These include fatty acids, triglycerides, sterols, terpenoids, and other natural compounds. For wound treatment and dust shielding, simply apply a small layer of coconut oil to the affected area. If you dont feel comfortable with feeding your cavies coconuts, then your local pet store should have some cool treats like biscuits, hays, or pellets. There should not be much difference using others. They need to weigh the pros and cons of doing so and decide based on what they believe is best for their pet. Moreover, coconut fiber content also helps to maintain a balanced microbiota in the gut. Guinea pigs should not be allowed to eat coconut shells because of the possible choking hazard and the problems that may arise in the GI tract due to its blockage. Just be sure to always check with your vet before using any kind of topical treatments. The topic of giving guinea pigs coconut oil was posted before but it is a few yrs old, and I can't post on it so, I made my own. So, it will not take you long before you find the best seller. It can help improve their coat condition, make their skin softer, and even help with weight loss. Although most guinea pigs will want to eat coconuts, it may be that your guinea pig refuses to eat these fruits. Also, it has a more pronounced effect than other fatty acids in coconut. If the infection is caught on the early stages, coconut oil can be used as a cheap and effective treatment on the affected areas. Our recommendation is to give coconuts only occasionally due to the high amount of fat, they can not be a regular food for your furry pets. It is harder for guinea pigs to find their way back home when lost outside of the house because they have a poor, Read More How To Find Your Lost Guinea Pig OutsideContinue, The contents of the website, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the site (Content) are for informational purposes only. Congratulations to our Photo Competition Winner - @fur&feathers. There's nothing quite like getting away from it all in nature. Coconut oil is an essential part of a guinea pigs diet. But that means it can do its job a little too well and clog pores and cause acne breakouts especially if your skin is . One reason for this belief is that coconut oil can cause gastrointestinal upset in some animals. It certainly wasn't part of their diet in the wild. Impaction in guinea pigs comes with age or poor diet. on 3 Reasons Why Wired Ethernet is Better Than Wi-Fi, Best Speaker Systems For The Bedroom: Set The Mood For Local Sex Hookups, Best Phone Camera For Dating Apps And Social Media, Why Expensive HDMI Cables Are Unnecessary. The coconuts are grown in a USDA certified organic coconut farm. . After consulting with our vet she suggested I try some cold pressed virgin coconut oil just rubbed into the hair and skin. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You can also consult with your veterinarian for guidance. Dietary fibers play a great role in aiding digestion in guinea pigs. too much sugar can cause diarrhea and other problems in guinea pigs, as well as possible diabetes. Therefore, precautions must be taken in determining what food is best for them. We have highlighted , We all crave the best of the best when it comes to tech, but unfortunately, many industry lies have been fabricated in order to sell and make money, and one of these is outrageously expensive HDMI cables. Many notable biologists and scientific researchers have developed variable promulgations to justify each side of, Read More Are Guinea Pigs Rodents?Continue, Given the continued popularity of these small fuzzy critters as pets for many families, its critical to keep them comfortable and safe at all times. All content is therefore for informational purposes only. Medical Disclaimer - Disclaimer - Terms and Conditions - Privacy Policy. Jenny and I had the pleasure of meeting the ladies who run this Coconut Oil business in the Philippines at the trade show we attended recently. I have a jar of coconut oil that I bought for cooking but I read you should use cold pressed coconut oil on them. Coconuts are safe for guinea pigs and free of any sort of harmful toxins. Coconut oil also has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which could benefit guinea pigs. Yes, guinea pigs will love to eat coconuts, their taste will entice them to try and eat them. Coconut oil is not to be given to guinea pigs as a regular diet due to its high-fat content but it can be added to their food preferably, once or twice a week. In such a situation, you should not panic, you should first give him a larger amount of water so that the coconut can be digested more easily in their stomach. Boars or older males are likely to develop anal impaction. I think it's the cold pressed quality of the coconut oil that's important. As youve probably already guessed, Coconut oil is perfectly safe for guinea pigs and in fact, it can be very beneficial for their overall health! When it comes to getting the speeds or the connection convenience you need for your average work-day, you shouldnt be messing around. So, feeding them twice or once a week would be just fine. Coconut is also a great natural food source of lauric acid, which has antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. Mineral oil is safe and effective for use in cleaning guinea pigs. Gently massage the oil into the glands until they are clean. The prominent challenge people have with using coconut oil on guinea pigs is that they dont know whether it is safe. Protein and carbs are also found in coconuts not necessarily the best source of those. Coconuts are a delicious fruit and are very popular all over the world, and the largest producer is Indonesia. You must be wondering sometimes, what about coconuts? Fractionated Coconut Oil 4oz 100% Pure Coconut Oil. Do you think it would be safe for their feet? The answer is a bold YES. However, coconut oil has various beneficial properties, including moisturizing and cleaning. I make sure to take good care of all the animals that come into my life. Guinea pigs are essential family members; like any other pet, they need proper care to stay healthy. thick skin vs high confidence; how to calculate lattice parameter from xrd for hexagonal; . Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! We have created this post specifically for you. If guinea pigs eat moderate amounts of coconut they can get really great nutrients that will improve their health.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'petsanimalsworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_12',686,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petsanimalsworld_com-leader-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'petsanimalsworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_13',686,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petsanimalsworld_com-leader-4-0_1');.leader-4-multi-686{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Copyright 2000 - 2023, Guinea Pig Cages. Is coconut oil safe for guinea pigs skin? It may not display this or other websites correctly. juin 21, 2022 by . Coconuts are more common in tropical regions and have become a popular heritage of the tropics. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Thanks for the advise, I'm a new mommy , got piggy 3 weeks ago and hes approx 9 weeks old. Antioxidants are responsible for reducing oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals in the body. on Are Audiophile Grade Cables Really Worth It? In fact, it can actually help to soothe and protect their skin from further damage. All guinea pig owners want to provide their animals with the best, Read More 5 Best Guinea Pig Cages For Small SpacesContinue, There are many different types of small animal beddings and litter available in pet shops today, but not all of them are safe. All You Need To Know, Can Hamsters eat Chicken? It's not worth testing for mites, so if you read this page and if it sounds like your piggie has mites then either take him to an exotics vet and tell them you don't want a skin scraping, or get ivermectin yourself and send a picture of the ivermectin and your piggie's weight and we can help you dose him. Some people believe it has many health benefits, while others think it can be dangerous in large quantities. A good rule of thumb is to add one teaspoon per cup of food. It can be a life-saver and belongs in every first-aid kit, no question. Coconut Oil can help with everything from skin conditions to weight management. . How often should you clean your guinea pigs bottom? Everyone knows how amazing coconut oil is for our health, but you might be wondering if its also amazing for our cute little guinea pigs! There is no definitive answer to this question, as there is a lack of scientific evidence one way or the other. helen105281. Lastly, coconut, when is given in moderation, offers good . It could also be an allergic reaction to something like the bedding. i used this for my hamster who had bumble foot and it worked like a charm it keeps the bacteria from coming in and also soothes the foot or whatever you use it for i would totally recommend this! Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! It is actually fine in small amounts as part of a balanced diet. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. Just apply very lightly and leave on, but if your pig has mites (which are under their skin) then this won't do any good at all. The coconut oil treats, combined with his brushing and occasional lotioning and sunscreen, seem to help keep his skin healthy and less dry. And I was wondering what to use to moisturize his skin. strengthening the immune system primarily due to the presence of antioxidants, which in addition to strengthening the immune system, also help fight free radicals, and reduce the chances of cancer in guinea pigs. While its true that anything in excess can be harmful, coconut oil is an excellent source of healthy fats for guinea pigs and can provide many benefits. Urine Scald As greedy eaters, guinea pigs would always squeal at the sight of food and gobble up as much as they can. Various pet grooming regimens usually contain a modest amount of coconut oil and those for guinea pigs are definitely not an exception. Ive seen some HDMI cables go for up to $13,000 and let me just say no one , Recording music, listening to music, mixing music, etc., all require cables. As previously mentioned, coconut oil provides anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory benefits to cavys coat. Use similarly for cats and other animals. Virgin coconut oil is the best type of coconut oil to use for guinea pigs, as it has not been subjected to the same high temperatures and processing that can damage the nutrients in the oil. You may need to check these two to save the situation. As an already fussy 'connoisseur' of coconut oil, I was thrilled to learn about their small family-run business of very high quality oil and products for pets. Can Guinea Pigs Eat Endive? Cavy Slave. When used in moderation, coconut oil is safe for guinea pigs and can be a great addition to their diet. Wipe off any excess fat with a paper towel. Do you want to clean your guinea pig and wonder if mineral oil is safe for guinea pigs or not? JavaScript is disabled. Coconuts contain some antioxidants that help to fortify the immune system. It has a flesh which is known as coconut meat encased in a hard hairy shell. And with so many different opposing perks attached to each method, there is a need for information now , on Best Speaker Systems For The Bedroom: Set The Mood For Local Sex Hookups, on Best Phone Camera For Dating Apps And Social Media, on Why Expensive HDMI Cables Are Unnecessary. Coconuts may be very popular among humans but quite strange in the little world of cavies. If you decide to give coconut oil to your guinea pig, start with a small amount and gradually increase the dosage over time. Once all the soap or oil is gone, remove your pet promptly and wrap them in a towel to stay warm. on How are CAT-5, CAT-5e, and CAT-6 Ethernet Different? Not only does it have a wealth of health benefits, but it is also a natural source of Lauric Acid. Given the lack of scientific evidence, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid using coconut oil on guinea pigs altogether. However, it should only be fed in moderation due to its high saturated fat content. Just be sure not to share your guinea pig too much, as this can lead to health problems. Mineral oil is very effective as a cleaning agent. - All prices are in USD. Hello, i was given the same advise today as I'm terribly concerned with piggy scratching and biting. You can do this with your fingers or with a cotton swab. Include a diet high in fiber and hay. Guinea pig owners should be aware of their pets unusual actions so that they can see a, Read More Why Does Your Guinea Pig Rock Back and Forth?Continue, Are guinea pigs rodents? Its supposed to be brilliant for fungal treatment, arthritis, a lustrous coat, the list goes on and on! You should see improvement within a few days. I also enjoy doing things outdoors, like hiking and camping. My pigs have a bit of dry skin on their feet and I remember reading in the forum you can use coconut oil for dry skin. This special Coconut Oil is made from the purest, fresh organically grown coconuts. Not only do they help keep your guinea pigs skin and hair healthy, but they also help ward off parasites. By rubbing it gently on affected dry patches of skin and hair, youll be able to help your guinea pig feel more comfortable while also encouraging the growth of new, healthy skin and fur. Are there any health benefits in coconuts for guinea pigs? It may not hurt them, but I doubt it will help them, and given all that we don't know about it, I wouldn't risk it with mine. So, feeding them twice or once a week would be just fine. Their color is the best indicator to know when they are ready to give to your pets, if they are white then they are safe, and if their color is yellow then you should not give them to eat. Guinea pigs like eating coconut meat as well. In recent years, it has become increasingly popular as a food and beauty product. There's nothing quite like getting away from it all in nature. No. Normally, its fine for guinea pigs to drink a small amount of coconut water. [MENTION=35754]Waveley[/MENTION] - Scratching and biting sounds like your pig has mites, are you sure they don't? Yes, coconut oil is safe for guinea pigs if it's given properly. Its also a safer option than using harsh chemicals or cleaners. Youve used coconut oil to clean your guinea pigs grease glands. But is coconut good for guinea pigs? The only thing to watch out for is the quantities, they should always be moderate. This problem is more common in some breeds than others. The author of this website is a passionate pet lover, and researcher. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. digestive problems coconut is a very difficult food for guinea pigs again because of the fat and therefore too much coconut will only make the work of your pets digestive system more difficult. Guinea pigs bottom gets dirty when it is on a poor diet or unsuitable lifestyle. Benefits And Risks. Lastly, coconut, when is given in moderation, offers good benefits for guinea pigs, so be careful with the amount. But this should not disappoint you because there are a number of different types of food that guinea pigs will surely want to eat. You can find it in most health food stores. What are the side effects of coconut for guinea pigs? Make sure to clean any grease off of their fur afterward with a damp cloth. Use mineral oil to effectively clean the guinea pigs ears and bottom. You can buy one at a low price here on Amazon. Unlike many other harsh chemicals, topical application of this natural oil will not harm your guinea pig's delicate skin. We occasionally link to goods offered by vendors to help the reader find relevant products. When choosing coconut oil for your guinea pig, look for cold-pressed virgin coconut oil that is free of additives or preservatives.