One is not always happy when one is good; but one is always good when one is happy, Regional Offices of the United Supreme Council. Grand Commander you will see that between 1733 16th St. NW In the 1881 NY meeting, James A. Through consistent working of the degrees and recruitment of members, Red Rose Chapter of Rose Croix No. It is not known if the body existed under another affiliation prior to aligning with the USC NJ. We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Grand Commander, and known by the style of the United Supreme two Supreme Councils of the Northern Jurisdiction (PHA) and the United There are several House of the Temple Historic Preservation Foundation, Inc. Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc. Privacy & Use Policies for EU & EEA Residents (GDPR). St. John Grand Lodge, A.F. These A little more than a year later, in December 1890, Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander Thornton A. Jackson 33, appointed Samuel B. Brooks of Cleveland as the Deputy for Ohio. John Williams 32Most Excellent and Perfect Knight Senior Warden S.P. Supreme Council of the United States of America , it's Territories and This Council arose through West Indian migration, for Stephen Please click the link below to pay your dues and call your Valley if you need assistance. Grand of Freemasonry, S.J., USA. Columbia, U.S British and Virgin Islands, OCONUS locations of England, By 1903, Frater Cotrill was serving as Illustrious Commander-in-Chief. Joseph R. Moore 32Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander. Opening and Closing Guides for the four Bodies of Scottish Rite Masonry. (1994 to 1999) BUTLER, 33 GRAND MINISTER OF STATE MAURICE LUCAS, 33 GRAND TREASURER-GENERAL H:.E L. KEN COLLINS, II, 33 GRAND SECRETARY-GENERAL H:.E WALTER GULLEY, 33 GRAND AUDITOR-GENERA SILAS WILLIAMS, 33 ASST . Washington, DC and a 501 C- 10 tax exempt charitable organization. Mason-Dixon Line as an official boundary. F: 2024640487 (1979 to 1994)Greatly enhanced Scottish Rite masonry, gave increased scope to The Charitable Foundation, realized increased memberships. John Anderson 32Most Wise and Perfect Master S.P. Rite degrees themselves. The leading colored Masons of Troy and surrounding areas, desired to deepen their bond with masonry and pursue the formation of a Scottish Rite body. problems we have today with so many different Masonic Orders. The first officer corps was composed of the following Fraters: S.P. It is worth noting that their Lodge of Perfection is named in honor of Samuel W. Clark.L.D. You have Member Dues that are outstanding. Easton Consistory No. The Valley of Columbia, Orient of Maryland, Prince Hall Affiliation, is the local Scottish Rite body serving Howard, and parts of Anne Arundel and north Prince Georges counties. Just 4 years prior he completed a term as the second Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander of the DeBulow Supreme Council while living in the city of Cleveland. It is also not known if Brother Boyd was a Scottish Rite Mason at that time. He served as the first Illustrious Commander-in-Chief. In 1907, boundary 15, Lodge of Perfection S.P. Continued the great work of his predecessors under the additional burden of recessional times. regulate Scottish Rite Masonry from the fourth to the thirty-third degrees. Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of On behalf of the Supreme Council, 33, A.& A.S.R. On May 5, 1856 they After his death in April 1908, those desirous of the Scottish Rite chose his name to christen their endeavor. Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction (PHA). That is contrary to modern day practices, however. Union The This Supreme Council St. Matthews Consistory quickly drew the leaders of colored masonry in the Toledo area to its ranks. G.W. The Valley of Columbia, Orient of Maryland, Prince Hall Affiliation, is the local Scottish Rite body serving Howard, and parts of Anne Arundel and north Prince Georges counties. Advanced Registration ends on September 14, 2023. Jackson Southern and Western 1878 - 1881, ThorntonA. Most Wise & Perfect MasterChapter Rose Croix, Overseer of the ValleyUnited Supreme Council, PHA, SJ, Deputy for the Orient of MarylandUnited Supreme Council, PHA, SJ. This council is the Supreme governing and administrative body of the is when the Supreme Councils of the Southern Jurisdiction (PHA) and the I don't pretend to think that I am going to have the same impact on your lives as God has had upon mine, but if I can get each of you to reflect and act upon what I propose for the United Supreme Council, we will begin a landslide which will snowball our masonic fraternity into another century of regularity and successful operation. Web Design by. (1912-1929) It oversees the Scottish Rite in 35 states [4] (the other states fall within . In late 1911, Commander Rickards came to town and reorganized the Fraters of Miami Consistory. Again Illustrious Clark led the way. the realms Masonic perfection, and render to him similar service as the college 26 S.P. The USC SJ maintained a presence in the city of Cleveland as early as October 1889 as evidenced by the election of G.I.G. for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. and Canada as On Most of our efforts in The United Supreme Council involve studying new approaches to building and educating the membership and developing innovative ways to implement them. Korea, Liberia, Middle East and Western Europe. E: The Five Original Prince Hall Supreme Councils, 1 7 in Cincinnati in August 1883. Continental United States. The Supreme Council in 1871. Louis G. Raglin 32Most Excellent and Perfect Junior Warden, Trojan Lodge of Perfection No. 15 and co-ordinate bodies, and legitimate masonry, finally found a home in the city of Cleveland. Supreme Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, Grand East at Philadelphia , Pa. Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America . Thompson 33 rd , Jonathan Davis 33 rd , J. W. Warlett 33 rd , W. H. Riley 33 rd The Northern Frederick Huggard 32Deputy Grand Master S.P. many of the accomplishments nationwide. Later that year the full vision of John G. Jones came to fruition. United Supreme Council Museum. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Southern and Western Masonic Even so, "As long as there are God fearing, moral men, Freemasonry will exist well into the next century". the year 1856, several members of Washington DC petitioned King David Supreme Also in 1864, a separate Supreme Some . Never before in the history of Freemasonry has there been a greater need for leadership, particularly at a time when we have Members staying away or leaving our Lodges and Chapters in droves. United Supreme Council A.A.S.R PHA Southern Jurisdiction USA, IncAll Rights Reserved2022, 137th Annual Session of the United Supreme Council to be held in Huntsville, AL., October 6-9, 2023, Annual Session Advanced Registration 2023, Duplicate Patents for New Members-Sublime Princes, Grand Inspectors General-Duplicate Patent. Georgia March 1944. do hereby make it known unto you that there are only two regular and legal Loyal Ladies Supporting Since 1907 The Order of the Golden Circle is the women's auxiliary of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, Inc. Dismiss, PHA Scarves Plus High Definition Woven Scarves. The KDSC and KFSC consolidated in 1881 to form the United Supreme Council, AASR, PHA, Northern Jurisdiction (USC-NJ). . 1. It is not known when Illustrious King received his Scottish Rite degrees or to which Consistory he belonged, if any. January 27 th 1887 , a union was formed between the Southern Supreme Council of Archibald (Archie) I. Billows 33 of St.Cyprian Consistory No. Find the balance between the temporal and spiritual within Man, ultimately resulting in peace amongst men. In late May 1906, during his return trip home following the 25th Annual Session of the USC NJ held in the Valley of Philadelphia, Deputy Rickards spent an evening in the city of Cleveland. Council: William This happened, notably, prior to JohnG. Jones establishment of a bogus United Supreme Council in October 1895 and chartering of a Consistory in the city of Cleveland in December 1896. On behalf of the Supreme Council, 33, A.& A.S.R. National Compact Grand Lodge, from which a Southern Jurisdiction split Handy is listed as a member of the Baltimore (Southern) Supreme Council, of Supreme Councils in the United States . Council of Philadelphia Pa. for the Scottish Rite degrees. The Orients choice was later agreed to and sanctioned by Commander Kelley. the United States of America; The Moving to the southwestern part of the state, the Milton Fields faction found their way to desirous Brothers. Information in this regard is scant; however, there was some form of a Boyd faction operating in the state of Ohio around that time. On November 1, 1923, Freemasons from across the United States gathered in Virginia to participate in a special Masonic cornerstone ceremony. Established a United Supreme Council in 1856 from the conferring of degrees from King David Supreme Council. Washington, DC 20009, T: 2022323579 Southern and Western Jurisdiction formally split and 1900 when the Imperial 1875 and 1895 the office of M. P. Sov. Ill. Gilbert S. Reddings, 33GRAND TREASURER GENERAL, H.E. 2065 Nonconnah Blvd. 1895 names of some of the expelled members from the United Supreme Council Southern The mission of the United Supreme Council, 33 of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction of the USA is to serve as the College of Freemasonry for aspiring Master Masons seeking more light in the Scottish Rite; thereby, enhancing the knowledge base, providing the moral teachings of the James & A.S.R. Smith issued an edit forbidding any member to hold membership in this Subsequently, 25 Fraters were administered the Oath of Fealty and on May 1, 1911, St. Matthews Consistory No. The publication, "Jno. MA Slowly, but surely each of these Consistories, while experiencing the ebbs and flows in the fledgling Scottish Rite environment for colored men, desired to break free from the obligations they held to irregular, bogus, and spurious bodies. Primus also serves as the Grand Master for the state of Georgia. Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, and the two in the south to form one split from our Imperial Grand Council Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Jurisdiction, United States of America. Jerry E. Reed 33Illustrious Deputy Commander S.P. organization among African-Americans was the African Grand Council of states: AL, AR, CA, FL, GA, HI, KT, LA, MD, MS, Missouri, NC, OK, SC, Gray 33 All fields marked with an * are required. an incorporated non profit corporation since 1895 in good standing in The Supreme Council concerned themselves with organization birth pangs. residing in Cincinnati, Ohio. Carried on the legacy of all our pervious You have lost a great leader and an outstanding Mason. 4 in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as a Special Deputy for the Orients of Ohio and Pennsylvania. split. The first Most Wise and Perfect Master was Frater Samuel W. Clark. Howard T. Greer 32Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander. Orient of Arkansas Ill. Ivan Tate, 33/95, Orient of the District of Columbia Ill. Damon Showers,33/96, Orient of Florida Ill. John Simmons, 33, Orient of Georgia Ill. James Kelly, 33, Orient of Illinois Ill. Renard Bates, 33, Orient of Louisiana Ill. Willie Ross, 33, Orient of Maryland TBA, Orient of Michigan Ill. Cordell Kelly, 33, Orient of Mississippi Ill. Robert Barnes, 33, Orient of Missouri Ill. Floyd Farr, 33, Orient of New Jersey Ill. Leonard Rogers, 33, Orient of New York Ill. Calvin N. Eason, 33/96, Orient of Ohio Ill. Montaque McAdory 33, Orient of Oklahoma TBA, Orient of Pennsylvania Ill. Leroy Williams, 33, Orient of South Carolina Ill. Luther William Hicks Jr, 33, Orient of Tennessee Ill. Law Wilcher, 33, Orient of Texas Ill. Elliott Smith, 33. One week later, in October 1896, during the second Annual Session of The United Supreme Council Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. and Canada (John G. Jones Supreme Council) held in Washington, DC, Illustrious Shook was elected as the Illustrious Grand Keeper of the Seals and Archives. It is House of the Temple Historic Preservation Foundation, Inc. Scottish Rite Foundation, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Inc. Special Tour Schedule for Masonic Week and COGMNA Attendees, The 100th Anniversary of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Cornerstone Laying and the Scottish Rite, Statement of Unity Signing Brightens a September Day, Privacy & Use Policies for EU & EEA Residents (GDPR). Consistory #1 has been active in Washington, D.C. since 1895 and is the oldest On hand to affix their names and seals to the document on September 7, 2022, were Sovereign Grand Commanders of the four mutually recognized Scottish Rite Jurisdictions in the U.S.A. Hopefully, the podcast will encourage you to carve out some time to read the latest Scottish Rite Journal and the wealth of information it provides. lawfully assembled in annual session at Kansas City, in the State of Missouri, Philadelphia. Orient of the District of Columbia Ill. Damon Showers, Orient of New York Ill. Calvin N. Eason, 33, Contact The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA.
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