Male dogs often cannot mount properly and stay in position long enough to get the female dog pregnant successfully. Because of this, humans are needed to help breed these animals. An example of this would be siblings. A female French bulldog is receptive to breeding during her heat cycle which takes place every six months. Choking on Vomit. One of the expected reasons is that this breed of dog has very much slim hips, making the male unable to mount over the female to reproduce naturally. The skull of a French Bulldog is also quite distinctive, with its domed shape and wide forehead. We can still breed them through Artificial Insemination and Cesarean section operations. As a result, theyre perfect for families who want an obedient pet that loves attention. 80% of French Bulldog puppies are born via cesarean section. If you are considering acquiring a French bulldog and you intend to have a litter, make sure you bear this additional cost in mind. As a freelance pet writer and blogger, Shannon is passionate about crafting knowledge-based, science-supported articles that foster healthy bonds of love and respect between people and animals. Can French bulldogs give birth naturally? Not only do you require a lot of time to be put aside for breeding French bulldogs, but also money. Why? Since they go through c-sections every time they are pregnant, they require a much longer recovery time. Frenchies tend to need artificial insemination to mate. Unfortunately, they are also prone to genetic defects and health problems. The stress and exertion of having to push the puppies out in a natural whelping can cause the uterus to stretch. What takes place during a French Bulldog's cesarean section. Most bulldog breeds can't have a natural birth. It also has a large head and ears, a flat nose, and a small mouth. The Truth about whether French Bulldogs can Mate on their Own. The ideal scenario is always to allow a dog to deliver her puppies naturally. These dogs are incredibly smart and affectionate. She may even act aggressively towards her puppies because she was sedated for the operation and didn't bond with them during the birthing process. Is It Ever Possible for a French Bulldog to Have a Natural Birth? They are also very playful, energetic, and lively. Many dog breeds are able to get pregnant, give birth, and tend to their puppies quite readily and without a lot of assistance from veterinarians or people. Researchers found . Although it might be possible, it would be very difficult. Most Bulldogs Can't Breed Naturally Their head has been bred to become larger over the years, and as a result these dogs cannot birth them naturally through the pelvic canal. So if you read an account online of a French Bulldog "free whelping," it is quite possible that the dog comes from European bloodlines and has a different body structure that makes natural whelping easier and safer for her and her puppies. This helps wit. Most of the time, they can only give birth via a c-section while ensuring the safety of the mother and the puppies. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Therefore, artificial insemination is preferred but it's an extremely expensive process. One of the biggest factors is the physique of Frenchies. The French Bulldog is not only cute, but it is also very intelligent. The French Bulldog is not only cute, but it is also very intelligent. Since French bulldog puppies have big heads, vets often recommend performing a C-section surgery. French Bulldog History. It's difficult for French Bulldogs to copulate because of their hips. Not all French bulldogs are born with those exact features. The males cant regulate their body temperatures properly, which results in this problem and dangers. In other words, not all French bulldogs have very large heads, or very narrow waists. Artificial insemination and c-sections are both extremely expensive processes. It isnt impossible for them, but it is not recommended for their own wellbeing and safety. And you will have puppies to care for. Lots of people love these dogs. Why Can't the French Bulldog Get Pregnant and Deliver Like Other Dogs Do Naturally? Ideally, this "compactly built" happy dog would weigh no more . Here's what you can expect throughout your Frenchie's pregnancy as well as the birth process. These man-made dogs wouldnt exist without human intervention. Its important to consider all these factors before making any decisions about whether or not you want to breed your pet. In fact, more than half a million puppies are born every year in North America alone. As a result of this, breeding French bulldogs usually require artificial insemination so as to be able to achieve mating and eventual conception. 20 Reasons Why French Bulldogs Are The Best Of All Pets; 9 Common Ways To Tire Out a Puppy At Home; 11 Tips On How To Tire Out a Jack . What to Do If My Bulldog Is Pooping in The House After Our New Baby? Unfortunately, this is likely to be because of the birthing process. So, self mating and self whelping are possible. It's due to their narrow hips which makes mounting difficult. French Bulldogs are pregnant for about 8 to 9 weeks or 63 days with the most rapid fetal development occurring during the second month. "Are French bulldogs genetically modified?" Indeed, some persons who may be interested in having a French bulldog are being discouraged because of the fact that French bulldogs cannot mate on their own. Selective breeding to produce French bulldogs with wider, more natural hips whilst remaining within the remit of the breed standard remains an ongoing process, which makes entire French bulldogs of the breed that have wide enough hips to be able to mate without assistance in high demand. This price can fluctuate based on the reputation and location of the breeder. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. First, AI allows breeders to create healthy puppies that are free from genetic defects. Two days ago they mated and were tied. Ensure that you do not have to travel too far. This is probably some of the reasons why breeders of French bulldogs claim that they have some impressive monetary value. Manage Settings They are very protective of their owners, and they are very gentle with younger kids. The French bulldog is a smaller, distant relative of the English bulldog; while the two share some similarities, each breed has its own distinct . Bulldog breeding groups adamantly oppose changes, arguing that irresponsible breeders are causing health issues for dogs. They are very cute and loving dogs, but you cannot argue that they dont go through a lot. They became common around the 1950s. As Rock Solid Bulldogs breeder explains, there are three main reasons why opting for a C-section delivery may actually be the safest choice for your dog. AI has several advantages for dogs. Most of the time, even if you wanted your Frenchies to make puppies naturally, it wouldnt be possible. The male Frenchie cannot mount the female efficiently in order to reproduce. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. When Should a C Section for French Bulldogs Be Scheduled? Though slow in gait, it's a mighty protector (a good choice if you're looking for . Lets have a closer look at their physical appearance. Final Thoughts. Bulldogs have a genetic defect that prevents them from giving birth naturally. Please dont take it lightly, though. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. You will need to hand-feed each puppy an appropriate puppy formula that your veterinarian recommends and stimulate them to potty after they eat. It rapidly became popular. The average cost of a French Bulldog in the U.S. is between $1,500 and $3,000. This way, if the puppies arrive ahead of schedule, there won't be a scramble to make sure they are well and safely cared for once you arrive back home. Waiting between 18-24 months allows her the time to recover. With Humans? . Not only that, but this breed of dog is often associated with some medical issues. They were, however, bred in France and appeared in the mid 19th century, which is where they got their name. Because of these features, it has become a favorite breed in many parts of the world. Why Is There A Thick Red Vein In My Dogs Eye? The animal most at risk in the whole process is the mother, and the responsibility should not be taken lightly. Your Frenchie's first appointment will likely be 10 days after the procedure occurs. This is mainly because the puppies heads are too big to get through the birth canal. In most cases, the majority of French bulldogs are usually delivered manually by means of caesarean section. Due to the anatomical issues associated with natural births in this breed, cesarean sections are often recommended by veterinarians when it comes time for delivery. Sometimes we learn this when we take X-rays between day 45 and 60 of a canine 63-day gestation period and find that the babies inside are way bigger than we expect (as happens often when the paternity is in question). Is breeding French Bulldogs cruel? But according to a growing body of evidence, that distinctive bulldog look also leads to serious health problems for many . Again it was a girl but she was lifeless. Is there anything else you could ever ask for in a dog? At this age, they are considered to be sexually mature. To ensure the best care for your puppy, be sure to find a reputable breeder. to facilitate the dog and the bitch through a natural breeding. Copulation can also lead to a Frenchie overheating. Yes, French bulldogs can be bred (obviously) but it isnt done how it usually is. In this article, you have now learned why this is not the best idea for the French Bulldog breed and why a C section can often be safer than trying for a natural birth. They have large heads with a thick folds of skin around the face and shoulders, and a . They are chunky, happy puppies who have just started weaning, being mischievous and playfully exploring our home. The ears are set high on their heads and are triangular shaped. Dan Weese 35 Posted August 23, 2013 0 Comments. As such, a smaller number of litter mates would mean better conditions for the puppies inside the womb. Their litter sizes are small, ranging at around 2-4 puppies. Be well rested on the day of the procedure to be ready to learn all the instructions and to provide the necessary at-home care. It is important to know that this is very, very rare for French Bulldogs! Their dogs came with them and they introduced the breed to France. The Frenchie, originally bred to be a good rat-catcher, has a narrow pelvis and a big head. This has to do with their conformation and anatomy. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'frenchiejourney_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_20',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-narrow-sky-2-0'); You can start breeding male Frenchies when they reach 15 months old. For those that don't know the majority of French Bulldog cannot breed naturally and they cannot have puppies naturally. They have become increasingly popular over the years, which has led to more and more breeding. It is for this exact reason that male and female English Bulldogs can't mate the natural way (if at all) like most other dog breeds. There are two particular complications that pregnant French Bulldogs face more often than most other dog breeds: anasarca and dystocia. Bulldogs are extremely intolerant of heat due to their short snouts. Your pregnant dog will consume a lot of water while shes pregnant. Please dont take it lightly, though. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Cleft Palate. This is the answer we have. But breeding French Bulldogs is not easy. Frenchie females' hips are small, so the big head structure of puppies can't go through naturally. There are a number of reasons that lead to the artificial breeding of french bulldogs. You will want to make sure that they do not pass down any kinds of visual impairments to their puppies. The female French bulldog goes through a complicated process in order to give birth naturally, which involves opening wide to deliver a litter of pups. This makes it hard for males to mount females. In fact, nothing about the process of bringing a new litter of Frenchie puppies into this world is easy. On the other hand, breeding requires considerable financial investment as well as commitment from both owners involved. Because of the selective breeding which has caused narrow hips, this is also a very difficult thing. Progesterone is one of the two key hormones in a female dog (the other being estrogen). Over the years, this dog breed has changed dramatically. Dogs with squashed faces, known as brachycephalic dogs, are often unable to breed or give birth naturally due to their extreme anatomy: the animals' small hips can make mating difficult,. As you might expect, when so much human interference is needed to breed Frenchies, things can get very expensive. You will also need to monitor her very carefully for any signs that her recovery is not going as smoothly as it should be. Many vets will discourage owners from trying to breed their French bulldogs because of the risks it involves, even for the males. French bulldogs mating on their own is very difficult because most female French bulldogs have very narrow hips. Fully grown, the average, healthy weight for a French Bulldog is 16-28 pounds, and they stand approximately 12 inches tall at the shoulder. It takes a tremendous amount of energy for a French Bulldog to push out each puppy. You should never try to breed a Frenchie bitch more than once every year and a half. How Many Times Can a French Bulldog Have Puppies? Amazon also offers quality dog food, toys, and other accessories for your French Bulldog. Additionally , some people may find breeding morally wrong due to ethical concerns related to animal rights . They enjoy sleeping under the covers, and theyll curl up next to you at night. The bulldog may be a symbol of strength and tenacity, but more than a century of selective breeding has weakened the once-tough canine. Our frenchies mated 3 times, so im sure she is pregnant. If French bulldogs cannot mate on their own, how do they procreate and how come French bulldogs have not gone into extinction? French Bulldogs usually have a compact, muscular appearance. These traits make it difficult to breathe, which is why you can often hear them breathing. produced, specialist exporters exploited. The mother's uterus is cut open and the puppies are removed by hand. Ironically, the French Bulldog breed originated in Jolly Old England. The breed became so popular that it established Some countries favor a conformation in French Bulldogs that allows for longer legs and slimmer bodies and heads than what most American Frenchie fans are used to seeing. The French bulldog (or Frenchie) is a sturdy, compact dog breed with a large head, short snout, and bat-like ears that was, of course, first bred in France. Copulation also leads to overheating, which can be quite dangerous. its own breed name and distinct characteristics. They undergo artificial insemination instead. So, French bulldogs can give birth naturally only in 20% of the cases. With plenty of breeding information about French Bulldogs, it is clear this breed came about primarily because of human interference. Because of this, they are great companions for children and older adults alike. It is caused by uterine inertia, where the uterus can't contract. Dog ( domestic dog) The Bulldog is a British breed of dog of mastiff type. Make sure both the male and female Frenchies have no genetic or health conditions. By using this site, you accept our use of cookies. This is typically called "free whelping" and refers to delivery without human assistance or surgical intervention. His newest dog is Augie the Frenchie. You can also consider adopting a pup from a French Bulldog rescue organization. If you are waiting for your French Bulldog puppy to be born, you are likely feeling keen to have the C section done as soon as possible so you can bring your new puppy home! Hence, the French bulldog is unable to give birth. If you need to step in and care for your new French Bulldog puppies, this means you will essentially be the mother dog to the puppies for the next several weeks. When they get excited, they often shake like crazy.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'frenchiejourney_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); But despite their sometimes hyperactive nature, they are very calm when theyre asleep. Let us know what you think about this piece. First is their structure (big head, short back and narrow hips), the second is the fact that they are are known for having breathing difficulties and trouble with overheating. Is it normal for the girl to bleed a bit after this? Compare that to a Frenchie who will average at no more than 11 inches tall. The reason why French Bulldogs cannot breed on their own is due to the way they have been bred. The head shape and small pelvis are the main reasons why this can't happen. Was just watching a show about dogs on Animal Planet. There was face humping, sideways belly humping and they would even walk away from each other and hump . This is not something that is her fault, since the process is not natural. Despite their name, French bulldogs do not come from France. But experienced French Bulldog breeders know the importance of progesterone testing on the female as a part of timing the C section date. In general, bulldog puppies are often too large for the birth canal. Still, recent . Then rub the puppy vigorously to help stimulate breathing and circulation. Why Can't French Bulldogs Give Birth Naturally? I have two dogs - Charlie and Bosco - who are both Siberian Huskies, as well as a cat named Gus. Pushing through with a natural birth for Frenchies could harm both the bitch and her puppies. It always endangers the life of both the mother dog and the puppies and requires an emergency C-section. As we briefly mentioned here earlier, French Bulldogs are one of the dog breeds that typically cannot have a natural birth. This condition is also caused by the enlargement of puppies' heads and chests. Female French bulldogs cannot give birth naturally, which means they will need the help of a veterinary team to reproduce. They are smart, affectionate, and loyal companions. French Bulldogs have narrow hips and large heads. However, there are some downsides to a C section delivery that is also important to know about whether you plan to breed your own French Bulldog or you are simply waiting for your Frenchie puppy to be born. For these reasons, AI is highly recommended for all French Bulldogs. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Learn More. It is incredibly dangerous to assume that a Frenchie can whelp naturally failure to prepare for all possibilities may mean an emergency C-section at best. What could be the possible French bulldog tail issues? If some breeders choose to use artificial insemination to get their French Bulldogs pregnant, that's completely fine! The defect is due to a developmental abnormality in the uterus, which makes it impossible for them to deliver their babies naturally. Can French Bulldogs breed naturally? AI is a great way to improve and ensure your dogs health. However, this not true for all French bulldogs. French bulldogs arent exactly known for their maternal instincts. Nicola Davis. A breed standard is a club-generated document that outlines the "ideal" conformation, or appearance, of a dog breed. Many believe that the blue coat coloring of a French Bulldog is due to a mutation that causes alopecia, this is not true! However, male French bulldogs also have to be sexually mature for breeding. One of the most common health problems these breeds can experience is linked to their short snouts and flat faces. She wriggled and burst into life. French Bulldog studs are mostly infertile due to low sperm count, which means female dogs need insemination to conceive. Why Is Your Dog Losing Hair Under Their Armits? They have short bodies with legs that are much longer than many other dogs. It also has a large head and ears, a flat nose, and a small mouth. A lot of people are confused about whether or not French Bulldogs can mate on their own. This is not entirely true as some French bulldogs can actually mate on their own and deliver their puppies. The narrowest part of these dogs is in their hindquarters, which is not the part of the puppy that generally enters the birth canal first. You cant simply leave two mature Frenchies in a room to do their thing. Performing a c-section on a bitch is a way to get around the birthing process. This is because of the physical characteristics of the animals. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'frenchiejourney_com-leader-4','ezslot_15',135,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-frenchiejourney_com-leader-4-0');Not only is mating difficult for these adorable dogs, but so is birthing. Because Frenchie dams have hips that are excessively small, it is extremely difficult for males to mount them. lead to a Frenchie overheating. These traits make it difficult to breathe, which is why you can often hear them breathing. Clear away any fluid or mucus away from the puppy's mouth and nose. Manage Settings There are many more reasons why French bulldogs can't mate naturally. This bone structure has created reproductive challenges for both male and female French Bulldogs, including the inability to reproduce naturally. Sadly, while looking for the perfect toy bulldog, irresponsible breeders also bred a lot of health issues. No, most French bulldogs can give birth naturally. French Bulldogs still make great companions. Females Frenchies should be at least two years old before being bred. A big percentage of French Bulldogs can't breed naturally. They are actually descended from British bulldogs. For first-time pregnant female dogs, in particular, it can be hard to fully predict when they will go into labor. The fact that these dogs have narrow hips and wide heads is not a good combination. Your French Bulldog could give birth naturally but a natural labor is very rare, accounting for only 20% of all Frenchie pregnancies. Second, AI helps eliminate the chances of parents passing on genetic diseases to their offspring. According to the Daily Puppy, due to their flat faces, brachycephalic dogs are more difficult to provide oxygen to when they are under anesthesia.