I shear myself and since I wanted to increase the size of my flock I was not looking forward to shearing even more sheep. We are in the process of installing another 10,000 feet of electric fence on 25 acres that will result in another nine paddocks. Sheep are one of the most versatile producers when it comes to livestock animals. This behavior causes problems with maintaining desirable trees unless protection is provided. Katahdin can be used for both meat and milk, whereas Dorper sheep are only good for meat production. Currently have a friend running dorper but was looking at katahdins since they are a little bigger. Dorper and Katahdin are medium size breeds. Im sure by now you have an answer. Your email address will not be published. Royal White (Dorper x St.Croix) In conclusion, based on RT and RR, resilience to high HLI conditions ranked St. Croix > Katahdin > Dorper, with lowest . You will want to take into account the mature size of the animal (you can expect to yield 40% of an animals live weight in meat), the quality of meat, and whether it will tolerate your climate. Please indicate pricing as well. $300. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Reaching maturity earlier than many breeds, the Suffolk lamb will reach an average of 116 pounds by 100 days of age. I had heard all the negatives about them such as The lambs get too fat, The lambs sell for less money at auctions, The pasture will be littered with wool as these sheep shed, and They get too cold in the winter. We have just over 1200 breeding ewes & aim for around 2000 when things get better. Crossing these breeds with woolen breeds for efficient meat production does hold some potential. Just like the Katahdin, you do not have to shear them as they shed their winter coat in the spring. You can even crossbreed them to develop unique varieties for your farm or homestead. Between their size and their courage, llamas may seem intimidating at first. Are Llamas Dangerous? Forty-six Dorper, 46 Katahdin, and 43 St. Croix female sheep (initial BW of 58, 59, and 46 kg, respectively, SEM = 1.75; 3.3 0.18 yr of age, 2.6 - 3.7) from 45 commercial farms in four regions of the USA (Midwest, Northwest, Southeast, and central Texas) were used to evaluate responses to high heat load index (HLI) conditions in a central . 2022 Cornell Small Farms. The Katahdin Sheep is a domestic breed developed in Maine in the United States and named after the highest peak in Maine, Mount Katahdin. Katahdin sheep will strip the bark from cedars, pines and any deciduous tree that has smooth, immature bark. Our spring lambs on pasture alone (17-20 percent protein and 65-72percentdigestible organic matter-DOM) will average 55-60 pounds. In terms of lambing, youll find Katahdins mostly give birth to multiple lambs. Did you know that Dorper sheep dont need to be sheared? The customers, including the many ethnic customers, caught up and appreciate the milder flavor of hairsheep. The Dorper have a black head extending in the neck, with a white body. The lighter weights are the result of hot weather reducing forage intake (occurs with all grazing animals) and lowered nutritional quality of cool-season forages. . Variance in RT in periods 3 and 4 ranked St. Croix < Dorper < Katahdin. A large-framed, late-maturing breed will not have the necessary carcass quality at these weights, whereas Katahdin sheep or Dorpers will. I could always pick out the dorper/katahdin crosses. Weight Gain/Daily: 0.4 lbs daily with good nutrition. "Dorper sheep are barrel-shaped with a well-muscled back end. Katahdins tend to birth twins, with triplets and quadruplets occurring often with good flock management. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. After 22 years they are well rooted in South Paris. The desire to climb mandates the use of a bale ring to prevent excessive waste. Feeding these breeds too much grain can result in an overabundance of internal fat. Purebred Dorper rams can reach a live-weight of 90-120 kg and ewes 50-80kg. We just started raising Katahdins this year. I have seen many Dorper X Katahdins which are small and the only sign they have Dorper in them is the fact that they have black heads, if they had been crossed with a white Dorper, one would assume that there was no Dorper in there at all. Myth #2: Hair sheep don't bring as much on the slaughter market. While both breeds are exceptionally popular in the US, there are some differences between the two. Disposition & Mothering Ability: This breed is a bit flighty. Environmental Adaptability: Well adapted to hot, dry, humid and wet conditions. I used to want a Dorper cross over Katahdin but finally got to see the results of this cross and was not very impressed with the results. May-June lambs on pasture alone (10-13percentprotein and 60-65percent DOM) will average 45 pounds. We let them be sheep and just help them along. It is more flighty than Dorper, Kathadin and St. Croix breeds. To avoid the coloring and spots that come along with first and second generation cross breeding with Dorper sheep, I decided to go with White Dorper sheep (WD). $300. There are without a doubt breeds that surpass White Dorper sheep in one or the other trait. Half of the group thinks it is okay to feed hot sheep, the other half disagrees. If you plan on going into the meat production business, its important to know the difference between types of sheep meat. Thank you. Updated: Monday, February 06, 2023 02:46 PM. They also tend to be highly mobile, which means they will climb on top of anything. The Cornell Small Farms Program is housed at Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) in Ithaca, NY, and works in partnership with Cornell Cooperative Extension across New York State. The bodybuilder of the sheep world, the Texel sheep is known for its heavily-muscled and sturdy frame. Forty-six Dorper, 46 Katahdin, and 43 St. Croix female sheep from four regions of the USA were used to evaluate responses to high heat load index (HLI) conditions. While it is estimated that hair sheep comprise only 10 percent of the world's sheep population, their numbers are growing, especially in temperate climates like the United States. Disposition & Mothering Ability: Ewes are docile with good mothering ability. The Dorper is a good example of this interbreeding. As mentioned earlier, the Katahdin breed has served us well. The shedding ability of this breed varies greatly. In addition to being a smaller breed, the lambs tend to mature slowly, not reaching ideal market weight until around 2 years of age. To appeal to ethnic buyers, it often requires a change in flock management. I have found that the Katahdin can be a little taller than many of the Dorper but then it will also depend on what bloodlines. Is there any way to contact him? Our paddocks are grazed for 5-7 days followed by 25-34 days of . He is a native of Germany and lives in the US since 1995. Some are calling these shedding sheep. I love lambs Does lambs has less cholesterol than goat? If ewes are fed well, lambing rate approaches the higher end. View Details. These White Dorper female replacement lambs already look very much like purebred White Dorpers Photographer: Ulf Kintzel. Twice a year my friend with Polypays shows up at work doubled over as he shuffles around in pain. How about Field Corn! Disposition & Mothering Ability: Ewes have good mothering ability and lamb easily unassisted. The katahdin//dorper crosses are noticeably bigger than the pure katahdins. There is the wool type and the hairtype with the hairtype being slightly less meaty but far better shedding. A Katahdin ewe will average between 140-180 pounds, while Dorper ewes will average 160-200 pounds. They are seasonal breeders, conceiving in the Fall and Winter. When it comes down to it, the choice of whether to add Dorper sheep or Katahdin sheep to your homestead is more about personal preference. McKinney. Hampshire sheep can live in almost any climate, making them a hardy breed. Anymore (at least in Missouri) its the carcass quality that sets the price. Dorpers Our goal is to develop a flock of productive, easy-care sheep that are scrapie resistant, require no shearing and that reach market specs on grass. However, Texel sheep breed strongly seasonal, are heat sensitive, have at times problems lambing due to the broad head and shoulders, and they need shearing. Produce large amount of milk. Id recommend getting in touch with the author of this article- he might have some good insight for you. Origin: This mutton breed was developed in South Africa in the 1930s from Dorset Horn and Blackheaded Persia for the extensive regions of South Africa. The Dorper is a South African breed of domestic sheep developed by crossing Dorset Horn and the Blackhead Persian sheep.The breed was created through the efforts of the South African Department of Agriculture to breed a meat sheep suitable to the more arid regions of the country. Due to its heavily muscled carcass, the Texel sheep is a very popular meat breed. He is 8 months old. Dorper-sired lambs produce carcasses that are most similar in weight and muscling to that of wool breeds, but generally have greater fatness when slaughtered at the same age. my ewe with CL has had her first batch of lambs last month and she is a really good mother! In general they have low maintenance requirements. How do you decide which breed is right for your needs? For example, cold wind and warm sun quickly result in herd finding shelter under conditions when woolen sheep remain in the open. 1999. 2022 Cornell Small Farms. When it comes down to it, the choice of whether to add Dorper sheep or Katahdin sheep to your homestead is more about personal preference. They can harbor significant worm populations, yet not suffer the same effects a wool animal would. I'll be using my Barbados Blackbelly ram on my BB ewes and also a few Kathadin ewes. ), In fall 2000, we grazed our flock on cocklebur and waterhemp that followed an oat crop. A unique characteristic about the Dorper is that they do not breed seasonally, instead they are able to breed year-around. The Katahdin breed has hair instead of wool, and that means less work, according to the couple, who raise the sheep near Perham, Minnesota. I would love to get in touch with the author personally. Most lambs are considered market-ready by 9-12 weeks. High latitudes (up north) have a short growing season with long daylight periods and fast grass growth that is high in protein and low in fiber. Romanov The Romanov breed may not be as popular as the Katahdin and Dorper, but it holds a very important value in this . Have been buying in feed since the start of 2018. However, they have been cross-bred with other breeds over the years to develop the modern breed we see today. They are well adapted to a variety of climatic and grazing conditions. We began our Katahdin Sheep herd with non-registered sheep but have added registered Katahdin ewes to our farm. Baby Sheep: What a Baby Sheep is Called & Other Fun Facts. In addition, there is almost no incidence of flystrike with hair sheep breeds. Since todays hair sheep breeds are developed from hardy ancestors, they are considered easy keepers because they have a natural resistance to disease and parasites. Quite a few meat producers are finding better success with the hair breeds of meat sheep than with meat goats. We have an 18-cell planned grazing system with 10,000 feet of electric fence and 5,000 feet of underground waterline on 35 acres. The Dorper carcass has a good conformation and fat distribution. Manage Settings Dorper Sheep. . We both work off thefarm; therefore time is a commodity in short supply. No difference was noted between the purebred breeds of hair sheep. Plans for the future include a larger lambing/working shed-currently under construction, later lambing to reduce cold weather losses (10percentdeath loss for everything combined, stillborn, drowning in water tank, mashed, runts, etc. To be successful, you must sell quality, and I stress quality animals; send anything else to slaughter. Our flock is content to sleep outside in the coldest weather and will have unmelted snow on their backs like a wool animal. Origin: Developed in the Virgin Islands for crosses of West African hair sheep and Wiltshire Horn. BREEDING DORPER SHEEP This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Generally, hair breeds are more heat tolerant than wool breeds. When the pastures are poor, hair animals hold their body condition much better. Special Notes The Dorper sheep are very hardy animals. Crossing with the Dorper led tothis larger hair breed. My Texel and Dorset lambs that I used to have in the past didnt differ that much in flavor, although the WD lambs are indeed milder tasting. best beef in the word is lamb,i like lamb beef spesialis sate.. Amazing sheep, been breeding the Dorper for sometime now and i must say their adaptability is really outstanding. Blackbellys often breed easily and well, usually birthing multiple lambs in one breeding. Two varieties of Dorper Sheep were created: the black headed Dorper and an all white variety, the White Dorper sheep. Theyre too small to be of commercial value. Parasitol. I would never go back to merinos & do not intend having cattle again, My dorper sheep have been lambing only male lambs..i do not know why there are no females being born9males so far..no females. The Royal White sheep shed their wool naturally, it saves the cost of shearing. They like large groups of lambs on each farm, prefer solid colors, registered and must be enrolled in the scrapie program. They reach sexual maturity early, and will remain fertile for a longer period of time than many other breeds. Two weeks later, the ewes hadnt lost any body condition. We feel that our time must be used where it will improve our operation, rather than maintaining status quo. The Cheviot sheep is best suited for northern, colder climates, and does not tolerate heat as well. The first generation grows quite well due to the heterosis effect, but nearly always has a wool coat. Katahdin can be used for both meat and milk, whereas Dorper sheep are only good for meat production. An interesting study was done that showed the parasite resistance was higher in the purebred hair sheep over the crossbred shedding sheep. Hope this helps! However, in older hairsheep the flavor is still impressive due to the genetic factor. The Barbados Blackbelly got its name because of the characteristic black belly on an otherwise red brown coat. These breeds are called hair sheep because the coat consists of hair more like that of cattle and many goats rather than wool. The leather from hair sheep grain is finer than the leather from wool breeds and brings in a larger amount of money. This breed is also exceptionally hardy, able to thrive in both the cold, and the hot, humid climates in which many farmers struggle to. This is down to the fantastic range of benefits they deliver. Blackbellys have hair and not wool, making them a low-maintenance breed. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Because of their hair and their low fat content, this breed is known to produce both flavorful and mild meat. I forgot to ask for notification via e-mail, so I am reposting my questions. This may be due to the fact that wool can hide a lot of rib bones and other defects, while with a hair sheep what you see is what you get. The flavor of the market lambs is in my opinion mostly influenced by the fact that these lambs are grass-fed.