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08/20/2020 - Inslee extends 26 proclamations relating to COVID-19 10/20/2020 - 12/04/2020 - 05/21/2021 - Inslee expands eviction moratorium and adds additional protections for residential and some commercial tenants 04/27/2020 - 04/02/2020 - COVID-19: Justicia Criminal - Prescripcin de las Acciones COVID-19: Community Associations Meetings and Late Fees COVID-19: Department of Health - Temporary Practice Permits 11/15/2020 - 01/19/2021 - 01/13/2022 - COVID-19: Statewide Proclamations Relating to Long-Term Care The hospital admission rate refers to the trend in the 7-day rate of new COVID-19 hospitalizations per 100,000 population. For general questions about COVID-19 in Washington State call the Washington State COVID-19 Information Hotline at 1-800-525-0127. Video message from Gov. 05/18/2020 - Individual Providers will receive an additional $2.56 per hour for hours worked through September 30, 2020. COVID-19: DSHS - NAR Waiver 07/27/2021 - 12/17/2020 - Inslee announces re-authorization of J & J COVID vaccine in Washington COVID-19: Asistencia al Contribuyente y Conservacin de los Servicios Esenciales COVID-19: Protection Orders and Personal Service Inslee updates indoor fitness and training facility guidance The percent ICU COVID-19 occupancy metric refers to the average percent of adults in the ICU with confirmed COVID-19 over a 7-day period. COVID-19: Community Associations Meetings and Late Fees Please view the left tabs to see our agency's guidance. COVID-19: Department of Child, Youth, and Families Visitation and Remedial Services 06/18/2020 - 12/17/2020 - COVID-19: Community Associations Meetings and Late Fees COVID-19: Public Records Act Contact Tracing -- Personal Information If a lawsuit was already filed in Superior Court because a Court Order for Involuntary Isolation or Quarantine was obtained, the extension can be requested by filing a motion with the Superior Court under the same cause number. 01/20/2022 - 09/27/2021 - 05/27/2020 - COVID-19: Statewide Proclamations Relating to Long-Term Care The table below shows the total number of hospital beds occupied by patients with confirmed COVID-19, and a subset of patients on ventilators. Inslee, Department of Commerce announce support for small businesses Inslee letter to Zients requests federal medical staffing resources 05/28/2020 - Say your preferred language when connected. 12/13/2020 - 12/30/2020 - VIDEO: A critical caveat For general questions about COVID-19 in Washington State call the Washington State COVID-19 Information Hotline at 1-800-525-0127. Please see theSecretary of Health Masking Order. Inslee issues final utility moratorium extension Privacy Policy| Alternate Format Requests | Notice of Nondiscrimination, Isolation and Quarantine Guidelines and Forms, File Complaint About Provider or Facility, Healthcare Enforcement and Licensing Modernization Solution, Healthcare Professional Credentialing Requirements, Veterans, Service Members and their Families, Emergency Information for Specific Groups, For Public Health & Health Care Providers, Public Health System Resources and Services, Learn about isolation and quarantine for COVID-19, Options for initiating quarantine and isolation, Release of individual from isolation or quarantine, The directions and descriptions on this page are available in table format for print or download (PDF), Declaration supporting ex parte detention petition (Word), Order ex parte for involuntary detention (Word), Detention ex parte petition when voluntary detention refused (Word), Declaration supporting ex parte detention petition when voluntary detention refused (Word), Order ex parte when voluntary detention refused (Word), Local Health Officer Order for Involuntary Isolation or Quarantine, Court Order for Involuntary Isolation or Quarantine, Declaration supporting motion for continued detention (Word), Order granting motion for continued involuntary detention (Word), Petition for continued involuntary detention (Word), Declaration supporting petition for order continuing involuntary detention (Word), Order granting petition for continued involuntary detention (Word), Download the instructions and descriptions on this page (PDF), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Local Health Jurisdictions and Tribal Directories, Northwest Center for Public Health Practice. COVID-19: Restrictions on Non-Urgent Medical Procedures COVID-19: Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act Department of Licensing If the second test is negative, but concerns exist for COVID-19, consider retesting 24-48 hours after the second negative test, for a total of at least 3 tests. 12/31/2020 - 03/30/2020 - 04/03/2020 - FEMA approves state's request for mass vaccination site in Yakima Inslee extends proclamation related to COVID-19, two proclamations denied extension by Senate GOP The total number of test results is calculated by adding the first positive test results and all negative tests that occurred in the 7-day period. 11/19/2020 - 06/30/2020 - COVID-19: Department of Child, Youth, and Families Visitation and Remedial Services 05/09/2020 - 06/10/2020 - 08/16/2021 - 10/02/2020 - 06/11/2020 - COVID-19: Nursing Home Transfer or Discharge for COVID-19 Cohorting Purposes Inslee issues, updates COVID-19 proclamations 08/13/2020 - 03/01/2021 - If you test negative you do not need to isolate and can leave your home. 05/28/2020 - Inslee and DFI announce assistance for homeowners unable to make mortgage payments Say your preferred language when connected. 07/16/2020 - 06/18/2020 - If you have symptoms, day 0 is your first day of symptoms. 06/05/2020 - 03/16/2020 - Quarantine is no longer a standard recommendation after being exposed to COVID-19. If you are a healthcare professional who thinks or knows you had COVID-19, you should notify your employer and follow the same recommendations listed above for when you can resume being around others outside the workplace. 01/29/2021 - Inslee issues proclamation related to the Family Emergency Assistance Program 10/02/2020 - COVID-19: Garnishments COVID-19: Fecha de Entrada en Vigencia de la Notara Electrnica COVID-19: Community Associations Meetings and Late Fees ICYMI: Inslee letter to Trudeau seeks solution for Point Roberts residents COVID-19 information For COVID-19 information and resources visit kingcounty.gov/covid. 07/02/2020 - 06/18/2020 - COVID-19: Garnishments 05/11/2020 - Inslee issues travel advisory for Washington 05/29/2020 - 03/24/2020 - Visit Variants Page Additional Information Center for Disease Control and Prevention's COVID-19 page Partner toolkit For additional information on what to do if you are a close contact of someone with COVID-19, please see What to do if you were potentially exposed to someone with COVID-19 (PDF). 09/04/2020 - Inslee issues guidance for partially resuming the dine-in restaurant and tavern industry in Phase 2 07/29/2020 - If you have access to an antigen test, you can further decrease your risk of infecting others by taking a test when you plan to leave isolation, no sooner than day 6 (). 04/03/2020 - 07/01/2021 - 11/19/2020 - See theCDC's Travel pagefor information on travel. 10/02/2020 - COVID-19: Garnishments and Accrual of Interest 04/30/2020 - When no attempt is made to seek voluntary compliance due to the serious and imminent risk to the public, use the following forms: When voluntary compliance was sought, but the individual refused or otherwise indicated that he or she would not comply, use the following forms: If you used used the Local Health Officer Request for Voluntary Quarantine initially, then use the forms in either of the above sections: If you used the Local Health Officer Order for Involuntary Isolation or Quarantine initially, then use the forms in the section above: If used Court Order for Involuntary Isolation or Quarantine Initially, then COVID-19: Nursing Home Transfer or Discharge for COVID-19 Cohorting Purposes Inslee statement on Trump comments downplaying dangers of COVID-19 COVID-19: Statewide Limits on LTC - No Visitors This metric is calculated by dividing the total number of adults with COVID-19 in the hospital by the total number of staffed adult acute care hospital beds, and multiplying by 100: The percent ICU occupancy metric refers to the average percent occupancy of all ICU-staffed beds during a 7-day period. Inslee issues guidance for domestic services, recreational activities If you develop symptoms, immediately isolate and get tested. 12/08/2020 - It is calculated by dividing the number of cases with a specimen collection date during a 14-day period by the state population (county population is used in county view) and multiplying by 100,000: The trend in case rate refers to the trend in 7-day rate of new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population. 08/10/2020 - Quarantine means staying at home with no visitors, away from people outside your home. 06/18/2020 - 07/02/2020 - 05/05/2020 - COVID-19 School Closures 05/05/2020 - COVID-19: College Closures COVID-19: Ratepayer Assistance and Preservation of Essential Services COVID-19: Ley de Reuniones Pblicas Abiertas y Ley de Registros Pblicos COVID-19: Open Public Meetings Act and Public Records Act You can use antigen testing before leaving isolation to decrease your risk of infecting others and to determine if you can remove your mask before 10 days after your symptom onset. You should also get tested, even if you dont develop symptoms. 11/15/2020 - After you have ended isolation, if your COVID-19 symptoms worsen, restart your isolation at day 0. COVID-19: Departamento de Concesin de Licencias Extensin en la Renovacin de Licencias Inslee announces education recommendations for 20202021 school year COVID-19: Unemployment Benefit - Job Search Requirement 03/17/2020 - 03/16/2020 - 07/30/2020 - COVID-19: Requirements for Non-Urgent Medical and Dental Procedures 05/05/2020 - 07/31/2020 - Inslee statement on FDA approval of Pfizer COVID vaccine COVID-19: Beneficio por Desempleo Inslee announces restart of all medical services in Washington COVID-19: Department of Health Health Care Workers Effective November 2, 2022, DOH updates the COVID-19 dashboard on Wednesdays only. Inslee issues COVID-19 emergency proclamation Inslee issues proclamation on the Family Emergency Assistance Program COVID-19 (Spanish) 04/29/2020 - Inslee signs bill package to support state effort combating the COVID-19 outbreak If you test positive while isolating, you will need to start a new isolation period: Isolation and quarantine centers are available to provide a safe, clean, and comfortable place to stay for people who cant safely self-quarantine or isolate in their own home, or dont have a home. 03/30/2020 - 03/13/2020 - 06/02/2020 - 06/11/2020 - Inslee extends school closures for the rest of the 2019-20 school year 08/05/2020 - As of June 2022, Emergency Use Authorization was given for children 6 months through 4 years of age. It is calculated by dividing the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations with a hospital admission date within a 7-day period by the state population (county population is used in county view) and multiplying by 100,000: Death counts on our dashboard reflect those in our official vital records database, the Washington Health and Life Events System, where the cause of death was confirmed or suspected to have been COVID-19. Inslee issues proclamation requiring agricultural worker testing 09/16/2020 - 06/18/2020 - COVID-19: Higher Education COVID-19: Department of Health Health Care Workers The Latest on COVID-19 Tracking Dashboards Disease activity, testing, vaccination and hospitalizations.