Youll often find them under leaves, stones, and scurrying around open woodlands. In this article, well learn about 11 of the most common beetle species found in this state, as well as some interesting facts about them. To contact an expert in your area, visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464). It has black antennae on its head and orange and black bands on its wings. If rain is forecasted, cover the cup with a small Styrofoam or plastic cup lid or plate held into the ground by chopsticks. Females typically lay their eggs near food sources, and they will also lay them near dog food. Top image: Pterostichus anthracinus. Unfortunately, the beetles can become a pesky nuisance in homes in late summer and fall and are typically active during nighttime. Hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) feeding can kill needles, shoots and branches. Stenolophus ground beetles. The red milkweed beetle has elongated body with black dots. Sawyer beetles are a large type of longhorn beetle that fly and are attracted to lights. Although tiger beetles are widely regarded as voracious predators, there has been relatively little study of their impact on pest control in agriculture. FREE Home Evaluation. He also authors the Morning Report Newsletter and various other newsletters. The creatures are a common problem in the state due to the damage they cause to many different plants. They prefer areas with a high concentration of hardwood trees and will also inhabit warehouses. Found in eastern regions of North America and some states in the central U.S. An elongated oval body that becomes black as the adult beetle matures. Its light green body acts as camouflage when it is feeding on leaves. The larval tiger beetle that hatches from the egg is a bizarre worm-like creature that you are not likely to see unless you dig it from its underground burrow (Photo 4). Murder Wasps Are NOT reported in Michigan as of 2021. Beetles are winged insects in the order Coleoptera, and they have chewing mouthparts called mandibles. There are over 83,000 species of weevil beetles. They also may pinch your skin with their mandibles. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. It also frequently inhabits decaying woods in the forest because of this. In addition, ground beetles have strong pincer-like mandibles, six legs, and two long antennae. Go back to the Beetles State Listing. They mainly feed on small insects and dont cause plant damage. This beetle from the genus Cotinis is related to the figeater beetle with similar coloring to its cousin. HOME BEETLES INDEX BEETLE IDENTIFIER BY STATE COMPARE There are a total of [ 180 ] Michigan Beetles in the database. Here are 11 Michigan invasive species to keep an eye out for: Eurasian Collared Dove Identification: Mostly gray with white upper body Black collar on the back of its neck Slender black bill Deep. Nathaniel Walton, Michigan State University Extension - July 07, 2021 Tiger beetles are predators with fierce jaws and eyes on the back of their heads. Most are specialists in few kinds, but some, like ground beetles, eat lots of things. They are most active at night and are responsible for eating anything from snails to slugs . Pedunculate ground beetles (Scarites spp.). These are small, brown-banded black-shelled bugs that like to come inside homes that are not well sealed. Because of this, they are also given the name leatherwings., The white-spotted Sawyer Beetle (Monochamus scutellatus) has long antennae and may have white spots on the body. . The iridescent green beetle is similar to the metallic green mint beetle (Chrysolina herbacea). The clay-colored billbug is a type of weevil and is identified by its long snout and gray and beige colors. Since it can damage fabrics and carpets, the black carpet beetle is a nuisance for some homeowners. Ground beetles range in size from 1/8 of an inch to over 1 inch and can be brown, black, or metallic green or blue in color. At 0.5-1 inch in length, these are among the longest species of ground beetle in Michigan. We report 39 ground beetles new to five states in the upper midwestern United States. However, the underside of these ground beetles is reddish brown. The larvae have also been observed eating wool, fur, feathers, straw, and paper products such as books. This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. The Eurasian bee beetle is a hairy insect with a band of creamy white hair around its elytra and yellow fuzz on its black thorax and head. The main irritation ground beetles cause is the malodorous defensive secretions they emit when threatened. Another identifying feature of the bright red beetle is the shrill noise it makes when startled. These bees have a considerable pollination role in Michigan. ), Brachininae spp., and Pennsylvania ground beetles (Harpalus spp.). They use their large pincers and mandibles to catch and devour prey. These questions may help you to improve your mental health, reduce stress, and increase happiness. Tiger beetles, like all beetles, undergo a dramatic change in their lives as they transition from immaturity to adulthood (metamorphosis). Notable features of these tiny ground beetles are their tremendous speed, ability to fly, and usefulness for feeding on pest larvae. Its distinctive domed body, red antennae and legs, and black thorax and head make it easily recognizable. Carabus is a diverse genus of ground beetles with many species of these large colorful insects common in North America. They have elongated oval wing cases with noticeable ridges. The reason why sawyer beetles are considered an invasive pest is the damage they do to pine wood. At 0.5-1 inch in length, these are among the longest species of ground beetle in Michigan. Local Concern: The brown marmorated stink bug has been shown to affect yields in fruit, nut, legume and vegetable crops in the Eastern United States. Although the large brownish beetle feeds on grapevine leaves, it doesnt cause enough damage to be classified as a pest. Also called moisture bugs, larder beetles can become bugs when they infest pantries. The forest caterpillar hunter (Calosoma sycophanta). An identifying feature of beetles in the genus Scarites is their oval abdomen that has a straight edge at its narrow waist. The legs are long and slender, and most ground beetles are fast runners. They enter homes through cracks in doors, foundations, and windows. The sap and plant tissue build up toxins in the insect, making the red beetle poisonous to some birds and predators. A member of flower chafer beetles, the shiny green beetle is native to India and Sri Lanka, where its commonly found feeding on flower pollen and nectar. Common species of ground beetles include Pedunculate (Scarites spp. Twelve tufts of white hairs surround the edges of the abdomen. ; Behavior: There are more than 2,600 species of ground beetles belonging to the family Carabidae.Most species are slightly flat with a small head, large thorax and long antennae. Adult beetles emerge in June or July and feed throughout the summer. Bembidion beetles typically measure less than 0.29 (7.5 mm) long. Top picture: Scarites subterraneus (big-headed ground beetle). Most beetles are nocturnal. Pedunculate ground beetles are shiny black, sometimes metallic green insects with large distinctive pincers, an oval abdomen, and a recognizable thin waist. The banded net-winged beetle is a brightly colored beetle found in the eastern United States. The beetle is widespread in Europe and Asia, and was most likely introduced to North America by foreign ships carrying beetle-infested wood as dunnage. There are around 2,000 species of ground beetles in North America. They can eat plants or animals or fungi or even dung, depending on the type of beetle. Habitat: Grubs live underground, feeding on grass roots, leaving brown patches in lawns. When the pupa opens, an adult beetle, sometimes called an imago, comes out. The term lady beetles is the more correct name for these red beetles with black spots. To set a pitfall trap, dig a hole, place a 12-16 ounce plastic party cup underground with the lid flush at ground level, and wait 24-48 hours for insects to fall into the cup. In fact, they help pollinate garden flowers as they travel from plant to plant. Over 300,000 beetle species exist in the world, and they survive across most habitats. Local Concern: Gypsy moth caterpillars defoliate trees, leaving trees vulnerable to diseases and other pests, which may lead to tree mortality. You can take some warm, soapy water . The beetle feeds on the plant leaves of over 300 species. State of Michigan: Michigan Invasive Species. The goldenrod soldier beetle is a colorful bug found in Michigan. In addition to descriptions, pictures of ground beetles will help you tell the difference between these insects and other pests in your home. Scarites burrow in the ground with a preference for sandy soils. Beetles are insects with the typical construction of six legs, a head, abdomen and thorax. Tiger beetle larvae remain in the burrow to complete their pupal life stage and metamorphose into adults. Look for tiny perforations across its wing cases and thorax. Their long legs, large eyes and sickle-like jaws (Photo 2) make them very effective predators of other insects. The black or iridescent blue beetle with its rusty orange head is a valuable control insect for Colorado potato beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). Species of ladybugs (or, ladybirds) are beneficial beetles that are good for controlling aphid populations. The tremendous range of Michigan bugs extends from beneficial, to benign, to invasive, to toxic. They also have a distinct shape, with a thin waist between the thorax and a flat edge of the abdomen. Like many ground beetle species, this black insect has a thin head, rounded pronotum (the plate over the thorax), and an oval body. In addition, this glossy black beetle has a broad head with two marginal depressions. Near 60F a few days ago and now snow in the forecast once again. The identifying feature of these annoying kitchen pests is the three dots on each wing case. What could happen in Michigan? As their common name suggests, the host plant of red milkweed beetles are plants in the milkweed genus Asclepias. Bottom: Scarites linearis. A tiger beetle (six-spotted tiger beetle, Cicindela sexguttata), as you are most likely to see it, from a distance. Limiting unnecessary pesticide applications in lawns and gardens is a must to avoid harming ground beetles and other beneficial insects. Theyre found in forests with decaying logs, feeding on the inner woods of old tree trunks. It is considered endangered. Adult EABs are about half of an inch in length and one-eighth of an inch in width. The Mexican bean beetle is an orange beetle with rounded, oval elytra covered in black spots. The black beetles are also useful for controlling cucumber beetles, caterpillars, and aphids. One is the American burying beetle. U.S. Distribution: The Japanese beetle is established in nearly all Eastern states, with populations detected in some states west of the Mississippi. This tiny flying brown beetle is also named the biscuit beetle or bread beetle and is similar in appearance to the cigarette beetle. The males have horns on their heads, whereas the females do not. Most beetles eat plant parts, either leaves or seeds or fruit or wood. Some beetles prey on harmful insects and are considered . Homeowners; Businesses; Green Pest Control; Where We Service; Careers; Call or Text Us (615) 824-8814. As their common name suggests, these are small red beetles that love to feed on lily leaves. Ground beetles are small insects with relatively long legs and powerful pinchers. Call us at (425) 485-6059. If you need help with the Public File, call (313) 222-0566. Their larvae are laid on the ground, hatch, and feed on the eggs of other insects until they pupate and become adults after 10 20 days. Young bugs, or nymphs, have orange to red coloration. These yellow beetles feed on cucurbit crops like cucumber and squash during spring and early summer. Even though they are called fireflies, these interesting insects are a member of the beetle family Lampyridae. Larder beetles measure 0.33 to 0.37 (8 9.5 mm). Many types of beetles are harmless and can be beneficial for gardens or backyards. Other distinguishing features include its yellow thorax, black head, legs, and antennae. The grapevine beetle is another of the types of June beetles in the family Scarabaeidae and subfamily Rutelinae. Entries are listed below in alphabetical order (A-to-Z). Striped markings help to identify this destructive leaf beetle. As bark-eating beetles, they eat mostly tree and plant parts. The red milkweed beetle is identified by its shiny red head, thorax, and elytra covered in small black patches. Most beetles are nocturnal. FREE Home Evaluation. Caterpillar hunter beetles belong to a large group of ground beetles, identified by their bright metallic green bodies. If possible, capture the beetle in a jar, take photos, record the location and report it as soon as possible at or contact MDARD at 800-292-3939 or The snail-eating beetles are usually a dark brown or black color, and many have iridescent patterns and punctuations on their wing covers. Larvae do not come out on the surface but stay in dead leaves and the surface soil. This black beetle is a non-descript black color with ridged lines down its wing cover. They are nocturnal hunters. Some speciailze on a particular group (slugs for example, or caterpillars) others will eat anything they can find. . The spotted cucumber beetle is a small, round yellow beetle with six black spots on each of its wing cases. However, the tiny pill-shaped beetle larvae do the most damage to plants. For more information, visit This small Eurasian bee beetle measures 0.39 (10 mm). By submitting images to us ( you acknowledge that you have read and understood our. They can also be found on trees that have recently been blown down or felled. These insects can be seen feeding on the flowers and the plants leaves. The ground beetle and the June bug are two harmless beetles often mistaken for roaches. This species of beetle gets its name from its unique shape which is said to resemble British red coat soldiers. The bean-loving beetles can damage plants by skeletonizing foliage. You can be sure that these funny trivia . Ground beetles actually have many benefits, preying on garden pests like ants, aphids, caterpillars, maggots, slugs, and worms. Learn more about ground beetles including why you might have a ground beetle infestation, how to control and prevent this pest. The black and dark orange false bombardier beetle has a long and slender body and is relatively large. Lebia grandis belongs to the genus of predatory ground beetles Lebia, of which there are hundreds of species. They thrive in moist environments like forests near streams and wet ground. Bright, metallic green with purple abdominal segments under its wing covers, Length of adult beetle is approximately inch. The beetles also commonly live on oak, poplar, willow, ash, and beech trees. The red lily beetles are often confused for cardinal beetles (Pyrochroa serraticornis) which have a similar red and black appearance. These insects are tiger beetles in the insect order Coleoptera and the subfamily Cicindelinae. When accosted, they ooze a yellow irritant that causes blisters on unprotected skin in people and animals. 17. To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit Don't Threaten. This small beetle has a metallic green shiny body, dark tan legs, and antennae. The Margined Blister Beetle is a small, black insect with gray bands on its wings. They use these behavioral instincts to escape from predators. You will find the medium- to large-sized beetles in fields, meadows, grasslands, woodlands, and urban areas. Other characteristics of the beetle are its long black hind legs, short, clubbed antennae, and large bulging eyes. Property owners may elect to control these species on their own property using best management practices. In general, ground beetles are considered beneficial insects. Ground beetles will try to eat almost anything that moves, including asparagus beetles, cabbage worms, Colorado potato beetles, corn earworms, cutworms and slugs. One of the most common species of beetles in the genus Scaphinotus is the eastern snail eater (Scaphinotus elevatus). Here are 6 invasive Michigan insects to watch out for: Why we care: This large, showy beetle was accidentally introduced into the U.S. on several occasions, probably in wood crating or pallets shipped from Asia. The small pale green weevil beetle has long antennae and slender body. Many species of ground beetles are beneficial insects because they feed on common crop and plant pests. For example, the spotted pine sawyer (M. clamator), black pine sawyer (M. galloprovincialis), and the Japanese pine sawyer beetle (M. alternatus). As its name suggests, drugstore beetles love to feed on stored products. Adults spend the daytime resting at or just below the soil surface and hunt for predators in the evening and night. More information can be found at Clay-colored weevils can do a lot of damage to corn crops when they emerge from the soil in May. They are only destructive to tree saplings. The beetle has a metallic green and gold head, thorax, legs, and elytra. Some of the most stunning varieties of beetles have iridescent coloring with shades of metallic colors. However, some ground beetles eat the seeds, shoots, and pollen of plants, even eating seeds of corn, potentially destroying a harvest. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. They are solitary animals, only coming together to mate. The small beetles chew three or four holes in leaves with their beaks, and they can kill small plants. Related: 5 invasive plants to watch out for in Michigan. Some species of stag beetle grow up to 4.7 (12 cm). The spotted cucumber beetle measures 0.25 (6 mm). Many can give off bad-tasting chemicals. Japanese Beetle. These species will then pupate on the ground until they mature into adult beetles. Looking closely, youll notice two small indentations on their heads. Pennsylvania ground beetles are regarded as beneficial insects because they feed on the larvae of plant pests and bugs. Mostly by taste and smell, though they have large eyes, and no doubt do a lot of touching of things. The green June beetle gets its name from the fact it is prevalent in early summer during the day. Some species of this beetle also have the word pine in the common name. This particular beetle was found on a frostweed weed . Lebia grandis is a beneficial ground beetle with a broad black oval body with blue-green iridescent undertone, an orange head, and a distinctive orange band at the base of its wing covers. Found throughout the world, these destructive. Instead, they usually wait in an open area and pounce on prey that might wander by. The almost round-looking beetle has orange or light-yellow and brown stripes. These beetles are common near bodies of water and can be found in oak and maple trees. In fact, the old English word for beetle literally means little biter.. However, the beetles are larger than bombardier beetles. Cicada Killers "Sphecius speciosus" feeds its young with paralyzed cicadas. (WDIV). Why we care: These tiny insects secrete white wax as they feed on sap from hemlock shoots and branches. Bottom: Harpalus affinis. Michigan has many big beetles dwelling here, the most prominent one being the reddish-brown stag beetle, the states largest identified by its large pincers. Owlet moths tend to lay their eggs in weedy areas or places with leaf debris. When not playing dead, Scarites use their large mandibles to devour caterpillars, flies and other small to medium sized insectssome pests and some predators. Ground beetle One example of a beneficial Michigan beetle is the bumble flower beetle. Hemlocks provide important habitat and winter cover for many wildlife species. They also have brownish-red spindly legs. The brightly colored beetles measure 0.27 to 0.47 (7 12 mm). You could also place sticky traps along baseboards to trap the annoying black ground beetles. However, suppose some find their way indoors. ; Color: Most species of ground beetles are black in color. The emerald ash borer, or EAB, is a shiny green beetle native to northeastern Asia. Its small compared to other beetles, with a body length of about 1/2 inch. U.S. Distribution: Brown marmorated stink bug has been detected in 42 states including Michigan. Alternately, these species can be reported to the Cooperative Invasive Species Management Area for your region or your local conservation district. George Hammond (author), Animal Diversity Web. This destructive yellow-and-black-striped beetle likes potatoes and most nightshades, including eggplant, pepper and tomatoes. One of the first signs of a red beetle infestation is chewed lily plants. Other distinguishing features of the black-spotted red beetle include its black underside, legs, and long, curved antennae. They eat soft-bodied insects, such as caterpillars and aphids, while doing no harm to garden plants. One of the several beetle species that resemble wasps. Top image: Pennsylvania ground beetle (Harpalus pensylvanicus). Attracting soil-dwelling predators is not an easy task. They also have long black antennae. Asian longhorn beetles are large black beetles found in Michigan. To date, it's labeled as one of America's most destructive forest insects, as it threatens the ash tree's existence. Maple trees are the Asian longhorned beetles (ALB) favorite host. These beetles are only active at night. Due to their beautiful iridescent colors, they are also classed as jewel beetles. What Are Carpet Beetles? These striking, spotted black beetles with long, hornlike antennae savage hardwood trees such as: Their larvae bore into tree trunks, slowly killing trees. The red and black insect has a shape like a ladybug and measures 0.23 to 0.27 (6 7 mm) long. Some are identified by a broad black stripe on their wing covers and shallow longitudinal furrows. Large beetles with massive mandibles living in the ground? Although orange is its most common color, the lady beetle can also be yellow or red. Size 0.6 (15 mm) long and 0.4 (10 mm) wide. Found in Europe, the United States, and Canada. The lily beetle is a red small beetle with black legs and antennae. The first step to getting rid of crane flies is to test your soil and confirm an infestation. What is at risk? Although commonly called ladybugs, these delightful winged insects are a type of beetle in the family Coccinellidae. The Scydosella musawasensis beetle is less than 1 mm long! Adults feed on the foliage, flowers. Japaneese Beetle and Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (Michigan DNR), Stink bugs are invading homes around Metro Detroit. North American trees have little or no resistance to infestation. However, most people refer to any small pesky critters with legs as bugs, whether tiny beetles, caterpillars, spiders, ants, flies, or ticks. (And What to Do About Them), 5 Spiders Like Tarantulas in North Carolina, 8 Turtles With Red Eyes (Interesting Facts). Elm leaf beetles, as their name suggests, can raze the leaves of elm trees in summer. The yellow beetle has a large shield-shaped marking on its back with two black spots at its tail end. The Ten-lined June beetle has white stripes on its brown body. In Michigan beetle types range from large black beetles to tiny reddish beetles, and each species varies in what it eats. While this may sound frightening, ground beetles in the genus Scarites are a regular occurrence below and at the soil surface. These large ground-dwelling beetles have a recognizable black oval abdomen, rusty brown thorax, and small black heads. Learn more about the many different types of ladybugs that inhabit gardens and grasslands in the summer. The Flea Beetle Lifecycle Flea beetles lay their eggs at the bottom of plant stems. Ground beetles are harmless creatures and are more of a nuisance in the home. Some are benign or beneficial, while others are invasive or intrusive in or around the home. The beetles grow 0.47 to 2 (12 55 mm) long. Biogeographic Regions nearctic native palearctic native oriental native ethiopian native neotropical native oceanic islands native What kind of habitat do they need? Ground beetles in the genus Scaphinotus are known for their predatory instincts on snails. Other characteristics of the ground beetles are their ribbed wing cases, large heads, and skinny waists. The grapevine beetle has light orange color with few black lines and dots. Beetles are some of the most fascinating types of insects that you will come across. Some of these beetles are native to Michigan, while others have been introduced from other countries. Beetles lay many eggs, preferably near potential food for larvae. Beetles from this group are also referred to as rhinoceros beetles. Therefore, you should caulk cracks in foundations, window frames at ground level, or spaces around doors. The jaws are well-developed. The scientific name for red lily beetles is Lilioceris lilii and they are a member of the family Chrysomelidae. The threat: HWA populations are common in many eastern states, including Pennsylvania. The species Dynastes tityus is also the heaviest insect in North America. Often these are the critters that you see scurrying away when you pick up a rock or item that has been sitting on the ground. In that case, it is probably the striped cucumber beetle (Acalymma vittatum). As you can guess from its name, the striped markings help to identify this beetle. This brown-colored beetle also has large antennae that look like curved paddles. Egg-laying occurs at the start of the summer once the adult beetles have had enough time to feed on plant material. BEETLES BUTTERFLIES & MOTHS SPIDERS TICKS & MITES ALL BUGS Listing of Bee, Ant, Wasp And Similar insects that can be found in the state/territory of Michigan Note: Please note that insects do not adhere to man-drawn borders on a map and as such they may be found beyond their listed 'reach' showcased on our website. Top image: Scaphinotus elevatus (the eastern snail eater). Following the instructions on the label of the insecticide, mix the recommended amount of insecticide with water in a hand pump sprayer, then shake the sprayer to thoroughly mix the insecticide and water together. The tiny striped cucumber beetle is identified by its black and yellow stripes. July 14, 2021. IUCN . According to BugGuide "adults are nocturnal predators on other insects.". Adults eat rotting fruits and tree saps found in their environment. Leaving an undisturbed and unmown refuge area will create habitat that supports a variety of above-ground and below-ground insects that can hide in brush. Many species of ground beetles are beneficial insects because they feed on common crop and plant pests.
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