The EMF or nadi egg comprises the sum total of the body's energy generation and conductivity. Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. The cells are activated, grow, carry out their function and die-off. 33:35 - The State of Our Chakras Right Now. 7 R e a s o n s t o P u r s u e S e x u a l T r a n s m u t a t i o n So now let's quickly review some of the reasons individuals may be interested in sexual transmutation and the potential benefits it can produce. FOR SALE! 0000000016 00000 n For example, art is one avenue to go down. As one begins to practice Kundalini yoga, the progress towards this realization is steady, continuous, relentless. In Sanskrit terms, we can also say that it is Kundalini. 0000006824 00000 n The spleen symptoms of the Left-Brain-Freeze and the self-digestion (autolysis) sensation during the die-offs, convince me that it is the highest function of the immune system to dissolve the pupael body. But this 'shock' can be of a dual nature and different octaves can begin, one outside the organism which has produced si, and the other in the organism itself. The calibration of such subtle changes might still be impossible to detect with our present science. If you haven't actually dug into any healing work, then going into the advanced states could actually be triggering.". Considering that the body is now essentially inhabited by a "new" host, the immune system now adheres to the commands of the new more powerful ruler--The Self. My top 10 attunements include a cross-section of attunements that I recommend and use most often, the scope of application, energies, structure, etc. It was the chief contributor to the cultivation of kundalini and the preservation of its knowledge prior to present times. %PDF-1.7 The metamorphic cycles are a reflection of the growth and activity of the immune cells involved. "Although any number of factors can trigger the adrenocortical stress reaction, the response itself is always the same. (Recommended for those seeking to learn about the Right Hand (White) path of becoming Resurrected.) 39:48 - Why Snakes Are Sometimes Depicted As Evil. The release of histamine in the brain and the consequent improvement of blood supply is probably one of the main reasons for the increased sensory and extrasensory perception during kundalini. You feel coolness, heat, electricity, an etheric illumination, and steady abiding awareness that expands beyond the body and in and through the arc of your aura. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs2.5 License. In today's class we will open the energetic channels and focus on sublimation - or transmutation - of the energy upwards, toward the higher Chakras, to experience expanded states of awareness and high vibrations.This class can be done on it's own, as a powerful practice to conclude a Traditional Kundalini sequence, or as a sacred practice for those who are working with their sexual energy, to transmute the experience from the mundane to the sublime. Receive Kundalini Mudra in Master Kriya: SUBSCRIBE TO SUPPORT FREE YOGA ON THE INTERNET Dont forget to click on the bell to turn on post notifications! Join our mailing list, connect with us and receive exclusive offers ACCESS ADVANCED PRACTICES \u0026 EXCLUSIVE CONTENT YouTube Membership: Patreon: ONLINE COURSES Journey Through The Chakras: Journey Through The Chakras Level II: Master Kriya - Online Kundalini Workshop: Ri.Viva (Solo Italiano): FREE GIFT Sacred Initiation Into a Secret Kundalini Technique: 30 DAY PROGRAMS 30 Day Kundalini Transformation: 30 Day Pranayama Breath Routine: 30 Day Meditation Challenge: 10 DAY CHALLENGES Raise Your Vibration: Purifying the 5 Bodies: Love \u0026 Light: New Year, New Me: Rejuvenate Your Essence: 5 Tibetan Rites: Solar Transformation: Awakening Aja Chakra: FAVOURITE SPIRITUAL BOOKS \u0026 RECOMMENDED READING Thank you for sharing your practice with us! During heart entrainment when the brain wave patterns are embedded within the larger field of the heart, information processing is very different. The yogic practices that awaken the kundalini can suddenly raise it at any time, uncontrolled. Only the heart-brain can grok the ineffable. However, instead of an invasion by a foreign pathogen or noxious substance, the body is simply dissolving and rebuilding a new or more refined version of the self. Candice Pert discovered that receptors for neuropeptides and neurotransmitters are on the cell walls of the immune system, showing that the immune and endocrine systems are modulated not only by the brain but also by the central nervous system. In a sick, or a perverted, or a crippled organism, no transmutation is possible. "You'll let that physical energy build up," clairvoyant intuitive Catharine Allan notes, "and you purposely don't release it in that sexual way." But none of the known theories gives the right explanation of the force of Kundalini. This explains why we are automatically more connected, awake, intelligent and spiritual in high negative ion environments. And for anyone looking to make fitness gains, yes, you can channel your sexual energy into something more athletic or physical. Pt. Kundalini and Yoga. Now releasing the breath put the left hand under the shoulder of the right hand and right hand under the shoulder of the left hand. The more this occurs the more the heightened spin and vibration is stabilized thus we achieve stages, rather than passing states. HW]o8|@1b -&dR_({cO?gb?'vb;*v7|6wwl[*aO1[p +Aj4X_R>->6m#kj Blood moves through the heart and vessels in a vortex-flow. That is, the direct perception and understanding of the world via "Whole-Seeing." And because there is a self-reinforcing feedback loop between the generation of increased field and the supernal alteration of body tissue, this is why full-on awakenings last for such an extended period. Our EMF has more of a medium in which to flow and this ups all the energy exchanges in the bodymind. Meditation has a profound and lasting impact on spiritual evolution, leading to inner peace, enhanced health, relationships and overall wellbeing.The only exception to this recommendation is if you're experiencing strong Kundalini energy in the upper chakras. 0000007272 00000 n First, it's important to understand what "transmutation" actually means. The base of each sweat gland is surrounded by capillaries. cW5OEgSJ>WcEBn$. dP*SUmCH "AL7JW]OdjfNif^xC c!sG-E4Hjzm={d[Uw iWZ=n-*$7mQS32AQ`%8gtLVYM\LCYM';e4t"~d{\ U3/p* It's meant to help a person "experience the truth and reality of oneself and the world." In simpler terms,. In the book he says, "Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. You can use this new creative energy to build the business of your dreams. This process of field amplification and matter restructuring is known as "eating one's soul." . 0000003022 00000 n <<74278604E6540841B7EF4625D291FCE4>]>> General hyperactivation of the sympathetic nervous system stimulates Location: The lower dantian is located about 2-3 finger-widths below the navel. Kundalini is intimately connected to sexuality, which he said must be directed towards higher purposes and Marion (2000) discusses the Kundalini vibrations as . Allan and Roxo both note that sexual transmutation requires a great deal of awareness, particularly of your own sexual energy. 19:42 - Kundalini As Cosmic Love & Spiritual Biology . 111, ~ Bruce Lipton, Biology of Belief. It's basically a method of raising kundalini to a very advanced level, but in well-controlled and safe stages. For those interested in Christ, Alchemy, Sexual Magic, Kundalini, Awakening, Mastery through sexual transmutation, breath work, aguide to healing, ego work, and more. So when those specially activated metamorphic macrophages die out, the main transmutation period also finishes. Sexual transmutation or sexual sublimation, an attempt to transform sexual energy into creativity and thereby facilitate spiritual awakening -Wikipedia Can we use Kundalini for sexual transmutation? If you would like to recommend a book, contact me so that I can add it. Key to the transmutational ability of kundalini is that DNA is EMF sensitive, as is RNA and protein synthesis in general. Although we only vaguely know what we are talking about, today we refer to this storehouse of consciousness as the Universal Mind or Global Brain. avec qui nous aimons! 0 0000000636 00000 n "The transition of matter si 12 into emanations and the gradual saturation of the whole organism by it is what alchemy calls 'transmutation' or transformation. Clarity of being, purity of heart, without cause or condition, independent of time, a single abiding force of intelligence draws the mind inward into single pervasiveness, and in the process dissolves the mind's identity to thoughts and impressions. 0000007515 00000 n No matter where one journeys away from ones Heart-eye, all roads lead back to itusually found again on ones death bed. Cannabis & Kundalini. Kundalini is the force that keeps them in a hypnotic state. The metamorphic cycles are a reflection of the growth and activity of the immune cells involved. 4 0 obj A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy, Creative This latter is entirely wrong because Kundalini can be in anything. This transformation is called sexual transmutation, and it may be just what you need for your next big project. i):p,#hjj]Us[LW|yP~~2euWL(o&qrWMP`QxvI9g7/"9u9 %DMXD&c(WU4#v>2ZVBI4eD~bQft7Lupt7glQIe1_o'S[bDl?G2@m, When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination . Christ fully incarnated the So(u)n within as a magician of the White Path (Left Hand Path). It is the Prakriti, the root energy that in some religions is symbolized as the Divine Mother. Kundalini & Transmutation The Abuse and Use of Sex L. Ron Gardner Celibacy, the Great Aid to Meditation Carlos Castaneda Comments on Sexual Energy H.P. endobj Biological transmutation is the process through which a living organism can produce controlled nuclear reactions of transmutation (transformation of an element into another by nuclear reaction) at low temperatures, with slow release of huge quantities of energy. The above quote explains how the body loses its fossilized tension and heaviness as the work of dissolving the pupael structures proceeds. All complex electric systems in the body have their own field systems because a current creates a magnetic field. The power of the inner-conjunction literally pulls all of the oscillating systems into sync, thus feeding its own flame. Hyaluronidase, by destroying hyaluronic acid, an important component of connective tissue, reduces viscosity and thus permits greater spreading of material in tissue spaces. Pulsating sensation in the sacrum. The higher the ion count the higher the flow in the EMF. The Kupffer cells of the liver and tissue histiocytes are also part of the RES. Gradually these areas begin to purify and carry a greater and greater charge, voltage and overall electro-magnetic balance. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. It is necessary to transmute sex energy, not suppress it. Website: Donate via PayPal: appreciate all your support! Various immune cells cycle in and out of the spleen and bone marrow for special conditioning and possible nourishment and instruction. Because our own energy field is amplified during kundalini we have a far greater sensitivity to the vibrational universe. How to transmute sexual energy: 1. (Robert Sepehr) Meaning "to weave" in Sanskrit, the term Tantra implies a set of spiritual practices that direct the universal energies into the practitioner, thereby leading to liberation from the physical level of existence. This coherence significantly contributes to the informational exchange that occurs during contact between different electromagnetic fields. The CBD component in particular has various . Keep the head above the cross formed by such placements of hands. The Nondual Jung termed "Pleroma," where nothingness is the same as fullness"an Absolute in which there is no division between subject and object. These changes are a matter of sensory experience. Below are recommended books, sites, and resources that I would recommend for those looking to dive deeper into their personal development of spirituality. It is the state of Consciousness sought by all schools of . %PDF-1.4 % The inferior Manas together with the Kamas, Prana and Linga, reinforce the Divine Triad by means of fire. Perhaps it was a conflict of characters. That is, sexual energy goes in one of two directions: out through the sex organ or up into the higher energy centers. You begin to sense yourself as being truly present and here, hearing and sensing from the perspective of a ground or screen of light upon and within which everything appears no longer just reactive. In Biology of Belief, Bruce Lipton says that receptors read vibrational energy fields such as light, sound and radio frequencies, and if the receptor is atuned to the particular frequency it can alter the proteins and change the shape of the receptor. Here's what it's all about, plus how to try it yourself. With heart entrainment, brain chatter is reduced and there is more connection between brain and body. ", Roxo adds if you haven't meditated for very long or aren't involved in other spiritual practices and rituals, you might find difficulty trying to transmute your sexual energy. ", Also see: Gurdjieff on the Abuse and Use of Sex: gurdjieff-on-the-abuse-and-use-of-sex.htm, Diagrams are from In Search of the Miraculous, chapter 9. A sheep which considers itself a lion or a magician lives under the power of Kundalini. endobj For those interested in Christ, Gnosticism, Genesis stories, Esotericism (Internal work), a guide to enlightenment/mastery. The macrophages that were grown and activated during the metamorphic initiation chemistry probably have a very different nature and purpose than those produced by the body under normal chemistry. -Samael Aun Weor, Igneous Rose Authentic growth, growth through cycles, using potions to heal, the Dark Goddess, deep magic, alchemy, transmutation, kundalini (serpent's power) and Shakti. Histamine produces larger pores in the blood vessels as the first step in launching an inflammatory response. Although macrophages are found all over the body they are found in the largest quantities in the spleen, lymph nodes, tooth sockets and in the alveoli in the lungs. 0000006414 00000 n 0000007057 00000 n The more coherent the field the more potent the information exchange." Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. As the power of consciousness, Kundalini is a psycho-spiritual energy that has enormous power, both creative and destructive. "You have to physically be aware of that build of energy," Allan explains, "and instead of right away going to the release of it (orgasming), you take it and maybe you clean the house, for example. A new octave then develops within the organism, not outside it. But it is pretty obvious that if the ego and its tension holding patterns has been overruled by a deeper consciousness, then those tension patterns would unravel. immune response factors such as interferon, which in turn elicit new nitric oxide synthase (NOS) protein synthesis. #cocon #mtamorphose Courage, force & confiance - en nous, en . xb```b``qa`a`.aa@ rl``8* +,x1SI3v5%01)dxA'nE#!MJk f`Hl@7L%P~ Any purported physical benefits are merely secondary side effects and may or may not happen for every practitioner. Key to the transmutational ability of kundalini is that DNA is EMF sensitive, as is RNA and protein synthesis in general. It means the switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression, to thoughts of some other nature. 0000001494 00000 n They include enzymes, as hyaluronidase, elastase, and collagenase, inhibitors of some of them (antiproteases), regulatory growth factors and others. If you eat enough of the immune activator, within an hour you will notice* that a small left-brain-freeze (with numbness in the left eye-socket and forehead) will occur as the immune system activates to deal with the offending substances. These phagocytic cells are activated and mobilized by T-cells to the site of infection where they kill invading organisms. Tantra is More than Just Good Sex, Its the Art of Spiritualizing Everything in Life | Using Tantra Sex to Increase Sexual Energy and Intimacy, 4 Key Steps of Discernment Advanced Truth-Seeking Tools, with the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. 103 0 obj<>stream With consciousness and practice, we can learn how to redirect the body's energy and the desire for sexual expression towards other thoughts and other pursuits. Normal level nervous system operation and gastrointestinal tract digestion would not provide either the quantity or quality of energy needed for this process. m0} g# ClN ^I0i,PdfZ"0;DScnPK [0fp0S. At Openhand, one of the key practices we apply for alchemical Transmutation possibility, is what we call the "Openhand Bow", which has been developed from the ancient practice of Kriya Yoga (introduced in "Autobiography of Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda). One can see how collagenic catabolic enzymes could increase the permeability of the capillaries such that red blood corpuscles could squeeze through the capillary walls surrounding the sweat glands. The video walks you through four simple steps by which you can transmute sexual energy into spiritual energy.Related Topics:sexual energy transmutationsexual. When neurons in the brain entrain to the heart, their firing timing alters, and this timing of neuronal firing conveys several times more information than the firing count. gYdKRon For those interested in Hindu based history, Jinn States, Paramahansa Yogananda, Yogis, Knowledge on Sacred Hindu belief systems, a beginning guide to yoga, etc. xref Allan notes that it isn't unlike tantric sex, which is also all about sexual energy and sacred sexuality. 'New birth,' of which we have spoken before, depends as much upon sex energy as do physical birth and the propagation of species. " Tantra is an ancient spiritual practice that involves exploring your personal identity. Old Testament represents YHWH (Age of Aries). The heart has a much larger EMF than the brain, so one can imagine that during metamorphic heart expansions the heart has a radically increased field. I recommend the 2nd Volume more than the first. Body elongation is another change the body can undergo during metamorphosis. Thus the stress response always activates the immune system." Built by. Many claim that Kundalini is sexual energy. Macrophage means "big eater." 0000002946 00000 n There's no limit to the things we can channel sexual energy into, and sexual transmutation offers us the ability to harness that powerful, creative energy for anything we're looking to accomplish. (see The Ion Effect by Fred Soyka and my book on regeneration for more ion info).Remember that the heart cells are the first cells to form in the embryo, so the body grows and is organized in the heart field. "Macrophages, certain cells of the immune system, produce nitric oxide in order to kill invading bacteria. Function: The lower dantian is the original source of energy. The spleen blood vessels are also lined with macrophages that swallow and digest debris in the blood such as worn out red blood cells and platelets. Joseph Chilton Pearce in Biology of Transformation p.57, mentions that inserting a single ion into such a vortex will create a powerful electromagnetic field. As one of the most powerful energies in existence, our sexual energy can be directed towards achieving goals, manifesting dreams, and experiencing deeper states of consciousness. So that means that nerves, ganglia, plexes and the brain itself all have their own field systems that combine into the meta-field system of the body. Sexual Transmutation: From Pleasure to Willpower. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. And this is the possibility of creating a new life within the actual organism, in which the si 12 has been manufactured, without the union of the two principles, the male and the female. Sexual transmutation is the alchemical practice of channeling and directing your sexual energy into a 'higher' purpose. "Specific frequencies and patterns of electromagnetic radiation regulate DNA, RNA and protein syntheses, alter protein shame and function, and control gene regulation, cell division, cell differentiation, morphogenesis (the process by which cells assemble into organs and tissues), hormone secretion, nerve growth and function." You begin to become aware of yourself as a mind of light in the here and now and what it really means to be a human being the possibility, the potential, the purpose. Hot or cold changes in body temperature. Turning water into wine #AgeOfAquarius. As the awareness of oneself as a conscious being expands and deepens through the practice of this yoga, That all-pervasive universal consciousness that lights, sustains and is the I of our sense of I begins to emerge. for those interested in Eastern rooted wisdom, a guide to everyday life, awakening layers of your being, answers to states of being, self help, and mastery. For those interested in diving into Divine Femininity, Dragons, Isis, Hathor, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Green Tara, White Buffalo Woman, Awakening Abilities, Healing layers of self, (Takes about 6-8 months to read due to strength of transmissions). Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more! "` 6$ For those interested in Christ, Mary Magdalene, Divine Feminine History, Sexual Magic, Womb Healing and Magic, Alchemy, A Guide to awakening, Divine Union, Water Priestesses, Different kinds of White Witchcraft. Macrophages can live up to 2-3 years and it is probably due to this that the main awakening phase also corresponds to this duration. "Tears of Blood and Bloody Sweat. &slg(&fd4]U0uDXr0 L,Rn/;f: ULB]0L{c#bE- This amplified energy field effect is the foundation of the metamorphic process. 3 0 obj The meta-activation of the sympathetic nervous system of course would profoundly facilitate changes in the immune system and endocrine system. We often hear examples of people being damaged by kundalini experiences, sometimes permanently so. The wand of the Princess of discs stretches from heaven to earth and symbolises the Antakarana, an ancient symbol of Kundalini Yoga, which represents the tower, rainbow bridge of energy which flows through all your chakras from heaven to earth, when all energy blockages preventing that flow have been transmuted through the techniques of .
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