The bedrock at the foot of the cross split open, and His blood dripped through a fissure in the rock. The 23 chromosomes helps to form a baby and the fathers chromosomes decides gender of a baby, But Watt claims in Jesus blood they found an extra chromosome. The bishop who sent the sample was Jorge Bergoglio. Dried blood of Jesus Christ tested and found to be 'LIVING' First and foremost, because the individual making the claim is a well-known liar and charlatan who has lied and deceived many others in the past. Skeptics have scoffed at this idea since its inception, but scientific research appears to have silenced them. Jesus received a set of 23 chromosomes (22 + X) from His mother Mary and a set of 23 chromosomes (22 + Y) from God the Holy Spirit ( Mt 1:18-20; Lk 1:30-35 ). Because none of Dylans normal biological conceptions of reproduction pertain to Jesus conception, the only way to properly appreciate the miracle of Jesus conception is to first utterly dismiss the ordinary biological concepts of reproduction that Dylan indicated. The DNA of Jesus is 96% from Mary rather than 50% from Mary as would be normal. just before Jerusalem's fall in 586 BC. Therefore, 23 chromosomes come from the mother and 23 from the father. According to Ron Wyatts lectures, the blood that he discovered and tested contained just 24 chromosomes, indicating that it was a single cell. Antibody type: Mainly IgG, some IgM The majority of Rh antibodies are of the IgG type. In 1971, scientists studied one such host, from the 8th century in Lanciano. Females are XX, so they can only contribute an X chromosome to their offspring, whereas males are XY, which allows them to contribute either an X or a Y. Understand also: How Old Was Jesus When The Wise Men Came? Ron Wyatt hadnt told the group where or how hed obtained the sample. However, the Ophioglossum (fern) of the flora has the majority of the chromosomes, which number 1260. >The science is available to determine 1, 2, or 3. It does not look different. Mary, to be sure, but who contributed the other half? In sum, 2 of His mothers autosomal chromosomes duplicated 22 times, plus 1 (X) chromosome + 1 (Y) chromosome = 23 homologous pairs of chromosomes. The inspiration for todays piece came from a recent query from Dylan. Sign in|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites, JESUS'S BLOOD: The Astonishing DNA Analysis of Jesus Christ, Science has revealed the identity of Jesus biological father. Lk1:35 Mary was impregnated with male chromosome - came from God. In the Eucharist, we commonly speak of "receiving" Christ in Holy Communion. It's a little awkward to ask, but we need your help. When the solider pierced the side of Jesus, an Earthquake split the rock that the cross was placed upon and Jesus' blood ran down through this crack and dripped on the mercy seat of the Ark of the Covenant! This discovery would have made international front page news, but for a total corporate news media blackout. If they each provide an X, the child will be female; if they each contribute a Y, the child will be masculine. Given that Alexander was the son of Philip and so the legally recognized heir to the kingdom of Macedonia, he was able to defeat the numerous other contenders for the crown. A scientific examination of this blood revealed that it had only 24 chromosomes! The angel was one step ahead of her and had the answer: The Holy Ghost will descend upon thee, and the power of God will be overshadowing thee, the angel said to Mary, as the Holy Ghost descended upon her. . Over time, chromosomes mutate quite a bit, and most of those mutations don't hurt anything. However, he only had 46 chromosomes because he was a normal human being. However, if that were the case, God would have to have those chromosomes in a human body someplace in his Heaven, else he would be unable to teleport anywhere. Humans normally have 46 chromosomes in each cell, divided into 23 pairs. The Shroud of Turin has long been revered as the fabric . In this section, youll find some background information about the organization that has been implicated in a plot to conceal both Jesus death and the findings of DNA testing performed on His blood, as well as the corrupt conspirators who work for it. This study scientist asserts that Jesus biological Father is God, according to his findings. Also, because the idea that the blood of Jesus could be found, or that it could have been preserved for nearly two thousand years is absolutely absurd. He asked him how he could write such obviously false claims. Yosef Gat was in charge of excavations at the Talpiot Tomb for the Israeli Department of Antiquities. My Y chromosome was inherited from my father, who in turn inherited it from his father, who in turn inherited it from my great-grandfather. Well, my friend, prepare to have a good nights sleep because I am going to provide an answer to your query. If true, then the Y-chromosome was that of God the Father, and it was added to Mary's X chromosome, causing . But why did Jesus suffer and die?. The new cell-line, which has over 175 serial passanges in a 3 1/2-yr period, has the following characteristics: (1) CML cells started to proliferate actively since they were first incubated in culture media. A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus biological father was non-human. In the process of getting freedom in Christ Jesus, it can at times be necessary to separate from Illuminati bloodlines. Spitzer's Universe and asks if any genetic testing has been done on blood from the Shroud of Turin or Eucharistic miracles. Blood of Jesus Tested in Laboratory the Results will Blow your Mind. Plant cuttings are little pieces of a plant that are taken from a larger plant that are planted and grow into a new plant that is a clone of the plant from which the cutting was originally cut. We know this to have been fulfilled in about 3 BC. What are your thoughts on the phrase divine DNA? According to legend, the priest was a skeptic, but the bread became flesh and blood before his eyes. The egg cell always has an X chromosome, and half of the sperm cells have an X chromosome and the other half contain a Y chromosome; the egg cell and the sperm cell are identical. VIDEO: . Click the button below. 2:3-4 Chromosomes Did Jesus Have? The blood found on the Shroud of Turin is believed to be the blood of Jesus on the day of his death. 46 is normal (23 from Mom and 23 from Dad) The Hebrews that lab tested the blood said to Ron, "This human blood only has 24 chromosomes in it. Covenant lay below in a cave, hidden by Jeremiah from. Yet, Christ's words were unmistakable. In this interview Ron also statesprophesizesthat in due time the truth of the Ark of the Covenant, the Ten Commandment tablets, and the blood of Jesus Christ will be revealed to the whole world, and this will conclude the spreading of the Gospel to the world, and then the End will come. In each pair of chromosomes, one of the pair is from the mother and the. Watch on. EVERY HUMANS HAS 46 CHROMOSOMES, THE TESTED BLOOD OF JESUS HAD ONLY 23 Ron Wyatt's words of testing: Voiant Blood Cells were put in a growth medium for 48 hours and kept at body temperature for 48 hours then the test showed that this blood had only 24 Chromosomes in it, everyone else has 46 Chromosomes, 23 from your mother and 23 Chromosomes . Amos Kloner Archaeologist and professor emeritus in the Martin Szusz Department of the Land of Israel Studies at the Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel, where he teaches Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine archaeology. As a result the blood found on the Shroud was type AB, and had both X and Y chromosomes. Your email address will not be published. Mosess Y chromosome came from his father. Is it biblical to say that the blood of Jesus protects us? God said that Jesus is his Son (and this is supported by Jesus DNA). As a result, Adam and Jesus both share the same miraculous creation of their genetic material, which came from the same source the Father. Jesus is who he claimed to be, according to forensic science. 2. It is believed that Jesus blood has just 24 chromosomes rather than 46, with 23 chromosomes coming from His mother and only one male chromosome coming from God the Father. Representational Theology. An episode of Korina Sanchezs television show from last year featured a teen-aged girl who lived in the boonies of Cebu province, who claimed that a troll (dwende) in their garden fathered the child she was carrying in her womb merely by starring at her as he perched on his mound of dirt. Adam represents humanity in his disobedience, sin, and spiritual and physical death. When the lab technicians asked Ron whose blood he had submitted for analysis, he said, This is the blood of your Messiah, and the technicians were astonished. Ron tells of how he had applied for and received a permit, and was licensed by four men from the Israeli Department of Antiquity to dig and excavate in Israel. Human cells normally have 46 chromosomes. A cell-line derived from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is described. Many believed the tomb to be no more than 1,000 years old at the time of its discovery. Which is the true religion: Christianity, Islam or Zoroastrianism, and why? Jesus' bloodline includes King Solomon and King David. If you didnt learn it in school, chromosomes are the very, very fundamental building blocks of life. Chromosome 9 is made up of about 141 million DNA building blocks (base pairs) and represents approximately 4.5 percent of the total DNA in cells. Prayer Cards 15% off The Eucharistic miracle from Buenos Aries was sent to the USA for testing. His response (paraphrased), I have to make money somehow. I strongly urge you to not use Wyatts material and if you have published anything on line, you should take it down and perhaps apologize for putting out unreliable material. Forensic Science Proves Jesus is Who He Said He Was, Scientific Proof of the Resurrection of Jesus, God Said Jesus is His Son (So Does Jesus' DNA). Ron Wyatt's research shows that the blood of Jesus has special properties and that the blood is alive! Its possible that its a fabrication. I was interested in what DNA analysis could tell us about . Upon further analysis, the blood was found to contain twenty-three chromosomes from the mother (Mary)as is normalbut only one "Y" chromosome from the Father (God)which should have been impossible, as regular humans have 23 chromosomes from mother and 23 . Thus, the virgin birth of such an XX male would be unique in human history even if there were only two such Y genes inserted into an X chromosome. Will you believe Satan's ambassadors for America, or a righteous man of truth and Godwho, despite the efforts of Israeli authorities and MOSSAD, still has evidence to prove that there was a cover-up? As we approach the holiday season, when a large portion of the worlds Christian population commemorates the birth of its central figure Jesus Christ, who is claimed to have been both man and God, and to have been born of a virgin, it should be interesting to consider the question: Who provided the other half? Jesus' Y-Chromosome Watch on Underground chamber reveals Temple treasures. Answer (1 of 16): I'm going to treat this as an exercise in basic human genetics, without delving into matters of theology and divine conception (not my expertise). (I assume an upper bound to the rate of virgin birth is 1/300. The host turned to flesh and blood. 1:3, Luke 3:33). So, the bottom lineand the big pictureis this: the Illuminati bloodline Rockefeller family is working on behalf of Satan and his New World Order to supress the truth. Laminin is a protein that is part of the extracellular matrix in humans and animals. Diary 299). The 23 chromosomes assist in the formation of a newborn, and the chromosomes of the father determine the gender of a baby. Where did Jesus Y chromosome come from, and what is its significance? For example, someone with an A type blood possesses only the A antigen on their cells. Philippe de Champaignes The Annunciation, painted in 1644, is a masterpiece. Sheep are members of the Genus Ovis, and they are chromosome-positive. Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. The two daughter cells split once again, and cell division proceeds indefinitely, resulting in the formation of an embryo that eventually grows into a completely new progeny. Such events have been reported, even in ancient times, and they defy explanation. This genetic blueprint is referred to as a genome. Dan Bahat Dan Bahat is one of Israel's leading archaeologists and a senior lecturer at the Land of Israel Studies at Bar-Ilan University. Then the probability of a virgin birth of a male with 2 Y genes is 1/ [300] [20,000] [20,000] = 1/120 billion.) Lord Jesus is clearly the Son of God and prophesied Messiah. Or, perhaps it is all an astounding coincidence, that multiple bleeding Hosts from around the world, and across history are all type AB blood in human cardiac tissue. The Conspiracy to Hide the Blood of Jesus Christ, Proof That Ron Wyatt Was Telling the Truth, Jesus DNA Discoverers DEATH BED CONFESSION, 4 Blood Samples of Jesus Studied by Scientists. When he entered the cave he blacked out for quite a while and when he gained consciousness he saw the Ark of the Covena. When in the last 2000 years have the Canaanite-Edomite-jews been "ready to hear about Jesus"? I would thus characterize the incident as miraculous on several levels. When Jesus died, there was an earthquake. Because Adam and Jesus were created perfectly in Gods image, its possible that God used the exact same male half of chromosomes for them both (in the beginning Adam was perfect just as Jesus was), and as a result they would have been genetically as close as brothers because they could have shared 50% of their genomes! If you believe in the Bible, Jesus would have had less wealth than the average person if he lived today. How Many Chromosomes Did Jesus Have According To The Bible? Naturally, when we take communion, it does not taste any different before or after consecration. Modern people, with the exception of individuals who derive the majority of their ancestry from Sub-Saharan Africa, contain traces of Neanderthal DNA in their DNA. Adam's "contribution," his "gift" (notice the implied . Consequently, semen is derived from the Latin word seed, which means seed, and stuff for life, which is derived from the Latin word matter. The male seed, on the other hand, was elevated to a higher pedestal in patriarchal societies throughout history, particularly in the Middle East and later Europe, to the point where it was considered to be the life force, with the female seeds fluids in her womb serving as the gross matter necessary to sustain that life force. Answer (1 of 18): Yes. If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. The death and resurrection of this one man is at the very center of the Christian faith, and his story is told throughout the Bible. My brother had leukemia and received a rescue bone marrow transplant from me, and it turned his blood into AB negative FEMALE blood, like Christ';s or the Man of the . . After successfully conducting a genetic analysis on the ancient blood sample widely believed to have belonged to the historical Jesus of Nazareth (discovered beneath Golgotha by the Ron Watt excavation team in 1981), a group of Tel Aviv-based research scientists came to the conclusion that Jesus biological father was a non-human. Ron Wyatt had kept the location and method of obtaining the sample a secret from the rest of the crew. According to the story of Jesus, THE Father magically implanted his chromosomes inside of Mary, resulting in Jesus conception and birth. The 23rd pair of chromosomes determines a persons sexual orientation. You and I have been forgiven as a result of the blood that Jesus shed on the cross when He offered His life for us. It is the opinion of Jacobovici and Pellegrino that the Aramaic inscriptions reading Judah, son of Jesus, Jesus, son of Joseph, and Mariamne, a name they believe to be that of Mary Magdalene, collectively preserve the record of a family group that included Jesus, his wife Mary Magdalene, and son Judah. Jesus did not have a human father! Assuming that Jesus was a healthy male human (species: Homo sapiens sapiens), each of his somatic cells would have had 23 pairs (or . Three days after Jesus died, the Lord God of Israel resurrected and glorified him (made Him immortal through the power of the Holy Spirit). The Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12:12 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. This scientific discovery should have made international front page news, but it was largely ignored by the corporate news media, while it was reported on quietly but enthusiastically by Christian news networks. Anything else wouldn't make sense when one considers that he was . Do you have a copy of Gods genetic DNA so that He might assert His paternity against you? Even the Bible makes mention of Jesus's blood relatives. 2. Catholics believe the bread and wine offered at Mass become the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ before they are received as communion. He concluded they found Jesus blood .when they tested this blood the results were that Jesus blood is still alive today, and it has 24 chromosomes: 23 from his mother and 1 from the Holy Spirit which proves the virgin birth.
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