Jackie: Fine, if it makes you happy, then Im happy. Hyde is clearly not happy when Laurie burns Jackie in the basement. She both bought and brings him a new suit and packed a lunch for him. She says the kiss was hot then asks him if he felt anything. Theyre still physically connected. After their unsuccessful date, Jackie and Hyde's relationship is treated by season 3 and season 4's storylines, with rare exception, as if it never existed. They accompany Red and and Kitty to a car show. Hyde especially admitted many times that he despised Jackie and obviously believed himself to be a lot more evolved intellectually. She becomes a scapegoat for his fear. She's only had, like, one boyfriend so" In response to Hyde's warning, Chip says, "Hey, that's not a big surprise. He also took the blame when she almost got arrested for possession. She tells Hyde about this, saying, "I realized these girls aren't my friends anymore. These conflicting aspects of her personality are partly what make her a three-dimensional character. As cute as that is, it goes back to her father and how financial success once topped her perfect partner list. Despite Eric and Donna's disapproval, both Jackie and Hyde are determined to be together. Shes turned on by Hydes corporate-speak. Despite that W.B. Jackie not only sits on Hydes lap, but their fingers are entwined for a good part of it. Youre so complicated. Jackie asks Hyde if he would miss her if she was gone from the basement. Also, Hyde puts Jackie's feelings above his own. Hydes face shows discomfort but he takes Jackies hand and leads her into the kitchen. Hyde says to Jackie, Screw it. Afterward, Jackie claims to their friends that she and Steven are "in love". This epiphany is yet another example of how Jackie has grown because of her relationship with Hyde. Do Hyde and Jackie get together? Afterward, Jackie claims she "didn't feel anything," and Hyde seems surprised. At the end of On With the Show, Hyde is very much his noble self by sacrificing his own need to reunite with Jackie so that she can feel good about her public access show. As such, Jackie and Kelso would be the best reconciled relationship to reveal in That 90s Show, with many loving the dynamic between the two in the series and coming to the conclusion that although they were toxic in high school, they were oddly meant to be. We all know about the major notorious plot and character inconsistencies like the timeline that never makes sense and all of season 8, but Ive noticed a lot more inconsistencies. In Immigrant Song," Hyde thinks he's lost Jackie forever. With Topher Grace, Mila Kunis, Ashton Kutcher, Danny Masterson. Hyde: Thats not a guarantee I can ever give you. Hyde admits to Donna that he is "laying traps left and right to get Kelso caught". So just roller-disco on out of here, okay? Jackie tries to comfort Hyde by bringing her relationship to her own father into the discussion. Jackie inadvertently lets slip her pet name for Hyde, and Hyde's teased relentlessly for it. Jackie variously asks and orders Hyde to lie to her and say he doesn't think Brooke is hot, and he refuses to do it. Jackie and Hyde were arguably the most popular couple in That '70s Show history. That '90s Show Needs To Undo One Part Of That '70s Show's Ending, That '90s Show Needs To Follow Fuller House's Format, That '90s Show Already Betrayed Donna's Character, Abby's Mother Reveal In Night Court Resolves The Harry/Christine Romance, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future. The two continued this fling, whenever they were alone but were caught by Kitty who couldn't confront them because of her son's actions. But then two seasons later, when hes supposed to be the same age, always complains about him and Eric still being at home. Jackie looks down sadly, and Hyde touches his fingers to his lips and rubs them, clearly having felt a lot more than "nothing". Michael Kelso: Look, Hyde, I know you don't wanna tell Jackie that you're sorry, but there's gotta be some things that you did that you wish you hadn't done. Their reunion in this episode didnt heal their relationship. He also offers to drive Jackie home in the episode, an act of kindness very much in-character. Cookie Notice Jackie finally decides on Hyde over Kelso, but finds out the one she chooses already has another girl. She has a camera with her and takes as many pictures as she can. She says, Who does Angie think she is anyway? 5. Im dressed fine. But when he shows up at work, W.B. So that would mean that Jackie and Fez broke up the same year she and Kelso got back together and had their child. Like the writers just didnt care or notice? Jackie keeps playfully pestering Hyde about their eventual wedding because Eric and Donnas is approaching. But the couple defied everyones expectations when they managed to stay together for more than two seasons! Kunis and Kutcher havent acted together since That 70s Shows finale, but with the opportunity to reprise their roles and change their mutually disappointing endings, the pair may decide That 90s Show is the perfect next collaboration. When Jackie and Donna try to play-fight, the playing grows violent and Hyde pulls Jackie from the fray. I learned something about myself." She tries once again to get Hyde to lie about thinking Brooke is hot and he refuses once again. There were no fairy tale elements in their storyline, and yet it was non-toxic and rewarding. Hyde's fingers don't close around Jackie's hands while they dance at Prom, as if he's afraid to touch her. She sits on his lap, or they sit really close together. Michael Kelso: [nods] Now, see, that's something that Jackie oughta know. Everyone knows Im all youve ever desired. Her statement can be taken as both egocentricity and a touch of insecurity. Its so frustrating to watch sometimes because these things are so ridiculous. Despite Eric and Donna's disapproval, both Jackie and Hyde are determined to be together. This characterization was dropped, but Beast of Burden deprives Jackie of something far more precious, her compassion. Red says, Thanks for standing around saying, Ew, grease! Jackie is covered head-to-to in motor oil all day in Career Day, and she learned how to fix a car quickly. He trusted her enough to reveal this information to her and he was probably expecting some kind of comfort in return. He says, "Nothing?" Hed gotten confirmation that she still loved him, and he couldnt stop staring at her in a love-daze. Then she says, "Well, you are, Steve. Hyde: Yeah, and you know what? If he didnt want to deal with the question of having a life with her, hed just call it quits. Jackie runs to the scene and asks Hyde what happened. Jan 10 worst things didn't end up the interval of real life and david carr having worked well together on that 70s show. Jackie Burkhart: Alright. and starting a true career has freaked Hyde out. But her motive was to make Hyde feel better. Jackie is particularly physically affectionate with Hyde, resting her head on his shoulder, holding his hand, etc. Jackie: Well, things are changing, Steven. He only fully realizes this after they have their first real kiss. Hes doing so to protect her, out of his love for her. Jackie and Hyde kiss deeply. One significant change to the characters stories so far is with Donna Pinciotti, whose character arc was betrayed as she likely had her daughter later that year in 1980 after adamantly stating she didnt want kids yet. His dismissiveness leads her to asking if shes so disgusting to him. ", Eric shouts for Jackie to get out of the basement while they all play. Jackie & Hyde is a relationship on the FOX comedy That '70s Show, portrayed by Mila Kunis and Danny Masterson. But its clear he means the opposite, confirmed by him later asking Fez about what Jackie wanted to talk about. Jackie is again protective of Hyde against Angie when Angie gets promoted out of Grooves to the corporate office. Jackie says Hyde doesn't have to say anything because she understands him. Do Jackie and Hyde get back together in season 6? I mean, Im good with my hands, I dont mind dirt, and uh, I have a high tolerance for fumes.. Jackie invites Hyde to the mall, and he declines, saying he meant for her to get support from "friends like Donna or not me.". He knows he can best accomplish both by sleeping with another woman. Later in the scene, however, Jackie and Hyde sit together on the basement couch while looking at pictures of Kelsos newborn daughter. Oh, Baby (We Got a Good Thing Goin') is an excellent, in-character episode for Jackie and Hyde, perhaps the best of the season. In the first episode of season 6 ("The Kids are Alright"). A new day in the episode, and Hyde still hasnt called W.B. Now Michael Kelso has found out about Jackie and Hyde, he's crushed and out for vengeance - alas his attacks on friend Steven have the same sad result as always, a black eye for poor Kelso. Hyde offers Jackie a low-five for her burn of Eric. Jackie was born in September of 1961: she states in Career Day (Early to Mid February of 1977), that she is a sophomore, not a junior. Wow, you look beautiful.". Jackie convinces Hyde to spend time with her buy offering to pay for a meal at The Sizzler. That '70s Show - Season 5 Episode 13: Your Time Is Gonna Come (a.k.a. You can also find her work on Business Insider's Streaming Reviews. She says, "I just wanted you to know that I'm not a square cheerleader. The majority of the time, theyre high in a circle, but theyre always sitting together. So I still have a shot with you." Hyde confesses to Jackie right away about what he did with the nurse, and she breaks up with him. He never had a real family (outside of the Formans), and she wants him to have the typical, loving family experience with all the accoutrements including a family album. Do Hyde and Jackie get back together in season 8? Jackie: Yeah, six months ago. This is not to say that couples who are vastly different cant make it work, but Hyde and Jackies case is really exceptional because they have both antagonized each other in the past so severely and fans just couldnt figure out why they chose to be together. Before W.B. She helped him to spruce up his wardrobe and helped him find a steady job. In "Mother's Little Helper," we dont get much in the way of Jackie/Hyde interaction, but what we do get is good. Jackie brings a girl who she deems not to be pretty (. "Angie," is another moderately good episode for Jackie and Hyde's relationship. The following exchange is both humorous and demonstrates Jackies love for Hyde. They go through various growing pains with each other, both learning how to be better people individually and in a couple. Am I even worthy of love?'" The episode title is named after a song by The Who. In spite of the on-off relationship, Jackie was one of the few women who Hyde was actually committed to for a really long time. Hyde says, Jackie, if there was ever a game show called Make that Girl Cry, Id go on with you. They share a kiss afterward. They sit variously on the hood and trunk of her father's Lincoln. Sometimes, when Jackie gets sad, she remembers that night . ", Kelso tries numerous times to break Jackie and Hyde up, but his attempts fail until "Your Time Is Gonna Come". Look, Michael, Steven's the one who messed up the relationship. They have a hot make-out session in the basement that's interrupted by Hyde's leather-clad date (Raquel). In "Do You Think It's Alright?" I just go paired up with this book-keeping guy who told me a story about accounts receivable. It started when they were watching T.V in the basement, before they stared at each other and kissed. Hyde makes a joke to ease the awkwardness, as Jackie laughs it off and tells him to take her home. Jackie and Hyde are cast as Mary and Joseph in Eric's Christmas pageant. In The Acid Queen," we see that Hyde will show his love for Jackie by making sacrifices and doing what she asks (e.g., leaving his ice cream to get her a Vogue magazine). Jackie plants her hands on Hyde's stomach and kisses his cheek at his party. He also took the blame when she almost got arrested for possession. Later, Hyde tells Kelso that he's changed his mind and is "gonna get Jackie back." They made so much sense and changed. and he gives in. He finally and truly "released" Jackie in the previous episode, having realized she'd grown beyond him thanks to Hyde. Hyde: No, were not Jackie. Hyde is annoyed by Jackie staring at him. The two are shown dancing together when the main cast performs. Hyde says, "Jackie, I think youre overreacting and, yes. Partly as a result of these changes, she and Donna become better friends. After thirty minutes of not talking, Jackie claims "This is the best date ever." He tells her he thinks Brooke Rockwell is hot when Jackie asks him. Read all Director David Trainer Writers It was very evident neither Jackie nor Hyde appreciated each other for who they were. what do poppy seedlings look like; summary disposition michigan; farmanfarmaian family tree. In another she talks about how she spread her moms ashes. 6. Chip says listening to all of Jackie's "talking" is "worth it if [he] can nail her." "Beast of Burden" epitomizes season 7's inconsistent writing of Jackie and Hyde especially where Jackie is concerned. Hyde probably felt like he and Jackie could go far but that frightens him because his difficult past makes him believe he will fail. The season 7 writers probably thought they were leaving the season 8 writers a meaty Jackie/Hyde/Kelso triangle to work with. The cliffhanger gave the S8 writers all the room they needed to break Jackie and Hyde up permanently. This is not something weve seen Hyde do for Jackie before. Jackie, heartbroken about not being able to go to the junior prom, asks Hyde to take her. ", Jackie: "Look at who decided to finally show up [at the party].". 11. After Kitty tries to manipulate Hyde into believing she was on the phone with W.B., Hyde says, Why cant you guys just let me do things my own way? He doesnt like being controlled, but Jackie and Kitty are two of the three most important women to him. Hyde says, Well, if she wanted to get back together, thats something I wouldnt mind knowing. Seasons 5 and 6 contradict this depiction. Jackie was unabashedly materialistic, she was born rich and enjoyed the finer things in life; she wanted to be with a rich man and was very clear about her priorities. Hyde, on the other hand, was totally against The Man, and insulted Jackies superficiality on several occasions even after they got together. Hyde refuses, and Jackie says, Steven, you never do anything I say. This contradicts what we see in the previous episode where Hyde called W.B. He wants both revenge on Jackie and to break up with her for good. The relationship can be split into six different parts. -kitty knows eric and Donna are having sex since season 2, but dont think Jackie and Hyde are having sex to the point she thinks Hyde needs to meet his real father so he can teach him about the birds and the bees. and that somehow leads to Jackie and Hyde to get together a lot earlier than they were supposed to. She also says to him, "Youre afraid to reach the peaks of love, for fear of being dropped off a cliff. Steven, why is it everything I love about you also grosses me out? He tries to say something sympathetic about her breakup with Kelso and has trouble. Thats my job!. Although she admits the kiss "was hot," she also says she "didn't feel anything". Jackie tries to seduce Hyde, and he resists (though it's hard for him). 2120 So. After Jackie tells Hyde to take some pictures during his lunch with W.B., the follow exchange occurs: Hyde: Well, we have some really good [family pictures] of my mom down at the county jail: one full face, two profiles each one dated and numbered. After W.B. Michael Kelso: [angrily] That better be the rash talking! Jackie pulls out all the stops, doing her best to ruin Angies reputation at work. Ive been doing just fine since my dad disappeared into the jungle to bring freedom to the grateful natives. Yes, she created a fantasy story rather than stating the truth, that her fathers in prison. Little did they know that the new writers hired for the show had never liked Jackie and Hydes relationship (as stated in a TV Guide interview and by Danny Masterson). Hyde answers uncomfortably. Eventually, he shaves off his beard for her, something he refused to do earlier in the episode, and it cheers her up. She tries to keep Donna from telling the Formans the truth about the pot. Granted, its for her own interest, too. It veers off canon in that Jackie and Kelso don't get back together in 'The Trials of Michael Kelso'. I wish my daddy could buy him for me. He fabricated the whole mess. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Hyde scares off Wuffy (the Fun Land mascot) when he tries to get handsy with Jackie. The truth comes out, however, that Jackie was merely comforting Kelso over Fez's sex dream about him (Nobody's Fault But Mine"). Jackie and Hyde never reconcile, as the new showrunners ignored, dismissed, and dismantled the previous seven years of the show and characterization. She hugs him forcefully and doesn't let him go. He thought you and I were together, but he was just wrong. ", Jackie asks then begs Hyde to be her roller-disco partner in a competition. Hyde says, "You could have been a man and forgiven her. That's right, 31, and ashton kutcher and michael kelso returned to partners. That 70's show | Jackie and Hyde get caught! and our Kelso later justifies his behavior, and Hyde says, "I dont wanna come out in favor of saving Jackie, but thats the price you pay for docking your love boat in Jackie-vya. Fans were shocked when the anti-capitalist Hyde got together with Jackie, who was the very epitome of Western consumerism. He invites her back to the car, offers her his soda, and she puts his arm around her shoulders. In "(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction," in order to catch the viewer up on what happened, Jackie asks Hyde, So, Steven, did you have a good time when you went out with your new dad? Its at least the next day from the previous episode, but Hyde would have shared his experience with Jackie first and alone. Later in the episode, Jackie fantasizes about getting Hyde back and swears she'll do it. Jackie invites Hyde to go to Mr. Forman's Veteran's Day barbecue with her, but he rejects her. He stares at Jackie in a love-daze while she half-denies his words. Hyde gets angry, says, "No, you don't!" and tosses the bag of pot onto a car. One of the most controversial aspects of That 70s Show season 8 and the series finale was Jackie Burkhart (Mila Kunis), whose major love interests were Michael Kelso (Ashton Kutcher) and Steven Hyde (Danny Masterson), ending up with Fez (Wilmer Valderamma). Hyde helps Jackie and Kelso "figure out" what they "owe each other" monetarily. Without demonstration of this growth to balance her lust at Hydes corporate-speak, it becomes a character-reversion instead of a simple of-the-moment response. Then she says to Hyde, "Oh, Steven you're sensitive to this because your father ditched you, too That is so foxy." Jackie and Hyde finally reconcile in "Join Together" -- with Kelso's help. They dance intimately together, which he seems to enjoy, but the rest of the night he is unhappy. Acrimonious, especially when Hyde returns to Point Place "married" to a stripper, but eventually Jackie realises she loves Fez and they are cordial in the same friend group. You know what? Donation link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dutchseries - Fez would not fly nowadays.Hi guys, if you enjoy watching the videos please consider donating to . Despite that, Jackie still calls him by his first name unlike season 1. Jackie and Hyde get caught making out in the basement; Eric and Donna try to convince As punishment for Donna going away to California . I think you're one of the coolest, sweetest guys I've ever met." This also created a lot of friction between them, and left everyone quite puzzled as to how these two people who disagree on every aspect of life, are together. At times, they were ideal mates but they also had plenty of issues. The one pop culture couple who made us question the opposites attract theory is definitely Jackie Burkhart (Mila Kunis) and Steven Hyde (Danny Masterson) from That '70s Show.