By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. I have found one person posting that this pop up came up and they later found out they failed. My first 8 questions were similar to a regular nursing school exam, then WHHHAAAAMMMMMM. Congratulations! I mean questions with drugs I've never heard. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. ha ha ha onegoalatatime, you pass!!!! Edit: I passed! I was under the impression that this was allowed as long PearsonVue rules were followed. At least this calms me for now. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. Stopped at 85 again so I'm praying for a miracle today. I guess it's because of the hold; it's why I haven't recieved mines yet. I got the email from Pearson and have done it 6 hrs after my test. Today 2-17-2016 8 am I tested and at 9:35 my exam stopped at 85 questions. I passed. I don't mean to scare you, but I'm at 77 hours after finishing (not that I'm counting..) and my quick results still aren't up. I was taken to my seat and during the tutorial I wrote down two things on my white board, safety and ABCDE. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Im hoping I checked too soon. I took my NCLEX Friday Evening, today is Sunday and I still have the on hold pop up, I understand needing the emotional support, this entire process is very stressful, but I guess no news is good news, I should know something in the morning, and I will share my results. Anyone know how long the wait if its signature verifying? Any guidance would be appreciated. People have holds because either they finish the test too fast, they are taking frequent breaks, their fingerprinting/palm scan didn't work, they forgot to sign something after the exam.. the list goes on! Thank God. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. Im praying that I passed this time, that was torture 265 questions. Congratulations to you both! NCLEX "results on hold" - shut off at 75, with 33 SATA. Quick results will not be available (nor will results be sent to your board of nursing) until the hold is released. nclex on hold pop up. Specializes in Emergency Department. I figured I would share my experience as there are only a few postings where people have received this pop up when attempting to register again to see if the "good pop up" comes up to informally say one has passed the exam. Results on hold per PEARSON VUE. Means nothing to you, nothing to 'research'.well, it DOES mean that you'll be losing your mind during the hold process, but there's nothing to 'figure out'. Got the 'good pop up' on Pearson Vue for NCLEX results and then turned to 'on hold' 30 hours later. What the shit? Any insight here? A community for nursing students and nurses who love students. I took my NCLEX exam yesterday (6/22) and the computer shut off at 115 questions. I took no breaks, didnt even have a phone in the testing center, didnt use my white board, No issue with palm scan, and no computer issues. Yes Ive heard of that happened but from all the thousands of websites, blogs, and google searches we have done nothing says that that is a "bad pop up" and if you get the "good pop up" your in the clear. I got my ATT on Wednesday the 3rd and saw a date to test available on Friday the 5th. My anxiety is through the roof, so we're in the same boat. No results on the board on nursing site either. Let me know if you find out your results today. I hope it is. Based on what I've read on allnurses, I suspect my test got flagged for being too quick. I also took the NCLEX on the 5th. Yes, you can get the bad pop and still pass the NCLEX. When the hold is lifted, results will be available. I then did the PearsonVue trick again & the pop up changed to the "good" pop up !!!! The hold never changed every time I did check it. Another registration cannot be made at this time". A girl I took nclex with already has results and I do not. Thanks @prime for the encouraging words. I took the NClex yesterday and I am getting the pop-up that states my "results are on hold" and would not let me proceed to the credit card screen. I took my NCLEX exam yesterday (6/22) and the computer shut off at 115 questions. I never received an email from Pearson Vue, as some people have mentioned they did. I took the nclex pn today at 8:00 this morning and I get the same pop-up - results are on hold please let me know what you find out? Im so stressed out. Has anyone ever failed in the minimum with 33 SATA? I tried again during the late afternoon and the notification changed from Our records indicate that you have recently scheduled an exam to The candidate currently has results that are on hold. But 80% of my exam was SATA exibits and putting things in order fairly hard. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Take some deep breathes and do something relaxing, you deserve it! 1-612-816-8773. If anyone sees my msg up top plz contact me I'll be refreshing this page often. I experienced tons of anxiety, wondering if I failed!! and our I tested at 2 today and tried the trick and got the same window too. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Omg please help I'm having the same issue. That's what happened to me. Just keep in mind that whatever happened, you really can't change the outcome. The power went out at the testing center I was at during the exam and all of our computers had to restart so I'm assuming that's why. So, I took the NCLEX this morning (6/19) at 8 AM. Pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I fail or did I pass? It does say delivery successful. I just need to know!? If you had agood foundation, did well in school, you will be fine. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. So I paid the 7.95 and found out I PASSED!!!!!!! What Does the Bad Pop up For the NCLEX Say? allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. Approximately 48 hours later, I saw the link for the Quick Results! I passed it. Thanks again for being a blessing to others, and May God increase your Territory as He Blesses you and Your family. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. Thank you. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. How many questions did you have? It's been very stressful waiting for the hold to be removed. I didn't do the practice questions either at the end. Good luck to you. I had only about 15 SATA, 1 ECG, 1 math, 1 picture, and 2 drag and drops. bad pop up but still passed nclex 2022 3M views Discover videos related to bad pop up but still passed nclex 2022 on TikTok. Yes, it works. I got that pop up too a few days ago. For more information, please see our Does anyone know what the "account on hold" means when you try the Pearson Vue trick? When I first got that pop up, I came on here searching for answers as to what it can mean. I came across the post while i was searching information on ATT. I'm seeing conflicting opinions about this. I'm sure it totally depends but wondering if those who have got the 'on hold' popup could let me know how long they had to wait. I did the PVT trick and it said " the candidate currently has an open registration for this exam. I felt like it was asking me similar questions over and over. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. 1-612-816-8773. But when I was leaving and they had to do the palm scan my palm was not reading so the guy had to do it about 6 times. A new registration cannot be created at this time.". Try to hang tight and wait for your results. NCLEX Experience: Results on hold??? During the exam I took three breaks. I would love to have others that may have experienced this pop up post as well. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 Then I'll save you some trouble. NCLEX "results on hold" - shut off at 75, with 33 SATA! It sure felt like a hard test. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. The only thing we really can do is be patient. 4. Friend!!!! Did you end up passing after getting the good pop up and then the hold pop up? I would have to count monday as day 1. I was only "comfortable" with the first 8 and the last 4. : / It has officially been 48 hours but unfortunately I am in california and we don't get the "quick results" Does anyone know if they post results on sundays? This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. They said it happened the whole day so i guess we're all put on hold. At 30q, 60q, and the recommended 3.5 hour break. Does anyone know if I passed still or what all that means? After 2 days you can call Pearson Vue Customer service to try and get an update on your status. Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. But im a nervous wreck right now because i dont know what to expect. I applied for my ATT on 6/3/2018, and got a message on BreeZe account that my application missed a valid email. Thank you to all that responded and good luck to OneGoalAtATime. ill have to wait til Monday too. Leaving a message here may help the next frustrated future RN. It took me about 90 minutes and shut off at the minimum of 75 questions. It is likely that because you finished so quickly that is why your results are on hold. I just took my PN NCLEX on 7/20 my test shut off at 77 questions. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. I was gone for maybe 4 minutes and followed all rules. There are lots of reasons for "the hold" but they all boil down to one: test integrity. I was told saturday and sunday are non-working business hours. I keep getting pop up that says results on hold. I got the dreaded 'on hold' pop-up and was wondering how long holds are usually in place? They need to be absolutely sure that your exam session was not compromised in any way and that all rules were adhered to. Super nervous about this. Published Jul 1, 2021 mwildcat Register to Comment I took the NCLEX-RN yesterday (Tuesday 6/29) at 1pm. Im still painfully waiting. So I spent the next 2 1/2 months preparing for a victory never thinking the center's mistake would cause all this anxiety. When you submit the request to retake the NCLEX, you will typically see what people refer to as either a good pop-up or a bad pop-up. I'm dying of stress for the 48 hr mark tomorrow afternoon. They might just be overloaded guys. It is what it is. As for me, the hold eventually turned out to be a good pop up in just 2 days. Is possible. I had a similar problem to you, and I thought my test was flagged but low and behold, the pearson trick just didn't work for me. However, an hour later the good pop up changed to results on hold. If for state participates in quick results then yes you will get your results on Sunday. I'm wondering if I just was moving too fast. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Specializes in Acute Mental Health. Not sure why I got the 'on hold' popup but I did have to use the restroom at question 50 and had a little trouble with the palm scanner because my hand was still wet from washing. I was checking every 4-6 hours to see if the hold pop up would change. I just finished my NCLEX RN exam (130 questions). wzlg577659. I'm right about it being a good pop up and 2. I think it varies with individuals when it comes to holds because it's for different reasons. In hindsight, I would've taken my time a little more but I am the type of person to over analyze the questions if I spend too much time on them so I just 'kept on movin'. She said it was okay.. Keep me updated please. allnurses is a Nursing Career & Support site for Nurses and Students. I was expecting it to be hard being it was a CAT. Like anybody with such experience passing after the declined credit card on pearson vue. So frustrating! Good luck to you. I've read numerous articles about it and this pop-up, as well as the "results on hold" pop-up are inconclusive. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. Feb 17, 2016 at 6:13pm Annie2016 said: Hello. If you get a message indicating you have recently scheduled the exam or that another registration cannot be made at this time, that is referred to as a "good pop-up." Congrats on passing, I'm scheduled to take mines next week. If I remember back 2.5 years when I took my NCLEX-PN, I got 85 questions and felt like I failed too when in all reality I passed. however i have yet to receive any news from the BRN and of course i am skeptical of the PVT trick and its accuracy. And good luck to those who are waiting!! i got the same thing and when i called they said my palm vien didnt match up. Specializes in Emergency Medicine, Critical Care, Research. The only time i heard it being wrong was when someone who got a bad pop up and still passed. It sure felt like a hard test. Hello everyone, I hope all of you are doing well. I finished my exam around 12 and got the hold message two hours after finishing and until about 5 when I finally got the good pop up. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 I tried the PVT after I got my email and got the following pop up: The candidate currently has test results that are on hold. Just got home from my NCLEX-RN. Post author: Post published: June 10, 2022; Post category: printable afl fixture 2022; Post comments: . This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. Just know that you're in my thoughtshang in there and lets do our very best to stay positive (even though it's almost impossible). It does say delivery successful. I wonder if anyone has encounter the same issue with ATT deficiencies? The key to the drugs was the answer choices & condition ( I was able to figure out the drug class). I had 33 SATA!! @audrey, I'm sorry you're in this boat too. A new registration cannot be created at this time. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. I finished in 45 minutes with 75 questions and if took me 2 weeks to get my results, but the PVT did work about 12 hours after I tested. I had a problem with the computer during my exam. What does that mean? Specializes in oncology. Quick result is not available too. My first time I went up to 187 questions went up to almost 4.5 hours then my second time went up to 204 questions 3 hours of testing. 1 Article; I'm hoping that for some crazy reason the 'on hold' pop up will only be for a day but from my research it seems everyone had to wait at least 2-5 days until the hold was released Anyone else out there that got the 'on hold' pop up? Prime, so on the day that you are supposed to view your results it switched to a "good" pop up? I took my NCLEX this past Tuesday and my results were on hold when I tried to do the PVT. Im same boat took it Friday and still today on hold:( so much anxiety, How many select all apply did u guys have I only had 5-6 thats whats freakin me out thinking I didnt pass. I tested today also and 2 hrs after taking the test I got the bad pop up. All passed. I was able to sna my right hand to sign out but they werent able to scan my other hand. Please Login or Register. Anyway, I go outside and I immediately do the PVT trick and I get a good pop up. Is everyone here realy know that PVT is accurate? and our This is just a question that always passes through my mind. I was wondering the same thing. Our mission is to Empower, Unite, and Advance every nurse, student, and educator. NCLEX is a big safety test! I used the quick results. Specializes in Telemetry. We will thank you so much And congratulations again we hope to join you in celebration soon. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. The "open registration" pop-up is inconclusive. As for me, the hold eventually turned out to be a good pop up in just 2 days. Anyone Here Pay $200 Dollars Still Passed? I know others who got their results on sunday. A new registration cannot be created at this time. Congratulations nurses!! Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. Did I mention this was a RE-test for me meaning it was my 2nd attempt. THANKS. My NCLEX-PN Experience | I Got All 145 Q's & The Bad Pop-Up | Part 2 The Nurse Jas 966 subscribers Subscribe 836 33K views 1 year ago Heyy Guysss! The wait is excruciatingly painful but the only thing you CAN do is wait. After I took my exam, I was sure that I had failed too. The exam took me around 4 hours to complete. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 Choosing a specialty can be a daunting task and we made it easier. The bad pop-up for the NCLEX will say something along the lines of "Our records indicate . Please tell me. I've been trying to use the fabled Pearson Vue Trick, but so far I'm being told that my results are on hold. I did the pvt today and got th "good pop up" But i am super skeptical. Mine is still on hold today ? Hopefully you finally got your results. How long until it was lifted? Has 21 years experience. For more information, please see our I'm hoping I see my good pop up tomorrow too ? Edit: 24 hours later and I'm still on hold. This third time it's been giving me a result stating "The candidate currently has test results on hold. Took my exam in about 40 minutes. Does anyone know anything about this. The pearson vue pop up says my results are on hold. The candidate currently has an open registration for this exam. Im trying to wait for the 48 hours quick result but waiting is so hard to do.7 more hrs would be 48 hrs. I tried the Pearson Vue trick a couple of hours after getting the email and got the "results on hold" pop-up. We said a special prayer for you last night, Definitely, I will keep praying for you, but I'm sure you two paased. I took the NCLEX-RN yesterday (Tuesday 6/29) at 1pm. It has been over 24 hrs and the PVT is still saying the same thing, and my license has yet to appear on the BON site. This is Part 2 of the LPN program update. 10,428 Posts. ..researching like crazy about this pop up. There's nothing to research. By using the site you agree to our Privacy, Cookies, and Terms of Service Policies. God is good. Any tips? I took my exam this morning and it shut off at 60 questions. I got that pop up too a few days ago. Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice. Do you think I should call PearsonVue and ask about the hold thing? THANK GOODNESS I didn't have to wait longer than 2 days to fight out. Mine might be different because of the weekend, so I'll hope that you won't be in the same position! Welcome Guest. There are MANY people who have gotten the "bad" pop up only to find out that they indeed passed. How was your experience? Took NCLEX-RN today and used the Pearaon Vue 'Trick'. I took my NCLEX Friday Evening, today is Sunday and I still have the on hold pop up, I understand needing the emotional support, this entire process is very stressful, but I guess no news is good news, I should know something in the morning, and I will share my results. : ( 1 Reply dksharpe 3 yr. ago Took mine today. It took me about 90 minutes and shut off at the minimum of 75 questions. A new registration cannot be created at this time". Has 2 years experience. I really have a hard time believing that I could have passed though. Don't understand the popup, I was never told that they grade it twice. It sure felt like a hard test. Has 8 years experience. I got the result on hold pop up. Create well-written care plans that meets your patient's health goals. I will try again tomorrow about 26 hours after I finished my exam. Finally it said I can now check using quick results. Checking over and over again. Has 2 years experience. My legal name consist of 4 names which of the 4 I use all three on a daily basis, so why did the Rep confuse and list my fingerprints with someone else with only the 2nd half of my last name and nothing else even close. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. I took mine yesterday. I will checked back with my Pass testimony in the up coming days or weeks as God shows up at the NCSBN and Pearson Vue Quick results clarifying whose I AM. 1 Article; I'll cross my fingers for you!! Just make sure if you have test anxiety, leave it at the door! How accurate this is re: passing, Edit: can't post the pic on mobile, but it says "our records indicate that you have recently scheduled this exam. Im hoping I see my good pop up tomorrow too ? It does say delivery successful. So now I'm guessing this means that I didn't pass the test ? Seeing that gave me a phenomenal feeling :)!! In reading all these posts I am wondering if I actually have a chance of passing. I attempted the PearsonVue trick and was told my results were on hold. Is this because I am a fast test taker? I finished my exam in about an hour and 45 minutes and I received all 130 questions for the shortened version of the nclex. When I did the pvt I got the results on hold pop up did this happen to anyone else? Its causing my anxiety to go through the roof! I repeated the trick two and four hours later still got the good pop. My exam shut off around the 85th question. I felt like it was asking me similar questions over and over. So, I took the NCLEX this morning (6/19) at 8 AM. LOL. Let's pray, I know God got us. I got the one that states the following, "The candidate currently has test results that are on hold. I am a nervous wreck. My state does not do quick results. Exam 8 AM Friday, heard 7 PM Monday. It changed the day I got my quick results which I definitely paid for. Ive recently discovered that this brain dump May be consisted cheating because I did it before I finished the tutorial instead of after the exam had begun. I had 33 SATA!! Quick Results said I would know by last Thursday then by today at 2 pm and it is now after 8p ET. In reading all these posts I am wondering if I actually have a chance of passing. That pop up is the worst because it can go both ways! Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. nclex on hold pop up. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Please keep us posted as to what happens in your situation with the lovely hold pop up. Check Sunday. I took the PN Nclex and its my 3rd time taking it. Did you find out yet about your results? Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Anyway, I got the good pop up after the exam and the morning after as well. I also asked to use the restroom before the scheduled break. I walked out feeling like I totally bomb it. I tried the PVT after I got my email and got the following pop up: The candidate currently has test results that are on hold. Update: my results are now off hold, and I think I got the "good" pop up from the PVT. Did anyone have take their exam and signature pad was not working for the day? I was angled towards her when I did that and I explained to her that I ripped it open while walking towards her. I barely had any SATA I just took the exam again told same freaking thing hold had another finger print issue. I took the NClex yesterday and I am getting the pop-up that states my "results are on hold" and would not let me proceed to the credit card screen. I've also read about several people that received the bad pop-up that still passed. Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. For some background, the test took me about 45 minutes, and I was kicked off at 76 questions. We have already passed. Privacy Policy. I got up went to the bathroom and came right back. Hello. I got 75 questions and was done in about an hour. Days later, my status change to pending. I provided it on my BreeZe account. PVT trick from good pop up to results on hold. And yes, let's trust God. So frustrating! It has been well over 48 hours and my results are still not available to pay for with quick results. I wouldn't stress too much and hope to see a change by tomorrow! Thank you in advance! I did not do the sample questions at the end. I no someone in the same boat like you, they took it today, no break, finished at 61 questions. It changed the day I got my quick results which I definitely paid for. Did u both pass? Watch a movie, eat some popcorn, marvel at the Muppet's Swedish Chef's ability to do, well, anything and that should get you through the first afternoon. Don't read anything into it, you'd probably be wrong anyway. Waiting to purchase the officia, what it mean breeze application status under. i took my test early this morning with 126's questions. Well, I keep getting a pop, but not the one to relieve my anxiety over what my results might be. So I have been waiting patiently for the results. congrats!! Did I pass or fail? I had satas every 3-4 questions and it wasnt choose 5 choices, it was 6. Specializes in Psych, Skilled Nursing. Test tip: If you absolutely don't know, pick the safest answer. At 30q, 60q, and the recommended 3.5 hour break. If so did you guys pass? Specializes in Med nurse in med-surg., float, HH, and PDN. My exam cut off at 60 and I completed the exam around 45 minutes give or take. So right before you view your results the good pop up showed? I got the on hold pop up too. I do realize that it can go either way and that's what has me so nervous. So thats the ONLY thing i know i had a problem on. Just distract yourself for a few days and you should find out at the 48 hr mark. It's what popped up after mine too. allnurses, LLC, 175 Pearl St Ste 355, Brooklyn NY 11201 I took the NCLEX Saturday 3/20 at 2pm and tried out the PVT as soon as I got home and of course several times since including today. If your hold lasts 3 days your quick results would be released until day 3 4 Articles; I took it on Friday (2/10/17) and they all say after 48 hours you can check on the BRN website (because cali doesn't have the quick results) but we haven't heard anything. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. This study guide will help you focus your time on what's most important. I took my nclex with 265 questions on friday and finished at 630pm. Has 46 years experience. Edit: 24 hours later and I'm still on hold. Most holds last 48-72 hours. If you try and re-register for a new exam and the exam hasn't been submitted yet, you will get a message that may look SIMILAR to the "Good Pop-Up" but it in fact is a universal pop-up and it is not a positive, nor a negative sign. In reading all these posts I am wondering if I actually have a chance of passing. I took the NClex yesterday and I am getting the pop-up that states my "results are on hold" and would not let me proceed to the credit card screen. It's easier said than done, but you really should do something to get your mind away from the unknown results. With that being said, there is still hope if you get that hold pop up. Students NCLEX NCLEX RN/ PVT Trick Hold to Bad "POP-UP" Published Jul 17, 2020 joey5 #Nclex Hold Register to Comment I just finished my NCLEX RN exam (130 questions). The lady said that they pulled my test out of the system. I am doing the same thing you didresearching like crazy about this pop up. Rudi BSN, RN 137 subscribers Subscribe 2.7K views 1 year ago Hi everyone I just wanted to share my experience with NCLEX with you all. My experience is that you will walk out feeling defeated (at least I did). Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac. Our members represent more than 60 professional nursing specialties. Since 1997, allnurses is trusted by nurses around the globe. Once I summited all of my card info, I got the bad "pop-up". From what I've read online, they are probably reviewing my exam because of the technical issue..? I know you feel that the wait is agonizing, but relax (try to). It cut off at 75. When I got home I did the Pearson Vue trick and got the good pop up. I was at number 7 of my questions and a pop up that says "error" or something.