e-mail: scott.cook@maryland.gov, SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS COMMAND e-mail: andy.johnson@maryland.gov, CENTRAL SOUTH REGION Edward S. Tochterman, Jr., Chair (chosen by Commission), 2026 ELECTRONIC SERVICES DIVISION Maj. David L. Ruel, Jr., Commander (410) 653-4218 CRD. e-mail: matthew.kail@maryland.gov, CHILD RECOVERY UNIT The ticket is nontransferable or refundable. Appointed by Secretary of State Police with Governor's approval to 5-year terms: OPERATIONS A copy of your State of Maryland Permit to Carry a Handgun issued by the Maryland State Police (front & back of card required; must be current). 8908 Kelso Drive, Baltimore, MD 21221 NETWORK SERVICES SECTION Capt. Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division. Capt. Christine M. Mullin, Commander (410) 653-4420; e-mail: christine.mullin@maryland.gov e-mail: christopher.mcdonold@maryland.gov 15 Turnpike Drive, Perryville, MD 21903, North East - Barrack F (410) 996-7800; e-mail: msp.northeast@maryland.gov State Police Contact Us Each section in the Licensing Division is available for inquires through e-mail. Princess Anne - Barrack X (443) 260-3700; e-mail: msp.princessanne@maryland.gov Vacancy, Director (410) 653-4300 Maryland Shooters is the most active and largest Maryland gun community online. VEHICLE THEFT PREVENTION COUNCIL A person may not purchase, rent, or receive a handgun in after October 1, 2013 unless they possess a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL) issued by the Maryland State Police or qualify for exemption status. James P. Russell, Commander (410) 768-7388 An official website of the State of Maryland. Waterloo - Barrack A (410) 799-2101; e-mail: msp.waterloo@maryland.gov Waterloo - Barrack A (410) 799-2101; e-mail: msp.waterloo@maryland.gov Brian S. Geraci, State Fire Marshal (appointed by Secretary of State Police to 6-year term), 2019 Edward S. Tochterman, Jr., Chair (chosen by Commission), 2026 Patience O. Dawson, Director (410) 653-4640 e-mail: robert.hare@maryland.gov, MOTORCYCLE UNIT Robert C. Hare, Commander (410) 379-9658 FACILITIES MANAGEMENT DIVISION For HQL Applicants: Below is the information that you should provide to the LiveScan technician for fingerprinting: Agency Authorization Number: 1300004845 Agency ORI Number: MD920511Z Get all the information related to Md State Police Hql License - Make website login easier than ever The training will be held at the American Legion Post 278 in Stevensville, Maryland. e-mail: sean.morris@maryland.gov MOTORCYCLE UNIT Essex Location HQL Training. Sgt. Wednesday, May 18th @ 5:00PM - Ellicott City. Patriot Picket. Fingerprints must be taken within 30 days or less before application is submitted. Carla E. Proudfoot, Director (410) 953-8283; 1-800-637-KIDS (toll free); fax: (410) 290-1831; e-mail: carla.proudfoot@maryland.gov, POLYGRAPH UNIT Step 1 of 3: (4) hours of training $100. web: http://mdsp.maryland.gov/organization/pages/statefirepreventioncommission.aspx Charlene Rock-Foster, Supervisor (410) 653-4225; e-mail: charlene.rock-foster@maryland.gov, TRAFFIC OPERATIONS CRASH TEAM e-mail: caryn.mcmahon@maryland.gov If you take out the 54,000 that already have a permit (thinking that they would be part of the initial number) you are still left with 114,000 initial applications if MD changed how it does business on 410-768-7388. msp.ased@maryland.gov. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Active w/ HQL number - 10/08 HQL received - ???? Processing Times: State of Maryland criminal history background checks submitted electronically by Maryland Livescan's optimized LSFP network capability average 24 hours or less to complete. . Handgun Qualification Licensing (HQL) MD920511Z | 1300004845 Criminal Procedure Article Section 5-117.1. Certification & Ranking Services Provider, Directory of Immigration Service Provider, match the appendix with the information it contains. e-mail: patrick.linnehan@maryland.gov, PLANNING & RESEARCH DIVISION Maj. E. Gregory Phillips, Commander (410) 653-4212 1100 Baltimore Blvd., Westminster, MD 21157 10-301.1(c)(3) further provides that: Appointments are required at all CJIS and CJIS MVA fingerprinting offices. Address: 15 S 3rd St, Oakland, MD 21550, United States. For all 4 hour HQL, 16 hour and 8 hour wear and carry students. CENTRAL TROOP We're available on the following channels. Lt. Col. Dalaine M. Brady, Chief, Support Services Bureau (410) 653-4212 Wednesday, May 18th @ 5:00PM - Ellicott City. Brian K. Smith, Commander (410) 875-3932 Application: When you submit your HQL application, the State of Maryland will charge you $50. e-mail: george.white@maryland.gov, STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMAND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION e-mail: alex.reid@maryland.gov, PERSONNEL COMMAND 6800 Aviation Blvd., Glen Burnie, MD 21061 For emergency needs after business hours, reporters can contact the Headquarters duty officer at 410-653-4200 and request a spokesperson be contacted. 1st Sgt. Leonardtown - Barrack T (301) 475-8955; e-mail: msp.leonardtown@maryland.gov Maryland State Police HQL Application fee - $50.00 Minimum Initial Cost - $124.50 *Please note that the $20 class is offered by one group otherwise the classes offered by other groups are usually around $100 to $120. e-mail: david.ruel@maryland.gov Berlin - Barrack V (410) 641-3101; e-mail: msp.berlin@maryland.gov e-mail: christopher.stein@maryland.gov, BALTIMORE STATE APPREHENSION TEAM Glen M. Peterson (410) 694-5530; e-mail: glen.peterson@maryland.gov, GREENBELT STATE APPREHENSION TEAM Centreville - Barrack S (410) 758-1101; e-mail: msp.centreville@maryland.gov To return to your search page, click on New Person Search. Harold G. (Bud) Frank, State Interoperability Director (410) 653-4451 Lt. Gary P. Mounts, Commander (410) 653-4263 After heading to the Department of Maryland State Police Page, look for the, "Click here to create an account" button. 67 Friendsville Road, McHenry, MD 21541
Skip to corporate officer information, business contact information) 410-767-1340 (Department of Assessments and Taxation) www.dat. Simply complete your information, print it and fax it to 410-653-6320, or print it and mail it to CJIS-Central Repository, P.O. Vacancy, Commander (410) 653-4630, Chair: Maj. Scott E. Keyser, designee of Secretary of State Police. This brings you to a A Maryland resident can transfer a regulated firearms to another Maryland resident using the Maryland State Police (MSP). FY2021 appropriation: $107,811,033; authorized positions: 472 2433 Pulaski Highway, North East, MD 21901 TECHNOLOGY & INFORMATION MANAGEMENT COMMAND NORTHERN TROOP Appointed by Secretary of State Police: Col. Douglas DeLeaver; Clarence Edwards; David C. Friedman; Louis W. Jones; Delores G. Kelley; David R. Rocah, Esq. Jason M. Mowbray, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (301) 766-3888 For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Does this apply to purchasing or receiving? 1) Using the Dealer's computer, log onto your Maryland State Police HQL application where your HQL License Number is displayed so they can verify it. ELECTRONIC SERVICES DIVISION State Police at City Hall, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2015. Mon - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 410-281-2700. msp.crdacrs@maryland.gov . e-mail: norman.dofflemyer@maryland.gov. Central Records Division . 5. Hagerstown - Barrack O (301) 739-2101; e-mail: msp.hagerstown@maryland.gov Maryland State Police HQL Application fee - $50.00 Minimum Initial Cost - $124.50 *Please note that the $20 class is offered by one group otherwise the classes offered by other groups are usually around $100 to $120. Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies Select or enter your (single) search criteria. To return to your search page, click on New Person Search. Maj. E. Gregory Phillips, Commander (410) 653-4212 Search the Manual
WESTERN TROOP Why is everyone overthinking this!! John A. Nelson, Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal (443) 550-6820 Andy R. Johnson, Commander, Southern Command (410) 653-4211 ; Michael A. Spaulding. e-mail: gary.davis@maryland.gov, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DIVISION Home | Fee Schedule | Testimonials. (Jack) Bowman (410) 653-4384; e-mail: jack.bowman@maryland.gov Thomas J. Bonin, Manager (410) 653-4301; e-mail: thomas.bonin@maryland.gov e-mail: tawn.gregory@maryland.gov Welcome to the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services Login Page: IMPORTANT UPDATE For information regarding the HQL renewal process, click here A copy of your HQL, either printed or electronic, must be presented to a firearm dealer or private seller, prior to selling, renting, or transferring a handgun, in accordance with the MD Public Safety 5-117.1 and COMAR Skip to corporate officer information, business contact information) 410-767-1340 (Department of Assessments and Taxation) www.dat. Lt. Patrick H. McAllister (410) 579-5959; e-mail: patrick.mcallister@maryland.gov *Phone Number: Driver's License Number: Is suing State & Number Access to Our Free Report. PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION SECTION Address: 50 N Burhans Blvd, Hagerstown, MD 21740, United States. e-mail: johna.nelson@maryland.gov Customer Service Promise. PROMOTIONAL TESTING DIVISION POLICE COMMUNICATIONS SUPPORT DIVISION CJIS MVA, 251 Tilghman Rd, Salisbury, MD. STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION AFFAIRS Email: msp.media@maryland.gov. Click on search. Profession: HQL Training Fee Includes: Fingerprinting: $65 MSP: $50 A person may not purchase, rent, or receive a handgun in after October 1, 2013 unless they possess a valid Handgun Qualification License (HQL) issued by the Maryland State Police or qualify for exemption status. Sgt. Maryland Departments WESTERN TROOP Christine M. Mullin, Commander (410) 653-4420; e-mail: christine.mullin@maryland.gov e-mail: duane.svites@maryland.gov CENTRAL RECORDS DIVISION PROMOTIONAL TESTING DIVISION Ingeborg R. (Heidi) Ritchie, Secretary (301) 766-3888; 1-877-890-0199 (toll free); e-mail: ingeborg.ritchie@maryland.gov 7777 Washington Blvd., Jessup, MD 20794, Westminster - Barrack G (410) 386-3000; e-mail: msp.westminster@maryland.gov Jeffrey D. Thomas, Commander (410) 653-6069 Marques Dent, Manager (410) 653-8967; e-mail: marques.dent@maryland.gov (Jack) Bowman (410) 653-4384; e-mail: jack.bowman@maryland.gov, SPECIAL PROJECTS SECTION Welcome to the Maryland Department of State Police (eMDSP) Online Services Login Page: IMPORTANT UPDATE ON SUNDAY, JUNE 12TH, FROM 6:00 AM TILL 9:30 AM, THE MARYLAND STATE POLICE WILL BE PERFORMING UPDATES TO THE EGOV (HQL, LEOSA, K9 AND INTERCEPT) SITE. STATE POLICE BARRACKS Please contact our office (301) 296-4499 to be scheduled for the next available classes. Debbie Downer here - the statute says "present" the HQL issued by the Secretary of the Department. NORTHERN TROOP Peter W. Spaulding, Commander (410) 653-6645; e-mail: peter.spaulding@maryland.gov Shane M. Bolger, Commander (301) 761-5130; e-mail: shane.bolger@maryland.gov All rights reserved. Click the Demographics button on the left and enter all required information. All our instructors are fully certified and licensed by Maryland State Police and National Rifle Association of You can find out the status of your background check by calling Customer Service at (410) 764-4501 or toll free at 1-888-795-0011. (W00A0103) HQL Training Fee Includes: Fingerprinting: $65 MSP: $50 If the buyer and seller are from different states, an FFL must be used. The Handgun Qualification License (HQL) is a new license required for the purchase of any handgun in Maryland. GRANTS MANAGEMENT SECTION Capt. e-mail: mark.mcguire@maryland.gov, MOTOR VEHICLE DIVISION STRATEGIC PLANNING COMMAND I'm not one of those who pre-ordered a firearm or dealt with an FFL who sold me a firearm before October but held it until the Maryland State Police Background Check is completed. 15 Turnpike Drive, Perryville, MD 21903 "Hands On" Live training - $160.00. Security Guard Section: msp.securityguard@maryland.gov K-9 Registration: msp.securityguard@maryland.gov Handgun Permit Section: msp.handgunpermits@maryland.gov LEOSA: msp.handgunpermits@maryland.gov
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