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of the Kunneman name. ", Kunneman then said that God told him, "What I do shall take you through the summer months and even into the fall. Discover more about the small businesses partnering . Hank Kunneman was born in the United States between 1965 and 1969. And there will be a restoring of the Cross in the public places, and even the Commandments shall be reverenced and revered again in the public places. He is the founder of the Lindell Foundation which aims to help drug addicts heal and become successful members of society. Rod Parsley is the author of more than seventy books, including the New York Times best seller Culturally Incorrect and his most recent, Grace: Uncovered. You say, I dont believe it. Pastor Hank is known for a strong prophetic anointing as he preaches. She preaches a cutting-edge kingdom message and lives have been changed by specific prophecies for both individuals and churches. Watch what I do, God says, with your Judicial branches of government. I will pull back the curtains and I will show, as I rest My case, those who are guilty; others shall find mercy. Please share your thoughts about this article below. They tried to take your freedoms. Hank Kunneman is an American pastor and Evangelist. These that are criticizing the prophets are going to see that they were, in fact, right.". In February of 2020, he said Americans would be saved because Trump's administration had "aligned themselves" with the right side of life. Hank Kunneman is senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church in Omaha, Nebraska, and founder of One Voice Ministries. Watch the power of My Cross bring those who once said there are other genders some in their community shall say, But we have found the way of the Cross, and there will be others who will say, We once thought that traditional marriage was not the way. They too shall stand, and they will say, We understand that marriage is between one man and one woman. This is what I speak of an awakening! The pastor has written above 10 books. He is the founder of various ministries, including Valor Christian College, Bridge of Hope Missions, and City Harvest Network. He has also written and created several children's books. Hank Kunneman Senior Pastor Ministry: Founded Lord of Hosts on March 23, 1997, and One Voice Ministries in 1996 Family: Brenda (wife, married July 1989), Matthew and Jonathan (sons) Born again: July 1984 in childhood home FAVORITE. For I am resetting many things in the earth, and this will be what I will also put My hand upon to bring a rest and a peace to the harshness of the season that you have been in.. The scales will begin to go towards the way of righteousness and of justice, says the living God. Hank was quite hardworking and talented in his studies when he was just a young boy. We will not allow this on the internet. And then they will say, We must vaccinate them. But I will bless your food and I will bless when they say that your water is being contaminated, because, God says, they seek to scare you. For it shall not only be the year of the Cross, but itll be the year of the crook and the year of the crowns. The Lord of Hosts pastor then prophesied the word of "the living God" for the viewers, saying, "Do not think for a momentthat I am not working or that I have been silent. Phil Driscoll is a world-class trumpet player-singer-composer and a consummate performer whose Grammy-winning music draws strength from his dynamic personality, powerful energy and personal passion. Thank you! He is used of God in demonstrations of the Spirit with many testifying of healing and miracles. But watch very closely, for the media that you see today shall not be what you will see in the time that is coming of rest. It is undeniable that Phil Driscoll not only possesses a gift, but an anointing from God to use that gift to impact the world for Christ. And there is another that aided them in things that will follow them and now expose them. And God says, You say, Oh, thats crazy. Watch. And My crook My Shepherds crook shall expose the crooks, and will expose, as a veil shall be removed this year, and the curtains will be pulled. "Do you know why some people don't think that America can be saved?" I will call the media out, and I will bring them before Me in the year of the crook, the year of the hooking, and bring them forth to justice and to stand in righteousness. You say, But how can this be? It is because of what I am in the process of doing and what I will do, that I will bring an independence day to this nation. They shall pray in their schools unto Me. But there will be the word abundance. And your new year watch very closely. Hank is a published author with Destiny Image and Charisma House. ' (Photo via Pexels). Let it be known that 2023 shall be declared, and it has been written from My scrolls: the year of the Cross the year of the crook. Many things now will be accelerated, because as I rest My hand in My case upon this nation, you will begin to see healing flow as it was in the days of Hezekiah. Watch how I re-establish and bring restoration unto your nation, United States. Please fill out the form below and a member of the Lord of Hosts Church staff will follow up with you and provide details regarding the next water baptism class. Visit Author Central to update your books, profile picture, and biography. He is an uncompromising voice that God is using to stir up the body of Christ. The Spirit of the Lord has declared that in the new year you will see the power of the Cross, as salvations will explode among those in sports, entertainment, and the media industries. So here you go, Im posting one additional Hank Kunneman video. (VIDEO) Donald Trump Pitches Agenda 47: Create Freedom Cities. Intro: Check out this powerful prophecy by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on December 31, 2022, concerning the new year of 2023. I have extended and opened a window of mercy to this nation at this time," Kunneman said during the 2020 service. Featuring Ken Starr (April 15, 2021) Now Is the Time! These revelations will take you out of the box, empower you to walk in true authority as a Believer and become too hot for hell to handle. His international bestseller,Intercessory Prayer, has sold over 1 million copies worldwide. Rodriguez has advised Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump and frequently consults with members of Congress to advance life, religious liberty and biblical justiceinitiatives including immigration and criminal justice reform. Together, the Kunnemans also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program,New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and Faith Broadcasting Network. Hank Kunneman is the Senior Pastor of Lord of Hosts Church and founder of One Voice Ministries. Not again, for this will be what I will change and tip the scales where a freedom shall fill your 2023 that shall spill over in the coming, remaining years of this decade. He will speak of rumors of nuclear war. No, I will not allow them to continue to treat you like you are animals and herd you to the slaughter of ignorance and the slaughter of mandates. And throughout this year, that what I have promised and what I have declared 2021W-O-Nshall be the fulfillment of your battles, and there shall be spoils of this battle that shall be given unto this nation." I will set it free. Im still undecided, but I did have this popup in my feed today and I did think it was very good. One, because a longtime a faithful reader sent me this link and told me how great it was. And as the righteous Judge who some who call upon My name think that Ive ignored the injustice, the corruption, the evil; the things that have been done to this nation through your media, through your politics, your government, and to the people; some think that I have ignored and I am not doing anything to bring about justice this is the time that I rest My case, for I am the Lawgiver. It shall be greater because My hand of involvement is in the midst. 99. Pay attention to the media networks and social media outlets that will change, and watch the schools for a mighty put it back movement at the hand of the Lord. ' God says, Theres one thing you dont understand. God says, You will now stand in the scales of truth, the scales of justice; and you will now see and know what I know, what I have seen. Watch how I reset. It will be a disruption in the heavenlies, by My hand, that will affect your earth and will affect your nation. Likewise, he is also the founder of One Voice Ministers. of 22 people with the last name Kunneman His books have been translated into more than twenty-five languages. And I will bring an end to that which they say they will continue to do to steal your elections to steal the seats away from those who rightfully won. Have information to share? Where was Hank Kunneman born? Have information to share? And so it shall be that your new year shall be met with abundance. He is incredibly accurate in the Word of Knowledge and Prophecy concerning nations and world events. And because they have aligned themselves with Israel and because they have sided on the right side of lifelife in the womb, life given outside of the wombthere I give life to this nation and I give mercy.". ADVERTISEMENT As Right Wing Watch pointed out in a recent article, it's not the first time Kunneman has made this claim. This is the hour of justice! says the living God. In addition, he has hazel eyes. And this will carry on through your year, through your summer and into 2024, which will be known as a year of restore.. View and manage who you follow on Amazon. Hank is married to Brenda, who works with him in his ministry. Samuel Rodriguez, lead pastor of New Season, one of Americas most influential mega churches according toNewsmax, is the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, one of the worlds largest Christian organizations. We don't have any information on the nationality / ethnicity Hank Kunneman is around 50 years old. Intro: Check out this powerful prophecy by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on January 15, 2023, where the Spirit of the Lord declared that there is a supernatural rest coming upon this land for His people who have suffered unjustly and been treated harshly at the hands of the enemy. If you arent able to attend Prophetic Pulse LIVE in person, you can still tune in in the following ways: Lord of Hosts Church is a dynamic, multiracial, nondenominational church full of the power of God based in Omaha, Nebraska. Yet do you think that they shall even some grow old? ' God says, There will be an abundance of rain record setting. He has appeared on Daystar, TBN Praise the Lord, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and other well-known television broadcasts. LEAST FAVORITEThing to do:Mow the lawnSound:Nails on a chalkboard!Season:Summer, summer, and summerFood:Pickles; sauerkraut, Swiss cheese, rye bread REUBENs are my ENEMY! Discover the most common names, oldest records and life expectancy of people with the last name Kunneman. Pastor Brenda ministers in conferences and churches and has made several television appearances both nationally and internationally. In this landmark book, he teaches you to speak prophetic words that carry thunder from Heaven's Throne Room! Hank and Brenda Kunneman pastor the Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and are the founders of One Voice Ministries. To add more books, click here . Most of his future insight is provided on hisvideosand newly released books. Together, the Kunneman's also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and . Hank Kunneman Confirms We Are Headed For a Red Sea Moment! The Wall St. Journal named him one of the top 12 Latino leaders and he was the only faith leader on that list. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. ' God says, Because you underestimate the power of My hand. This must be global warming. His ministry has been marked with incredible accuracy in the word of knowledge and prophecy concerning nations and world events. Pastor Hank is known for a strong prophetic anointing as he preaches. .hustle-ui.hustle_module_id_1[data-id="1"] .hustle-layout .hustle-button-cta {width:100%!important;font-size:18px!important;}.hustle-ui.module_id_1 .hustle-popup-content {max-width: 400px!important;}.hustle-group-content p {font-size:18px!important;margin: 24px 0 0!important;}.hustle-content-wrap{padding-bottom:0!important;}, We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. His prophetic webpage, called Prophetic Perspectives, has been an encouragement to many. Leave comments and ask questions related to the Kunneman family. In 2018, The Lord spoke to Robins wife, saying Meet me in the Temple at the Eleventh Hour. This event is what started the weekly live program, The Eleventh Hour. Bible Character: Joshua Scriptures: Jude 1:20 Book: How to Draw Cartoons by Preston Blair, The Daily Prophecy by Brenda Kunneman . In 2009, he founded My Pillow, Inc. and the company rapidly grew from a staff of 5 employees to over 500 in 40 days. Hank Kunneman, who is the senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church and co-founder of One Voice Ministries, made the comments during a church service. 1 at 7pm CT at Lord of Hosts Church! Self-proclaimed "prophetess" Kat Kerr appeared on the Elijah Streams YouTube channel last Wednesday, where she claimed to have seen the "hand of God" appear in the sky during the fireworks display that took place in Jacksonville, Florida, on Independence Day.Kerr claimed that the appearance of the "hand of God" in the sky was confirmation of fellow "prophet" Hank Kunneman's . Kat has continually pursued an intimate relationship with God and Jesus and they have caught her up and shown her profound mysteries in the Word and about Gods plans for this current earth. Website:www.hankandbrenda.org. Dr. Rod Parsley is the founder and senior pastor of World Harvest Church, a thriving multi-campus church headquartered in Columbus, OH. You can search old articles if you want to find them. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. But this popped up in my YouTube feed and I was curious enough to listen. Do you understand how the enemy is using everything he can to get you to believe, to get you to be deceived into thinking something that really isnt?, And God says, When they show the might of their armory, when they speak words and threats for it shall be [such] a year pay no attention to the Goliaths that will arise and show threats and speak threats. God says, Remember, its the year of the Cross; its the year of the crook My crook. And God says, I will show with My finger My might. And God says, My finger does not just point, but now it exposes. 103 birth records, View And it was quite an incredible 20 minute clip. Elsie Kunneman. Hank regularly posts videos on hisYouTubechannel Hank and Brenda Kunneman. You say, God, what do You mean? This shall be a year that great awakening and salvations shall come to many upon this earth, for this is how I shall change and free nations. However, it is known that Hank Kunneman as of now is in his 50s. Hey, its Noah and I want to make sure were connected on Twitter. Last night I published an article explaining how we were playing out all the things from the story of Moses and the Exodus in 2020. Watch in this season as the Supreme Judge has declared that many things that have been hidden will come to light, which will spur investigations that will lead to justice! Kunneman claimed last summer that Trump had not yet been restored to the White House because God wanted to make it look like the prophets are wrong. Over the years, Robin has worked on over a thousand teaching materials. Some shall give up their last breath. We will not allow this on the television in our state. Kunneman, who is the senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church, which he founded in 1997, reminded viewers that after the September 11th terrorist attacks, God told him He would, "raise up a president [from New York City] who will bring this nation back on course and this president will be given two terms. What people may not know about me:I dont talk much in the morning until I have had coffee. Since 1996 she has been caught up by the Spirit of God and taken on amazing journeys into the Third Heaven as well as to Hell. On Tuesday, right-wing, flag-loving, pro-Trump pastor Hank Kunneman and his wife, Brenda, appeared on pastor Benny Hinn's television program, where Hank delivered a prophetic message from God that Vice President Mike Pence will be elected president in 2024. Hank Kunneman In 2016, Revival Radio TV was born out of Genes hunger to see and experience true revival comparable to the great moves of God in the past. If he nails it, Ill be the first to say well done. Eric lives in Manhattan, New York, with his wife and daughter. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | About Us, America and Israel Will Become Oil Super Powers, Gas below a dollar, and the judgment of OPEC, God Will Anoint Judges to Bring Justice, and Remove Corrupt Judges, God will use Trump to shake up America's enemies, God's Miraculous Provision Of Food and Other Needs, Power Outages and Cyber Attacks On The Grid, The Arrest and Removal Of Those Who Are Corrupt, The Destruction and Removal of US Monuments, The Restoration and Lifting Up of Ukraine, The Restoration and Protection of the USA, The Transformation of Nashville, Tennessee. Likewise, Hank has been following the Christian religion. He was the keynote speaker at the2012 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington DC, an event attended by the President and First Lady, the Vice President, members of Congress, and other U.S. and world leaders. ), Empires and Allies, 2048!Recreation:Table tennis (aka ping-pong) and bowlingSports/Team:Baseball (New York Yankees),football (New York Giants, Miami Dolphins), and tennisTV Show:Anything on ESPN, Property Brothers, and Fixer Upper (Yes, Ill admit that! Hank Kunneman is a trusted father and mentor in the prophetic community. Kunneman, the self-described "prophet," appeared on Flashpoint, a news show for "conservative Christians around the world," Tuesday night, where he claimed that God is using President Joe Biden's time in office as a way to "test" which Christians will continue to trust the prophets who claimed God guaranteed a win for former President Trump in 2020. Copyright 2020 Millions of Celebs. For, God says, the enemy will desire to bring fear to create a diversion over the justice that will begin to be seen, even in courts and tribunals; justice that will begin to be done even in your Senate and in your House of Representatives; a justice that will come through the Supreme Court; and, yes, God says, a shaking. Kunneman seemed to be speaking of a collection of evangelical leaders and "prophets" who at one point fervently claimed God would ensure a Trump win in 2020. by Hank Kunneman and Norris Hall | Jun 15, 2021. The couple also owns HankandBrenda.org, a website where they provide personal consultations to people. And there will then come something unusuala warmth that will fill the nation. "President Trump won. One Voice Ministries Heserves as the Chief Operating Officer of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the countrys largest Hispanic Christian organization, serving more than 40,000 congregations in the United States. Hank Kunneman is the Senior Pastor of Lord of Hosts Church and founder of One Voice Ministries. In 2020, he incorrectly predicted that former President Donald Trump would win reelection. Furthermore, Brenda is also a senior pastor. I told you, My thumb My finger is driving a thumb drive thats connected to a laptop. We don't have any information on the nationality / ethnicity Longtime readers of WLT may be VERY surprised to see this. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. He is the senior pastor at Lord of Host Church. We don't have any alternate spellings or pronunciation information on the Kunneman name. It shall hook them, and it shall pull them as I did with Korah. He is the host of theEric Metaxas Radio Show, a nationally syndicated radio program heard in more than 120 cities around the U.S., featuring in-depth interviews with a wide variety of guests. Hank Kunneman Prophecy - Feb, 16 2023 - Pensacola, Fl Helen Utegaard 27.1K subscribers Subscribe 448 7.4K views 1 day ago Prophetic Word given by Hank Kunneman at Flash Point Live on. He recently published his new book Throne Room Prophecy: Your Guide to Accurately Discerning the Word of the Lord . And now, from ElijahList I give you the report from Pastor Hank Kunneman: The Year of the Cross, the Shepherds Crook and Crowns. There will be some sold; some will fold (the networks); others will be rebranded, and new voices shall arise. I cant promise to follow the majority vote, but I will be interested to read them. Treasuring time spent with their family and grandchildren, Dutch and Ceci, his wife of 40 plus years, make their home in beautiful South Carolina. Hank Kunneman was born between the years 1965 to 1969, in the United States. They have two sons, named Jonathan and Mathew. Kat Kerr will challenge what you have believed about Heaven, the other dimension (spirit realm), this life, death and even eternity. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-4-0');HankssNet Worthis being reviewed by our reliable sources right now. And so I speak: There are wounds that have happened within the very heart and soul of 45, yet there is a moving of My hand upon him. Undeserved. I speak of the hook and the year of the crowns. Small Business. He is a messenger of hope for America, encouraging believers to contend for awakening. Kunneman's birthplace is the USA however the exact place of his birth is still not known yet. Rodriguez stands recognized by CNN, FOX News, Univision and Telemundo as Americas most influential Latino/Hispanic faith leader. Word of the Lord from Pastor Hank Kunneman given on January 15, 2023 at 9:00 AM (Sunday Worship Service): For you will see, says the Spirit of God, what I have promised unto this nation. Kunneman was born in the United States and is of Caucasian descent. China, you rise and you protest, but you will be celebrating soon, because of freedom that an underground church that has prayed shall bring the manifestation of freedom that you have waited for, for there shall be a regime change.. Hank Kunneman is senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church in Omaha, Nebraska, and founder of One Voice Ministries. Kunneman has made controversial statements in the past, including about the coronavirus. Pastor Hank ministers in conferences and churches both nationally and internationally and has appeared on FlashPoint, The Sid Roth Show, DayStar, TBN Praise the Lord, and other well-known television broadcasts. You will see in this land what Ive declared would be a rest that would come because of the harshness of this beginning of decade. And they will even say, Abstain from meat. 14,085 talking about this. Kunneman, who is the senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church, which he founded in 1997, reminded viewers that after the September 11th terrorist attacks, God told him He would, "raise up a. This will also be a year of the Shepherds crook, as the finger of God shall hook and bring those who intentionally pushed the agenda of Hell to justice. $14.99 $ 14. And as My justice comes, there will be a put it back, as Ive said before. We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. His notable work includes The Revealer Of Secrets: There Is a God in Heaven Who Wants You to Know His SecretsLearn to Hear Them (2009).if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',124,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-millionsofcelebs_com-medrectangle-3-0_1'); .medrectangle-3-multi-124{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Name Hank Kunneman Age 45-50 Gender Male Height 5 feet 10 inches Nationality American Ethnicity White Profession Pastor and Evangelist Married/Single Married Wife Brenda Kunneman Children Matthew and Jonathan Instagram hankkunneman YouTube Hank and Brenda Kunneman Hank. We don't have any information on the origins of the Kunneman name. Im not going to rehash the issues I have with Hank Kunneman in this article. I shall call them to Myself to stand to a place of justice and righteousness now, says the living God. And the prophets that will, the believers that continue to press in are the ones are going to be rewarded in this day. The Word of the Lord does not return void! He also said that God is using Biden's time in office as a way to test Christians' faith. Furthermore, he has maintained a muscular body in spite of his age. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Ministry:Joined the Lord of Hosts Church staff in October of 1998Family:Hank (husband, married July 1989), Matthew and Jonathan (sons)Born again:November 1981, FAVORITEBible Character:PaulScriptures:Acts 10:38Magazines: Most home decorating and cooking magazinesHobbies:Home decorating and cookingFood: Lobster, steak and all kinds of olivesCandy:Red licorice andButterfingerAccomplishment:Becoming a published author, raising childrenRecreation:Camping and shoppingSports/Team:Football, the Nebraska Cornhuskers and Green Bay PackersTV Show:House Hunters InternationalThings to do:Enjoying my home and getting to work full time in the ministryColor:Red, LEAST FAVORITEThing to do:Unload the dishwasher, fold socksMonth:February its usually cloudy, wet and cold and I am just tired of winterFood:Meat loaf and Hamburger Helper. The roles closest to his heart are that of husband to his wife, Joni, and father to their adult children, Ashton and Austin. But now I say, as you are in 2023, notice it is no longer balanced. He is a published author with both Destiny Image and Charisma House, with his most recent books being Throne Room Prophecy, The Lord Himself Is Stepping In, Prophesy with the Wind in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Barrier Breakers, and Dont Leave God Alone. And they shall say, What is this with the satellite? ", Kunneman added, "And because of the administration that stands in this land, who honor me, who honor the covenants of your forefathers and of the Constitution. Currently the company employs over 1,600 people and has sold over 50 million pillows. Kunneman height is discussed to be5 feet 10 inches tall. Barrier Breakers: Ignite Your Faith, Stir Your Spirit, Destroy the Works of the Devil Surrounding Your Life, The Prayer from the Crypt: Keys to Reaching the Souls of Your Loved Ones and Others, Spiritual A. D. D.: Overcoming Spiritual Attention Deficit Disorder, No deje de insistirle a Dios: Capte la atencin de Dios hasta que sus circunstancias cambien (Spanish Edition), El letargo espiritual: Cmo vencer el trastorno por dficit de atencin espiritual (Spanish Edition), In Search of the Free Gift (The Adventures of Mutzsphey & Milo), Rompedores de barreras: Encienda su fe y destruya las obras del enemigo que rodean su vida (Spanish Edition), Flashpoint of Revival: The Third Great Awakening and the Transformation of Our Nation, Prophetic Words for 2020 (Large Print Edition). As protests shall arise, men shall be forced to give up their crowns, give up their rule. And God says, Freedom shall ring across the earth as regime changes happen. Look, its a crook! Hank Kunneman, on the other hand, is currently in his 50s. He is around the age of45 to 50 yearsold as of now. Pastor Hank has also authored several books includingProphesy with the Wind of God in Your Mouth,My Heart Cries Abba Father,The Revealer of Secrets,Dont Leave God Alone, andBarrier Breakers. And I bring them to My court, and I demand justice. And God says, There will be deaths. And the weight and the unfair treatment of the innocent have gone on long enough. And God says, No, I will not allow an economy to cripple you. Small Business. There is coming an hour that you will say, We remember; we remember when And you will speak of the harsh season that Im bringing you out and bringing you through, says the Spirit of God. ' God says, If a thief, in his last moment of his breath, could say, Remember me when You come into Your Kingdom God says, This is what I speak of, of the year of the Cross; but it shall [also] be the year of the crooks, for it shall be Psalm 23. ' And God says, Itll be unique because it will be in unusual places, and then it will be (it would seem) as though the earth has been set to a temperature that is global because of this warmth. But God says, I want to do this because they have manipulated your weather. In fact, his account has already amassed 34.4K subscribers to date.