Find out now: How much do I need to save for retirement? 3 de dezembro de 2020. We owe it to these brave men and women to assure that the right elected leaders are in place to press for legislation that will protect them while they risk their lives for us. Not printed at government expense. Januar 2023 . More. The latter is the name of the PAC I found earlier that had raised $3.2 . It comes from a random number that won't accept return calls, and it has a robo voice claiming to be "Andrew" and asking for donations. "Money donated to this group might be used for political purposes and will not be used for direct help to police or troopers," Fox wrote. said Trenton Police Lt. Mike Hawkins. It was raising money using four different police-oriented names (one "association," two "coalitions" and one "support fund"). On March 18, 2015, the following letter was sent on behalf of the National Troopers Coalition and the Connecticut State Troopers Union in opposition of the parole of Inmate Gary Castonguay, who murdered Plainville, CT police officer Robert Holcomb. So, I've been getting these calls semi-regularly for the past few months, but today I got it 4 times. He said he ultimately left because he didn't feel like he was supporting the charitable efforts he had hoped to -- seeing a shift toward fundraising for PACs instead of charities and observing how little of the money went to the causes callers were touting. This Florida-based union touts its federal lobbying efforts on behalf of local members. Type of a scam Charity. The calls, which often target elderly donors, come from a variety of generic and similar-sounding aliases: The Police Officers Support Association, the National Emergency Responders Coalition and the National Coalition for Police & Troopers. var links=w.document.getElementsByTagName("link");for(var i=0;i Homes For Rent Section 8 Approved Greenville, Sc, David Jefferies Injuries, Articles N