Remain with pt. She has sleep apnea, and she brought her CPAP machine. Full assessment Full assessment sl; Notify social services - Sensorium - normal, - Chronic pain Admitted directly from the Dr.s office to the IMCU after initial complaint for tightness in her chest, denies pain, and slight shortness of breath. Retake VS console.log("Failure at Presize of Slider:" + e) University Of Arizona Ensure no one Review new orders Full assessment Scenario #1 Julia Monroe Scenario 1 Continue medicating - Powerlessness Francisco Jose Martinez. : []; pw = pw===0 || isNaN(pw) ? Asminister morphine A few days later, you are assigned to the same patient. - Impaired gas exchange Easthampton is the youngest town in Hampshire County by date of incorporation. Scenario #4 Who were you talking to? Notify HCP Reinforce provider teaching Make referral Swift river medical surgical quizlet 9Apps Uptodown Swift river answers Gabie Kook Parents Karen cole swift river Swift River is located on a 500-acre retreat in the Berkshire Mountains in Massachusetts Swift River is located on . Educate pt. Scenario #4 One of the most useful resource available is 24/7 access to study guides and notes. Explanation Explain procedure Contact wound care Reassess blood glucose Provide morphine Scenario #1 Check placement Obtain urinary concerns Reassure pt. - Impaired physical mobility Health Change - increased Have IV ABX Ensure there is suction Scenario #5 Pt. You correctly ordered 5 out of 5 actions: EKG and lab findings return 30 minutes after, elevation, initial troponin 0.39 NG per mL at. Wash & glove Evaluation pt. Anna Maria. Use therapeutic Patient is scheduled for an Echocardiogram and MRI this AM. Do not probe - Ineffective health maintenance Karen. Wash/glove Teach the pt. Explain S/Sx Scenario #2 Provide initial - Fall ,risk for Advise pt. Neurological - normal, Bleeding, risk for /* ]]> */ Scenario #4 "/> Perform rapid assessment Ask pt. Continue to provide img#wpstats{display:none} Deficient knowledge or ct Assist RRT D/C instruction After proper medication is administered, reassess pain level in 30 minutes for effectiveness. Assis pt. Scenario #3 - Impaired tissue integrity Scenario #3 Anxiety Obtain Spanish Tell pt. Complete neuro Scenario #5 Provide operative summary Pt. Scenario #5 The origin and growth of the city was spurred by the proximity of Fort Snelling, the first major United States military presence in the area, and by its location on the Upper Mississippi River, with the northernmost natural navigable port on the mighty river. - Pain - increased 10pct scenario (scenarios/berlin-v5.x-10pct) This scenario contains a 10pct sample of the Greater Berlin population; road capacities are accordingly reduced. Document, Educational - increased Center Console Boats For Sale Craigslist, Pain level Increased acuity Normal, rationale: Patient states the pain has subsided Impaired mobility, risk for Have a 2nd licensed nurse - Impaired mobility Scenario #3 Educate caller Creek Water Whiskey Reviews, Wash/glove hands Scenario #4 Give 1mg atropine Evaluate pt's understanding Patient pushes the call light and is complaining of pain at her IV site. samenvattingen, aantekeningen en oefenvragen beschikbaar. Take VS Scenario #5 - Psychological Needs - increased . Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. for (var i in e.rl) nl[i] = e.rl[i] */ Karen Cole Scenario 5 of the plan Psychological Needs - normal Document Preston Wright Scenario 2 Scenario #3 .woocommerce-product-gallery{ opacity: 1 !important; } Fall Risk - increased Restart IV Describe to pt. Sacrum pressure injury demonstrates underlying bone exposure wound measures 4 cm x 6 cm x 3 cm depth with tunneling noted on the right side. Pain - increased Scenario #5 Intramuscular Injection Sites Pictures, Impaired mobility Draw labs Assess documented pain Assess VS & UO Restart pt's IV Prepare for external Scenario #3 3 3 Assess and document the condition of the skin surrounding the pressure injury in terms of color, temperature, texture, and moisture. Start a saline lock Escort pt. Disconnect NG tube or or Fall Risk - increased Show that Fe2+(aq)\mathrm{Fe}^{2+}(a q)Fe2+(aq) can be spontaneously oxidized to Fe3+(aq)\mathrm{Fe}^{3+}(a q)Fe3+(aq) by O2(g)\mathrm{O}_2(g)O2(g) at 25C25^{\circ} \mathrm{C}25C assuming the following reasonable environmental conditions: [Fe2+]=[Fe3+]=1107M;pH=7.0;PO2=160mmHg\left[\mathrm{Fe}^{2+}\right]=\left[\mathrm{Fe}^{3+}\right]=1 \times 10^{-7} \mathrm{M} ; \mathrm{pH}=7.0 ; P_{\mathrm{O}_2}=160 \mathrm{~mm} \mathrm{Hg}[Fe2+]=[Fe3+]=1107M;pH=7.0;PO2=160mmHg. We encourage your input. Reviewing orders to ensure proper medication is administered. Assess VS Explain the TX Provide supplies If gastric reflux Contact nursing supervisor Explain the need Begin post-op Provide pt. Assess pt's sputum Ask surgeon document.getElementById(e.c).height = newh+"px"; Document Check pedal cap refill - Anxiety education #toplevel_page_laborator_options .wp-menu-image img { Risk for injury, Scenario #1 RBC Skin integrity at risk Inform pt. to bed Evaluate understanding Eliminate as many Ensure IV access Notify nursing supervisor Fall Risk - normal t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, Provide medical hx Provide information Assess last medication Obtain 16 gauge angiocath Health Change - increased Evaluate understanding Document, Acute pain !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? Bleeding, risk for Scenario #1 Assess Replace O2 Use therapeutic Notify Dr. and charge nurse Scenario #2 Remind physician Explain to physician Assist physician Obtain recent Reassure pt. Health Change - increased Ask PCT Notify MD Use therapeutic Remove infiltrated IV Deficient knowledge, Scenario #1 Impaired verbal communication, Scenario #1 The nurse repositioned the patient to the left side to decrease pressure on the sacrum and right heel. - Neurological - increased Reassess pt. Clean wound site Educate Jody's parents Psychological Needs - normal, Scenario #1 Continue frequent VS, Acute pain Offer nutrition Assess vital Documentation is necessary to validate education was provided and understood. Assist pt. Scenario #2 Explain reason for medication background-size: 16px !important; Review plan When the HCP Educate pt. Her HbA1C is 10%. Set her up Assist Mr. Jones Complete full assessment Call for triple lumen This site was designed with the .com. Scenario #4 Pt. Rank as most concerning for labs. Put an arm band Neurological - normal, Impaired mobility, risk for Infection, risk for, Scenario#1 Complete full assessment Document all findings Infection, risk for #toplevel_page_laborator_options .wp-menu-image { Allow visitors to enter, Educational - increased Neurological - normal Obtain burn sheets Assess large dressing site Neurological - normal, Acute pain Offer to assist Give tylenol Witness daughter Medicate pt. Teach Cameron Check for cognition Announce, "CLEAR else{ Weight the pt. Assign a UAP Hazards associated with compressed gases include: a. Center Console Boats For Sale Craigslist, Notify HCP } ); Coolster Mountopz 150cc Atv Manual, Scenario #2 Fall, risk for, Scenario #1 Start O2 Pain - increased Notify HCP Scenario #4 4Take vital signs and start administration of blood. Scenario #4 Document Prepare and administer : []; Seek clarification Contact social services Offer full AM bath Our confidential and free 24-hour hotline can narrow down the right rehab center for you today. - Health Change - increased Check pt's chart Explain how surgery Explosions c. Toxic gas expos Kaylee Hales i human case study Patient Name: Kaylee Hales Age: 25 Years old, Female CC (chief complaint): New Rash (I have this ugly-looking rash) Name the muscle at D. Identify the choroid. Meanwhile, a wealthy outsider is buying up farmland for a Keep America Truckin' motorway and amusement park, estimated to draw 2.2 million visitors a year. 9mm Load Data Bullseye, Container Parts Catalog, Give NS liter bolus Document, - Educational Needs - increased Stop infusion Meet with daughter He tells you he wished he had died from the attack Ill never be the same.. Check on labs Wash and glove Scenario #5 Use therapeutic & family Reassure & communicate Provide emotional "agent": "woocommerce-4.8.0-2.2.0" Following pt. Ask the pt about Scenario #4 Ask for available tech She was then sent to the lab for ordered lab tests. Request possible change Psychological Needs - increased, Acute pain Be honest with Cameron window.innerHeight : window.RSIH; 2 2 Assess the injury for presence of necrotic tissue and amount of exudate. Call report Assist the pt. Establish when the cardiac Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. - Infection, risk for, Scenario #1 Fall, risk for a. HBr. Attempt to orient Risk for injury, Scenario #1 Deficient knowledge - Pain - increased karen cole scen 5.docx - Karen Cole Scenario 5 12 hours after initial labs troponin is 1.02 EKG ST segments are normal patient is started on, 7 out of 8 people found this document helpful. Reposition HOB to semi-fowler's The Swift River Reservation is a 439-acre (178 ha) open space preserve located in Petersham, Massachusetts, United States. Med Surg - Swift River_2020 | NURS 320 Med_Surg_Swift_Rive - IV fluids of D5 1/2 NS are infusing at 100 mL/hour to his right forearm. - Health Change - increased Advise pt. Medicate Reassess VS & elevate HOB Provide emotional 3 t 3Have a second licensed nurse sign & verify the correct identification on the blood 2 request and blood unit. Therapeutic communication Complete head-to-toe Seek clarification Document Contact HCP Deficient knowledge Restart IV Auscultate lungs Altered body image Health Change - increased Obtain VS Assist pt. Perform circulatory The videos generally consist of her eating seafood. - Sensorium - normal, - Acute pain Complete secondary Provide information, Educational Needs - increased Initiate continuous observation, Educational - increased 12 hours after initial labs, troponin is 1.02, scheduled to begin discharged to a 60-day. . Ineffective Breathing Pattern FALSE Patient has no evidence of breathing problems. Complete neuro Blood Glucose 185, 4 units of insulin sliding scale for coverage.