While the Transmortifier worked perfectly, Libra's body could not control the massive power flow and was absorbed into the universe itself, effectively disintegrating him and spreading his essence across the cosmos. As a Libra, you'll need to change things up often, so to avoid looking flaky you can channel that energy into new ideas that benefit the whole group. These folks will work to bring anyone disenfranchised back into the fold. It can come through as a gut feeling, and often brings through a sudden epiphany of sorts. If they allow their intuition to take over, they might also be able to see premonitions and get glimpses of their past lives. It also can help lubricate blockages and is useful in helping to ease out kidney stones, or impurities in the urinary tract. They also crave balance, and they can be equally as self-indulgent as they are generous. The Jim Corrigan who killed Cris is not the same person as the Jim Corrigan who served as an earlier host for the Spectre. When you feel youre ready, ask the other side to send you orbs or to help you see the auras of others. Mugworthas many healing powers, including assistance with womens menstrual cycles; another important Venus association. Mars, when in the opposite sign of his preferred home, is said to be in detriment, or at a sort of disadvantage in this sign. They want to make sure everyone gets heard, and are passionate about making sure that things are balanced, especially when it comes to group events. Here, we see the three decans of Libra assigned to the 2, 3, and 4 of Swords, cards associated with the implementation of ideas and knowledge. Geminis learn by absorption, and therefore, their abilities will strengthen if they surround themselves with intuitive people. Libra is the third of the four cardinal signs of the zodiac, who all hold an elemental, initiatory energy that marks the beginning of the four seasons. Applying yourself to something constructive is satisfying, and putting in the effort to enhance your daily routines is rewarding. They thrive on making things orderly and aesthetically pleasing. She seems to only say the word, "balance." Also, she wears a blindfold but has no trouble fighting. Since the sun is in its fall in Libra, it symbolizes a potential pitfall in these natives taking form in not elevating, radiating, or valuing themselves enough at times. In astrology, the moon is connected to ancient wisdom, divination, and feminine power. Clairvoyance can range from vivid dreams to seeing auras, orbs, and even ghosts. The three air signsGemini, Libra and Aquariusare the intellectual forces of the zodiac. Villain - Omnilingualism You can decipher any known language and learn any being's language, alien included, through physical touch. Find your moon sign below to find your moon-psychic energy match-up! When Libras planetary cycle comes around, we all experience a more positive yet subtle change in our lives, regardless of your Sun sign. Scorpios brooding intensity may feel too heavy for Libra to bear, and their core natures may be too opposite to truly meld. It carries the sub-signature of Jupiter and was referred to in the Book of Thoth as the card of Truce. This card appears when we are in a state of forced rest or immobilization. Libras are likely to not hold grudges, as it can take a lot to rouse and sustain their anger. This is a huge reason why they are able to maintain such power and influence. RELATED: How To Tell If A Libra Likes You, According To Your Zodiac Sign. Always looking to give an unbiased judgment. In the Thema Mundi, the ancient birth chart of the world, Cancer was rising, positioning Libra on the subterranean angle of the chart. Therefore, theyre cautious when working with their psychic abilities. See additional information. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, Libras are affectionate. On the other end of the spectrum, the moon receives the light of the sun, shining brightly so that here on earth we can marvel at her luminous glow. They . A Libra can settle even the messiest arguments and do so with grace and ease. You can also seek the help of your spirit guides. Studying hard, Ballantine was given a scholarship to Opal University, where he took the class of his personal idol: Ted Knight, formerly the hero Starman. Libras love of beauty and refinement may have to be measured with soulfulness, and earthiness, allowing them to play in the muck of life so that they do not come across as aloof or snobby. In these fields, the opportunity to be a supportive listener and counselor will likely come up when they collaborate with their clients to express their own inner beauty and truth.Those born under the sign of the scales will be drawn to work in justice and the law. This ability could cause you to feel the symptoms of your friends illness, sympathy pains for someone in labor, or even inconsistent energy levels. They can experience strong dj vu, past lives, and premonitions. Mars governs sports, competitions and physical activities in general. But if there are no balancing elements, earth's extremes could lead to being a workaholic, hoarding of possessions, pettiness, getting stuck in the mundane, stubbornness, etc. The Twins have several significant psychic abilities. Here, the judge-king holds the elements of discernment; in the left hand, the scales that weigh out the pros and cons, and in the right hand, the sword, the Tarot implement of the intellect pointing towards the heavens for divine guidance. They have trouble seeing the bigger picture in times of strife, and instead focus on themselves exclusively. Being social is one of the most fundamental elements of the Libra personality. Libra will typically find a complementary connection with fire signs, as they will understand each others active, spontaneous natures. Libras are peacemakers by nature. This ability is developed because of their social nature, they can connect with other people in a very different and higher level than most people do, allowing them to literally read their minds. They are great communicators and listeners, fairly weighing all sides of an argument and anothers point of view. In classical astrological medicine, the entire zodiac was mapped out on the human body, with Libra ruling over the lower back. This can lead to their solar reserves getting depleted and spread too thin. Taurus tend to be practical, logical, and pragmatic. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is all about initiating, getting inspired, and getting the impulse to begin a journey. Mr. Ballantine (father, deceased), Unnamed Mother (Deceased). It carries the sub-signature of the moon, and was referred to in the Book of Thoth as the card of Peace. This card appears when we are turning inward with lunar receptivity to contemplate our choices and hone our intuition. They sometimes catch glimpses of alternate universes in the form of their thoughts and dreams. Ballantine then went to become Libra, the secret founder of the group of super-villains named the Injustice Gang. Degrees 10 through 19 of Libra are ruled by Saturn. Libras are all one of a kind, and these "negative" Libra traits are part of what makes them who they are. The problem with Libra is not knowing oneself well enough and struggles to accomplish things. Libras have trouble admitting their faults. Theyre attracted to these two extremes, and theyre courageous enough to push limits. Though earth signs can potentially stabilize and ground Libras dispersive energies, they may at times be the hardest for those born under the sign of the scales to relate to. This is how we should all be manifesting our energy and creating our own power. Libras are good when paired up, too, since they epitomize balance, harmony, and a sense of fair play. You may be communicating with spirits already and not be aware of it. It is the mirror. They focus on things that are tangible rather than those that relate to the heart or spirit. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. This means they can also see what is happening from a far distance or can see into the future, or the past. In astrology, the moon is connected to ancient wisdom, divination, and feminine power. For a Libra, everything is better if its done as a pair. They seem to have the ability to know where the opportunities lie, and this helps them be successful when pursuing gains. The Tarot card that correlates to Libra is number 11: Justice. That's right, believe it! They are great to create illusions. The modus operandi of this ability was simply unrestricted. Virgos can sense future opportunities and future threats. Cool-headedness is a Libra superpower. The Peace card explores how intellectual manifestationabides above the onslaught of disruption. (Book of Thoth), 3 of Swords: Saturn in LibraThe 3 of Swords corresponds to the second decan or face of Libra. Those born under the third decan of this sign serve justice, much the same as the second decan, but they may take a more philanthropic approach to realizing these ideals. Those born with Libra rising, especially, will need to manage their energy and maintain balance in their lives. With this moon placement, try lighting some orange candles before your next painting, writing, or dancing session. With a Taurus Sun (another sign ruled by Venus) and a Libra Rising, Dwayne emulates jovial Venusian energy through and through. While they will make small sacrifices for friends and family, they ultimately will not let anything derail them from a successful future. Outside of being immensely powerful, Libras are actually very kind and generous. Venus in Libra is found in the charts of elegant, graceful, and sociable people, that have a natural affinity for negotiating and expressing an artistic flair. [2] He has since amassed an extremely large army of supervillains, reuniting the old Secret Society of Super-Villains, and claims to be attempting to 'end the age of heroes.' #5: Speaking of confrontationaddress it calmly and early on. Air feeds fire, stoking it to grow and become more alive, so passionate Leo will likely appreciate Libras flair for beauty and love of parties. We can also follow Libras lead and start to assert power while also remaining fair and balanced. A persons sun sign shows their motivation and what drives them. Libra and Aquarius will enjoy conversing endlessly, sharing ideas on issues of social justice. If you notice the number 11 over and over again, you may want to do some research on numerology. Marshmallow Rootis a classic herbal that is associated with Libras planetary ruler, Venus. Some of the most powerful and influential celebrities are Libras, including Kim Kardashian West, Eminem, and Simon. Cancer is also a very psychic sign as it is, especially since it is a water sign. Those born with planets or points in the degrees of this sign may be drawn to being judges or lawyers, as Saturns discerning nature blends well with Libras Venusian equanimity. This is related to Venus classically being considered one of the more helpful, or benefic planets in astrology, responsible for gifts, luck, and inspiring artistic abilities. Variation of Werebeast, Mythic and Wolf Physiology. September 8, 2021. In addition to being lots of fun, Libras love to try new things and will help people in their lives become and stay open-minded. Since this lunar placement is such a sensitive one, itll be important to adopt a psychic defense and protection technique, to avoid unwelcome emotional shifts. The risk you run, of course, is if the person you help will use their powers for good or for evil. The classic Libra indecisiveness, while rooted in an ability to weigh all sides, can thwart this signs ability to make choices. By developing inner sight, we can harmonize our emotional and intellectual forces. Like all the air signs, Libra needs novelty, activity, movement, and space, so will not be content for long in the same location, unless of course, that location is a beautiful place, full of interesting people! The Libra zodiac sign is first and foremost focused on others and how they . Libras are known for being charming, beautiful, and well-balanced. They tend to find themselves having the drive to pioneer, to lead, and basically to carve their path through life. He has also been directly making use of the Anti-Life Equation in his work, which seems to be the center of his professed religion, as most clearly seen when he shoved an equation-emitting helmet onto the Human Flame's head, and turned him into a Justifier. One of the most notorious Libra characteristics is their love of love. Be sure to check out our guides to traits and personality for Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn. Don't doubt your abilities or dismiss your wins. As the Scales, they have the ability to think objectively and fairly. Libras are natural peacemakers and are experts at being tactful and diplomatic in their relationships and in groups. All rights reserved. See how other students and parents are navigating high school, college, and the college admissions process. The Libra archetype is one of balance, equanimity, and equality, which is symbolized in the day of Autumn Equinox holding an equal measure of daylight, and nightfall. That being said, Libra natives will tend to blend best with fire signs and air signs; and may need to work harder on relationships with water signs and earth signs. Libra! This cluelessness hinders them from developing their intuitive skills. For example, those born with the moon in Leo will perceive physic information differently than a Capricorn moon might. SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination BoardTM. A series of "Plan B" devices the villains had been given in case the JLA defeated them absorbed half of the heroes' powers and transferred them to Libra, who succeeded in draining half of the powers and abilities of the Pre-Crisis Flash, Superman and Batman of Earth-One. Water signsbring vulnerability and emotional intelligence to help airy, peacekeeping Libra to tap into their deeper wells of feeling.Cancer will be very good at caring for Libra, which they will love, but Cancer and Libra may come to an impasse on how to spend their time together. Characteristics of Libra. If they allow their intuition to take over, they might also be able to see premonitions and get glimpses of their past lives. Simply put, some signs are more psychic than others. Claircognizance is the ability to predict the future or receive psychic information, without knowing exactly how the message was delivered. Read this breakdown of Libra/Cancer compatibility, as well as this broader look at how Libras match up with all Zodiac signs. She loves reading, the outdoors, and learning about new things. Their determination to create interpersonal relationships with others helps them to bring balance to disagreements between friends and family. What ACT target score should you be aiming for? Setting dream intentions can also help bring guidance from the other side, which you can do by simply asking your guides to send you messages while youre tucked in at nightjust make sure you attempt to remember your dreams the minute you wake up. Their practicality sometimes hinders them from developing their psychic abilities. People born under this sign have the psychic ability to know whats destined to be the next trend. Whereas they can be clueless about themselves, they're right on when it. It is associated with fever, accidents, trauma, pain, and surgery. Libra monthly horoscope for March 2023. . Law, diplomacy, philanthropy, and artistry, all provide Libra an outlet for their aesthetic and egalitarian tendencies. Minor Arcana2,3, and 4 of SwordsIn the Minor Arcana of the Tarot, the Suit of Swords is associated with the element of air. However, Libras don't have the best follow-through, so it's also important to make sure they're surrounded by grounded people who are good at taking direction and getting things done. Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic) Investigation; Law; Notes. This mind-reading ability of theirs is effective on issues of love, attraction, and lust. However, its different when it comes to matters of the heart. Opposite to Wolfwere Physiology. If they are required to do isolated, routine-type work, they can remedy this by decorating their workspace with art and beauty, and by infusing their atmosphere with music and fragrance to promote inspiration and calm. Help them pick one and stay grounded. Libras have a strong sense of justice. This makes them great leaders, friends, and partners, and they can apply these positive qualities to their personal and professional lives. The Android Libra can fly and become intangible. Sanguine folks typically have a cheery disposition, lean body shapes, and are naturally energetic. The key is understanding how the elements in your chart come together so you can find balance. Your astrological overview guides you on what to look out for and how to act in tune with the stars and planets each day. Internally, Libra rulership extends to the kidneys and the adrenal glands, which are linked to healthy energetic and eliminatory functions. Lindsey Matthews is a writer who covers relationships, entertainment, and pop-culture topics. The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 160+ SAT Points, How to Get a Perfect 1600, by a Perfect Scorer, Free Complete Official SAT Practice Tests. If you do feel your mood change suddenly throughout the day, be sure to check in with yourself to see if anything is bothering you. Libras know how to put together an outfit, and what makeup looks best on. This gift can feel cerebral or overwhelming at times, especially if your mind is super active. They are both peaceful, and generally content, but will move at such different speeds that it will be hard for them to sync up their plans. Don't think of these things as negatives, just a part of you that might need some extra attention. They see the best in all people in all situations. They take to social leadership naturally and would make impressive diplomats or ambassadors when representing the affairs of their community, nation, on the world stage. If you need more guidance tapping into your psychic abilities, professional psychics on this website can help you find your inner voice and transform your life. To tap into the psychic ability of this moon sign youll want to be observant of any recurring symbols that find their way into your life. The justice card tends to appear to help us meditate on choices we are making, similar to the manner of the Gemini card, the Lovers. Your psychic abilities are tied to your astrological birth sign. This helps them to avoid drama at all costs and maintain relationships in a truthful and healthy manner. Libra Psychic Abilities (September 24 to October 23) Libras are naturally perceptive individuals. Get guidance from a live psychic reading! They're dedicated to making sure people in their lives achieve balance too, and the Libra's outgoing nature and idealism can rub off on their friends and family. Some sources of weakness or potential blind spots in the Libra archetype are the flip side of all of their great strengths. It has many uses, from inspiring affection in the form of a bouquet to soothing and restoring dry, irritated skin in beauty remedies. Like Taurus, Geminis are also heavily connected to the five senses. This card depicts a noble, Libra-type character, a calm and balanced judge-king archetype, seated between two pillars that echo the equilibrium of the Scales. Libras are exciting people to be around. Libra Life Overview. Scorpios can also understand the meaning of true darkness and true light. Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, and it's at this point in the zodiac that we start to see a shift. The sun in Aries represents the birth of an individuals will, and therefore, Arians are known for their initiative, originality, curiosity, and courage. Libras are naturally perceptive individuals. This is the exaltation of the stern planet of discipline and judgement, making those born with planets or points in this second decan more serious than their other Libran counterparts. Another way that Libras blind spots can manifest is in their generosity leading them to overcommit, as they hate to say no and let anyone down. For Cancer moons, this usually results in a pronounced empathic ability, as they tap into the emotions of otherswhether theyre prepared for the information or not. Being very Venusian, they typically assume the best intentions in others and give most people many chances to redeem themselves.In addition to these folks great relational strengths, there are also their keen aesthetic sensibilities to consider. One thing they should be cautious of is their tendency to overthink. Since Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of luxury and beauty, a natural career fit could potentially be found in the many facets of the artistic or beauty industries. He usually hid behind a smile and a joke, but was a very powerful member of the Justice League of America. Though naturally peaceful and compromising, those with their sun in this sign will need to care for their vitality and make sure not to spread their energies too thin when helping others. It has long been considered a magical plant, worn for protection to ward off evil spirits as well as inducing vivid dreams for spiritual insight. Pisces are also known for being compassionate, most likely because part of their journey is to attain a broad understanding of the human condition. Psychic Powers by Zodiac Sign. Later on, this resentment may come out in unusual ways, as Libras Venusian tendency to focus only on the good and pleasant will put their more uncomfortable feelings off of their radar. Of course, at the end of the day, youll need to make sure anyone you consult follows up with a trip to see their personal physician. Overview for this Month: Libra (All) March 2023 Monthly Horoscope Overview for Libra: The drive to improve your life is compelling in March, dear Libra, and your relationships can also be a strong focus. In classical astrology, Libras planetary ruler Venus was said to find her joy in the fifth house of good fortune, which includes sex, beauty, the arts, and lifes pleasures. Some of the most powerful and influential celebrities are Libras, including Kim Kardashian West, Eminem, and Simon Cowell.