Both Greek and Roman historians carefully documented his life. she was a dedicated worshipper of athena, but you need more options to flourish. 2h: you likely have a very devoted work life, and, like medusa, it may not be all about the money - you just want to spread awareness and create a haven for those in need. 29 tends to be slow moving and slow to progress in a person. we are going to talk about dostoevsky hint-hint. she was religious before and after her transformation; some may deem that it was the only thing that kept her grounded. you may be a leader and not know it. she pleasing the goddess and worshiping her caught everyones attention. you may find that you nearly escape most terrible things that happen to you but nearly isnt an escape. this house is likely to reflect long-term relationships with those you find like-minded. make sure you are being safe. you like medusa may fight for a lifetime to prove to yourself that you are priceless. He is the host of the Tea Party and oftentimes provokes his guests. they may have a story attached to them about being completely incoherent - ODs, drowning, coma, concussion, anaphylactic shock, etc. other peoples questions are just as important as yours. Physically, watch for issues with the chest and breasts. on the non-writer side of things, i do tend to think very differently about what dating is versus what a relationship is (i think this is where my aphrodite-uranus aspect, juno in aquarius, and sagittarius venus really come into play). * Sun conjunct/opposite venus It shows whats necessary in the relationship in order for it to survive and prosper. it may even be a struggle to start dating - they may be late to the dating realm or getting into a relationship compared to those around them. EXAMPLES OF MARRIED COUPLES OF MYTH: a partner represented asteroid (listed above) at a fame/success degree (1, 2, 17, 28, 29), jupiter with venus attributes (ruled by libra or taurus or at those degrees (2, 7, 14, 19, or 26)), jupiter at a fame/success degree (1, 2, 17, 28, 29). at first glance, you may look a bit like someone locked into society - you do what you are supposed to, when you are supposed to, and how you are supposed to. Actor enjoyed Peleus company so much so that he not only absolved him, but gave him a third of his kingdom. Then, find where it saysAdd New Person underPartner as shown below: Then enter in the birth information of Person B. something may be modeled after you that is rather permanent - medusas face is often featured on shields. you should realize that monsters are just misunderstood, unique people - there lies a healthy balance in believing you are a god or a monster. His death circumstances are still studied today. In ths aspect, Juno is similar to Venus and Libra. after your death, you may be revived in other peoples memory in a more positive light. you may find that in motherhood there is absence in your life - this gorgon left home, she never wanted children, and when she had them, she died (you may not die but perhaps an abortion or adoption is involved). (Mostly Surgeons) Venus in 10th is good for a doctor studying medicine. this post is very different and long. these people may also have an issue with blood - heavy periods, irregular periods, fear of blood, anemia, etc. another point of medusas story that is emphasized is transformation. The 'Sun/Moon' midpoint is a degree thatwhen activated by transit or progressionsuggests major changes in the relationship. negative aspects: you could resonate with medusas fall from grace with athena - you too may understand what it is like to be punished for something you didnt do. 3 Mercury Aspects. they may experience sickness: chronic or acute - most common is depression (which may cause a lot of isolation from others) and frequent common colds. * Pluto Conjunct the AC/MC Like I read this thing a long ass time ago about Mercury in the 7th either having 2 really long relationships or having 2 marriages. yay me! my higher thinking tend to be seen as too mystical or like wishful thinking making others think that i am a bit mad as well (sextile neptune). People with Pluto in the 12th may dread or even fear going to the hospital. this program could be to bring awareness to a cause (could be about religion or sexual abuse). get a planner and set a date to prepare for the week ahead. my advice for surviving this retrograde: write down your thoughts and analyze during this retrograde, if its natal, OR after the retrograde ends, if its transit based. AFFIRMATIONS (you are kind, you are beautiful, you have lovely hair, etc.). someones gotta acknowledge it, right? These gifts are highly dependent on whether the child is naughty or nice - coal is given to the naughty children and toys to the nice. appreciate a job well done by you! Bill Clinton got married on 11-10-1975 and he was in RAHU-SATURN, Saturn is lord of navamsha and gave him marriage. my aqua persona chart, jupiter leo 11 in 5th house do aspects effect as well ? negative aspects: you may attract people who like to use people - this could indicate sexual assault or manipulation. Venus - significator of wife. they can be easily provoked. and can u tell me whr could i possibly meet them ? Default. like medusa, you may have a passion for something and may not recognize that not everyone around you shares the same level of passion but rather they are there to be around you. the keyword is appears - during a retrograde or having natal retrogrades means that your perception in the area said planet or asteroid is located is altered in comparison to how it would be normally or in comparison to others. IN MY OPINION Lucubratio can be used to tell you a) how well you work at night, b) in what area you are most productive at night, and/or c) if you could be considered nocturnal. OTHER RELATED ASTEROIDS: alice (291), marchare (6736), redqueen (17681), and lewiscarrol (6984)! Saturn in 5th house of Horoscope - Your Family Life hermes retrograde people may be surrounded by a lot of mischievous people and tend to take the fall for others wrongdoings. you may be viewed as incredibly charming and graceful. please let know if you all enjoyed this - if you would like me to revisit any of the asteroids i have already covered and do something similar. Davison Relationship Chart. BUT when I am in a leadership role everything gets done like a well oiled machine. These couples are attracted to each other instantly. 5h: you arent a romantic - chances are something happened, typically traumatic, in your life that made you believe romance doesnt exist. Or a negative aspect like divorce can arise too. There are different ways to calculate composite charts. His invasion from the Alps took the Romans by surprise and led to an incredible defeat of Roman troops - this is the combat often referred to as the Battle of Cannae. Stuck on the island, the two come to enjoy each others company and eventually fall in love with one another. there is likely nasty gossip surrounding your intentions - athena thought medusa was distracting people intentionally and that she lured poseidon into the temple to have sex with him as well. Eventually, when King Actor passed away, Peleus becomes the King of Phthia. For example, my sun is 3 in Virgo, and my boyfriends sun is 8 in Aries. i literally cant tell if i like institutionalized learning. breathing before you speak; people who curse a lot have a lot of penned up energy, gotta let that out if you are trying to not curse as much (especially if you are trying to do so because of children around you) OR breathe when you hear someone curse and you dont like it - not everyone says, acts, or reacts like you and thats okay - its part of the human experience. you may be prone to thinking the best of everyone, but you should realize that not everyone is the good guy. you like medusa may explode emotionally when life takes a turn for the worse - some may even say you freeze people with your anger and sadness. ! sometimes when you take action in moments like this it gets misconstrued as a malicious attempt to spite someone close to you. What this could entail is a time of financial scarcity, finally when it all comes together you find yourself regretting certain financial losses. Can you make a post on your stance about retrograde planets? plus recommendations to help those who are looking to study sidereal, how to change a persona chart over to the whole signs system, how to find your dominant planet using the pullen method, how to validate your asteroids position in your chart, hypothesis of marriage: use persona charts, orbs: planet to planet v. planet to asteroid, positive, grey, and negative aspects & things i wonder about your placements. though you may not be the best at picking up on the social cues given around you. You may experience a harder time becoming more intimate with other people, transforming and reassessing your emotional values and connections becomes important. so you too may be in a group that is women-only or worship related. ill tell you what: you too may want peace but there wasnt peace in ancient greece and peace is nowhere in sight even now, so do what is right for you - tell the poseidons in your life no and tell the athenas that you werent intending harm. do not fear that taking action will only cause more trouble - my grandmother often asks would you rather that you - the person living your life - be unhappy? Becoming a responsible financial figure can feel like a burden at times, having to scrape and be frugal is essential. Youre likely to experience a reassessment in your worth through newly gained knowledge, and trying to gain authority through broadening your horizons is essential during this time. you have a motherly quality that makes everyone look up to you hoping to hear your wisdom or supportive words. ALSO that it is the right birthday year - my bestfriend cass here has a birthday in september, so if she is curious about the year ahead 2022 is perfect BUT if she wants to reflect on the current solar return she has to change the start date year to 2021): ALWAYS ASK A QUESTION WHEN YOU SEND A CHART! Aldrin was the second man on the moon. its hyper specific but makes sense when you read the myth. @amethystmooon leo: amusement parks, england, bombay, government buildings, northern CA, chicago, circus, dance halls, theaters, france, italy, or a stadium. plus i grew up being that kid that had to be told to go play with the other kids - i preferred talking to playing and adults to other children (yay childhood trauma pt1). but no seriously its better to ask forgiveness than permission as they say. Cancer (Saturn in the 8th house transit) - Saturn brings its hardships and lessons into your life area of transformation, intimacy, power dynamics, soul bonds, taxes, death, debt, other peoples finances and assets. they may have travel-related fears (fear of flying, fear of water, fear of car accidents, etc.) gemini (3, 15, 27): you are likely the prettiest and most adored of the group. there are likely a lot of self-restrictions - this could be due to a lack of self-approval. you may be extremely successful and popular when you change your location. these things often disrupt their day-to-day life: natural disasters, divorces, health woes, etc. : Sun in Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius Sun in the 2nd/5th . it is likely due to a fear of what others think - i feel like asteroids namesake thought she was a monster and was afraid of what she had done to those she turned to stone, and that is the true reason she hid. Dominant Houses: when you have three or more planets in one house (especially the sun or moon), that house can point to where the focus of the relationship lies. please read the MERCURY section as well because MERCURY is the roman aspect of hermes. hear me out - persona charts. cancer - moon. you may find yourself acting in self-defense and siding back into a negative version of yourself. cleanse your space, declutter, and go through old contacts/following list it is time to remove the things that no longer serve you. Toys are meant to be a treat while coal serves as a practical reminder to behave better and perhaps some day youll get a real treat (like a diamond - with enough pressure and time coal transforms into diamonds). virgo (6, 18): medusa was athenas loyal servant and was committed entirely to her worship. whereotzi is for me and how it affects me personally:8h in scorpio at 6 - not the 8h any way looks like i am my own enemy (otzi conjunct sun, moon, and mercury). Copied! medusa-moon: you may feel safest in your family, at the ocean, with your mother/feminine figures, at home, and/or in the middle of nowhere (farmland), but these situations may cause you danger. His memoir was burned by his publisher after the work detailed his bisexual relations. in some versions, she repairs an abandoned temple of the wisdom goddess before perseus kills her. you are meant to be a leader. if you are dating then everyone is allowed to date other people including you - when you are exclusive is when yall shouldnt be talking to other people. i am really quite diplomatic and political when you get into nitty gritty with me so these two asteroids being in public houses make sense to me. * Composite AC/Sun in Libra Telomeres are present at the ends of each of your chromosomes (which are made up of DNA). you have a humble personality, and yet you likely get punished for your behavior based on an outsiders perceptions. my advice for surviving this retrograde: try something new and different from your norm. i implore you to read the moon aspects to see what resonates! you may cause people in a public setting to step back or flee from your presence. medusa-pluto: you may feel safest when working late and/or motivating others, but these situations may cause you danger. and definitely dont rush into a relationship to catch up to those around you - its not a competition. im sure we have all noticed my taste in art and the tendencies of the color palette as well - i love a classic look. you may also wish to have a ritual or routine in this area that help you feel more organized. Nakshatra in which you are born depends on the conjunction between planets and constellation at the time of your birth. It could very much be a time to build a family or marry, as marriage is the merging of families here. dont be afraid to explore sexuality or style at your own pace (remember you are beautiful - its scary to try new things but scary doesnt mean bad, ugly, and/or unworthy). negative aspects: you may be seen as the person who betrayed someone in a higher position of power. 3h: you have a powerful mind - like medusa you have power that requires very little effort. you may feel as though no one knows you that well, similar to how medusa had many admirers but none of them knew her. The TARDIS, or the Time And Relative Dimension In Space, is featured in the popular Doctor Who television series. they likely have a harder time in school or learning something new, they may be the least likely to change things when they have found what works for them. i implore you to read the neptune and jupiter aspects to see what resonates! So I know all about cells from my days of AP Biology and college Anatomy and Physiology. you may experience a lot of unexpected life changes just when you start feeling comfortable. Educatio is the Latin word for education. know that there is no time like the present to start taking care of yourself - limitation now is not limitation life long. This is what you expect from your soulmate, whether romantic or platonic. And one can find the perfect match with the help of marriage horoscope by name. if you dont understand my thought process feel free to comment with questions! By his early adulthood Hannibal was the commander in chief of the army - with this power he started what is known as the Second Punic War against the Romans. Astrological Indicators of Marriage Our hypothesis In this study, the Astro Investigators examine the astrological aspects between natal charts of married couples to determine if astrology has a role in making a marital commitment. Astrology prediction for marriage can also tell when you are most likely to get married. my advice for surviving this retrograde: as a pluto dominant person, i can tell you, change is natural as is death - both are scary but in time things regulate and become still again. if youd like my input on your placements/aspects of this asteroid feel free to comment them or dm me! they may hate rivalries with others. Physically, watch for problems with the kidneys and urinary system. Many of his painting and works are still studied today as masterpieces i.e. It can also be a time where you stray far from what it is youre passionate about, making it harder to tune into and tap into self expressionism and the inner child. The Ascendant and Chart Ruler: the ascendant of the chart along with the chart ruler can show how the couple first met or how the relationship began, how others perceive the relationship, and how they initiate things and projects together and react to things. All this being said, IN MY OPINION DNA in your chart can be a) telling about your health, b) what you have inherited from your ancestors, c) what diseases you are most at risk for, and/or d) your death. Work may be hard to come by, or if you are already working, responsibilities way heavy upon your shoulders, whether it be through a job loss or a job gain. you could be seen as glamorous by onlookers. medusa-mars: you may feel safest surrounded by masculine energy, at social events, in romance, competitive environments (ex: simone biles has a medusa bi-quintile mars), independent atmospheres, and/or in leadership roles, but these situations may case you danger. Love marriage astrology tells you whether you are likely to fall in love, or not, by studying, ascendant, lord of the ascendant, and Venus, and lastly the fifth and the seventh house. Certain minor asteroids can help you learn more about different aspects of your life and can serve as indicators in your chart. and since we reached 100 posts last night, lets celebrate with this long post! He is thought to be the greatest of his time in fact he was nominated for many awards but sadly he never won any of them. IN MY OPINION Madhatter in a chart may indicate a) where you tend to drive people away, b) where you are indefinitely frustrated with others, c) where you may have a vital warning for others, and/or d) where you are constantly worried or stressed to the point of madness. Apoptosis helps to maintain balance in a persons immune system - if apoptosis does not occur, cells do not know that they should be getting rid of themselves and this typically leads to issues like cancer. medusa-saturn: you may feel safest in your old age, when thinking about your past, when alone, when conserving something you feel is important (ex: virginity for medusa), and/or around your father but these situations may cause you danger. you may struggle with asserting yourself to those around you or those you hold in high regard due to a fear of rejection. * Juno Conjunct/Trine/Sextile Jupiter but you do your best to live a conscious and mindful life. Estrogen is higher in those who have endometriosis so taking a hormone birth control aids in symptom relief. where aldrin is for me and how it affects me personally: 6h in leo at 27 - i could definitely see myself as a co-owner or a vice president of a company. He is Alices spiritual guide through Wonderland, who constantly grins in this lackadaisical manner because he has nothing to lose. whereporta coeli is for me and how it affects me personally:6h in virgo at 10 - lol is this a running joke? you likely misconstrue the intentions and emotions of those around you - not everything is what it seems. negative aspects: a feminine may be jealous or even paranoid over your presents around them. medusa was viewed as emotionally remote until poseidon happened, then she was constantly emoting. if you think i go ham over astrology, you should see my crystal and geology textbooks (hella tabs and hella annotated). your relationship with your mother may have been tense due to differing beliefs though your mother respected you and let you explore your thoughts and ideas. Some people like the mentall asteroid but I prefer cucula to examine where you tend to experience good and bad mental health. Therefore for any prediction about future .
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