First, I'd like to thank you for all the information that you provide on your website and the opportunity to write to you. Thank you. You can set up a home recovery area where you can rest comfortably, and dont forget to prepare those pillows that will help you elevate your leg. Maybe try wearing slides with socks on? Patient does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Pain can be controlled through the use of pain medications dispensed by the surgeon. Usually, doctors start worrying if the swelling doesnt go down about a month after the procedure. Your toe and foot will have some redness, swelling, and pain after surgery. It helps but not much. You will be able to walk immediately after your surgery but should take it easy and keep your foot elevated for three or four days. I use the heavy black Frankenstein boot if go out. I am limping worse than before and I feel quite discouraged. If you have pins or screws in your toe, they may be taken out a few weeks after the operation.. After classifying your hammertoe as either flexible or fixed, . This pulls the toe into a straighter position, compensating for muscle weaknesses and improving the toes appearance. Hammer toe is a condition where one of the toes becomes stiff and bent, in a position resembling the shape of a hammer. And to go out of the house, and into the car, I had to navigate a good number of stone steps, icy, and snowy, dragging myself on my butt since I wasn't allowed to bear any weight. The pins remain in place to allow the bones to grow together and are removed after the joint has fused. Strangely feels good to have someone to snivel with. Simona, I can so relate! Since you will need to rest a lot the first few days after your foot surgery, elevating your foot will significantly reduce swelling. Minimally invasive surgeries have improved patient outcomes, reducing many of the risks of traditional surgery. Your doctor may suggest that you elevate for about 30 minutes every two hours or on an as-needed basis if you notice a high amount of swelling or pain after the initial . However, there are a couple of things to be wary of: i. High heels can also cause the condition, because the heel pushes the front of the foot down, forward, and against the shoe. Have you tried walking just in socks or barefooted? This means you need to draw an imaginary figure A, then B, then C and so on, all the way to Z. Patients with hammertoes often have other toe problems, such as bunions or corns. I still have pain and swelling 7 weeks after hammertoe surgery. A good review of the causes of warts and protective measures you can take to prevent developing them. How did it go? I can't wear a shoe very long maybe up to two hours and then only tennis shoes. Later that evening,I begin having excruciating pain,redness/warmth on toes/top of foot,and a lot of swelling. It is normal to experience swelling and pain after foot surgery especially if tissue has been cut or removed and bones were moved back into place. Why is my toe still swollen after hammertoe surgery? What is the recovery time for hammer toe surgery? Dehiscence means that the wound has healed poorly or breaks open after healing. 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Is it because of the swelling? After traditional foot surgery, you can expect to leave the clinic with a surgical boot, crutches, or even a knee scooter. Now, since that yanking episode, it hurts to even flex my foot minimally. I think your website is the most informative site I have found when researching foot pain. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. My doctor said my x-ray looked perfect but if it still was swollen in another 3 months to come back for an MRI. Home treatment and better shoes may offer temporary relief from the pain, and a doctor may recommend trying a custom orthotic device before surgery. about laying down on sofa or bed with my feel elevated. Ice placed just above the surgical site can help keep swelling to a minimum. Use life-giving positivity to put the breaks on your negative thoughts and negative life-draining negativity. After surgery, you will need to wear a special type of shoe to protect your toe and to keep it in the right position for 3 to 6 weeks. Less trauma equals less pain, inflammation, and downtime for you. Last medically reviewed on October 1, 2017. This happens more often in smokers, diabetics and those with metabolic diseases. If you have minimally invasive surgery to correct your hammertoe, the procedure is completed in an outpatient setting with a local anesthetic. I'm 69 yet fit and (usually) active and fast moving. She earned a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine from Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine and a Bachelor of Arts in biology from William Paterson University. really regreting this surgery now. You will need to wrap the tape under the big toe, over the hammer toe, and under the toe next to the hammertoe to help keep it in a straight . A flail toe sticks up in the air a bit and can be either stiff or floppy. It is possible to treat flexible hammer toe without surgery, often by simply switching to better shoes. This year it is not going to happen. A surgeon will cut tendons and ligaments, as well as the ends of the bones. appreciate it. Hammer toe is a deformity of the toe, in which one or both joints bend abnormally into a "C" shape 1. The pin remains in the toe for 4-6 weeks. Blog Is this tall, heavy boot my only option? The level of pain after hammertoe and bunion surgery varies, depending on the procedures performed and your pain threshold 5. It was so great to get to your About Us Now there is a big gaping hole there, horrifying, oozing. He didn't know why it might still be hurting. It should also reduce pain. My big toe and its neighbor are super stiff. I had hammertoe surgery on 4th toe 14 months ago and I still have swelling. Certain food groups have a tendency to raise your blood sugars and should be avoided. Those who choose general anesthesia may not be allowed to eat before surgery. My big toe doesn't move at all now, & the one next to it is starting to go under neath the big toe, & the next 2 toes are always sore & swollen. Two months ago, I had hammertoe surgery on all my toes, except the big toe. I greatly admire someone like you who would donate and dedicate so much time and effort to helping strangers with no compensation. After your procedure is complete, your trusted podiatrist closes the incisions with a stitch and applies compression dressing. Hammer toe surgery requires the cutting of skin, nerves, tendon and bone, and as such, pain and swelling are not unexpected following the surgery, according to Premier Podiatry. Can you do something to help yourself get through the recovery period as smoothly as possible? Some days the swelling is worst than others. You have an unusually clear, informative and well-written website for laypersons. Then I bought a pair of Merrel shoes (almost bear foot with wide front), those were comfortable. Bunionectomy After image taken six months post surgery. So I'm not attempting it any more till I'm further healed. Most patients are back on their feet and participating in normal activities within three weeks of minimally invasive hammertoe surgery. In some cases, you may end up not being able to walk without an assistive device like a cane. If a person is squeamish, does not want to see the procedure, or has a phobia of knives or needles, they might prefer general anesthesia. Seems so strange to have such a minor work out be so hard. It is very important to be patient with this swelling. Your foot will be bandaged, and the doctor will remove it on their own or instruct you how to do it at home. All rights reserved. Hammertoe surgery is a procedure to correct a deformity in the second, third, or fourth toea bend at the middle joint that makes the toe look like a claw or hammer. Depending on the type of surgery you had for your hammer toe, these symptoms can last for weeks to months. Please help! I want myself back! Bunionectomy and Neuroma Removal After image taken 12 weeks post surgery. Swelling is a reaction of your tissue to that trauma, which means that having absolutely no swelling after a surgical procedure is not realistic. FAX: (603) 964-6515. How is this expected to continue? You also may have swelling in your foot. Please give me some idea if this is normal!!!! In rare cases, the infection can reach the bone, causing a serious infection called osteomyelitis. Make sure there's a half-inch (1.27 centimeters) of space between your longest toe and the inside tip of your shoe. You expressed it well - "I know there is light at the end of the tunnel but how long is this tunnel?". And now, our virtually pain-free bunion removal procedure is available in Denver, Colorado. I was allowed back in normal shoes after 7 weeks but at first I could only wear sandals, then aqua shoes for quite a while. Keep ice on your foot during your waking hours for the first few days after your surgery to control pain and reduce swelling. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, Complications From Arthroscopic Knee Surgery, How to Increase Flexibility in My Big Toes, Complications of Spinal Fusion With Harrington Rods, Complications of Foot and Ankle Surgery, Podiatry Today: "How To Address the Complications of Hammertoe Surgery" by Molly Judge, DPM. I can't even stand to have a blanket on my foot yet. I'm now 10 months post op and doing well. A host of potential complications may result from hammertoe surgery and the most common list includes but is not limited to: infection, neuritis, painful or unsightly scarring, chronic swelling, malunion or nonunion of bone, and recurrence of deformity. You might also be advised to have physical therapy to correct the muscle imbalance in your foot. I take 800mg ibuprofen (prescribed) too keep the swelling down and also take my percs for pain. You will be back to your dancing and I will be back to cycling in time. Have you experienced this? as being in breach of those terms. It seems that you do go out, have some social life. Our doctors at Luxe Foot Surgery clinic is experienced and talented they will take excellent care of you. You can contact us to book your consultation by filling out an online form or calling our office we are here for you. After surgery, a person will typically feel some pain in the toe and must have someone drive them home. To realize just how lucky you are just living in a warmer climate, think that we had snow over here, and obviously it was quite chilly. It's easy to do. After hammer toe surgery heals, it leaves a small scar that becomes less noticeable over time. During a lapiplasty, our surgeons use tiny, highly specialized tools to completely rotate your misaligned metatarsal bone. She had a pin put in her toe for her hammer toe at the same time. Yesterday was actually my first trip out to a store to buy a bottle of wine to take to a holiday party. 5. from him right now and I won't be back to the area until around Xmas. I planned my surgery and attempted to plan my sedentary time to do my end of year Continuing Education (retired accountant) and I'm taking a very intensive online class, which I'd never commit to if I were mobile. Hammer toe surgery can also be done under general anesthesia. When a hammer toe becomes problematic, surgery can be performed to remove part of the bone and release the contracted tendon. According to Podiatry Today, this complication is usually due to the surgeon failing to isolate the exact underlying bio-mechanical cause of the deformity and correct it. An orthopedic surgeon or podiatrist can help a person correct the problem before surgery becomes necessary, so anyone experiencing symptoms of hammer toe should speak to their doctor before allowing it to get worse. Rarely can they overgrow and turn into a keloid scar (red and inflamed tissue overgrowth). I asked whether I should do some mobility exercises with my foot and toes and he said "Just walk". ive been so depressed , i just cant wait to be back to normal. However, this is only possible in milder cases where the affected toe is still flexible. Is this something good or does it do anything bad to the foot? The incision will probably leave a scar. My 2nd toe is numb am very swollen . Immediately after your surgery, the operated toe will be red, a bit swollen, and maybe even stiff for a while even though the deformity was corrected successfully. But when an underlying condition such as rheumatoid arthritis causes a hammer toe, doctors may recommend treating that condition first. Join in and write your own page! . Hammer toe surgery is primarily done on an outpatient basis. I usually do my research on the Mayo clinic website. After hammer toe surgery heals, it leaves a small scar that becomes less noticeable over time. All my toes are now straight and I was getting used to the new wider, chubby looking toes until I had the right foot done a week ago. It's important that you approach the recovery phase with an upbeat attitude. Once healing takes place, the pain should continue to decrease until it subsides. If your feet are still swollen please don't force them in shoes. I wish I didn't have the surgery. I'm 64 and a very active cyclist and hiker so this is brutal. Andrew had an osteotomy bunionectomy and a hammertoe correction with a plantar plate repair. how ate you now? A person can reduce the symptoms of a flexible hammer toe by avoiding high heels and wearing loose shoes that are at least a half-inch longer than the longest toe. Other reasons for surgery include toe deformity, a drifting in of the big toe toward the small toe, and an inability to bend and straighten the big toe. I was looking forward to my hammertoe pin removal and clearance to begin weight bearing but its just such a battle of swelling and pain. The thinner the person the greater the positive impa, One of the best ways to help yourself heal faster after surgery is to eat well. If left untreated, hammertoes can become painful and cause mobility issues. It is also known as "Sausage Finger" or "Sausage Toe" because of the localized, painful swelling that causes digits to look like sausages. Ahammertoeis a deformity of your toe, where the middle joint is pulled out of alignment by tight muscles or tendons. Simply click here to return to Ask the doctor. I interviewed 7 surgeons before settling on my surgeon but it was hard to find references from former bunion patients so I'm just praying everything will work out! FAILURE TO KEEP THE FOOT ELEVATED DURING THE FIRST WEEK CAN RESULT IN SWELLING, PAIN, HEMATOMA, AND INFECTION AND NOT ONLY SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE THE RECOVERY BUT ALSO PLACE THE FOOT AT RISK. Fortunately, advances in medical technology have led to aminimally invasive approach to hammertoe surgery. Not the most fashionable lol but it's a start!! Hammertoe surgery may be the best option for patients who are still in pain after trying non-invasive hammertoe treatments. Pain killers will be prescribed for the same. What is your experience with walking around in the house just in socks or even bare feet? I can wear heels, though with COVID we rarely go out so I don't get to wear them. You are to . I still have the strips in the other places. I try but it simply doesn't work. However, cutting an already ingrown nail at home can make it worse. Appointments 216.444.2606. PT is recommended by my dr once I can walk but not before. I developed bone growth on these two toes and a lump on side of my 4th toe. This is not you; after bunion surgery, gentle movement is important, so you must take your time and be realistic. You are lucky to live in So. at our local hospital. The first steps toward healing start right away. I started doing floor yoga stretching and some dumbbell weights at home. I have iced, soaked & elevated my foot & got no relief. Ice packs to reduce pain and swelling can help with pain and inflammation. site (top of google search) and actually find all the answers I needed After two days I would say that I have noticed a huge improvement in the discomfort I have been experiencing. Adverse events did not seem to be any better or wors. It's easy to do. After having a hammer toe corrected through surgery, there is the chance that the deformity will return 1. I had hammertoe surgery just over 2. weeks ago. Ice packs (or cold packs) can also help reduce swelling. The most common surgical techniques employed to address the rigid or so-called fixed hammertoe deformities are PIPJ resection arthroplasty or PIPJ arthrodesis. I'm constantly fighting to stay upbeat. All went fine minimal swelling now my whole foot up into my ankle is swollen. The fingers or toes may also be warm and difficult . We avoid using tertiary references. Recovery: As it is true to any given medical procedure, the recovery rate varies from person to person. But I cannot wear even wide, soft sneakers. Dr. B. is online now Related Medical Questions the-good-doctor You will be able to carry your weight the same day after the procedure, and its recommended that you walk a little bit each day. just started antibiotics today, but im super worried and just want ti be back to normal. Tendons attach muscle to bone. My doctor said that I could walk in soft wide tennis shoes. I will never wear normal trainers again, I'll only buy wide ones. People with hammer toe may also develop corns or calluses at the top of the joint from the toe rubbing on poorly fitted shoes. I'm finding that for me this procedure has been an emotional journey as well as a physical one. My doctors visit is in 3.5 weeks away and I need to end the pain and reduce swelling now. Of course, it's reasonable to expect some pain and swelling after the surgery - the procedure requires cutting of your skin, soft tissue, and even bones, so it makes sense that there will be some pain at the surgical site until that heals. Can poor sleep impact your weight loss goals? Swelling accompanied by pain isnt the only thing that can occur after hammertoe surgery. Gallentine, J. W., & DeOrio, J. K. (2005, May). Weve explained all the options in the text below. The surgeon stresses the importance of that. I have a big problem with swelling and I dread trying to put on my soft trainers. I was so excited to be able to put weight on foot and start walking but it's so painful and my foot gets swollen if I walk too much. You may need to wear splints on your treated toes for up to six weeks and you may benefit from physical therapy to improve flexibility in your foot and to keep the muscles strong and supple while you heal. Tomorrow I will try the trainers again. They may also be unable to drive for several weeks. In some cases, you may need to stay off of your feet for a few days. He told me he does not recommend it because he found that PT may increase the chance of bunions coming back. Get plenty of rest and keep the foot elevated while sitting or lying down. And your site is so intelligently arranged. Move from the ankle, and you will exercise every muscle. As tlw described, I do the toe curling and also a stretching exercise with my 2 affected toes on my left foot - the doctor said twice a day - but the infection in my right foot has meant I couldn't exercise that toe; it's quite stiff by comparison. Should I try the colban wrap? My first 10 days after surgery I really didn't take painkillers, other than the paracetamol they gave me during my 2 days in hospital. In some cases, a wound dehiscence may occur. By the way, millions of websites could use yours as a guideline on how to organize information and make the site user-friendly. I was lucky it was summertime. There may be other reasons for your healthcare provider to recommend bunion surgery. Removal of the second toe for severe hammertoe deformity in elderly patients [Abstract]. You may experience some swelling and bruise in the days following surgery, but this should subside within a few weeks. Today I will take my first full shower, including my operated foot which hasn't seen water since October 31. Toe-strengthening exercises, such as picking items up off the floor with the toes, may also help. So, I am still elevating my foot a lot. Posted Patience is key for this kind of healing journey.. Lets stay in touch and perhaps we can share our recovery benchmarks and look forward to a full recovery. respect of any healthcare matters. Reading the responses really hasn't given given me much relief as it sounds like 8-12 weeks is the next date to look forward to. Join in and write your own page! If that fails, surgery might be the only option. We then remove the pin in the office once the toe is fully healed. Hammer toe surgery requires the cutting of skin, nerves, tendon and bone, and as such, pain and swelling are not unexpected following the surgery, according to Premier Podiatry. But you might have to try a few different shoes before you find the right ones. The recovery period could be painful and difficult, especially in the initial stages. Cardiovascular health: Insomnia linked to greater risk of heart attack. Seabrook, NH 03874 While a certain amount of pain, discomfort, and ankle and foot swelling after surgery are normal, typically, these side effects are short-lived. i did 4 toes 2 on each foot. All rights reserved. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified Our best day is when you wake up without foot pain. Its very frustrating to still be so swollen. Infection following hammer toe surgery can usually be handled with a short course of oral antibiotics. I had bunion & second & third hammertoe,surgery aug 16th, pins were pulled Sept 27, 5 days ago, third toe, looks like it is curling down ward & is very swollen still, is it possible the bone fractured on removal of the pin, it didn't hurt too bad to have pins pulled, but the next 2 days after were bad, did a lot of icing & elevatingIt seems my ankle, calf & across top of foot is still swelling a lot when on it for more than an hour. At present I wouldn't be able to walk to the end of our street without having to hobble back like I'm 100 years old. what is your take on this & can you recommend some other therapies for me to try I would ask my surgeon myself, but I am vacationing 2,200 mi. Upgrade to Patient Pro Medical Professional? Because of supply chain shortages as well as staffing shortages particularly during the pandemic, many institutions extended the time between dressing changes for chronic wounds. I asked for it since I read a lot about PT being very helpful. Deformity recurrence hammertoe can return after surgery if the surgeon hasnt treated its underlying issue or selected the wrong surgical procedure. When a hammer toe causes pain, and other treatments fail, surgery may be the only option for correcting the joint. Thank you, Hello it's been 3 months since I had bunion surgery I know I have screws and plates and the side of my foot but they had to fix my hammertoe my second toe the one next to my big toe it was bent up before my surgery after they did the surgery my foot and the doctor says it is still swollen is it normal to have but second toe sticking up higher than the rest of them cuz they had to straighten that out cuz it was Hammer Toe well that toe eventually go back down he said he's straighten them out on my toes to where they should be I'm just worried I hope it doesn't stay like that. Your doctor will give you detailed instructions before the procedure, so lets see how you can reduce swelling, pain, and inflammation. I rotate different day but ALWAYS make sure to keep my foot up for a WHOLE day unless I have to use the restroom..haha. The only way to correct rigid hammertoes is to undergo surgery. Still, if there is too much swelling, that might slow down the recovery, which is why we take steps to reduce it sometimes. And yes my foot was swellon for 4months I could get into a Reebok cloth tennis shoe it will take time i hope all goes well for you. According to MedlinePlus, a keloid is an overgrowth of scar tissue that appears red and inflamed, and possibly painful 2. This is clear evidence that the ROM exercises have not accomplished the expected results. I am 65 and I do dancing for pleasure and exercise. Be well! Ice placed just above the surgical site can help keep swelling to a minimum. Nearly five months postsurgery, I've learned that "healing the bone" is only one part of the full recovery. I had hammertoe surgery on both feet 6 weeks ago.On my left foot I had the 3 and 4th toe with k-wire.This is my 3rd surgery and the last one was done 2004. Copyright 2017-2023 Nagy Footcare. A rigid hammer toe means the joint is no longer movable. When a muscle gets too weak, it can put pressure on the tendons of the toe. I'm not sure if this is normal. Osteomyelitis needs to be treated in the hospital with an extended course of intravenous antibiotics, followed by another course of oral antibiotics. A good review of how blood sugars can become elevated and the harm that can do. Full recovery may take as long as 1 year. Sometimes, nerve tissue can become trapped, creating a painful scar called an adhesion. Does glucosamine or MSM reduce arthritis pain? Stitches are eliminated after 7 to 21 days. 7 Works Way So we had surgery just one day apart and we are also a year apart. Swelling could last up to a year, but the pain should subside fairly soon after the operation. X-ray was done.The MD indicated that pins look intact and it was probably bruised. The next day it was a lot worse. Its actually the first pain I'm experiencing since the surgery. Keloids are more likely to occur in African Americans. A doctor may also recommend putting a pad over the joint to prevent it from rubbing against shoes. Somersworth, NH 03878 Allowing adequate space for your toes will help relieve pressure and pain. How Viagra became a new 'tool' for young men, Ankylosing Spondylitis Pain: Fact or Fiction,,,,,,-joint,-and-muscle-disorders/foot-problems/hammer-toe. These exercises can also prevent hammer toe from coming back. What to Expect After Hammertoe Surgery? Heart failure: Could a low sodium diet sometimes do more harm than good? So, I do minimal walking. Bunion and 6-week post-op. My doctor said that I could drive when I can wear normal shoes. Food choices that raise your risk of type 2 diabetes. But I think I couldn't wear them until I was about 10-12 weeks PO. If you have a hammertoe or are concerned that a hammertoe is developing,contact us at Nagy Footcarefor effective diagnosis and treatment. I appreciate you having this website. When I take it off it feels better. If you are planning on having hammertoe correction, your podiatrist will explain any risks or complications involved with the procedure. The swelling has really gone down more - my foot looks normal from the top (well few scars and a funny colour and some bruising still) but it's still swollen when you look at it from the side, so I couldn't yet put my foot into most of my shoes (even if I was allowed). My husband came and without even asking me, quickly tore off the strips over the bunion incision. Initially, you should change your shoes, switching to shoes with a wide toe box. Also, yesterday, when I had my shower, the steri strips did not fall off. I hit the tip of my toes and the pins were pushed in. It has totally bruised my shin, and in attempt to sit with boot on I can not elevate foot at all because of the weight. I did wear it all day and my toe hurts. Usually the patient feels very good and wants to start doing things. Wearing ill-fitting or pointy-toed shoes is one of the most common causes of a hammer toe. Our board . Always speak to your doctor before acting and in cases of emergency seek Surgery might be your only solution for severe pain and discomfort caused by hallux rigidus, but there are some expenses to take into account if, If you suffer from arthritis, stem cell injections can be used as a form of treatment in addition to the common orthopedic care.