By using this site, you agree to its use of cookies. It is important to make sure we are not trusting the choices, but trusting ourselves! 2023 Fiveable Inc. All rights reserved. Multiple choice questions can quickly trick us, because if we see our first answer there, we assume it must be right, right? Let f be the function defined by f(x)=x^2+1/x+1 with domain [0,). We need to find g(5). One is the graph of f, one is the graph of f, and one is the graph of f. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Use or distribution of these materials online or in print. Unit 10 -Sequences & Series (Part 2) *Quiz (Days 1 - 5): Thursday, March 8th *Unit 10 Test: Thursday, March 15th *MIDTERM (Units 8 - 10): Tuesday, March 20th. The graph of f has a point of inflection at x=8. II At points where y=8, the lines tangent to the curve are vertical. 3 0 obj 3 x-2 y=8 For example, an integral through a function, a table, and a graph, will all challenge your knowledge of integrals in a different way. By the Mean Value Theorem applied to f on the interval [0,4], there is a value c such that f'(c)=4. F'(c)=8-7/3-(-3) since the Mean Value Theorem applies. Which of the following statements is true about the curve at the point (3,4) ? Good luck! Let f be the function defined by f(x)=x36x2+9x+4 for 0*@aZ{mq*dQ%CO6. Let f be a function with first derivative given by f(x)=x(x5)2(x+1). Directly from College Board and AP: The AP Calculus AB/BC Exams consist of 45 multiple choice questions including: Time: 60 minutes (2 minutes per question), Time: 45 minutes (3 minutes per question). Unit 5 MCQ AP Calc AB 4.9 (50 reviews) Term 1 / 36 Let f be the function given by f (x)=5cos2 (x2)+ln (x+1)3. 5A>[X) 7bO8HN40]{K: E=4('X\Y >xD]zmq& IE+7IKqk\P!S){ )B=,*C(YeBD]:?%!"fm&JjQ%/9yJ~Fq=@~#ok,nvLW\74`=ud!VZO/%d.|4%' We take the area! , AP Calculus AB/BC Multiple Choice Help (MCQ), Unit 2: Differentiation: Definition and Fundamental Properties, Unit 3: Differentiation: Composite, Implicit, and Inverse Functions, Unit 4: Contextual Applications of Differentiation, Unit 5: Analytical Applications of Differentiation, Unit 6: Integration and Accumulation of Change, Unit 9: Parametric Equations, Polar Coordinates, and Vector-Valued Functions (BC only), Unit 10: Infinite Sequences and Series (BC only). Let f be the function given by f(x)=5cos2(x2)+ln(x+1)3. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. According to the model, for what size order is the cost per unit a minimum? The figure above shows the graph of f on the interval [a,b]. Of the following intervals, on which can the Mean Value Theorem be applied to f? This section has 2 parts: And here's how often each unit shows up on the test: For free AP multiple choice practice, try: If you want more AP-style multiple choice practice, consider buying a prep book. On the other hand, if you do not understand a problem or are blanking on how to solve it, looking at the answers can be helpful! <> Good luck when approaching the multiple choice section! Students will complete Unit 5 Progress Check: MCQ Part C & FRQ Part A in My AP. Do My Homework AP Calc Unit 4 Progress Check An electrical power station is located on the edge of a lake, as shown in the figure above. B. Which of the following statements are true? On which of the following closed intervals is the function f guaranteed by the Extreme Value Theorem to have an absolute maximum and an absolute minimum? At what times t, for 0 (a) How many elements are in the set A x A? Question: College Board AP Classroom Unit 10 Progress Check: MCQ Part A 2 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 Question 5 0 if a is nonzero real number and r is a real number . You'll be asked more straightforward skills-based questions, problems typically don't build off of each other. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Unit 2 Progress Check MCQ PartA.pdf. The demand for gasoline per day at a filling station can be modeled as a linear function of price. What value of c satisfies the conclusion of the Mean Value Theorem applied to f on the interval [1,2]? The graph of f, the second derivative of the continuous function f, is shown above on the interval [0,9]. Many teachers, college and high school level, put a lot of work into making these multiple choice questions. It may give you the insight you need to remember how to solve the problem. f has one relative minimum and two relative maxima. The domain of f is not a closed and bounded interval. /Contents 4 0 R>> Let f be a differentiable function with f(0)=4 and f(10)=11. This is a problem you should be ready to see, be sure to check out the unit 6 study guide for more information on these two forms. Use the scroll bar to view the pacing. unit 5 progress check frq part a ap calculus bc. Not my favorite color-by-letter. This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and to analyze traffic. Consider all points (x,y) on curve C where y>0. ]Jej }w /?1JZ%9$O-oN~xsJpnO>NJ2}aT2*TTtc|7MoUJ'i bR,iqw + RRY-J`uq[, Which of the following statements could be false? Which of the following must be true for some c in the interval (0,10) ? (The other 50% comes from the free response questions). Let f be a function with first derivative given by f(x)=(x+1)(x2)(x3). Why does this not contradict the Extreme Value Theorem?