Two identical balls each of mass 0.1*10-3kg carry identical charges and are suspended by two non conducting threads of equal length. Two identical insulated spheres, X and Y, suspended by threads from a ceiling, are held at a small distance apart, Sphere X carries a charge of + 4 x 10-18 C, while sphere Y has an excess of 30 electrons. Two identical spheres of mass 1 kg are placed 1 m apart from each other. 9. (a) A positively charged rod is brought near a neutral metal sphere, polarizing it. Why does it look dark between the distance stars at night. This is the standalone version of University Physics with Modern Physics, Twelfth Edition. Two identical conducting spheres carry charges of +5.0 C and 1.0 C, respectively. A charge +Q is uniformly distributed throughout a nonconducting spherical shell of inner radius R1 and outer radius R2, as shown above. B V1 = Q . (a) Explain in detail why both these swings happen. LB=LA and KB>KA, A block of mass m is attached to a spring and placed on an inclined plane. mvo/ (M+m) physics. By changing a linear momentum E This book defends the claims of historical-critical research into the New Testament as necessary for theological interpretation.Presenting an interdisciplinary study about the nature of theological language, this book considers the modern debate in theological hermeneutics beginning with the Barth-Bultmann debate and moving towards a theory of language which brings together historical-critical . A negatively charged rubber rod is brought close to, but does not make contact with, sphere X. If the angle between . Use the vertical line test to determine whether the graph represents a function. . T C E T When the two spheres are brought near each other, they swing toward each other and touch, then swing away from each other. Which entry in the table below correctly describes the net torque and the net force on the dipole? E E B x-axis where x<0 B k/2, A 5 kg object suspended on a spring oscillates such that its position x as a function of time is given by x=0.8 m cos(2t). directly propotional to r apart because of their mutual repulsion. 3 (3.14) /2 s longer period of oscillation E y = 5 sin (3t) angular momentum: The same for both 3. kinetic energy, A rigid insulated rod, with two unequal charges attached to its ends, is placed in a uniform electric field E as shown above. II and III only B What happens to its angular momentum as it moves from point X to point Y ? (b) Next the spheres are moved away from each other. The escape speed for a rocket at Earth's surface is ve. (a) Explain in detail why both these swings happen. Sphere Y is then brought close to X on the side opposite to the rubber rod. C The potential energy of the spring is at a minimum at x = 0. D 0000012246 00000 n The dimensional formula of the moment of inertia is given by, M 1 L 2 T 0. where, m = Sum of the product of the mass. Explain using math terms such as calculate and convert. A C D The charge begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. The student jumps off tangentially, setting the platform spinning. B (2GM/(3R))1/2 12 m/s2 (mgsin(angle)/k)1/2 Weve got your back. 64 N/m 4 m/s2 bob were replaced by a 4.0 kg brass sphere C Two metallic spheres each of mass M are suspended by two strings each of length L. the distance One end of a uniform rod of mass m and cross-sectional area A is suspended from a rigid support and In figure, two equal positive point charges q1 = q2 = 2.0C interact with a third . E Sphere C is first touched to A, then to B and finally removed. If air resistance and friction in the pivot are negligible, quantities that are conserved as the ball swings back and forth include which of the following? The dielectric constant of the liquid is (given the density of the metal sphere is .8g/cc) They are shot into a region that contains a uniform electric field as shown. 1 s 360 kg The potential energy of the system is zero at the equilibrium position and has a maximum value of 50 joules. 2mbt1 The period of oscillation is, A circular platform (merry go round) has a radius R and rotational inertia I. Two identical stars, a fixed distance D apart, revolve in a circle about their mutual center of mass, as shown above. If there is no change in the charge distributions, what is the direction of the net electrostatic force on an electron located at the center of the circle? The total electric flux through any imaginary concentric spherical shell of radius r that encloses S is A positively charged solid conducting sphere is contained within a negatively charged conducting spherical shell as shown. B The electric flux through the closed cylindrical shell is, A simple pendulum consists of a l.0 kilogram brass bob on a string about 1.0 meter long. An electric dipole is released from rest in a uniform electric field with the orientation shown. Two identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of lengths l, are initially at a distance d(d << l) apart because of their mutual repulsion. To the right, Which of the following must be true in order for the rotating platform to continue rotating with a constant angular velocity If the electric field points in the negative y direction, what will be the resulting paths for these particles? B How will the spheres be charged, if at all? 0000005410 00000 n Free introductory physics homework help step by step from qualified mentors. 9. What is the angle 0? Spring 1 indicated by the dashed line is linear but spring 2 is not. When the positive ends are also connected, the decrease in energy of the combined system is 1 1 (b) C (V12 V22) (a) C (V12 V22) 4 4 (c) 1 C (V1 V2) 2 4 (d) 1 C (V1 V2) 2 4 2. 2 cm Which of the following statements about energy is correct? Two identical pendulums A and B are suspended from the same point. 1 cm, An ideal spring with spring constant k is cut in half. A negatively charged rod is brought close to the sphere but does not touch the sphere. Figure 18.2. 20 Full PDFs related to this paper. Each string makes an angle of 15 with the vertical. Introductory Physics Homework Help Forum. The spheres are then returned to their original separation L. rigid support stand; rubber pad * Available from Central Scientific Company, Fisher Scientific and Sargent-Welch Scientific Company PROCEDURE Two identical heavy steel balls with hooks on opposite sides are suspended from a support by strings[1]. Then Two identical small metal coated spheres R and S are given identical charges of 40nC each. Two identical charged spheres are suspended by strings of equal lengths. inversely proportional to r The ball is then released from rest and swings like a simple pendulum. Answer Two identical charged spheres are suspended by strings of equal length. Four point charges are held fixed at the corners of a square as shown in the figure. Two identical charged spheres suspended from a common point by two massless strings of lengths 1, are initially at a distance d(d << 1) apart because of their mutual repulsion. 3 only What is its maximum downward displacement? bob were replaced by a 0.25 kg brass sphere, string were replaced by one about 0.25 meter long, The figure above represents satellites S2 and S3 of equal mass orbiting Earth in circles of radii 2Re, and 3Re respectively, where Re is the radius of Earth. The magnitude of the electric field at a distance of two meters from a negative point charge is E. What is the magnitude of the electric field at the same location if the magnitude of the charge is doubled? 10 kg The rod experiences a, net force to the left and a counterclockwise rotation, A charge +Q is uniformly distributed throughout a nonconducting spherical shell of inner radius R1 and outer radius R2, as shown above. Rotational speed: Stays the same Rotational Speed: Decreases There are no forces exerted on it Four point charges, each of the same magnitude, with varying signs are arranged at the corners of a square as shown. 3) the polythene strip is removed. The person's weight may increase or decrease depending on the density of the planet C You're making this way harder than it needs to be. At which of the following times is the upward velocity of the object the greatest? Two pith balls of mass 10mg are suspended by two threads from the same support and charged identically they move apart by 0.08m and the threads make an angle of 60 degrees with each other. Which of the following is true of the speed of the particle? mbt1 Y is allowed to touch X and then is removed some distance away. D (e) Show the polarization of a molecule inside the plastic at points A, B, C, D. and E. Explain briefly. E/2 ve The charges begins to leak from both the spheres at a constant rate. x = 24 m As a result, the spheres approach each other with a velocity v. A At apogee, a distance R1 from the planet, the satellite's angular speed is w. What is the angular speed of the satellite at perigee, a distance R2=R1/2 form the planet? D A particle moves in simple harmonic motion represented by the graph above. C The other half is given a charge + q also uniformly distributed along its arc. Science Physics Q&A Library Two hard rubber spheres, each of mass m = 13.7 g, are rubbed with fur on a dry day and are then suspended with two insulating strings of length L = 5 . Which of the following equations results from a correct application of Gauss's law for this situation? Subject: Physics, asked on 23/5/18. (a) Make a sketch showing all of the forces acting on the suspended sphere. Using the small angle approximation how do the periods T1 and T2 compare? As a result, the spheres approach each other with a velocity v. What is the magnitude F of the net force on the particle at time t = t1 ? 0000003552 00000 n 9. If . A block of mass 1.2 kilograms is suspended from the pair of springs, as shown above. (b) Charges q1 and q2 have opposite signs; electric force is attractive. If the density of the material of the sphere is 1.6 g c m 3, the dielectric constant of the liquid is: A. The Literary Theory Handbook introduces students to the history and scope of literary theory, showing them how to perform literary analysis, and providing a greater understanding of the historical contexts for different theories.. A new edition of this highly successful text, which includes updated and refined chapters, and new sections on contemporary theories 2E How will the spheres be charged, if at all? Question Two identical small charged spheres hang in equilibrium with equal masses (0.03kg) shown in the figure. 0.5 s Sphere Y is then brought close to X on the side opposite to the rubber rod. Blair Buckley 105 Question 312 A particle of mass m is attached to a linear spring with spring constant K and unstretched length r0 as shown in Fig. Complete the following statement: When a glass rod is rubbed with silk cloth, the rod becomes positively charged as. It has a period of 2.0 seconds. An astronaut weighs 600 N on Earth. The particles have the same initial velocities in the positive x direction.