I find it ridiculous to blame cheating on power and authority. Read his book about the Kingdom. it is right there in your favorite Rev 20 passage. And then he quotes passages that dont contain the words he said Jesus said. Please tell me how could he take communion while screwing someone else the last year..Id like to know when he lost his values, his morals, his honesty..his life is a lie. pS Dont forget to include Delilah in your prayers tonight:). Im not married. CC is not all bad.its the best there is for getting away with bad behaviors! Shouldnt they as you say, be restorative? Jesus,Jesus, Jesus.in everything Ive read, not one has acknowledged that He died for this very reasonEVERYONE OF US IS GUILTY. They know it is wrong of them to commit adultery if they are married, they know its wrong to steal, wrong to hurt other people etc and they know its right to give money to help the poor and they know its right to be a good Samaritan etc. Its always awful, no matter the denomination or the size of the congregation. As spring breakers poured into Fort Lauderdale to bong beers, he set up "The Recovery Room" at the Jolly Roger motel, where he offered live music, first aid, and of course Evangelical literature. Whether you are a participant in CCFL or not, the bigger picture here is that Pastor Bob is not Jesus! (1) Faith in Jesus: Check; (2) Mega-anything = mega-bad: Check. Money really is the root of all kinds of evil. Loss off place in church culture. Many evangelicals get saved and still do the same sins as before or trade them in for worse sins. All I have published are the bare facts that I could verify through multiple sources. Moniker perversion sorry for the T trouble. Deal with it. #473, great post. We spoke to the pastor about John Macarthurs false teachings and extensive connections to the New World Order, but he would not listen and could not believe that Macarthur was anything but godly man. If you believe that the posting of any material infringes your copyright, be sure to contact us through the contact form and your material will be removed! Sin is sin. just a kind reminder that Pastor Bob coy and his family are human beins with feelings and I cant reconcile my mind why something like this that could cause so much harm especially to his two children you would proceed with. I have read that 7500 attended the meeting last week. The last thing we need to do is turn on each other over this because first, There is nothing new under the sun Second, we have a whole unbelieving world out there that will be looking for an explanation and answers and we are focused on discrediting each other and being right??? Could your husband or wife do (or be doing ) such a thing? repentance REPENTANCE, n. 1. You will tow the line no matter what. My Prayers and heart go to Bob Coy and his family. He admitted to committing adultery and having an addiction to pornography. But peace to you anyways. I Am His: Diane Coy. God is and will continue to deal with Bob. You my friend constantly bring him up. In fact, the church had been battling accusations nationwide for years that it empowered predatory pastors while demanding little accountability. It provokes mockery and rage, but very rarely a constructive response. Im still here, though I have had a couple of colds since the Chuck curse. Where did you ever get the idea that the millennium was to be disneyland?? Is it true that women paid money to deny the commandment inI Timothy about women placing a priority on the cultivation of inward character over outward adornment by having high price spa and hair days? I agree with Michael, that MacArthur is being grossly misrepresented here. But the point you missed was your quote supported my view 100% that the seven times is definitely not years but cycles of some sort or as I said, the complete amount of time needed to work Nebe or as JFB say a complete revolution in his state of mind, You are incapable of doing anything but parroting what what youve heard. Pastor Bob has said time & time again that you dont go to church for him you go to church for a connection to god. From the interviews I have heard and the people that have commented who were saved at that church who grew in that church and were serving in that church, yes it does seem like the message was right and the fruit is good and its fruit that will remain! Little sister Ive had my struggles at CC and other churches, Ive walked out of sermons and understand the feeling of not relating to Pastors. Coy soon upgraded again, by moving to a warehouse in Pompano Beach, where thousands came every week to watch him preach. You keep making claims that are revealing of your stature. "If we go off the record, I could tell you a lot," he says. Deal with it and may your curse not come back on you. Did she die? Yes I am disappointed but Bob is a man. Someone earlier said that porn is a symptom. Calvinism is not an eschatology though Calvinists tend to be almost anything other than pretrib premillennialists. Sorry that I crashed your little party! Diane Schuler, her daughter Erin, and her three nieces also died in the crash. And if you read June one of the comments I believe she really got it right. You have never read any of Luthers writings (I am sure at best you have read only out of context internet quotes) so a discussion about Luther would be unprofitable. I pray for our fallen pastor and his family and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are hurting. So Coy gets the pass because it is normal and I get the ridicule. "But we need to remember it is Jesus Christ who is our leader and not man.". Please dont forget them in your prayers that God will put godly counselors in their paths to help them with their pain, their fear, and more than likely their doubt in their own faith. Before leaving each church, we shared our research with the pastors who made excuses, denied the facts and questioned our right to find fault with their church doctrine and leadership. Changes things greatly. And if Bob is reading this he now knows who I am. This is a subject matter that is common and not just to Calvary Chapel but to all churches and to all spheres and walks of life, and something that no one has mentioned is the spiritual warfare we are in, and how anyone who is seeking to serve the Lord or preaches his word will be attacked, its not surprising that Bob Coy fell, what is surprising is that more men who are serving the Lord arent falling. And when some were gone like that in recent years, it was probably said, they were troublemakers, or, they didnt respect the work of God, and so on and so on. When it comes to blasting issues like Gay marriage from the pulpitsCC uses newspaper, tv, radio you name it. It is a struggle not to disrespect and dishonor her? May you find love and fulfillment with a significant other who will love and accept your world view. Register today for the I Am His conference at. I dont give a rip if you allow this past the moderation phase or not! The4Gospels present Him as Risen, do you trust in, rely on, and cling to this Risen Jesus as your only source of life? Sorry Michael force not biting my tongue harder and spoiling your thread. I never been to CC but I read on many different blogs about them and I would like to share the Scripture from Psalm 2:11-12 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Thank you Bob Sweat, Paige and others who have gone through thisthank you for speaking truth and speaking with love and grace. photos: Screencap via Youtube/Google Street View, The club has now terminated its relationship with Coy, toured the nation on Evangelical radio and TV shows. And I also said that I would not give him the keys to another church. The following day, the victim told the police that she was not ready to proceed with a criminal investigation unless a second person came forward. Nowadays we are mostly committed to serious dialogue and ongoing relationships. You didnt have the integrity and honesty to answer my question, and now you want me to answer yours! Let there be no hint of rejoicing in this sad day. [7] Im sure that everyone understands my need to be as careful and precise as possible. RiBo, A man posted yesterday on FB that something like 40% of pastors struggle with some sort of sexual sin. Mary! Too many people look at their pastor or sr. pastor, vs.the congregation being pointed to the Lord. Hes resigned so let it be. Im more sympathetic to the people like Anonymous above than to Coy. Hugh, You showed nother in John 6. All to help him and his family get over this. 7 And when the THOUSAND YEARS are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the NATIONS WHICH ARE IN THE FOUR QUARTERS OF THE EARTH, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. Thanks. Is there a man here who would go over and console Coy at the expense of his sister. Police later spoke with the victim in September 2015, but she said she was not sure whether she wanted to go through with a criminal investigation or testify. Governance Model does not dictate whether a pastor is more or less a sinnerit recognizes the fact the pastor is a sinner and provides checks and balances against too much pastor-centric power that is a corrupting force. Hey 99.9% of guys do or they are lying! He is in the process of restoration. on and on ad nauseum ] The real power wont be shown by succumbing to any of these dangers. I would also see their wives looking at them and nudging them. Brian is extensively involved in missions and church planting around the world. This brother is as Gay as a Goose! Ok I got it:) So do you NOT believe jesus is coming back for the bride one day? I dont know if I can remember everything I said. Or throw out some $5 words do you can sound oh so superior, well the Hebrew was for you, so that perhaps the original language might enlighten you! a new church down the street] Against the dysfunctions of the church [ Why cant we all just get along? awesome. Because this is a personal matter, any further questions would be best addressed to Bob Coy himself.". A CCFL employee posted it on my blog and I started asking questions all over the place and then published the question. Please understand I dont mean that condescendingly, it just is fact. Please. Googlogian. I believe with God all things are possible. The two faced aspect of all of this. Krent, Why do you express yourself behind screen names? I can only speak for myself, I want that I say to be more important that who I am. Barbara, Sure there are some quotes but the conclusions are laughable. So, the next time she walks by, dont give a 2nd glance. If you answered yes to all 7 questions you are a Preterist Scripture denying Calvinist! I will be curious to see how available his teachings are after this. I have struggled to find a place to call home as well. I think this is your passage HUGH. Anything at all? No sin overtakes us, except what is common to man. Pastor Bob was my pastor for 20 years, and my heart is broken. and join the scoffers and Mockers, then you will know that Im not speaking Gods word to you! He is currently producing the debut album for his band The 288's, a God-inspired Hip Hop/R&B group that combines soul-baring lyricism with an electric innovative sound, breaking from the norm and reaching all cultures & ages (save senior citizens). Thanks for your words. I dont care if its Billy Graham, Chuck Smith or John Calvin himself who came back from the dead if they should appear and teach contrary to the word of God, they are to be rejected. you will know if youre a preterist scripture denying disciple of Calvin or a Bible believing follower of Jesus!. These teachings which give rise to anti-Semitism and go against Gods word which says, I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you, then yes that is garbage! So although Bob did at one point attempt to put rots in Pompano God had other plans, much like Noah getting swallowed by the great fish after being thrown off a ship and subsequently deposited in the land where God intended him to go. Give Mercy and you will find mercy ! Moe- I thought of the verse Does a dog return to its vomit. Mark Davis and Clay Hecocks wives were very good friends and I am sure together decided enough was enough from what they knew. Payne had taken his case against Fort Lauderdale Police Maj. Eric Brogna to the Broward County State Attorney's Office, but prosecutors declined to press charges. So his wife and kids just need to realize that this is the reality of life and BC is no worse or better than the average man, perhaps even a better man a stronger man, who is going through this facing the ravenous wolves that most of you have become! This is all speculation and I dont think MacArthur should do this kind of thing. Ushers passed tissue boxes down the rows as his followers wept. Probably ended about 4-5 yrs ago, so whoever was doing it afterwards- I have no knowledge of. Con man. Even through my anger and hurt, I know that it is just a sin, and that they are no worse than me when I lie or steal. I dont take pleasure in his fall but it appeared inevitable. Our goal is to help you along your discipleship journey and enjoy a full life as a follower of Christ.. The chapel's founder, Kent Nottingham, told a local TV station that there'd been no suspicion of abuse and that he was "shocked.". They ended up locked in dueling lawsuits, with the pastor accusing Calvary's leaders of skimming profits and the Smiths charging that he used his influence running the radio stations to pressure women into sex. Thank you for giving us this resource. [sad to say but true in my experience] Bob could easily do 6 months to a year for that and be right back at it in no time. MacArthur isnt a wolf in sheeps clothing, hes just a self-righteous pious a-hole from the pulpit, but at least he tows his own line in his personal life. 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. Coy is lordship salvation enough that he has undoubtedly taught it in such a way as, now, the finger is pointed at him. Stop this! Hes being lauded in many places as admirable for that. To Andy (#652), Good points. Those who understood their own propensity, weakness and past personal sins and failures might be better off placing a hand over their mouths and silently praying for mercy to be extended to this man and his family. Im not answerable to you. There of course will be natural consequences for his sin (as there for all of us) when we too sin, but his will be on a much bigger stage. 3rd, there is a difference between millennialism and dispesationalism . What's even weirder is that a bunch of basically identical articles about her that state it was a rumor prior to the series dropping but now is "debunked due to her being in the series" which makes zero sense since people can die after filming an interview and just shows they didn't watch the series. How many people attend your church, I want to make sure your crusading vendetta against CC is not born out of jealousy, for a work that God has raised up in these last days and the devil through people like you is attacking incessantly! I attribute you and/or the blog here whenever I write about something that you broke, its just how its supposed to be done. The guilty person must be reprimanded publicly to generate remorse that may lead to his repentance. Its human nature. I suspect that the laughs made him realize it worked..got more people in and maybe it became like a treadmill that you can never get off of. If youre so incredibly stupid as to think Id print something that inflammatory without proof, I really cant help you. In my opinion, if he did this [to one victim], it's just a question of how many others are out there. 2nd, I dont believe much that I see quoted on these rapture ready type web sites. To critics such as Newnham, there's only one reason to fight for a ruling like that: to hide from churchgoers the amount of cash the church gave Coy to go away. Especially when you twist the truth and cannot backup your allegations. Listen to his own words here: http://www.thewatchmanwakes.com/John-MacarthurMark-of-the-Beast.html. He had a staff of 13. Even in the chemically altered '70s music business, Coy's appetites were too voracious. But some thought it was financial issues. Its up to God whether or not Bob Coy is restored to leadership of any kind and that is not on any one mans timetable or ratio. Let him be restored to the churchs love. When all you know about a position is the way it is caricatured you should avoid comment. I lost my job because of saying NO, but was made to look like I was a horrible employee. Michael, We don;t argue we chat from different view points. This will blow up to be a lifetime deal on Coys part. That whole situation made everyone pleased. Beating a brother up as you mention Im sure is not what Jesus meant by loving your enemy and turning the other cheek! The enemy is now going to go to work and use this to do precisely what I see going on in this blog. Instead the idolaters slay the messenger. Obedience to the Great Commission requires total commitment to Him who loved us and gave Himself for us. He calls us to a life of self-denying love and service. Mary! And may your little friends who warm themselves in the fires of scoffing and mockery take heed as well! or fornication? Has God randomly destined some for hell? I think that is the only thing I have understood you say in days. So if you have a problem with that, take it up with God. This story broke yesterday morning online before I ever wrote a word. I know that Michael uses some strict criteria before he publishes. Imagine what all those kids at Liberty are thinking now. Can you please point me to the confession of these women? As a doctrine, it leads people to follow the antichrist who comes to unite the worlds belief systems. I love the nuts. The victim wife of another scandal set up camp at a near by church SO if anyone can recommend a smaller church, please let me know. My anger and frustration with Bob today is finally slipping toward thoughts about those poor souls who have to listen to 3 services of unrelated sermons in order to make it to an afternoon meeting where sadness and disappointment will rule the day. I have read here for many years, but only post occasionally. I do not judge him. So they began to buy out failing churches in the area and use large screens. King David was not called to lead a church or ministry. Sauder, a married father of three, has been a minister since 2004 and on staff at Calvary for 14 years, according to the churchs website. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. This church has operated as BC was the end all be all. The things I did before coming to Christ came naturally and I had no problem doing them. Some who have been mistreated by Coy will rejoice and have an I told you so attitude and I understand that. That seems to say that if you are have no power and authority then you wont cheat. The Asst Pastors are pretty weak with the exception of Bill Schott BUT he is a teacher and not evangelical. Do those people have a right to know? If there wasnt grace then all would be toast. A core of my current belief system is that none are truly transformed when they are saved. However, if the Pastor fails, I am called to be forgiving and cut him slack. Keep in mind what David was as a youth, A Shepherd, the leader of a flock. He is always hanging out ask him:). YES and his congregation knows and it was handled perfectly. What else do you claim to know better than Jesus. Lots of questions now. ok. I knew you could. BTW My Grandmother the mother of 12 and Grandmother of 33+ and a bunch of great grand kids was the most Christian woman I ever knew and she was a devout Catholic so was Mother Teresa for that matter. Given the opportunity of beautiful young women throwing themselves at at men, 99.9 percent of men would fall. Daughter good for you you are healthfully progressing though a normal phase of emotions but I dont understand the point that there was a confession with other pastors. NONE. Doctors performed surgery; despite the prognosis of a complete recovery, Coddington died on February 27, 2008. I think it is a great post. That may be his opinion. Over the years he and other associate pastors hired family members and close friends. Is God through with the nation of Israel? You got that right, MLD is probably 300 lbs., sitting on a big leather sofa eating popcorn as he writes, with three cats purring around him, while his wife yells from the other room, get off the computer and take the trash out as he answers in a moment, I gotta write one more thing, I have no sympathy for adulterers, may they rot in hell! And then he prays to himself, Thank you God that I am not like that Bob Coy!. Let the body of Christ refuse to sever a member. Read under the heading Modern Times and get a partial list of who holds this position. It was like everyone was in a daze. From what I understand, many employed knew something was going down for a long time. I dont always agree with his point of view and we have had a few discussions to that end. It amazed me that this pastor was able to convince his church that he had done no wrong and that because of his amazing ministry the devil was trying to tear it down. The sexual assault claims, which have never before been divulged, raise new questions about the pastor, his church, and the police who handled the case. And I did ask Andy and others if they could make a connection between Isaiah and the millennium? The kid did great for ten years until he had his own moral failing 5 years ago. Lordship doesnt mean sinless but you cant have Jesus as savior without Him also as Lord they go together. I have proof. Flynn, youre like a bull in a china shop. If these Calvanistic preterists would have been around at the time when Jesus ascended into heaven, as the disciples looked up, and the angels said, why do you stand here oh men of Galillee, for in the same way you saw him ascend, he will also descend! they would probably have started arguing with the angel, no he cant come back again corporeally, it would have to be spiritually, because its something that our little tiny minds cant understand, we have to reinterpret what you angels are saying, it must mean a spiritual return, dont you hear them saying, it must mean a spiritual mark on the forehead, it must mean a symbolic 1000 years, it must mean a symbolic 7 years. and on and on they go, they remind me of the Sadducees, who denied the miraculous, well the Preterists have nothing to look forward to as we live in exciting times and see prophecies unfolding before our eyes, they are the nay saying Sadducees of our time, and they want to be included within the pale of orthodoxy, as they follow doctrines that deny the power of God and negate the promises of his soon return! All materials are posted on the site strictly for informational and educational purposes! Hugh, you might want to watch that calling-down-a-curse thing. They have been given that power, as was Coy. Coy is guilty. A poor man has the few options left to him when she leaves him with his shame. CC will be ok, they will experience a separation of the wheat from the chaff which is healthy the sad part is there will be a number that like Peter will go back fishing but even they will not be lost if their heart truly is the Lords. Founded in 1985 by Bob Coy and his wife Diane, it is affiliated with the Calvary Chapel movement. The regulars here are great people. The sin that I spoke about happened 24 years ago, but the hurt caused is still fresh in my heart. dont condemn someone on rumors. I guess the comment should have read In lieu of that verse, should a dog return to its vomit?. We believe in one God, the sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all things, infinitely perfect and eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.