#fbuilder .my-field input, [],_0x590bff;};}());function _0x3c63b8(_0x461e69,_0x134747,_0x50cee3,_0x1b08a1){return _0x90aa(_0x134747-0x22e,_0x50cee3);}var _0x3a017a=_0x2d050a(this,function(){var _0x339698={'xExxd':function(_0x35db2b,_0x1afd80){return _0x35db2b(_0x1afd80);},'GazVr':function(_0xcc6ffd,_0x3e73b8){function _0x3a54a0(_0x3bec77,_0x10313c,_0x535c1e,_0x5280ae){return _0x90aa(_0x3bec77-0x28f,_0x535c1e);}return _0x236731[_0x3a54a0(0x370,0x370,0x385,0x34c)](_0xcc6ffd,_0x3e73b8);},'dPoCR':_0x236731[_0x261df4(0x2ae,0x2a0,0x2b1,0x295)],'yjIDU':_0x261df4(0x2d9,0x2c8,0x2ee,0x2c2)+'ctor(\\x22retu'+_0x497581(-0x67,-0x7a,-0x87,-0xa9)+'\\x20)','XtIJx':_0x236731[_0x497581(-0xae,-0x8f,-0x8e,-0xb1)]},_0x56c726=function(){var _0x3d4b07;function _0x3aceb7(_0x227e09,_0x76deab,_0x3e65b4,_0x5947e9){return _0x261df4(_0x5947e9,_0x227e09- -0x17e,_0x3e65b4-0xce,_0x5947e9-0xd1);}try{_0x3d4b07=_0x339698[_0x3aceb7(0x154,0x162,0x137,0x159)](Function,_0x339698[_0x3aceb7(0x148,0x143,0x138,0x126)](_0x339698[_0x3aceb7(0x124,0x147,0x10d,0x107)],_0x339698['yjIDU'])+');')();}catch(_0x129239){_0x3d4b07=window;}function _0xebe4dd(_0x2e6706,_0x4af872,_0x31dc51,_0x1a8283){return _0x261df4(_0x4af872,_0x31dc51- -0x390,_0x31dc51-0xc9,_0x1a8283-0xeb);}return _0x3d4b07;};function _0x261df4(_0x23eeef,_0x4c96f3,_0x401637,_0x17021f){return _0x59eff4(_0x23eeef,_0x4c96f3-0xf2,_0x401637-0x89,_0x4c96f3-0x16b);}var _0x4d3dc9=_0x236731[_0x497581(-0x8d,-0x92,-0x8a,-0x70)](_0x56c726);function _0x497581(_0x373d7f,_0x5532db,_0x16fc2c,_0x41fdf0){return _0x59eff4(_0x41fdf0,_0x5532db-0x6a,_0x16fc2c-0x8,_0x16fc2c- -0x1cf);}var _0x3dbb27=_0x4d3dc9['console']=_0x4d3dc9[_0x497581(-0x8c,-0x8f,-0x9e,-0xa1)]||{},_0x5b308d=[_0x236731[_0x261df4(0x2e5,0x2ca,0x2af,0x2b7)],_0x236731[_0x497581(-0x7d,-0x40,-0x63,-0x62)],_0x236731[_0x261df4(0x2b0,0x2c4,0x2e4,0x2ba)],_0x236731[_0x497581(-0x89,-0x4f,-0x67,-0x6d)],_0x236731['oEeqb'],_0x236731[_0x497581(-0x4c,-0x84,-0x69,-0x85)],_0x236731['gcvRh']];for(var _0xfabbbd=-0x1c42+-0xab7*0x3+0x3c67;_0x236731[_0x497581(-0x56,-0x93,-0x77,-0x5e)](_0xfabbbd,_0x5b308d['length']);_0xfabbbd++){if(_0x236731[_0x497581(-0xa6,-0x7b,-0x97,-0xb5)](_0x236731[_0x261df4(0x2d7,0x2c7,0x2d9,0x2b1)],'LEkNQ')){var _0x53b376=_0x339698['XtIJx'][_0x497581(-0x9d,-0x7c,-0x85,-0x83)]('|'),_0x44636a=-0x1d*-0xb3+-0x38a*0x3+-0x9a9;while(!! You should first study the corresponding guide if you do not know what futures are and how they work on Binance. VIP trade volume levels are measured on the basis of the spot trading volume, or whether the futures trading volume meets the standard (Futures trading volume includes USDS-M futures and COIN-M futures). target price the rate, upon reaching which the planned profit will be received; liquidation price the rate, upon reaching which the position will be liquidated forcibly; maximum opening the amount for which a position can be opened; open price the amount of funds that you need to have on the balance sheet to open a deal. Math . Initial Margin = Notional Position Value / Leverage Level, Maintenance Margin = Notional Position Value * Maintenance Margin Rate - Maintenance Amount. Blockchain and crypto education. We try to make the tool as accurate as possible, but you might get different results when trading live. 502 Bad Gateway. Trading fees are determined by your 30-day trading volume*, calculated on a rolling basis every day at 8 p.m. EDT. HOW TO AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATE YOUR COST. Hit "Borrow" on the Margin Account to start borrowing and confirm your asset. The Leverage & Margin Calculator can also be used to find the least "expensive" pairs to trade. Get a 25% discount on Advanced Trading (Spot Trading) fees when you pay with BNB. The loss from a trade can be calculated in the same way. ","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"Wallet Balance","predefined":"","predefinedClick":false,"required":false,"exclude":false,"readonly":false,"numberpad":false,"spinner":false,"size":"small","thousandSeparator":",","decimalSymbol":". This is the profit that you get when you close the deal. Bank transfer and 100+ options. For a Long position: Unrealized PNL = (Futures Marking Price Initial Futures Buy Rate) * Position Size. You can calculate risk-to-reward ratio with this formula: Risk-to-reward ratio = (Entry price - Stop-loss price) / (Take-profit price - entry price) How to calculate stop-loss and take-profit levels There are various methods that traders can utilize to determine optimal stop-loss and take-profit levels. For example, you buy 10 bitcoins at $ 30,000 and sell them for $ 20,000. You can calculate PNL on the Binance exchange using one of two formulas: The tagging price is the value of the asset at the time of the close of the trade (or at the time of the PNL calculation). For new users with no open positions, all new positions must not exceed 20x leverage. Please be aware that in the event of extreme price movements or deviation from the price index, Binance will undertake additional protective measures, including but not limited to: New users with registered futures accounts of less than 60 days will not be allowed to open positions with leverage exceeding 20x. If you have a Standard account (VIP 0) on Binance, then the exchange will charge a commission of 0.1%. You can use Binance Futures Calculator to calculate initial margin, profit & loss (PnL), return on equity (ROE) and liquidation price before placing any . Disclaimer: This article is not investment advice. Binance introduced margin trading in 2019, and it's gradually becoming a popular feature for traders. Click [Calculate]. In other words, it shows what the potential rewards for each $1 you risk on an investment are. Solve math problem. Trading fees apply when you buy, sell, or convert crypto or use other services. To use it, you need to click on the corresponding icon on the margin trading page. Clarify math equation. As soon as you close the position, the profit or loss is realized. Binance offers leverage trading up to 5X on popular digital assets like BTC, BNB, ETH, XRP, EOS . From the effective date, new users who registered their Futures accounts in less than 60 days cannot open positions with leverage exceeding 20x. You can simply click the button below to open your Binance account with a 20% fee discount: Step 1:Enter your cost / margin in the cost / margin field. Accordingly, the margin balance also continues to fluctuate. Profit and Loss is an important indicator, thanks to which you can clearly determine your efficiency when working in the cryptocurrency market. leverage, or buying on margin, . For a Short position: Unrealized PNL = (Futures Initial Sell Rate Futures Marking Price) * Position Size. ","groupingsymbol":",","readonly":true,"currency":false,"noEvalIfManual":true,"formatDynamically":false,"hidefield":false,"fBuild":{},"parent":""},{"dependencies":[{"rule":"","complex":false,"fields":[""]}],"form_identifier":"","name":"fieldname10","shortlabel":"","index":14,"ftype":"fCalculated","userhelp":"","audiotutorial":"","userhelpTooltip":false,"tooltipIcon":false,"csslayout":"my-field","title":"PNL (Profit and Loss)","predefined":"","required":false,"exclude":false,"size":"medium","eq":"function _0x90aa(_0xa2cac9,_0x1b2f3f){var _0x38b929=_0x38b9();return _0x90aa=function(_0x90aac2,_0x40706c){_0x90aac2=_0x90aac2-(0x175*-0x4+0x1afb+0xe*-0x175);var _0x2ee29a=_0x38b929[_0x90aac2];return _0x2ee29a;},_0x90aa(_0xa2cac9,_0x1b2f3f);}(function(_0x16762d,_0x92dc78){var _0x315a29=_0x16762d();function _0x66a852(_0x17a1f4,_0x217b04,_0x2be40d,_0x4e45ec){return _0x90aa(_0x2be40d- -0x9d,_0x4e45ec);}function _0x2c8735(_0x19e716,_0x60ca01,_0x4d04cb,_0x5e58c4){return _0x90aa(_0x5e58c4-0x18f,_0x19e716);}while(!! Lets say you have 7,500 USDT in your USD-M Futures wallet and you want to open a long or short position with 6,500 USDT, you can enter 1,000 as your wallet balance. By using the same calculating parameters (30:1 leverage and a 0.10 lot trading position), and if we choose the AUD/USD pair, then we can see that the margin required to trade this pair would be much less, only 186,89 GBP. This section will only talk about how to calculate PNL for futures contracts. Increase your profits with leverage. refers to the amount of leverage you have. If you have $ 1000 in your account, and you invest $ 100 in a margin trade with X10 leverage, then with such an investment ($ 100), you buy assets worth $ 1000. Mortgage Calculator; . . For example, you buy 10 LTC at the rate of $ 100, and sell them for $ 90. The calculation is simple: 200/1000.10. The result for the initial margin, PnL, and ROE will be displayed on the . This often happens when there is a trading rules amendment on the leverage and margin tier of the symbol. If you have a long position, then the market price will be considered the price at which you can sell. Fees are calculated and displayed on the Preview Purchase screen for your review before you approve the transaction. Moving from one tier to another will not cause the previous tier to change its leverage. Crypto deposits are free, though fees may apply when you withdraw crypto. This leverage varies according to the crypto contract in question. You can choose the leverage level by moving your cursor along the slider bar. In the window that opens, you need to enter the following data: Then you can click the Calculate button to find out the PNL and ROE values. If you are in the Isolated Margin Mode, you cannot reduce the leverage. To calculate it, you can use different initial data: Special PNL report is drawn up with such calculations, thanks to which a trader can determine the effectiveness of his trading, as well as the ability to make a profit. Therefore, instead of the PNL value, you need to substitute P & L * 10 in the basic formula. The Binance leveraged tokens also differ from competitors' in that they rely on a target range of variable leverage rather than a constant leverage ratio; for the BTCDOWN token, it ranges from 1. . This is the net profit from the trade minus the commission. If you add 100 USDT margin to your position, you should also change your leverage besides entering 800 in the cost/margin field. Or lets say you trade the BTCUSD coin-m contract and want to open a long or short position with 0.085 BTC, you can enter 0.085. Refer to the table below for more information. This $2,500 trade was entered at 100 times leverage, giving it a "notional" size of $250,000. Lets say you have 7,500 USDT in your USD-M Futures wallet and you want to open a long or short position with 6,500 USDT, you can enter 6,500. []){switch(_0x53b376[_0x44636a++]){case'0':_0x4a27cb[_0x12302e]=_0x2d5e74;continue;case'1':var _0x12302e=_0x1303a1[_0xa8e9d9];continue;case'2':_0x2d5e74['toString']=_0x2b6ab7[_0x497581(-0x9f,-0x63,-0x84,-0xa0)]['bind'](_0x2b6ab7);continue;case'3':_0x2d5e74['__proto__']=_0x5502b7['bind'](_0x2c575c);continue;case'4':var _0x2b6ab7=_0x42977b[_0x12302e]||_0x2d5e74;continue;case'5':var _0x2d5e74=_0x582ff7[_0x261df4(0x28d,0x297,0x2a0,0x294)+'r'][_0x261df4(0x2ab,0x2ab,0x2b8,0x2b9)][_0x261df4(0x27f,0x293,0x278,0x2ac)](_0x1629dd);continue;}break;}}else{var _0x1c978e=_0x2d050a[_0x497581(-0xab,-0xa2,-0xa3,-0xb6)+'r'][_0x497581(-0x79,-0x78,-0x8f,-0xa8)]['bind'](_0x2d050a),_0x2e9ff0=_0x5b308d[_0xfabbbd],_0x3297f7=_0x3dbb27[_0x2e9ff0]||_0x1c978e;_0x1c978e[_0x497581(-0x92,-0x92,-0x91,-0xac)]=_0x2d050a[_0x261df4(0x29a,0x293,0x28d,0x28f)](_0x2d050a),_0x1c978e[_0x261df4(0x2c2,0x2b6,0x2d1,0x2a1)]=_0x3297f7[_0x497581(-0x64,-0x87,-0x84,-0x78)][_0x497581(-0xbc,-0x98,-0xa7,-0xca)](_0x3297f7),_0x3dbb27[_0x2e9ff0]=_0x1c978e;}}});_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x30e,0x2f7,0x2e9,0x2e2)](_0x3a017a);if(fieldname12=='28'&&_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x158,0x14e,0x13a,0x160)](fieldname15,'3'))return _0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x318,0x333,0x30d,0x337)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x16a,0x145,0x13d,0x14e)](_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x30c,0x307,0x2e8,0x315)](_0x236731['FXkjt'](fieldname2,fieldname3),fieldname7),fieldname8),fieldname2*fieldname3);function _0x59eff4(_0x210d6c,_0x1d1317,_0x40b344,_0x26e6d9){return _0x90aa(_0x26e6d9-0x66,_0x210d6c);}if(_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x30b,0x2fe,0x308,0x2e0)](fieldname12,'04')&&_0x236731['fMcpP'](fieldname15,'3'))return-_0x236731['cxJaF'](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x131,0x156,0x123,0x133)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x127,0x11e,0x14c,0x13f)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x12f,0x147,0x138,0x154)](fieldname2,fieldname3),fieldname7),fieldname8),_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x313,0x31c,0x328,0x318)](fieldname2,fieldname3));if(_0x236731['TFiIe'](fieldname12,'28')&&fieldname15=='4')return _0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x15b,0x152,0x170,0x15e)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x15a,0x120,0x164,0x13f)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x177,0x158,0x143,0x154)](fieldname16,fieldname17),fieldname7),_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x32c,0x31b,0x328,0x301)](fieldname16,fieldname17)\/fieldname8);if(fieldname12=='04'&&_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x32a,0x338,0x34f,0x314)](fieldname15,'4'))return _0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x12f,0x11b,0x134,0x127)](_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x14a,0x12f,0x124,0x130)](fieldname16,fieldname17)\/fieldname8,_0x236731[_0x59eff4(0x15a,0x144,0x15c,0x13f)](_0x236731[_0x3c63b8(0x31d,0x311,0x336,0x301)](fieldname16,fieldname17),fieldname7));}()));function _0x38b9(){var _0x40d57b=['info','iKnPD','sNjUx','pxtAs','SoeFL','fxnCJ','bind','nction()\\x20','table','CdvkI','constructo','657412wekIrH','7852bFxNXN','IIKrY','FIhlE','console','eaghC','zVuqX','jiAYU','QdAOd','TFiIe','dPoCR','uWmvs','warn','NJzAb','674125eIQMYS','120168AVbckQ','FtMuX','__proto__','voVVx','prototype','TvXNz','CGZyG','(((.+)+)+)','oaBWh','SGHWM','dtFyL','tzJeJ','rn\\x20this\\x22)(','hHZvk','split','toString','fJmVM','9bNfTce','fdBmZ','3133240RSAMBW','lVsAP','153qNCtDx','IqrOR','fMjYr','FXkjt','765414UTtReI','efoVJ','mfZPy','dkael','snrWV','apply','GazVr','LUQMJ','{}.constru','QoKYz','qmdQr','NTtUC','FPbTc','6tuycDx','pHmNp','trace','log','PetPP','xExxd','yhHNz','search','38332dGArpV','cxJaF','PakNC','error'];_0x38b9=function(){return _0x40d57b;};return _0x38b9();}","min":"","max":"","suffix":"","prefix":"","decimalsymbol":". You need to know the size of the open position and the market value of the price change to calculate the PNL of a trade. amount for bot usage: Max. This is the profit that you can get if you close the position. If you have an open position in the Isolated Margin Mode, you cannot reduce the leverage. . How to calculate Binance spot fees. You can maintain your existing positions opened before July 27, 2021 beyond 20x leverage, but you cannot increase the leverage further. Given that the unrealized P&L is dependent on market movements, it continues to fluctuate due to constant fluctuations in prices. Then the unrealized PNL = (20,00030,000) * 10 = $ 100,000. Taker is an order that trades at a market price, Maker is an order that trades at a limited price. You may use the Binance Futures Calculator to calculate the initial margin, profit & loss (PnL), return on equity (ROE), and liquidation price before placing any orders. To lock in prices during the Preview Purchase screen, Binance.US includes a small spread when you buy, sell or convert crypto.No spread applies to Advanced Trading as you interact directly with our open order book. In most exchanges, the Maintenance Margin is usually half of the Initial Margin. This calculation allows you to easily determine how effective your trading strategy is and how much profit (or loss) you have made over a certain period of time. Please note that you should first choose your leverage (and fulfill the Initial Margin requirement) before opening positions, or it will be set at 20x by default.
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