/12), damage 1D4+1D6 or magic point drain CON 250 SIZ 360 DEX 120 Hit Points: 61 Damage Bonus (DB): +5D6 Build: 6 Move: 10 Combat Attacks per round: 4 (slash and pierce) or 1 kiss (bite) Uses four of its six limbs, each equipped with claw-like talons, to slash or pierce, or may kiss (bite) once per round. Possible Blessings None. The text alludes to Yu-mengtis dwelling in a placed called the Chamber of Filth, said to be an encasing sphere that keeps this entity apart from the world, which may possibly be some form of pocket dimension designed to confine and restrict the entity. Flame Gout: at a cost of 3 magic points, produces a great gout of green flame that may affect those within 15 yards/ meters if not Dodged. At other times, Vorvadoss appears petulant and near malevolent, bringing destruction to those who would disturb his work. The tears are collected by the cult, who believe the fluid holds wondrous properties of healing and made into a wine of rare virtue that is jealously kept for cult ceremonies. Given its role within the Court of Azathoth, one assumes this entity cannot take leave for any considerable length of time; thus, its time spent away from the Court are limited and Powers Coterie: able to summon and/or produce 1D4 formless spawn at will, and is usually accompanied by 1D4 formless spawn. Magic POW: 500 Magic Points: 100 Spells: none. Aura Anything touched by Idh-yaa possesses a distinct coldness, even viewing Xoth would send a chill shiver down the spine. Mere physical damage will not destroy any Great Old One, Outer God, Elder God, or Avatar. Glaaki can attempt a dreampull once per night, for as many nights as desired. This information is distinct to the main entry as, for the most part, an entity will interact in scenarios through its inherent powers, magic, cults, and Sanity effects more than through its combat profile. If reduced to zero hit points, Gnophkehs body rapidly rots down into a greasy and bloody mess. Michael Browner Other names: Choron, Choronzon, Korzin, the Voice. Some appear to have been given life from the reading of the Book of Iod, while others may be the inheritors of lore passed down from Mu. fight back may work and cause damage, but the target is still engulfed). (Outer God) It burst from the ground, a noxious blaze of green flame and light. Touching items associated with Ossadagowah is likely to fill a person with revulsion and the need to wash their skin. Something like primal fear is unleashed within humans, an innate comprehension of our insignificance and that such entities, at best, regard us as food. Those touched by Azathoth will either be knowing cultists, able to partially grasp Azathoths reality or those ignorant but able to perceive some fragment of the truth. The deity may use this power across dimensions by expending 10 magic points and may repeatedly target an individual who has once failed the roll. Powers At the Keepers discretion, the following powers may be used by any of Nyarlathoteps avatars. Combat Attacks per round: 1+ (engulf, grab, or devour) Attacks by psychically clutching a target (extending one of its smoky limbs to curl around and reach into the victims body), which burns and dissolves both flesh and bone while boring a hole through the top of the skull, allowing the victims brain to be devoured. Now, I have begun to wonder about who we really are. This new publication would not have been possible without the work of these individuals, and our eternal thanks goes to them. alexandria town talk mugshots; mormon stories podcast Given its snake-like association for humans, some may mistakenly attribute symbols of Ossadagowah to Yig, with possibly unfortunate consequences. All hearing the sound should make a Sanity roll, with varying losses based on the distance: Contradictory accounts suggest this entity originated within the light of Xoth, was spawned upon the cosmic winds, or heralded from a planet named Kithonil (sometimes Kytani or Kythanol) near to the red star Arcturus. and then go forth and wake the slumbering Great Old Ones and bring them fully through to this dimension. ZU-CHE-QUON (Great Old One) There was no light, just a cloying darkness enveloping everything that seemed to be a thick as molasses, growing and multiplying over every surface and within the very air itself. Whether such different accounts are true or merely confused in some manner remains to be seen. In times past, such activity has caused entire communities to explode and destroy themselves. Consumption inflicts 1D4 damage, as well as the permanent loss of 10 points of CON and APP, per round; by the conclusion of the sixth round, all remaining hit points, CON, and APP are consumed and the victim is no more. Payment in this respect seems to differ with the telling, with some needing to pay with knowledge, some with their lifeforce, and some with an artifact, possibly some form of special key. The Horned Ones description varies slightly from culture to culture. Indeed, the mysterious disappearances of certain vessels ranging in the mid-Pacific have brought some scholars to the conclusion that this entitys Elder leash is fraying, if not broken, and that its intervals of freedom to stray from the watery tomb of Rlyeh are increasing. In some cases, early contact might cause some to believe they are hearing or seeing communications from the man in the TV, or the voice on the radio, or aliens. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: CHORAZIN STR n/a CON n/a SIZ n/a Encounters DEX n/a Consumers of media (whether radio, television, or the internet) may find themselves targeted by Chorazin. Aura Death and decay, mystery and secrets are the trademarks of Mordiggian and its cult. Repeated contact (after the first, the connection is automatic) delivers additional Cthulhu Mythos points with commensurate Sanity loss (e.g. Of course, here the legend becomes problematic: if one cannot look upon the god without suffering petrification, how can a person then carve an accurate effigy? Combat Attacks per round: 2 (claws) or 1 (consume) Attacks with razor-like claws on both hands, shredding victims to pieces. - H HAN (Great Old One/Unique Entity) Know it as HAN, who comes veiled in mist and with the howling of dogs. Combat Attacks per round: 1 per target (strike, claw, grab, crush) May attack with numerous appendages (one per target), lashing out with tentacle- or arm-like limbs (4D6 damage) or grabbing and holding on. Nodens the truest glimpse of Nodens, describing him as a being of many faces and forms. See here for more examples. Certain accounts of the Salem witch trials (held in private hands) seem to suggest a connection to Nyogtha for at least two of the folk accused of witchery, while a few tomes make mention of summonings taking place in Syria, Libya, and Finland. In big cat form, Basts profile remains the same, but attacks deal 4D6 damage. Then, an enormous black shadow falls across everything and the Messengers writhing mass appears, clawing its way into this dimension and down out of the sky. The Necronomicon mentions Idh-yaa briefly, stating that the deity is unable to move from Xoth and suggests that it is somehow intrinsically linked to the star, causing some to speculate that the deity is the star, rather than a resident of it. Some scholars believe Abhoth originally came from a place known as Uquol, although whether this is a planet or other dimension is pure speculation, while another strand of thought connects to Ubbo-Sathla, with that entity said to have spawned Abhoth. Rather, think of how a Mythos god might influence a human or a group of humansor a bunch of mi-go or another alien monstermotivating them to enact some dire scheme or plan. Not all products are in all warehouses. 160 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Cult: Dire Portents is a highly sophisticated piece of quantum mathematics far beyond the comprehension of most human minds. The two volume slipcase is available now and carries an MSRP of. Certainly, such thoughts give credence to ideas of past lives, hypnotic regression, and even ghosts, if one can contemplate what may happen if a soul becomes unglued from the physical plane. Ithaquas purpose remains somewhat unclear, although most agree that the deity endures some form of suffering, but whether this is from its partial imprisonment (presumably of Elder One design) or from some other ongoing torment is unknown. Inner Warmth: grants immunity from the cold. It is probable that many such human cults were interwoven, inspired by, or instigated by deep one contact. When fighting against another Mythos cult, some may believe that, by contacting Nodens, the deity will aid them in their fight. Such stolen magic points replenish Liliths own supply. Armor None. Sanity Loss: 0/1D6 if receiving communications from Qyth-az; 1D6/2D10 if in the presence of the Old One. At least one scholar has suggested the name is a metaphor for Nodens domain, a section of space wherein the entity resides, sending forth its mind as a thought-form to interact with life on other planets. When roused to move, they purposefully make their way to a target and attempt to place their hands on the persons forehead. Some wizards summon Atlach-Nacha via elder ritesa dangerous approach, as it appears to hate leaving its eternal work of spinning. At a cost of 10 magic points per round, this form can interact with objects and inflict physical attacks, although Tsathoggua rarely does so.