Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, OLG may, in its sole discretion, require that a username or nickname be changed, remove any content deemed to OLG to be non-compliant with the foregoing and/or Suspend or Deactivate the Player Account. Pursuant to such terms, aPlayer may be requiredand/or permittedtouse Bonus Fundsfor the purchase of Draw-BasedLottery Games Played Online and Sports Betting Games Played Online, as applicable, prior toUnutilized Funds being utilized. By using our site, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. As of the date of this Agreement, the minimum amount of a single withdrawalof Unutilized Funds by aPlayeris $2,and there is nomaximum amount of a single withdrawalof Unutilized Funds by a Player. As examples only, Errors may include: OLG reserves the right to correct any Error in the manner that it deems appropriate in the circumstances, and OLG's decision shall be final and binding. Just click Make a Copy in the file menu. In addition, aparticularcredit card may not be registered with more than one Player Account. You cant change what happened in the past. A Player will not be entitled to withdrawUnutilized Funds from a Player Account throughOLG.ca at any time that a Player Account isSuspendedunless OLG, in its sole discretion, determines that the withdrawal (in whole or in part) will be permitted. The access or use ofOLG.ca other than in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement is strictly prohibited. Reference is also made to Section16.3. It depends how helpful your lottery company is! A Player Account will become a Dormant Account if there has not been a Player-Initiated Transaction for a period of 36-consecutive months, unless the Player Account is for an individual registered for My PlayBreak. In the event that any amount becomes owing to OLG by the Player under or in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, OLG shall have the right to deduct such amounts from the Player's Unutilized Funds and to adjust the notional balance of funds in the Player Account accordingly without the requirement forany advance orfurther notice to be provided to the Playerby OLG. ensure the existence, completeness,and accuracy of the informationdisplayed within their Player Account (including, without limitation all purchase confirmations); ifthey donot have avalid ticket(as such term is defined in the, iftheydo or may have insufficientUnutilized Funds(or Bonus Funds, if applicable)available or if their permitted Direct Pay payment card is not Funded, to play a particular Game prior to rejecting the relevant transaction. Discover when you would have won the lottery and how much you would have won Embed this on your website. Register Have you won? OLG will use reasonable efforts to detect and prevent anysuchcollusion, cheating, fraud or criminal activity by Players or the taking of any unfair advantageby Players, but in the event that any such activity occurs and another Player incurs any loss or damage, OLG will not be liable for any such loss or damage. Its simply interesting data to look over and play with. But with hundreds of results this quickly gets painful. The jackpot amount for that draw was 4.2 million . Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, a Player is not permitted to use their Username and Password for the purpose of giving any other individual access to the Player's Player Account for any reason. Following the registration of a Player Account, thePlayer is solely responsible for maintaining the security and secrecy of the Player'sUsername andPassword, including related security or verification questions and answers. If a Player wishes to use Unutilized Funds and/or Bonus Funds in their Player Account to pay for any portion of any purchase, the Player must pay for the entirety of the purchase with Unutilized Funds and/or Bonus Funds in accordance with this Agreement. Filter for Monday draws, Wednesday draws, Saturday draws or all draws. Just add or remove columns and adjust the formulas. If a Dormant Account is Deactivated pursuant to Section 10.2, the Intending Player associated with such Dormant Account may thereafter contact Player Support to request the reactivation of such Dormant Account. The use of Bonus Fundsmaybe limited to specific Games and specific periods of time, andBonus Funds mayexpire and be cancelled if they are not used prior to a specified date or time. Please let me know in the comments below if you find this useful, whats good about it and/or how it could be better? Ball 2. An individual who desires to become a Player(anIntending Player)must satisfy the following criteria, as determined by OLG in its sole discretion: AnIntending Player who does not satisfy all of the foregoing criteria is not eligible to register an accountwithOLG.caor to become a Player. Many lottery players have no clue if their numbers ever won a prize. The performance or operation ofOLG.ca or anywebsiteorMobileApplicationsthat OLG may make available to Players from time to timemay be affected by a Player's computer equipment,mobile device,Internet connection or other factorsthat areoutside ofOLG'scontrol. a Player will be unable tologinor access their Player Account; a Player will be unable to withdraw any Unutilized Funds unless OLG, in its sole discretion, determines otherwise; all Future Game Transactions associated with theSuspended Player Account will be suspended and/or cancelled (i.e. Multi-Factor Authentication is an authentication method that requires the Player to input a Time-based One-time Password provided by that third-party application in addition to their Username and Password, to confirm the Players identity when they attempt to sign-in to their Player Account. A Prospective Player or a Player may contact the AGCO regarding any aspect ofOLG.ca as follows: Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario A Player mayclosetheir Player Accountat any time bycontacting Player Support(Closed Account). The frequency graphs and tables show you the most drawn Lotto numbers in the game's history. A Prospective Player or a Player who wishes to make a complaint about OLG or any aspect ofOLG.ca may do so by contactingPlayer Supportor otherwise contactingOLG in accordance with Section18.1. All Rights Reserved. OLG or its payment processing service providers may storeVisa or Mastercard credit card,Visa Debitcard or Debit MasterCard (as applicable)information onservers located outside of Ontario, but within Canada. From time to time, OLG may, in its sole discretion,whether for promotional purposes or otherwise,offer toupload Bonus Funds into a Player Account, subject to the Player (in their discretion) accepting the offer of the Bonus Funds. no purchase or other financial transaction in respect thereof that has not been completed at the time the Player Account isSuspended will be completed);and. A Player will not be obligated to accept Bonus Funds. Just the Jackpot - Board A. . I hit the GOLD BALL jackpot on my very first lottery ticket!, OLG Rules Respecting iGaming Lottery Games, Rules and Regulations Respecting Lotteries and Lottery Tickets, Supplemental OLG Rules and Conditions to Interprovincial Lottery Corporation Games. Ifa Player fundsthe notional balanceof their Player Account or completes a purchase using Direct Pay and thereafter a Chargeback occurs in respectof all or part of the transaction, OLG(or any of itsthird-partyservice providers)may take any or all of the following actions, in each case as OLG, in its sole discretion, determines to be appropriate: Subject to certain exceptions, withdrawals ofUnutilized Funds froma Player Accountwill be processed by means of an electronic bank transfer(in Canadian dollars only)to a bank account that isregistered by the Player and which OLG has verifiedand approved, to its satisfaction,is held bythe Playerat a bank or other financial institution acceptable to OLG inCanada. OLG shall have the right todeactivate a Player Account at any time inits sole discretion(aDeactivated Account). what i have learned about myself during this pandemic. that the Player has completed the Future Game Transactions with adequate time (as determined by OLG) to allow OLG to process and record such transaction. Lottery balls have no memory, they don't remember if they got drawn last week or any other week. If a Future Game Transaction associated with such a Player Account expires or is suspended or cancelled for any reason, the foregoing 36-month period will be calculated beginning on the day that the last Future Game Transaction is processed from the Player Account, being the last Player-Initiated Transaction. Select Your Numbers Below. If a Player does not accept the applicable Bonus Funds Terms in their entirety, then the Playermustnotaccept the relevant Bonus Fundsor opt-out of the promotion in accordance with such Bonus Fund Terms. Inorder to play Games (other thanPlay-for-Free Games) onOLG.ca, a Player is required to have a positive notional balanceof fundsin their Player Account. By providing any informationor documentationto OLG, the Intending Player (or the Player, as the case may be) consents to the use and disclosure of such information by OLG forany and all ofthe purposes contemplated in this Agreementor inany of the other documents incorporated in this Agreement by reference pursuant to Section3. Copy and Paste the historical results in on the left under section 1 where it says [1] Add past results for the game here:. So Ive put together a spreadsheet to help you do it. In the event that no bank account is associated with the Player Account, or if OLG is not able to successfully deposit the Unutilized Funds in such bank account (for example, because the bank account has been closed or because OLG requires additional information in order to confirm thatthe bank account belongs to the Player), OLG will use its reasonable efforts to contact the Player using thePlayer Contact Information. The previous draw was held on Wednesday, 25/2/23. If a Player is no longer eligible to have a Player Account (for example, if the Playerwill be relocating to a jurisdiction outside of the Province of Ontario, or if the Player becomes anExcluded Individual), the Player is required toClosetheir Player Account. a Visa or MasterCard credit cardissued in Canada by aCanadian bank or financial institution, which the Player isanauthorizeduser, as defined by the Canadian bank or financial institution,to usethe Visa or MasterCard credit cardfor such purpose. OLG offers two types of subscription options, as follows: theconsecutive drawoption, which provides a Player the option toautomatically purchase a ticket for a designated number of consecutive draws in a Draw-Based Lottery Game Played Online in accordance with the, thenever miss a drawoption, which provides a Player with the option to automatically purchase a ticket for an indefinite number of draws in a Draw-Based Lottery Game Played Online in accordancewith the, their Player Account contains sufficientUnutilized Funds(or Bonus Funds, if applicable)or that their permitted Direct Pay payment card is valid, operational and authorized by the issuing financial institution to process transactions (. OLG's other communications with a Player or a Prospective Player will be subject to the terms and conditions of theOLG Internet Gaming Privacy and Cookie Policy. Select the day of the draw, your five main numbers and two Lucky Stars and hit 'Check Results' to begin. Just copy the formula columns (columns H to O) down to as many rows as you need for the results you have. Some Pay-to-Play Games may be offered jointly and networked with one or more other Canadian lottery jurisdictions. By usinga payment method listed in6.2(a)6.2(c) to fund a Player Account or for Direct Pay, thePlayer expressly consents to OLG or its payment processing service providers, or both, storingsuch transactioninformation located on serverslocated outside of Ontario, but within Canadaand using and disclosing aggregated transaction information for the purposes described in this paragraph. Download the official Interprovincial Lottery Corporation Rules and Regulations Respecting Lotteries and Lottery Tickets and the Supplemental OLG Rules and Conditions to Interprovincial Lottery Corporation Games. the operationofOLG.ca, the iGaming System (and/or OLG's central computer-controlled online system, in the case of a Draw-Based Lottery Game Played Online); the failure ofOLG.ca, the iGaming System (and/or OLG's central computer-controlled online system, in the case of a Draw-Based Lottery Game Played Online)to operate properly or at all; the participation by any person in, or any failure, negligence or wrongdoing by OLG or any of OLGs service providers in respect of, any responsible gambling program operated by OLG or any of OLGs service providers, including: (i) My PlayBreak;; (ii) PlaySmart.ca; (iii) deposit limits; (iv) financial limits and budgets; (v) playing timereminders; (vi) self-assessment tools or risk profiles; the failure of OLGor any of OLGs service providersto: (i) process or record a purchase; (ii) process, receive or record a payment for a ticket;(iii) display an accuratepurchase confirmation in such persons player account;or (iv) otherwise complete a transaction (including, without limitation, a Future Game Transaction); or. If a Player Account remains a Dormant Account for 30 consecutive days, OLG will Deactivate such Player Account no earlier than the 31st day after the date the Player Account became a Dormant Account. A Dormant Account (that has not been Deactivated) will cease to be a Dormant Account upon the completion of a Player-Initiated Transaction. Upon a Player Account becoming a Dormant Account, OLG will use reasonable efforts to notify the Player via the email address associated with such Player Account of the following: (i) the Players Player Account has become a Dormant Account; (ii) the balance of Unutilized Funds associated with the Player Account; (iii) the consequences of the Player not taking the steps contemplated in this Section 10.2 to remove the Dormant Account status from their Player Account. Getting into the if only I had bought that ticket Id be a millionaire now attitude and feeling depressed for yourself wont change your current situation and could lead to depression and anxiety. Toronto, Ontario M2N 0A4 You can then look up what the matching numbers winning prize was. Inthe event that OLG credits a Player Account, or pays any moneyto a Player (for example, by processing a withdrawal), as a result ofor in relation toan Error, the Player shall be deemed to hold the entirety of the amount of such credit or payment (such amount being herein referred to as Error Funds) in trust for OLG,andOLGshall have the right to recover the Error Funds through a correcting entry to the extent that funds are available in the Players Player Account and, if sufficient funds are not available, througha demand for paymentto that person, which demandthepersonshall immediatelysatisfy, to the extent of any deficiency,in accordance with OLG's reasonable instructions. Answer (1 of 5): Yes the lottery is on a preprogrammed computer system and in my opinion is it's outdated . Each Player is prohibited from engaging in, and is required to immediately notify OLG upon becoming aware that another Player is or may be engaging in, any form of collusion, cheating, fraud or criminal activity or otherwise exploiting an unfair advantage involving any Game or other component ofOLG.ca, including in connection with the registration of a Player Account, the deposit of funds with OLG to the credit of the notional balance of a Player Account, making a bet, wager or purchase of a Game, or the withdrawal of Unutilized Funds. In addition, OLG may similarly disclose information in respect of a Player from time to time for the purposes of (i)confirming the Player's continued eligibility to maintain a Player Account, (ii)investigating any suspected breaches of this Agreement (including any suspected fraudulent or dishonest activity), and (iii)exercising any of OLG's other rights described in this Agreementor inany of the other documents incorporated in this Agreement by reference pursuant to Section3. Looking for a rewarding career and want to make a difference for the province of Ontario? It is the sole responsibility of the Prospective Player or the Player to determine whethertheyaccept and agree to any suchthird-partyterms and conditions, and if the Prospective Player or the Player does not accept and agree to them, suchthird-partyproductshould not be used. Direct Pay Subscription Termsmeans the terms and conditions applicable to a subscription for tickets for a Draw-Based Lottery Game Played Online made through Direct Pay in accordance with Section 5. A Player will not be entitled to specify any other payment method or currency of payment for a withdrawal. Flex your sports knowledge anywhere and anytime with POOLS, now available online. Bonus Funds,subject to the applicable Bonus Funds Terms,can be used by a Player to playPay-to-Play Games or Draw-BasedLotteryGames PlayedOnline,or both, without charge to the Player; Bonus Funds Termshas the meaning specified in Section8.1. In addition to any deposit limits established by a Player, OLG(in its sole discretion)mayrestricta Player's ability to fundthe notional balance ofa Player Account or engage in Direct Pay, including but not limited to by, Subject to the deposit limits set by OLG pursuant to this Section 6.3, a Player has the option to set, change or remove deposit limits for their Player Account applicable to the periods of time and in the manner contemplated in the Responsible Gamblingand My PlayBreak Policy. OLG will disclose an Intending Player's registration information tothird-partyservice providers for the purposes ofauthenticating some or all of the registration information that has been providedto OLGby an Intending Player andtootherwiseconfirmthat an Intending Player has satisfied the foregoing criteria and is eligible to register a Player Account. Secondary prizes range from $4 up to $20,000! In addition, OLG and its payment processing service providers may use and disclose aggregatedtransaction information for various analytical purposes relating to their respective businesses (but not relating to a specific or identifiable Player). *Nov 11, 2022: Winner of the Jackpot. If a Player wishes to withdrawless than the specified minimum amount,the PlayermustcontactPlayerSupport. The applicable Bonus Funds Terms should be consulted. OLG will hold a Player's monies that are deposited with OLG for purposes of fundingthe notional balance ofa Player Account in a bank account or escrow account as trustee for the Player (not asbanker or debtor). Gambling is supposed to be fun. Ball 4. Youre not alone. Which Lottery Has The Best Odds Of Winning? Each Prospective Player, Intending Player,and Playerisresponsible for familiarizingthemselveswithall ofthe terms and conditions of thisAgreementand ensuring thattheyunderstandand agree to be bound bythem prior toregistering an account withOLG.caorlogging-in to theirPlayer Account.
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