Your partner helps you figure out who you really are, and be truly you. This website doesn't provide any financial, legal, medical, psychological, or any other kind of professional advice. You're a dog with a bone. Can you tell me about this? But Sun/Venus, Sun/Mars and Moon/Venus Moon/Mars are also very important romantic combinations, two being a Yang combo, and two being a Yin combo. You have now THIS one, come back to life, light and truth. Sharing aspects between the same planets but with different aspect names i.e. Natal conjunctions give a person an invaluable tool in life. Node Conjunct Pluto Ascendants are trine Lib/Aqu. In a Moon-Pluto synastry aspect, its the Pluto person who has the power. need i say it was a very scary love at first sight?? The 18-month one had his Moon exactly conjunct my Sun and his Mars trine my Venus. This guy youre interested in is not respecting his marriage OR your connection. My Venus falls over into H3--so maybe it does not since the rest are in H2. But now, lets say that you like someone. (cancer stellium sun/ve/ma/merc/juno opp moon all square pluto) Plutonian relationships are incredibly hard to get out of, even when they dont work anymore. JUPITER can act as an optimistic support during tough times - a shoulder to cry on, or personal cheerleader. Sun/Moon and Venus/Mars aspects between charts. When you say friend, do you mean friendship only? ve/ve, ma/ma (+karma) What is your insight of our synastry? Posts: 1093From: USA TodayRegistered: Aug 2015, Copyright 2000-2018 :). I believe all Moon-Mars aspects bring this energy into any partnership. I would also like to know that does anyone know if a close conjunction, but not considered conjunction also had the same effect? With astrological sexual synastry between natal charts, what personal planets fuel our desires? TELEPHUS conj SUN 0. I have this with someone Ive been on three dates with. September 2016 Moving even further in age, that is when PLUTO begins to really shine as an individual, because the energy and manifestations begin to greatly differ. At its core (a Plutonian word), when Moon and Pluto oppose each other in synastry, the tension from this aspect can interfere with the development of the relationship, owing to at least one person's compulsion for control and demand for power. Im tired of this, really, but the bond is strong, were connected with each other at many levels. When the Moon person meets Pluto, there is a deep emotional pull towards one another. mars square moon Required fields are marked *. This would then make the influence of that particular combination of planets very strong in the relationship. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. or just amor opposite to amor will be ok, thank you! JUPITER square your MOON-PLUTO can bring out the less pleasant aspects of a MOON-PLUTO conjunction, such as obsession or overbearingness. Im experiencing full on psychic connection and its making me feel crazy because I havent communicated with him in two weeks and am not sure if hes having the same experience. Yes, i say that it leads nowhere positively because this man, no matter his feelings, does not respect you enough to give you the truth. It's just an incredible force to be reckoned with. The Pluto person can see who the Moon person really is, and they are aware of the Moon persons subconscious needs and motivations. I've never felt anything like I felt that. Ascendant in virgo. How do oppositions with asteroids play out in synastry? Dream And Spirit Guides Hey, Venus! I think it's much different for someone with AC-NN than AC-SN. Hi, Thelma :) What questions do you have about Siamese aspects? The Pluto person is a transformative force in the Moon persons life, while the Moon person gives safety and support. His Eros conj my Sun in Scor. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Sun-Pluto contacts in synastry may show compulsive interactions, sexual tensions, and possibly jealousy and possessiveness. imo there's some kind of pattern here.. The ex and him has a Moon conjunct Venus Scorpie, I wanted to apologize to you, because I didn't mean to hijack your thread. I've never been interested in a guy like Im interested in my Cap friend but at the same time Im deathly afraid of him because that means all of me will be "exsposed" to him making me vulnerable which is something Im not use to but I think Im suppose to learn something from him due to all the Saturn too. It can also be a clashing of egos and a mirroring of temperaments, which can add to the tension. Hi Daleth, For entertainment purposes only That could be considered like something of "an edge", but still doesn't completely discount a native's lifelong experience. I get hit strongly by people slightly older than me (filling the gap between my natal PLUTO and MOON), or those about 4 or so years younger (where PLUTO begin to aspect my VENUS). ..? If one cant double his words with facts what are his words good for. If your planet conjuncts or opposes this midpoint, you are the external manifestation of that need. October 2017 He had mixed success because both my parents are Cancers (not to mention my sister is a Cancer MOON, contrasting my dad's Scorpio MOON), lol. I have a question that maybe you can help me with. Here are some hot synastry aspects to look out for! The Moon person feels powerless and vulnerable, but still, they are terrified of loosing the other person and ending the relationship. IC person may be comforted by that omnipresence in relationships they approve of, but greatly distressed by those they don't - and suffer an inability to effectively "push away" or have privacy. I want to find my twin flame because I got really interested in this subject hence my insecurity in my relationship increases day by day due to the fact that my partner of 6 1/2 years has been friends with his ex for over 7 years and because of this my fears try to convince me that she is his soulmate whereas I am not. Hi, Jamie :) All aspects between Sun Moon Venus and Mars in all combinations are extremely significant in synastry, and generally all aspects between the personal planets, Mercury and love planets included. A Moon conjunct Pluto synastry suggests a deep, passionate bond that is not without power struggles and a desire to control and fully possess. So as long as you are truthful with one an other and genuinely out with good intentions I think it is okay. I feel i get to define my future. Where is your conjunction natally? Thank you. sun/moon DW Venus is sociable, and a smile is just a smile. For example, we have composite moon (tropical) and composite mars (draco) at 26 Aquarius and composite mars (tropical) and composite sun (draco) at 17 Pisces. March 2015. For example there is a Yin/Yang interplay here that can be quite felt in a romantic relationship, while in a friendship, it takes on a different value. The Mars energy is sexually attracted to the Sun person, and the Sun persons sexual desires are stimulated by the energy of the Mars person. additional info- Pluto is the dwarf planet in astrology. You deserve to be truly loved. A natal MOON-PLUTO conjunction indicates the native has deeply intense emotions across the board, may be adept at using their own emotions to manipulate others, or have the ability to effectively transmute their emotions into something productive (or destructive, as should be the case). dear LeeLoo, sorry for calling you by the wrong name! From beginners through to advanced students of Astrology. The Moon person is aware of this (at least subconsciously). To mould it the way i desire. In a Moon conjunct Pluto synastry aspect, it feels like the Pluto person knows everything about the Moon person: there are no secrets, you cannot lie. Moon conjunct Pluto synastry aspect is a perfect example of how these power struggles play out. JavaScript is disabled. So in our composite we have IC conjunct north node again (wth 12 minute orb) with composite mercury sitting at 20 aries. Im the pluto person and seeing your perspective is interesting, especially because of what you said about you two having to always be honest. This aspect is better when the woman is the Moon person, and the man is the Mars person. venus conjunct ic Mark But if not, the Moon conjunct Pluto synastry can be tragic and extremely painful. Also is the Dispositor. The sexual magnetism to each other is powerful. December 2017 It does not represent love, but more like carnal synastry regarding sexual drives. Otherwise, what is there to get fired up about? Such as a conjunction with a personal . If one person does not find the other attractive. That's like Moon-Pluto to the second power. i'm wondering what you think about this. moon septile venus As the PLUTO person, she tried exerting control, while my dad tried to contain her. I do like the depth and intensity to be there, though, even if it's just a strong undercurrent. If you have a Moon-Pluto aspect in synastry, you are in a Plutonian relationship. Join our mailing list to receive the latest news, articles and updates from our team about the new website and new features coming soon. However, no relationship is without challenges, albeit a successful relationship having the power to face them as a team. That's like the most important one. I've looked at books for examples of synastry charting, and see few. The Pluto person, on the other hand, sometimes doesnt know how to deal with the Moon person. both draconic sun is the composite sun Here, Pluto finds Venus intriguing and beautiful. Does it at least show we would be extremely important to each other in some form or fashion? ALL SEXTILE (no stelliums in the natal charts) The sun represents our ego, core being and personality. Vesta is conjunct my Pluto/NN as wellLOTS of activity in my Libra! Nevertheless, Venus-Pluto in synastry is just plain hot. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Moon is my chart ruler, so I feel it strongly. The main dispositors in my chart are PLUTO and VENUS (they rule each other), so I'm quite familiar with dealing with PLUTO, too. Mid heaven in gemini; house 9 Like Venus-Mars inter-aspects, mars moon inter-aspects represent the male/female or yin/yang energy between couples. So having Mars and Eros conjunct each other in the same sign is possibly the best sex you will ever have. sun sq ve/ma Thanks again for making this checklist. There is one thing you have to know about Pluto in astrology: its never easy to handle. He doesnt love you. Powered by Infopop 2000 It can also attune one to aspects of the occult or supernatural, especially if placed in the 8H or 12H. Thank you! However, its unbelievable how I could fall in love like that for 13 years, and still love him. I know when Pluto hits someone's AC or DC, they usually are drawn to the angle or may want to control or exert power or influence over the AC or DC owner. Trines are like a re-direct, or "follow the leader", without much looking over the shoulder - MOON has more freedom to move as it wants. I wonder what means. Would the above quote apply for synastry as well? This is like normal synastry, but were focusing on reading the charts and astrology reports from a sexual chemistry point of view. When the Sun of partner 1 aspects Mars of person 2 and at the same time the Sun of partner 2 aspects Mars of person 1, we have a double whammy. Daleth, Does Eros/Psyche conj in composite chart count for soulmate ??? Hi Patty :) The Cowboy WandererI like that! Normally ourselves and someone we like/fancy. It's a strange combination of the super-vortex that is PLUTO and the in-and-out nature of the 3H. 2 of them show up in our composite. do you believe, that if for this reason she refuses to get married, she will be made to pay for it? We are moon conjunct moon exact and moon pluto conjunct at two degrees. I really do feel like he's my other half.. or twin flame. She was a trouble child. Scorpio will express synastry connections differently than Cancer. You are using an out of date browser. That places both on more equal footing. This is not to say that the Pluto person doesnt love the Moon person (or at least that they are not attracted to them). If you have a Moon trine Pluto or Moon sextile Pluto aspect in your synastry chart, there is a significantly easier flow of energy in the relationship. Your synastry sounds very powerful, and it sounds like he may feel it strongest because I think your Pluto and Moon are close to his AC, unless I'm picturing it wrong. I have this with a girl I am crushing on HARD, and it is a double whammy. Attraction and compatibility rely on many other factors. So it seems extremely important that your venus sign and mars sign be more critical when examining the sexual astrology of any successful relationship. vertex conjunct all the above We also have Pluto Moon opposition in composite many double whammy as well as same signature in composite. In a relationship where Pluto is in aspect with a personal planet, power struggles are inevitable. In contrast, two relationships I had at college age/early to mid-20s, which lasted respectively 18 months and 5 years, and -- this is key -- were neither happy nor healthy, both involved double whammies. Ideal: DW (double whammy) Having a Sun/Moon AND a Venus/Mars DW is quite rare, so don't get discouraged. Hah, x-ray vision! The composed aspects are crazy to. Together, this spells g-r-e-a-t s-e-x! With the man who's Pluto is conjunct my IC 1, I think what you said is right. Node square venus What Is Sexual Compatibility Between Star Signs, Moon Sign Compatibility: 3 Nice Things You Need To Know. Sun Square Venus Synastry: With this Sun square Venus synastry aspect, there is a lot of mutual admiration at first and plenty of natural attraction. In synastry, it means the native is not waylaid or susceptible to PLUTO as keenly due to their innate experience with PLUTO from birth. The Moon person is obsessed with the Pluto person, but its the Pluto person who has all the power in the relationship. It bothers them that the Pluto person is in control, however, they often go to great heights to please them. I am interested in someone I share this aspect with, and since Im the Moon person, I wasnt sure if the interest ran both ways. September 2015 My word, clearly not. Venus square Pluto moon sq nep Taipei,Taiwan Youll enjoy the same things sexually, and itll feel natural to please one another. their dr ve/ma is my natal ones What do these 2 planets coming together signify? The planetary mars venus connection will always be the most traditional of all of the relationships. Have you come across such experience? How about conjunctions between the same asteroid? They just aren't used to it and may fear it, avoid it, seek to look at it from a safe distance or retreat when it rears up. How about Venus/Mars to the Lights? Even better is when you have a "double-whammy"; when your Venus aspects your partner's Mars, and when your partner's Mars aspects your Venus. Linda's Neptune was also conjunct Paul's Ascendant. Mc conjunct north node Sorry i couldnt keep much contempt out my words because im not about to hide im just plain disappointed that people are so immoral nowadays, the mere fact that he COULD get a girl that doesnt mind forays with married men but he chose you isnt such a compliment .. I feel they've disappeared without a good-bye and have become uncontactable. It is indeed a double whammy. The Venus and Mars story has been throughout history. NN trine sun; sq sat/plu I'm the same way on being attracted to Plutonians. Pluto has strong destructive power, too. Jupiter sext Jupiter does not qualify. I just need that depth in my interactions. Pluto can trigger self-destructive behavior in the Moon person. She was a trouble child. If he had good and pure intentions, he would come out with the truth, but this hiding and sneaking, lies and games proves he just has one motive, and that doesnt include building a future with you, at most he intends to have you as a side-piece. This is exactly what happens in a relationship with a harmonious Moon-Pluto aspect in synastry. Hi, Tiffany :) Venus conjunct Karma in the composite is quite an important aspect, pointing to a touch of fated love, among other things, although we do look at planetary/angle aspects first, before going into asteroids and other astrobodies. PLUTO lends transformative power to the native, and can be useful in occupations such as therapy or psychoanalysis. Synastrically, I have my AC-SN conj IC. November 2016 People close to my age all have their Pluto on my Moon and square my Sun-Venus, but it doesn't have as strong of an effect on me since I have it natally like Blind writer was saying. MOON and PLUTO are fairly amiable to each other, if a bit tight-lipped about it. The Inner Sky, Steven Forrest: Heres what to expect in a Moon-Pluto aspect: This is not an easy relationship, as you can see! In Astrology, the Moon represents our inner needs and emotions, while Pluto represents intensity, intimacy, obsession and possession. PS If you are able to respond to me via my email address, that would be very helpful. But I understand that so it never gets far down that line. But it feels similar to how you describe as in I have never. His Venus in Libra conjuncts my Mars in Libra and my Jupiter in Sagittarius conjuncts his Mars in Sagittarius (the cowboy Wanderer). In turn, the Mars person is attracted to the Moon at a fundamental level; mars find the essential femininity of the Moon very sexually appealing. As you can see, the soft Moon and mysterious Pluto have to make a lot of effort to make the relationship work out. MOON can rely on JUPITER to drag them out to cheer them up, when needed. mercury, juno, chiron in 4th, sun in 5th, saturn in 6th close to dsc, venus/mars in 7th, moon/neptune in 11th or 12th With the exception of me being the intense Pluto person & the one that knows everything about him, all the qualities of the Moon are what I am experiencing, and rest of the Pluto qualities (minus the 2 Pluto qualities I noted above) are how I am experiencing him. How does the Pluto person feel vs Moon person? In #1, you mentioned the Lights and Venus/Mars. Through the intensity of the Moon conjunct Pluto synastry relationship, the Pluto person can easily offend the Moon person. With Moon being my chart ruler, it probably hit me extra hard. February 2017 Of all aspects, the conjunction is the strongest here. 1) If the guy has Pluto (H12 Libra) conjunct her Moon (H2 Libra) at 1 Orb while the girl has her Pluto (H2 Libra) trine his Moon (H8 Gemini), 2) If she has Pluto conjunct Moon natal (10 orb) and he has Pluto trine Moon natal (5 orb), Posts: 2904From: The MoonRegistered: Aug 2013, The guys sounds most plutonian, but it depends on his other pluto aspect, and if one of them has scorp sun/asc, but pluto in easy aspect to moon is the nicest, and it is a nice double whammy, because they have the same aspect natal as the synastry aspect, so they are familiar with the energy and not scared by its intensity moon pluto is very intense, especially the conjunction which is also a close aspect not many people can handle it, but if you got it natal you have a better chance I would say, Posts: 627From: Texas, USARegistered: May 2012. This is a very interesting discussion including some very interesting information. Im sorry Im just rambling at this point but I liked hearing your perspective as someone from the opposite end. As such, Moon-Pluto aspects in synastry are intense! Mars trine north node, mars square north node. This aspect also lends itself to power struggles and domination. Venus Conjunction Pluto And our relationship is serious and long-term. Pluto is the Roman equivalent of the Greek Hades, the god of the underworld. Having his and her Moon conjunct Venus Synastry means that theres an exact mutual emotional support in the relationship. MOON-MOON aspects are more important in this situation.