Seeking workaround for Etsy Package Dimensions. The Transportation Mode for ADR regulation set must be Ground. Jeff Kolyer January 19, 2022 01:36 Follow This error means that the recipient info is too many characters for the carrier and must be shortened. Invalid or missing international forms form type for ExcludeFromForm. Missing label specification label image format. The specified country, origin or destination, is not supported. Meine letzten Suchanfragen. Credit card authorization failed, contact your financial institution, PaymentInformation/Prepaid/BillShipper/AccountNumber must be the same shipper number as Shipper/ShipperNumber, A single billing option is required per shipment. Once that Company name field on the Ship From Location is added, you should no longer see this error message. Transient errors are temporary errors, due to temporary high server loads or scheduled maintenance, for example. Valid length is 1 to 30 alphanumeric, Invalid ultimate consignee state province code. Shipping Error Codes Error Codes 20004 - 20011 Error Codes 120001 - 125000 Error Codes 126000 - 126099 Error Codes 120711 - 127007 Error Codes 127054 - 127299 Error Codes 128001 - 150000 Valid values are R or N, Invalid license number. Missing InternationalForms/Contacts/UltimateConsignee/Address/CountryCode. CN22 form is required for combined MI package and CN22 label. Invalid or missing currency code. Mail Innovations Mailer ID must be 6 or 9 characters in length. HazMat ProperShippingName violates datatype only ASCII allowed. Commercial Inside Release applied as per account preference to Package 0}. Visit Purolator's Registration page here to register for an . The Mailer ID is required for domestic non-flat Mail Innovations shipments. This is a required field for almost all carriers. Invalid or missing package associated data. Master Carton shipment must be single piece only. Missing schedule B unit of measurement information for product number {0}. The Shipper Export Declaration is unavailable with the selected billing option. Account is not authorized for UPS Exchange service, Account is not authorized for UPS Pack and Collect service, The data length is in error for CompanyName, The data length is in error for AddressLine1, The data length is in error for AddressLine2, The data length is in error for AddressLine3, The data is in error for StateProvinceCode, The data length is in error for PostalCode, Invalid Country Code in AccessLicenseProfile, Invalid Language Code in AccessLicenseProfile, The data length is in error for the name of contact person, The data length is in error for the title of contact person, Client software profile is missed for the 3rd party developer license, Tool Version not available for the Access License, Tool ID not available for the Access License, Authorization system is currently unavailable, The data length is in error for the Software Installer, The data length is in error for the Software Product Name, The data length is in error for the Software Provider, The data length is in error for the Software Version Number. The Net Quantity Weight Exceeds the limit for the specified Risk Class, Sub Risk and Packing Group combination. Verify your postal code, or select %dest.AdjCountry% as your destination country. Missing/Invalid LabelSpecification LabelStockSize Width. Any help would be appreciated. Length is the longest side of a package. HazMat ProperShippingName exceeds maximum length of 150 characters. Valid length is 0 to 5 alphanumeric, Invalid forward agent postal code. Missing or Invalid Shipment Value Threshold Code. Customs Invoice is required when the shipment is tendered to UPS. Shipper is not eligible to ship Hazardous Material / International Dangerous Goods. Your email address will not be published. I need help. Valid values are 01, 02, 03 or 04, Invalid or missing producer company name. Invalid insurance monetary value. Saturday Delivery is unavailable to desired destination. Technical Name must not match the Proper Shipping Name. Valid values are 04. The accessory is invalid with the billing option. Also: "HardError: [120301] Missing or invalid ShipTo attention name." HardError: [120302] Invalid ShipFrom AddressLine1. 3. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Special Exceptions. Regulation Set is not valid for the destination country. Createthe label with the updated Warehouse information. From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you! (Description) will be a detailed description based on the shipment. Additional Handling is unavailable with UPS Letters. Missing or Invalid MI Dual Return Shipment Key. HazMat EmergencyPhone Number violates datatype only ASCII allowed. Invalid PreDepartureITNNumber or EEIShipmentReferenceNumber in EEIFilingOption. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Dangerous Goods shipments with CAO TransportationMode. The error message that you are seeing there means that the Ship From Location that is being used does not have a Company name listed. User level discount not applied, another promotion has been applied. Just as a heads up, you will want to ensure those fields have been included for the returns side of that Ship From Locations window as well. Please contact UPS Customer Service for assistance 62-0807-1-877-877. Valid length is 1 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing ultimate consignee addressLine1. Invalid or missing forward agent company name. Endorsements are not valid for the selected origin, service, and package combination. Invalid Emergency contact. ReceiptSpecification applies only for PRL or Exchange Return Receipt. Valid length is 1 to 25 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing product schedule B number for product number {0}. Regulation Set is not valid for the origin country. Account specified as Broker of Choice is invalid. The One Time Pickup Surcharge is unavailable with the selected service. Missing or Invalid InternationalForms/EEIFilingOption. Select your Company Name -> AccountSettings. The Pickup From postal code %orig.postal% is not a valid postal code. Notification phone number may not exceed length of 15. The warning contains information in the response that should be passed to the end user. SurePost is not a valid service for shipping all categories of dangerous goods other than lightly regulated lithium batteries. PackageServiceOption HazMat TransportationMode has invalid value. Valid length is 0 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid ultimate consignee address line 3. The selected service is not available to residential destinations. RegulationSet must be CFR, TDG or ADR when TransportationMode is Ground. Customer could not be found for that zip code. A shipment can only contain one Commercial Invoice. HazMat ReferenceNumber exceeds maximum of 15 characters. The selected billing option is unavailable to the desired country. { notification type} Memo cannot exceed the length of 150 characters, The {order} Email Address used for { notification type} exceeds the maximum length of 50 characters, The format of the {order} Email Address entered for { notification type} is invalid, The {order} Email Address entered for { notification type} is missing or contains invalid characters, Alternate Delivery Time is not valid for any available services, Shipment DocumentsOnly is invalid with the shipments origin/destination pair, Package Pickup Request is not available with this shipments service, InvoiceLineTotal MonetaryValue may not exceed the length of 8, SuiteRoomID length of shipment pickup cannot exceed 8 characters, FloorID length of shipment pickup cannot exceed 3 characters, Location length of shipment pickup cannot exceed 11 characters, The earliest shipment pickup time is required, The latest shipment pickup time is required, Contact name of shipment pickup is required, Contact phone number of shipment pickup is required, Shipment Pickup Error: (further description is provided in XML), No more than 2 Reference Numbers may be given per shipment, No more than 5 Reference Numbers may be given per package. Missing or Invalid Languages for UPS Premium Care Form. I double checked - everything is correct. Valid format is yyyyMMdd, Invalid or missing export date. [][], Packing Instruction does not match the (PAX, CAO, LTD QTY) packing instruction, basedvon chemical table validation. The given accessory key is invalid for the shipment origin. The maximum per pallet weight for the selected service to the selected destination is ({0}) pounds. Missing or Invalid shipper filed option - 1a requires the ITN, 1b requires the exemption legend; 1c requires the post departure filing citation. Missing or Invalid Forms EEIFilingOption ExemptionLegend, Missing or Invalid Forms UPSFiled POA Code. Shipper has no SDL contract and is not eligible to ship SDL shipments. Valid length is 0 to 9 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing intermediate consignee country code, Invalid or missing producer option. Notification language-dialect pair not valid. Filtrar por: Presupuesto. Valid length is 1 to 30 alphanumeric, Invalid forward agent state province code. UPS assumes no liability in connection with UPS Freight LTL transportation services or any other services offered or provided by TFI International Inc. or its affiliates, divisions, subsidiaries or related entities. Valid length is 0 to 150 alphanumeric, Invalid declaration statement. Invalid or missing product NumberOfPackagesPerCommodity. Import Control Shipments does not allow package void in a shipment. A "1" normally indicates a successful response. Invalid InternationalForms/PointOfOrigin (If State length should be 2). I have not been able to get SHIPSTATION to respond to even one single e-mail or phone call. Please use an RFID Capable Printer with an RFID Embedded Label for UPS Premier Silver package Label. Address Validation Error on ShipTo address. Invalid other charges monetary value. Thanks! on the service you choose and a variety of factors driven by your actions in using our software and by decisions from ShipStation and other business partners of ShipStation. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping E-Cigarettes in WWEF shipment. Valid format is yyyyMMdd, Invalid or missing preference criteria for product number {0}. UPS does not offer service for XXX from Origin country/postal code. Packages must weigh more than zero kilogram. The same shipment cannot be requested to be created more than once. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Proactive Response Substances. Valid value is 1 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid sold to option. User Id and Shipper Number combination is not qualified to receive negotiated rates. That means your own phone number. Missing or Invalid Quantity for HandlingUnits {0}. The length width and height must each be less than {description} inches or {description} centimeters. Log in to (Be sure to use the same User ID and Password that is in your Shipping API) Select Account Summary from the My UPS tab rollover menu. Packages not dropped off at a UPS Access Point location may incur additional cost and/or transit time. Missing or invalid Combination of package length, width, and height values. Missing or Invalid Mail Innovations Package Id. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Seeds. Valid range is 0 to 35 alphanumeric. UPS Next Day Air Early service is not available to the requested destination. Invalid InternationalForms/Contacts/UltimateConsignee/Address/CountryCode. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Mail Innovations Dual Returns Shipment. Valid length is 0 to 50 alphanumeric, Invalid producer tax id. Valid length is 0 to 15 numeric and can hold up to 2 decimal places. HazMat AdditionalDescription Info exceeds maximum length of 255 characters. Click Save. Required fields are marked *. Air Freight Packing List and package Packing List are not allowed together in same shipment. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for UPS Access Point Economy Service when selecting Hold for Pickup at UPS Access Point Shipment Indication Type. Requested TransportationMode indicates this item is forbidden, based on chemical table validation. Contact ShipStation support if the problem . Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Dangerous Goods shipments with ADR RegulationSet and Fully Regulated CommodityRegulatedLevelCode. Please correct. In some urban locations, UPS may be able to accommodate larger palletized movements. Please use the destination country currency code. I would send another message stating that if they don't respond within a certain time you would have to cancel their order. Only 3 Package Reference Numbers are allowed for MI shipments. Missing value of other unit of measurement. Valid length is 3 alphanumeric. Invalid InternationalForms/Product/ExportType. Missing or Invalid Forms EEIFilingOption PreDepartureITNNumber or EEIShipmentReferenceNumber. UPS Access Point ID is valid only for Direct to Retail Shipment. The payer of Duty and Tax charges is invalid for Split Duty VAT shipment. If you want to pickup from %orig.AdjCityName%, select %orig.AdjCountry% and enter the postal code %orig.AdjPostal%. Missing schedule B information for product number {0}. Net Quantity UOM: XXX is Not Valid For IATA. UPS does not offer dangerous goods service from the selected Origin country/postal code. The APIO total net quantity exceeds the lowest permitted maximum net quantity. HazMat EmergencyContact Information exceeds maximum length of 35 characters. Invalid or missing User Created Form Data. Thermal label is not supported for shipment. The Sold To party's country code must be the same as the Ship To party's country code with the exception of Canada and satellite countries. 1. Acceptance Audit Pre-Check cannot be performed. Invalid COD currency code. Weight of (actual weight) exceeds maximum for rating the requested container. Valid length is 1 to 10 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing blanket period begin date. Request contains invalid data e.g. Extensiv Order Manager OMS Overview; Setting Up Extensiv Order Manager OMS Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Tobacco. Change the return address on a prepaid label. When did you get the error - during checkout when it reached the shipping method selection page? Those ship-from-location and return address fields are already filled out and used everyday shipping USPS. Invalid EEIShipmentReferenceNumber in EEIFilingOption. In some urban locations, UPS may be able to accommodate larger palletized movements. Theft is, unfortunately, a common reason packages go missing. The UPS Returns Flexible Access option is unavailable with the requested accessory. HazMat EmergencyContact Information violates datatype only ASCII allowed. Trying to connect eBay & Shipstation pop up goes to 401 page. Valid length is 1 to 8 alphanumeric. UPS Account is not authorized for Worldwide Economy DDP service. Invalid Shipment Delivery Confirmation Type. Missing/Invalid label specification label image format Code. Failure: Missing or invalid ship from StateProvinceCode (120306) In this case proceed to disable Enable Paperless option if active and select Use your company info as fixed shipper from Carriers > Connection > UPS > Edit. The selected billing option is unavailable with UPS Letters. The maximum dimensions for a pallet are %maxlength% cm (length) by %maxwidth% cm (width) by %maxheight% cm (height) for the selected origin. Once you enter this information, your orders will begin importing. Exceeds the maximum number of packages allowed for the packing list. The maximum dimensions for a pallet are ({0}) cm by ({1}) cm by ({2}) cm for the selected destination. Third party or freight collect shippers postal code is missing or invalid. The COD option cannot be combined with the Return Services option. Proyek Harga Tetap The package weight cannot be greater than the service's max weight. "UPS label service error: Severity: Hard, code: 120109: detail: Missing or invalid Shipper phone number" Phone numbers are required for the recipient, sender, and return addresses for all international shipments and for domestic shipments with some carriers. Missing or Invalid Code in UPSFiled. {Rating Error Description} The weight exceeds the limit for the UPS Letter/Envelope rateand will be rated using the weight. Lightly regulated lithium batteries sent via SurePost cannot be shipped outside of the US48. UPS Account is not authorized for Worldwide Economy DDU service. The Shippers shipper number cannot be used for the shipment. The maximum dimensions for a pallet are ({0}) in by ({1}) in by ({2}) in for the selected origin. Even if the parcel was marked as delivered, carriers like UPS and FedEx require the sender of the parcel to file the complaint. The UPS Returns Flexible Access option is unavailable with Large Package. The Saturday Pickup option cannot be combined with the Saturday Delivery option. Please attach the international forms to your shipment. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for shipping Biological Substance. Missing or Invalid Height for HandlingUnits {0}. The Shipper Export Declaration is unavailable with the selected service. No more than 3 address line information can be given for producer address. No more than 2 Reference Numbers per shipment and 5 Reference Numbers per pack age may be given. Next Day Air Early Surcharge is unavailable with the selected service. The Total Product units allocated to packages do not match. From Moderator Davis, May the force be with you! missing or invalid ship from company name shipstation Author: Published on: fargo school boundary changes June 8, 2022 Published in: jeffrey donovan dancing with the stars To do so: 1. Valid length is 24 characters, Ship From Address for Master Carton ID is invalid, Shipper Account for Master Carton ID is invalid, The Worldwide Economy shipment must be single piece only. Invalid TransportCategory for a given Hazardous material package using ADR RegulationSet. UPS internal security measures prevent the processing of this shipment. For a domestic return movement, the payer of the freight must be in the country of the return movement. Extended area surcharge cannot be combined with this product. Valid values are 01 or 02. Your UPS Account number is not authorized for Mail Innovations Single Returns Shipment. August 9, 2018. I have also received the "Missing or Invalid shipper name" warning. Shipping System is unavailable, please try again later. Missing or Invalid Currency code for Access point COD. MovementReferenceNumber must contain alphanumeric characters only. UPS encountered an error while processing shipment request with PayPal Payment type. Invalid Number of Packages. See the steps below on how to fix this. An Import Control option and a Return Service option are not valid on the same shipment. Confirmation Type for Mail Innovations USPS Delivery Confirmation is invalid. Valid length is 1 to 35 alphanumeric, Invalid or missing sold to address line 1. No more than 3 address line information can be given for intermediate consignee address. Valid length is 1-3 Numerics. Shipper PhoneNumber must be at least 10 alphanumeric characters, Shipper phone extension must contain only numbers, Shipper phone extension is allowed only if the shipper is located in US, Puerto Rico or Canada. Hello world! Invalid InternationalForms/Product/EEIInformation/ExportInformation. The Ship From Country is invalid for the credit card. Missing or Invalid Vendor Collection ID Number. Invalid sold to tax identification number. The Package Level Access Point COD is not valid for the shipment origin and/or destination. Return Services are unavailable to the given destination. Press Save to apply the changes Valid length is 0 to 15 alphanumeric, Invalid producer address line 3. ADL notification and UAP Shipper Notification are required for UPS Access Point Delivery. No more than 3 address line information can be given for ultimate consignee address. Mail Innovations shipments are limited to 1 package. Your Shipment Cannot Be Processed. Alternate Delivery Address information is required for UPS Access Point Delivery. Accessory may not be combined with the product. The package is being shipped to a Commercial address, so a . What it means: Typically, this means the Company field is blank in the Ship From Location used for the shipment. Import Control Shipment cannot be voided later than 3 am of the day after the shipment uploaded. The Certificate of Origin is unavailable with the selected billing option. Missing or Invalid Mail Innovations Cost Center. I successfully resolved the issue for my account, by adding my company name to the "optional" company name field. Missing or Invalid Length for HandlingUnits {0}. Try to edit existing & returns error. Needed for EEI processing, Missing or Invalid Forms EEIFilingOption. Valid length is 1 to 4 alphanumeric. ShipStation also supports UPS Consolidation options like UPS Mail Innovations. The COD amount cannot exceed $1,000 when a cashiers check or money order is requested. Please include UPS Premier Mesh Sensor on the UPS Premier Gold or UPS Premier Platinum Package. Missing or Invalid Monetary value for Access point COD. Festpreisprojekte Missing product weight unit of measurement information for product number {0}.