The thing didnt save any fuel, and caused my brakes to lock up at 80 mph, destroying my transmission and causing me to fly into the Great Salt Lake. Click the photo to find out the truth! The Keystone Pipeline was designed to take Canadian oil to the Gulf of Mexico to be exported abroad. I installed one about 2 months ago and I havent put any fuel in my car since. It's lower when the engine is ticking over at idle, even though the throttle is almost completely closed and is admitting hardly any air to the intake. For many who believe in the vehicles to find these to work day-after-day, this is a question one appears time to time. LOL! Sounds goodperhaps too good. There's an art and a science to driving for the best obtainable economy. Hurry before the big corporates buy me out. NitroOBD2 Chip Tuning Box for Diesel and Benzine Cars, make your vehicle Lower Fuel and Lower Emission, 1. The government doesnt even know how much gas the oil companies have. Thats called consumer inflation. The Kiwi is somewhat more consumer-oriented than the ScanGauge. Under the previous president, the almighty Donald Trump, we were energy independent. The major parts of how much fuel any car uses are vehicle weight, tire size, rolling resistance, friction in moving parts, number of moving parts in the driveline, etc. In a nutshell, EcoFuel is a filter that can be installed on any vehicle, plane, or boat. I refuse to believe this thing actually works, because it simply doesnt. Tim Robinson Reviewed in the United States says The EcoPlus is an excellent product. It reduces fuel consumption by up to 35%, and for older model cars, it can save up to 50%. ECO OBD2 is a cost-effective and affordable way to reduce vehicle fuel consumption. Correction: Contrary to the original version of this opinion piece, the library director is appointed by the library board, and not the county executive, though he does appoint the board. So I will leave this long stand on this soapbox with three things 1 most people in congress only care about themselves and their largest donors which you are neither 2 oil companies only care about how much money they squeeze out of you and screw the environment 3 the car companies oh yeah see 2 oil companies and the onl reason you have seat belts and other life saving devices was because congress or your state created a law requiring them not because the car companies cared about you. Using the ScanGauge, I've reduced the fuel consumed in my customary morning commute by a whopping 40 percent. I live in Bowling Green KY and have to make a appointment today will be going to Morgantown KY and back to Bowling Green KY so should be able to tell more on gas mileage but also about how it is still running. 3. Its easy for anyone to install, works within minutes, and can significantly improve the performance of your vehicle.7 May 2021. thats because the engines work on hydroponic graphite and shoestrings. Youre an idiot. TransCanada (now TC Energy), shut down the pipeline, not Biden. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_33',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-4-0'); The Ecobox OBD2 fuel saver device is a scam, does not work the way its advertised, is a complete waste of money, and should be avoided at all costs. The real reason youre seeing ads for fake fuel savers now, more than ever, is that gas prices are at record highs. 1. Thanks for your comment, Deb. BTW Sparky, your god #T*****r****p NEVER made us energy independentno matter hat he claimed. Which one of you is getting paid to write your comments? I can't imagine if it actually does anything though." Dont believe me? Now in Texas the largest oil producing state with the number 1,2 and 4th largest refineries in the US at the time had gas lines or no gas. - Alt Car news, 5 Ridiculous Fuel-Saving "Hacks" You Should Ignore - R & D JAPAN. And dont hide behind 0.3% of the population. The is NO OTHER WORLD LEADER that has any respect for him AT ALL.. And shows that our country is very weak and vulnerable!! Think this is an AE86? Guidance, in the form of a dash-mounted display, will help. This device is a load of c**p! You'll need a lightly traveled road to use this, obviously, but a half-hour of paying close attention to what's going on under your right foot can save a lot of money. TRUEDAT. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Learn some basic Economics. Ed V. I want to return the eco OBD2 device, that I purchased, for a full refund. You mean BoB.Billionaired Orange Baby))). It's automotive voodoo. I find it interesting that folks with a solely political agenda can fact check or counter post or shadow ban or outright ban someone with whom they disagree over topics where reasonable people might disagree; yet, when somebody posts something (like a gadget ad) that is provably, demonstrably false, they dont even rate a warning, wrong only a **** *******( liberal would fall for this ********, Yeah, Im not going to post that. All payment methods are safe and encrypted, you can use any payment option you prefer. You should be informing yourselves of whats really going on rather than arguing about the *******. House Minority Whip Jesse Pippy, R-Frederick, said Baltimore City has experienced over 300 homicides each year for the last eight consecutive years. The EcoPlus only works when the cars engine is on. One caveat: If your vehicle has a trip computer that shows the fuel economy on the dash, be suspicious. This device also has the benefit of being eco-friendly as it reduces the concentration of harmful fumes released into the environment. Deleted3. Also, it takes many many miles of driving for your average mileage display to register any change. []. Effuel ECO OBD2 is the new game-changer in the fuel consumption industry. Second, it makes it sound like the USA doesnt import petroleum, or didnt while Trump ran the White House. Don't have an OEM gauge? We are trying it in multiple outfits from 2002 to 2018 just to see. mine says for benzene motors are there 2 diferent models? Effuel is a vehicle performance chip that remaps your vehicle to improve fuel efficiency. Thats a promise. It has been running rich at sometime you could even smell gas. Connect this hydrogen generator to your intake and run your car on water. Arguably one of the largest impacts on the environment today is fuel consumption. And asi watch a few other nations make strides to do their part turning green America isnt.Now as far as me liking Biden Ill refrain from comment because its irrelevant i share on that. Not to mention the 100,000s of reported injuries. Your vehicle's OBD-II port is connected to the computer in your car. There are no permanent changes to the control unit of your car and to return to the cars original settings you simply unplug EcoPlus from the OBD2 connector. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Once it has collected enough data, it works on processing it to understand your driving habits as well as the overall behavior of your car. A president has exactly zero influence over gasoline prices and oil prices. Where do you get your information,? This inexpensive solution can be attached to any vehicle. I did the mileage with and without. Albeit its size, it is very efficient in reducing fuel consumption. No permanent change is made to your cars control unit and as soon as the device is unplugged, the cars settings are reset. 900,000 dead Americans and you, apparently, dont care. He can also monitor hundreds of engine parameters while the car is driven, giving him insight as to what a problem might be. Hes to blame because when he took office we were energy independent and would still be that way if Biden didnt strangle our supply chain. Please explain how I can do this. On top of that, I was actually served a Youtube video ad from Ecotune as well. With no way to talk to your cars ECU and engine, theres literally no way for this device to tune your car for better fuel efficiency. Golly Gee! This first one, purchased on eBay for $5 reveals incomplete or unfinished, unsoldered circuits. It was because he made it EASY and PROFITABLE for the oil companies by cutting red tape and facilitating oil production on American soil. You have been listening to your buddy trump and all the crazy blogs that are put out there. No physics textbook needed. Also messed up my pants. Also, Instead of$174.95, you can buy Two Units of the EcoPlus for $69.98 at$34.99 each. Im just about to launch where you can get a free potato for a limited time and only pay $29.99. Do you really think this war in Ukraine would be taking place if T**** was still in office??? Sharing their work or suggesting similar fake products to review/write/vlog about would also probably be appreciated. This review contains all the information including the features and benefits of the EcoPlus. As stated on its official. Hey presto! I personally think the prices are far too low and should be ABOVE 6.00 USD/gallon to drive better consumer behavior and buying choices. Final Verdict of Effuel Reviews. A generous gift in any amount helps us continue to bring you this service. Sure, who needs regulations right. ? I used to believe all the hype about human cause was paranoid reasoning.But Im 62 years old and a California native living in southern California since 1968 and Ive never felt heart like this so continually here. You only need to plug it into your car's OBD2 port. I got the EcoPlus fuel saver to cut down on fuel consumption. The downfall of this country will be from a very thick layer of Duuhhhh starting at your address. etc, make an e-commerce website, and then buy a bunch of advertising all over the internet to lure people in with insane promises like reducing fuel consumption by 55%. I did just like the instructions said. There was one years ago that snapped onto your fuel linehad powerful rare earth magnets in it that would align the fuel molecules to burn more efficiently.? Install it in any vehicle and you once the engine stops, you will be using ZERO fuel. As stated on its. In 2020, the United States still imported 7.9 million barrels of crude oil and other petroleum products a day. This fuel-saving process is not instantaneous, rather it takes about 200km of drive for the Ecoplus fuel saver to make a new map in your cars computer ECU. Stop thinking youre educated because you watch the mainstream news channels and really educate yourselves. It enhances your vehicles ECU performance, Ecoplus is lightweight and compact which means the device occupies little space, Ecoplus helps boost the horsepower of your vehicle, Ecoplus is proven strong and compatible with any car operating with OBD2, Ecoplus comes with amazing discounts of up to 50% on sales per unit, There is a 30-day money-back guarantee and no hidden fees. Similarly, SabiReviews goes in-depth on why the EcoChip doesn't work. The fuel saver device is designed to work with the OBD2 Connector of your vehicle, and it remaps the engine according to driving style and reduces the overall fuel consumption of your car. Basically, though, there is no way for a plug in module to do what they claim it will do. On one vehicle it did not increase my fuel mileage at all. Russia and China is planning on joining forces as we speak to take over the United States. Check your numbers. A ruling from the Supreme Court against the White Houses student debt relief program could impact more than 800,000 Maryland student loan borrowers who are currently eligible for relief according to data from the federal Department of Education. That just sounds awful. Im not sure Im saving any fuel but the truck thinks so. Granted it had no power steering,manual transmission,no gas gauge only a dipstick (gallons on one side liters on the other), no radio and of course no ac. For one, the domain name was literally created seven days ago. Basically sorry you are SOL.What hurts is the cost was $49 and as I research futher, they are available on amazon for alot less. It claims that the functionality of the chip is based on OBD2 protocols and aids in reprogramming the computer's CPU in the vehicle. As definitive proof, EEV Blog shows a blown up-close look at the actual chip, pointing out how its not possible for the device to talk back to the cars engine via CAN BUS. All I know is Birds arent real. All Rights Reserved. I suggest mounting the display on top of the dash, near your line of sight. The display is a series of green-to-red bars. I saw it advertised in a seemingly legit listicle, of course the ad copy was so outrageous and baseless I had to look up reviews. The OBD port, by regulation, is under the dash somewhere near the driver's kneecaps. In theory, the EcoChip device is supposed to work by attaching to the OBD2 connector of your car. I also filled up gas tank when I plugged in so will see if mileage increases any. EcoPlus is a chip tuning box that can be connected to the OBD2 connector of your car to minimize fuel consumption. LASER aligned fuel molecules.hummm Yaaa. You r the smartest person ive heard say anything in ages its great to know someone else hasnt been hypnotized! However, have you actually used and tested this device? chortle deeznutz. basically the use of petrol is a scam so you will waste money on your gas. but not from the vaccine. But what stands out is that the EcoPlus does this without tampering with any of the settings of your car. You save 75% on the purchase.
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