. Then 2 months later, toner, cut/ styled. Rachel, research coordinator at UC San Diego. Truly the most liberating thing I have ever done. Thanks, Kramerdog! So happy you have this blog as it has convinced me to just do it!!!! Thank you so much for this website! This is the first time visiting the web site.. I was DONE! I havent been ready to feel like I look old but seeing so many women who look terrific with gray hair like Helen Mirren is encouraging. Once I made the decision, there was no stopping me. Please do not copy or redistribute anything from this site without further permission. Your email address will not be published. I hope that I can be an inspiration for them to also stop coloring.. Who knows what damage we are doing to our bodies with all of the chemicals! Went to one place, I won't say the name, but suffice to say, I'm still looking! My name is Lisa. Thank you all for being there. My husband is very supportive of whatever I decide. All submissions for consideration: info@grombre.com (include your IG) However, I remembered how pretty my mothers hair was when she stopped coloring and allowed her grey to come in and, I had a couple friends and cousins who were allowing their grey to shine. I had expected to keep adding some color low-lights for contrast, but really liked my own color. For anyone planning on growing out gray hair or for anyone wondering how long it will take, I would say to plan on a solid 2 years for the grays to grow past your chin. Hopefully this site has given you some inspiration. A bit of color on your cheeks can add a rosy glow to your face. But I am more comfortable with it now.. My hair is just a little shorter than shoulder length, and I have been wearing it in a sleek low ponytail. . Who knew that our real beauty is only acquired through time and that grey hair is a crown of glory? I was really emotional at this stage which you can see documented in this video. I'm with ya Andrea! PROS & CONS TO TRANSITIONING TO GRAY HAIR AT THE SALON. My hair is actually black and white, salt/pepper grey. I get compliments often on my color! More like, I caught myself wondering what I would look like gray. As the title suggests, I've decided to see what's happening with my hair color so I'm going gray. Lots of women have thought I have my hair professionally colored grey due to the sal and pepper back. I started colouring for real by the time I was in my mid-twenties. My hairdresser was very supportive of my decision, as was my husband. It helped but did not lift it all. I filled my head with knowledge and my heart with self-love.And it changed my life!!! For example, I have self-confidence *most* of the time, but that wasnt always true.I was taught from the very beginning of my life that I was a nobody. Wont amount to shit! Dumb! Stupid! I believed those things, so doors were left open for even worse abuses to come my way. my hair grows fast, so after we colored it dark (what was my natural hair color) then we allowed time for the roots to grow enough that she could pick up and highlight from the root all the way out. And she was BEAUTIFUL! Katie at Katie Goes Platinum has many full transition stories including mine on her blog. PS the relief of not doing my hair every two/three weeks is worth the 60 I spend on a t section blow dry and cut every 8 weeks do the maths x. Hello. I am finding these stories so inspiring. Copyright disclaimer: All content is written by Joli A. Campbell or Guests, that content belongs to QuickSilverHair or the respected author. I was already aware of the beauty norm that dictates society, that any woman with gray hair has let herself go, so I decided to start coloring it. Their tutorials and advice are priceless! I couldnt help myself. I made some other, heart wrenching, difficult decisions at the same time. All Images in this blog belong to the women in the picture, myself, or were used with purchase or commercial permissions. Aveda Blue Malva Color Conditioner. I learned that you cant always blend into the crowd, but the truth is this was never my goal. Documenting the first 18 months with photos, products I used and more! I dont know why I did that. If you choose to go short, you can cut that time down tremendously. I'm so thankful to have found this blog! I have gotten nothing but positive comments, and to be honest it was quite liberating! No matter what your hair type is, we can help you to find the right hairstyles, Update your advertising tracking preferencesThe Right Hairstyles Copyright 2023, 65 Gorgeous Gray Hair Styles to Inspire Your Next Chop, 6 Tips for Transitioning to Gray Hair Based on My Experience, 7 Stylish Long Gray Hair Ideas That Dont Make Women Look Older, 10 Gray Hair Blogs That Inspire Women to Start Their Transition, My Honest Gray Hair Transition Story and How It Changed My Life. In many places, it still is, for men at least. I stuck with growing out the color and every time I had a new cut, I could see the grey/white strands of hair shining through more and more (especially around my face like a light). I used to be a dark brunette. In quitting gradually, people are continuing to ingest the harmful substance in . A pixie cut could have been an option, but I wasnt ready for a drastic change of color and cut at the same time! If growing out the dye is something you want to do, Id make sure your current dye color is close to your actual hair color and make sure it has little or no red tones. We only highlighted it one time, and it was a foil process. Covering my grays was fun at the beginning. I am literally crying at the thought of it even though its ME thats the driving force. During the growing out phase, my hair was such a mess, a mixture of the old dyed color, my new natural dark brown, and the gray . , You have many options from highlights and low-lights to pixie cuts. Around the age of 45 she asked me, now, *why* do you only want highlights/lowlights instead of color? Thank you all. Going cold turkey is an inexpensive way to transition to natural gray hair as it does not require any salon visits or the use of any harsh chemicals. Not sticking any longer, and dont want the burning harsh chemicals of the Permanent, or the skunk stripe when you stop. She explains why she chose to go grey cold turkey and keep her hair long, and her favorite grey hair products. A Comprehensive Guide to Finding the Perfect Pair of Reading Glasses, Can We Talk About Menopause? I have been colouring my hair for the last 20 years and most recently have had to colour every 2-3 weeks. Thank you, Anne! He is a silver fox and very supportive. Many things in life are worth the wait and allowing your silvers to grow in naturally is another. I know what you mean about after dying your hair, it tends to be more shinier. I will look like their grandmother. Wed love to know the name of the product your hairstylist uses! I live in a very small town in Montana, and now that a few years have passed, I see women my age that stopped dyeing their hair and it is wonderful to see! They are a tremendous help getting you through the rough patches of this process. What is the most expensive way to go gray? So I'm doing it. The cold turkey method involves letting your gray hair grow as it is without putting any effort. I have since found a new salon. The transition was difficult but totally worth it. Yes good luck & do keep us posted! The hair care content is also for educational use, I am not a hair care professional or dermatologist, please be careful with your hair and skin. If you have the same ideas about feminine beauty and want to join our community of like-minded women, visit our community of silver sisters (www.silversistersinternational.com) and follow us on Instagram. I never dyed my whole head, just had lowlights but in, but I still ended up with a white part. Joni's grey hair transition started when she was in her 50s, and tired of dyeing. I was tired of covering up. I was a slave to the salon. Good luck, Hi, I just turned 52 and retired from 30 years of teaching. Explore. If you are anything like me, you have a lot of questions about how to begin this gray hair journey. One way people cope with quitting smoking cold turkey is learning to recognize the triggers that make them want to smoke. Have a weird yellow bit on top even though my hair was brown . My hairdresser (who wants to be supportive) warned me that some people are going to ask if I'm his grandmother, which does worry me a bit, but I'm hoping to keep myself current and fashionable enough to not look like a dowdy granny. will often in their eagerness to please over promise and under deliver. METHOD #1: COLD TURKEY. Let us know how things go. It is very common to feel torn. That being said, the best thing you can do to help ensure your success is find some support. Four weeks later, I got an even shorter pixie cut! People stare, ask, comment and admire my decision to go natural. Up until about a year ago I was dying my own hair every two weeks because I thought it was cheaper than going to the salon but after talking to my hairdresser I finally saw sense in what she was saying. Going gray cold turkey (i.e., without help from a salon) is a popular way to transition to gray hair as it is inexpensive and doesn't damage your hair. And there are so many reasons why I could go back to dying my hair. At 61, I feel better about my appearance than I did 20 years ago! I'm 72 years old, healthy, people often mistake me for early 60's. So after a few more color sessions on the length only -Balayage- I was done! But this journey that started with hair ultimately became so much more. You do need to worry about what your husband thinks. Was I happier then? Through interviews, field experiments, and her own everywoman's chronicle, Kreamer probes the issues behind two of the biggest fears aging women face: . I was surprised to find myself embracing my natural hair color. Glad i went foxy white gray after years of abusing my hair with dyes. While at 55 years, I look much younger than my age; part of that comes from taking care of my skin in my youth and the other being DNA. 5. But why turkey, and why cold? I am now torn on what I should do to grow it out, although this time form blonde not dark brown. Come join us on The Gray Book where there are a ton of before and after pics and so much support. You have given me a lot of hope. My colorist says highlighting isnt a good idea because it will add another color to the hair. The connection I have found in social media is surreal sometimes! Your email address will not be published. LONG GRAY HAIRSTYLES. My favorite YouTube channels are Erica Johnston, Nikol Johnson and Miranda Parker. I decide to be free brought more colorful clothes and travel to the world. I figure the process will take about 18 months, but generally I am OK with it. But I am ready to embrace my new self in being who I am and where I am in life. I'm happy with my silver streaks and want to set a good example to my little girl about beauty and self acceptance. Since the mid-20th century most of the tea produced in Turkey is Rize tea, a terroir from Rize Province on the Eastern Black Sea Coast. We cant tell you how many women tell us that they become male magnets after they go gray or silver. Going grey gracefully takes patience and dedication! There is a way to feel good about your hair and we would love to support you. I thought it would be a good solution for me too but now have come to find out that my hair has been stained and so the 10 months I thought I had under my belt is now starting anew. That was a mistake; it played weird with my new growth and left a stain even after washing it tons. My husband loves the blonde, and we all want the husband to be happy right? I still feel that maintaining good health, grooming and diet are now as important as ever. Will switching from permanent to semi-permanent dye make my transition to gray easier? Directed by Scott Derrickson from a screenplay by David Scarpa, it stars Keanu Reeves as Klaatu, an alien sent to try and change human behavior in an effort to save Earth from . It's great. More ideas here! No more expense, no more time spent in the coloring process, no more fretting over gray roots every two weeks. If you had asked me a year ago, I would have instantly replied that it wasn't for me. I stopped dyeing my hair because I think it just didnt look good anymore. Karen and I first decided to start this endeavor as an Instagram page. Save. I have never worn make up and now I feel like I might want to because the grey just makes me feel washed out and bland. my mother's struggle with this illness is my impetus. I refuse to let anyone else makle me dye my hair, I use jhirmac and bio silk NS ONCE a week I use a clarifying shampoo, I am sorry I ever re put hair color on my hair, it made me have to go through this process of getting dye out, but I refuse to cut my hair short I get my hair trimmed every so many months, I have it at shoulder length. While we age, we have this build up of old skin due to sun damage, air pollution, smoking cigarettes, DNA, lack of exfoliation, poor diet, wearing making-up thus clogging skin pores, environmental pollution, such as in farming towns; to include not taking care of ones skin from a young age and most importantly not wearing sun screen. I love my shiny, healthy, one of a kind hair now! Uncovering my natural hair colour after being a bottle blonde for 37 years makes for quite an interesting experiment. Cheeks - When going gray, blush is your best friend. Seems to be ok but then I coloured it again! It took approximately 9 months to fully transition but it was so worth it. As the hair grows from the roots, the demarcation line keeps widening as the months pass. It happened 6 years ago, I was 42. it has good reviews. . I really wish I could just have waited a little longer. My husband is very supportive and anxious to see the end result, I might just make it this time. I have no clue whats under there but Im excited to find out. The only real problems with going cold turkey is the psychology of saying goodbye to hair dye and dealing with a bold demarcation line (where the coloured hair stops). Our first step was to create a convention, #SILVERCON, that will be happening in July of 2020 in L.A. By going cold turkey, a person's body can begin to recover immediately from the damage the substance was causing. Among people who try to quit smoking cold turkey on their own, only 3 to 5 out of 100 stay off cigarettes long-term. But in pictures my hair just looks gray and it makes me look older. They wanted a mom with long, dark hair. What happened to my hair! Coping mechanisms. You sound so like I did last year. And, this was the basis to deciding to bring the virtual silver community into the real world and create a convention: Silvercon! In that moment, she kinda blew my world open. So reading all these nice stories amke me stronger to, at leat, give it a try. By The Way, Your Hair Looks FabulousProduct Swap & Review, Transitioning to Gray Hairstyles: Everyday Updos, How Do You Transition from Dyed Hair to Your Natural Grey Hair, Author of GO GRAY YOUR WAY! I'm scared I'll look ugly. I am 61, have recently retired from full time work, and decided, on a whim really, that I no longer wanted or needed to colour my hair. In the past few years I have had to spend a small fortune every 4 weeks at the hairdressers just to keep the re-growth under control. 4. While you are waiting be sure avoid these common pitfalls while going gray. I had an epiphany. I think the important thing here is to create a social conscience rooted in respect for other humans, to eliminate labels and break beauty taboos. My most favorite feeling is when the wind blows, I no longer worry about my roots showing. I loved it. I am active and happy and I am not the color of my hair !! I am reading this and it speaks as if it was I speaking. This is a movement. When a person goes cold turkey, the body and brain are deprived of the effects of alcohol and require time and support to adjust to life without the substance. At this point, I was unstoppable; I was determined and excited about my new path! What is the least painful way to go gray? There are SEVERAL ways you can grow our your colored hair to your natural gray hair. I'll be 50 in September and so tired of dying my hair and disguising my gray that each day is more difficult to hide. How long does it take to fully grow out gray hair naturally? People have mentioned the grey especially round the face and a large patch which you can see when I put my hair up but now I just say yep we are all getting older. I thought to myself, Stop fighting it, let the color grow out and see what I really look like. I turned 50 at the end of 2012 and spent a month in France and Italy where I decided to go gray and April 2013 was my last hair colour. Strangers stopped me all the time about my hair and compliments me. I patiently waited for it to grow, while keeping the overall length. He looked me right in the eye and said, You should totally do it.. Thank you for reading. Then, I just kind of had a light-bulb momentI probably have that grey! While going gray may seem like a purely aesthetic decision, women who have made the . Have you spoken to anyone regarding using semi permanent during the transition? The amazing women in my life tell me every day how stunning and sophisticated I look. On average, for mid length to long hair cold turkey grow-out, it takes about 20 months. Was I more beautiful then? Now, I am proud of meat 53, Im finally comfortable in my own skin, and hopefully, my own hair! Long story short, I went to my stylist and I explained to her that I would like to stop dyeing my hair and Id like to grow my greys out. But that being said, its not 2 years of hats, scarves and hiding. I started meditating, reprogramming my brain by giving myself daily affirmations, helping others in ways Id never thought of before, reading more and more and more! I have used their images and names with their permission. How about hats? I wasnt feeling good with my hair dye, so I made the decision to stop using it. Not only that but I work in an office how awful it would be to walk in every day and see someone with partially grown out gray hair, right? Do you think that when the color is all gone that my hair will look a little thicker. Feeling nervous about letting my stylist know my plan for ditching the dye. My goal now is to find the right shampoo/conditioner products to keep the grey from being dry/coarse and to look as soft and silvery as it can.
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