Vicky Edwards, a writer and teacher, has announced the release of her first book, "Boxful of Nightmares, Terry Hobbs' Personal Memoirs on the West Memphis Three Murders." I dont know what L. G. is capable of, and I am not saying that he would do it, and I am not saying that he wouldnt, but I know Damian. RIDGE: WAS IT THERE WHERE YOUR CLUB IS OR WAS IT SOME WHERE ELSE IN THOSE WOODS? Clemente emphasized that someone who wants to know why the children were killed would likely encourage any and all evidence testing, as its one step closer to understanding the heinous murder. This gave the men 2 and a half hours to let off some steam and possibly drink and get high. This not only puts Buddy in Lakeshore at the possible time that Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby could have shown up, but it shows that his whereabouts were unknown at the time the murder occurred. Ill let you be the judge. My theory is that Chris had tried to get into his home and failed and was heading back to Stevies house when he was picked up by his dad instead. I allege that LG was confronted by his parents because of some evidence that pointed to his guilt, and when caught, LG told them that Damien had committed the murder and he that had only helped them in some small way. At the same time, considering the trampled crime scene and shoddy police work, would the cops have even documented the sight of animal prints or tire tracks even if they did see it? This would be something he could rationalize and also something that would anger him. Terry Wayne Hobbs was born on May 21st, 1958. We have a man, by his own admittance, who was in the spot where they crime occurred all night long. The dynamic between them must have been s fucked up and dark and tense. In addition to the Ballard sighting, there is more evidence that supports the boys were with Terry around 5pm. Hobbs was the stepfather of Steven Branch, one of the boys found murdered in 1993, in West Memphis, Arkansas. LG was actually a suspect from the very beginning, and its actually really shocking to me that he was not further investigated. In part, I blame paradise lost for the graphic images. Also, although this may seem insignificant, Anthony Hollingsworth, LGs cousin, made a statement in May of 1993 that LG acts like he is gay. According to his cousin, Rex, this was not true. Jacoby likely felt at that time that the only thing to do to protect himself was to put himself as far away from Hobbs as possible. It appeared as though Christopher was tied up by one person, most likely David Jacoby, in my opinion, since his knots were all the same. Where do you get all this from? It wasnt until the following day when clothes began to emerge from the water, that police found the bodies. I think its highly probable that Terry repeatedly bit Stevie on his face, mostly on his left side. NARLENE: He (Lg) said, if you start saying that about Damian, youre going to get in trouble, I said, well, the mommy is up there saying stating that he was, Damian was with her all the time. She was completely off in her description of the way they looked and the way they were dressed. Personally? She even described one brunette boy as being heavy set. Echols lawyer, Patrick Benca, reviewed evidence earlier this year that was thought to have been lost. How about his fucking alibi, oh wait, the dudehe claimed him as an alibi thinks he did it. YEA IT WAS BUT, I WOULD THINK SO, IN ORDER TO HOLD ALL 3 LITTLE 8 YEAR OLDS THAT IT WAS PRETTY STURDY, AARON: IN ROBIN HOOD UH, THE PLACE WHERE THE BOARDS ARE. When police finally did ask Buddy where he was the night of the 5th, he claimed that he barbecued with his family and then brought over some barbecue chicken to Jessie who ended up not being there. Sorry in advance to those of you who are tired of reading about this case! While searching through the evidence, their lawyer and private investigator found a letter written to prosecutor, Scott Ellington in February 2012. Id certainly like to know the back story to some of those questions. However, I do believe that this was Terrys murder and he controlled it. RIDGE: DID YOU EVER SMELL THE SMOKE? Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 in Northern Arkansas, one of four children, son of Edith Raylean McLeod Hobbs and Joe Dean Hobbs, Sr. Hobbs, Sr. learned his trade as a butcher while in the military and went on to open thirty restaurants. Stevie promises and the boys leave. Additionally, in both alleged confessions, David Jacoby was also wearing shorts. AARON: KIND OF. For years, the stepfather of one of the three children killed in West Memphis, Arkansas, has maintained his innocence, despite public outcry to investigate him. Then he changes his story again and said that Narlene did give him a ride home around this time. When Narlene was interviewed she claimed to have dropped LG off at his home. THEY UM. I think we have the answer now; Stevie and Chris appeared to have been tortured because they were the ones who were conscious. However, other experts who studied Chris wounds said that the injuries to his groin were post mortem and that there was no way a knife could have made those kinds of injuries. And that 1 cop will know that a member of that community being subjected to questioning for a crime of this nature could lead down all sorts of paths: one of those paths being that Terry likes dick and is part of a small community that likes dick and that that 1 cop likes dick. Here is a timeline of how events may have unfolded that day. Mark on Stevies leg, possibly made by edge of the board found at crime scene. No. In the south in the 90s, the community of dick-havers who are into dick will come from all walks of life and have all sorts of jobs. : the alleged confessions of both Buddy and LG, Terry saw the boys spying and ordered the other three men to catch them. 1 cop's mission: do whatever it takes to dissuade a focus on Terry. Ok, pull down his pants, etc. She has since expressed her belief that her ex-husband was involved in the murders, citing the discovery of her son's favorite pocket knife in Terry Hobbs' belongings. According to known evidenceStevie and Michael went to the Byers right around 5:30, which in my opinion was right after they left the Hobbs home. It would take another 14 years before he was even interviewed about his whereabouts that night. If she really didnotsee Damien on the road that night (which shedidnt) why was shesosure that Damien was not with his mother? The removal of the clothes was a very significant act. The prosecution would mention a stick and Perreti kept saying, Or a 24. Echols specifically wants the shoestrings used to tie up the victims to be tested at a California lab that utilizes new technology to extract DNA from evidence. After he removed his clothes, he ripped out one shoelace from Michaels shoe and cut it in half with his knife. RIDGE: OKAY, UH, YOUR SAYING THEIR DOING THINGS LIKE MAN AND WOMEN WOULD BE DOING. Although LG lived in West Memphis, just a few blocks from Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby, he spent a great deal of time at Lakeshore because various family members of his, including Narlene, lived there. I believe that inhismind, the boys deserved what they got because they shouldnt have been spying. Chris had bruises on his inner and outer thigh, indicating that he WAS held down and his legs were held apart. Terry was born in Northern Arkansas and grew up in the Ozark Mountain region of the state. Which is right in line with why this attack would have occurred. The attack on his genitals suggests an offender who is ashamed of his own sexuality, possibly confused and angered by his own sexual impulses towards males. Occult shit is my best guess at this point. If the boys had their bicycles with them, which I believe is very likely, that means Stevie and Michael would have been quickly caught whereas Chris, who had no bicycle to push, would have gotten caught a bit farther away. And, is it just a coincidence that LG and Terry were unaccounted for that night and then, strangely, they both made public appearance right at 9:00 pm at night? Based on the reports made available to the public pertaining to Damien's mental health issues, this is a flat out lie. And, according to Buddys cousins, Rex Heath and Charlotte Bly, not only does Buddy not have an alibi for the night of the 5th, its a possibility he lied to police about what he did that night. Additionally, Stevie had what appeared to be bruises on the back of his head. David Jacoby, in an effort to catch one of the boys, fell and skinned his knee and also snapped in his frustration and hit one boy. Which is right in line with why this attack would have occurred. David Jacoby also claimed to have seen the three boys in the street at this time; one on a skateboard and the others on bikes. In late 2008, Hobbs entered into litigation with Natalie Maines Pasdar over alleged libelous comments. After they wrestled for a bit, Terry told them to stop and called them over to drink and/or smoke more. (Vickies interview 1993). AARON: ITS, ITS IN UH, ITS IN THOSE WOODS WHERE UH, WHERE THAT STOP SIGN IS AND ITS. An attorney for one of the victim's mother dropped the bombshell in court today that she believes her ex-husband Terry Hobbs took part in the killings. I thought, surely, if this is a lie, it will be discredited quickly by known facts and information. RIDGE: WHEN I SAY HAVING SEX IS THAT WHAT YOUR DESCRIBING? Buddy as well was involved in the investigation and was under suspicion from his family from the beginning. Terry Hobbs, the stepfather of another one of the murdered boys. Wednesday May 5th 1993, was no different than other typical day in West Memphis Arkansas. They lived only a few blocks from each other after all and LG already had a suspicious relationship with an older man. And why would Jacoby publicly and openly admit that he lied under penalty of perjury and to police back in 2007? He said, you seen him coming down the street, I said, yes L. G. and I am not lying for him. I believe he wanted to punish them because he faultedthemfor spying. If the cop is a nobody, it's marginally tougher, but still doable. They then went and dumped the boys bicycles into the bayou, cleaned up the area and left by dark. Lastly, Stevie branch apparently told his cousin that Terry was molesting him and Amanda. Square knots are used by farmers to subdue hogs because the more they struggle, the tighter the knot becomes. I think those questions have easy answers. Jackie Jr. survived the shooting, but died years later as a result of complications pertaining to his injuries. When LG was interviewed by police one of the things they noted was LGs suspicious relationship with Richard Simpson. I believe that after Terrys attack on Stevies face, and with Stevie still quite conscious, this is when the tying of the children began. After all, it's the south. Perhaps. When I rewatched PL1, Pam and Terry had broken up when she did the interview outside when she put Stevie's scarf on her head (she was in a red dress). When he found out his friends were missing, he immediately told his mom that they had to go the clubhouse in the woods. It breaks my heart and I thought about it for 3 weeks straight after I got into the case. This subreddit is dedicated to the West Memphis Three and the ongoing mystery of who really killed the boys they were wrongly convicted for murdering. This was an attempt, clearly, to make the discovery of the boys more difficult. In Billy Stewarts statement, Terry had another drug dealer named Roy Taylor. It's pure evil and hate. 9pm at night, and according to her, he was wearing a white shirt and tie. A narcissistic ego injury (Stevie talking back or what the fuck ever - remember the neighbor who saw Terry and Stevie together for the last time?) Look what you made me do! Wouldn't a normal person say "embarrassed", maybe? When you realize that LG and Buddy were most likely above the ditch, handing the boys bodies to the two men, you can begin to see exactly what a difficult task this was if done alone. However, I dont think it takes an expert to see that the mark above Stevies eye appears to truly be a bite mark. had been during the evening on 5-5-93. I was almost 21, a new mom and lived just across the bridge, in Memphis when the murders happened. Perhaps Stevie tried to sneak away. He also claimed that Jessie said he had punched a couple in the back of the head. They also could have used them to dry and clean their feet after entering the ditch. THAT THE FIVE MAN MAY HAVE CAUGHT THEM? At 6:40 the men may have shown up in the BB woods, some wrestling may have occurred and some drinking and/or smoking and even the beginning of sexual activity. I personally could argue that the three are guilty based on the research I've done, but I could also argue that Terry Hobbs is. DNA consistent with Terry Hobbs, stepfather of victim Stevie Branch, was. random bruising on legs that don't hurt madonna university room and board was terry hobbs ever found. When the boys were eventually discovered the next day, not only were they discovered hidden under water, but their clothes and bicycles had all been submerged as well. RIDGE: OKAY, AND WHAT DID YOU DO WHEN YOU WENT DOWN THERE? This is the time when, according to Billy Stewart, he believes something sexual might have taken place between all or some of the four men. She said some very odd things about TH: "he gets a look that's plum(sp?) 9pm at night looking for a phone number when all he would need to do is call numerous people and he could have gotten it? Either the perps knew the possibility of the bodies floating with time, or, the area where the bodies could be dropped in was not deep enough to completely hide them. According to Terrys ex wife, Terry Hobbs first wife had claimed in their divorce papers that he molested their son. RIDGE OKAY, DO YOU REMEMBER SPECIFICALLY WHETHER YOU MAY HAVE GONE OVER TO JESSIES ON THAT DATE? The boys, especially Chris and Michael, were skinny, little boys. The 4perp claims that Chris was very quickly held down so Terry could stab and bite him. hobbs is high on my list, but with what we know (or lack thereof,) there's simply no way to say anyone is "for sure" guilty in this case. -5:00 Terry Hobbs drops Pam off at work and returns home What happened next is a theory supported by evidence and interviews. The way the three boys were tied, wrist to ankle, as opposed to wrist to wrist, ankle to ankle, is one of the most unique aspects to this case. And interestingly enough, the alleged confessions mention that the four cleaned up as darkness approached. Stevie would have then gone home, eaten some dinner and asked if he could continue playing with Chris and Michael. The West Memphis Police Department and other officials are being accused of stonewalling the release of the evidence for over a year and informing Echols team that the evidence was lost or destroyed. He told police that Jessie had confessed to him and that he said that he had just held the boys while the others killed them. If the men left the woods by 8pm and searchers did not arrive till around 10, that would give stray dogs approx. VICKIE: ANY TIME MY CHILD DIDNT COME HOME ON TIME THATS WHERE I WOULD LOOK FOR HIMRIDGE: OKAY, YOU HAD BEEN THERE ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS? ~It appears the boys *were* punched.. at least a little bit. Those who believe they are innocent claim it was a witch hunt due to Satanic Panic. The Hobbses are the mother and stepfather of Steve Branch, who. I believe he intended to terrify and threaten them so they would never, ever speak of what they had seen. [1]. The new evidence establishes that the last person who had custody of the three boys before they vanished and died was Terry Hobbs. The day after the boys went missing before they were even found, Michael Moore's parents asked Aaron's mother, Vickie Hutchinson, if Aaron could be removed from school to help find the boys. AND UH, HE SAID AFTER WE HAD LEFT THE MOORES COMING OUT OF THEIR DOOR HE TOLD ME MAMA LETS GO TO THE CLUB HOUSE. DO YOU THINK THEY WERE CRAZY, AARON: THEY WERE ROLLED UP UM, CIGARETTES THERE WAS ALL KIND OF WHITE. We know from multiple sightings, including Michaels mother, that the three boys were on two bikes riding on 14th, headed to Goodwin St. at 6pm. When police interviewed Buddys cousin, she recalled that her aunt said that Buddy left to go see Jessie sometime before the murders occurred but did not return till the next day. Is there any other reason why hed admit on national television that he lied? My question is this: If you are of the opinion that the WM3 are guilty, how can you be sure? As I mentioned previously, this statement is an enormous indicator of truth, in my opinion. I still think about it regularly. When Stevie was pulled from the water, the left side of his face was terribly mangled. And, strangely enough, LGs alleged confession also show that the first boy (Michael) was hit with force two or three times, supporting both the autopsy and what is seen from the autopsy photos. The first most essential piece of evidence came from Stevie, Michael and Chris other best friend, Aaron Hutchinson. The purpose, according to FBI profiler, John Douglas, was to humiliate, demean and control. Its possible that Terry realized these knots could come back to him so he finished tying Michael up with a more traditionally used knot. Sound like way to describe some ritual, smoke signal, face paint stuff. (source) Additionally, a roommate of Richards also testified that LG was not at their home on the 5th but that he remembered LGs mother calling looking for him. The nudity and tying is what makes it even more sick than just bashing their heads in. The ME noted the extremely pale look of Chris skin as well as the lack of water in the lungs, and it was clear to him that he had bled to death. If Terry was already trained in this technique, it is a powerful piece of evidence against him, in my opinion. And that alone should give us all pause. I believe that Terry intended to further molest and/or harm me because his actions and demeanor indicated that was his goal, but I believe my continued yelling and screaming alarmed him and caused him to run off. Now Im back to believing it was TH. Before I summarize what the Guy/Stewart affidavits reveal, Id like to summarize the statements made by Aaron Hutchinson in his first two interviews. In his first interview, taken shortly after the murders, he claims he went home in the early afternoon but then changes his story and puts himself in Lakeshore at 4:30. It is much more plausible that Stevie would have come home not much later than the time he was originally supposed to be there and that he made it home not much later than dinnertime. BLY BUDDY UM, LEFT A FEW MINUTES BEFORE THE KIDS GOT KILLED AND SHE SAID, HE DIDNT COME BACK UNTIL THE NEXT DAY. In March 2022,Damien Echols said in a tweet that hell be back in court on June 23 with his law team as they try to get access to DNA, found in the case evidence, to a lab for testing. Hobbs is . Terry Hobbs was born in 1958 and grew up in Northern Arkansas. If that is true, then that is more evidence to support Billys statements as being factual. My only guess is that they already had their sights set on Damien at that time. In 1993, he was married to Pamela Hobbs and was the step father of Stevie Branch. Not even Damien, Jason or Jessie had any of that happen to them, and they were the ones who were falsely arrested for the crime. In 07 or 09 when he was being questioned about the murders, just prior, he'd found Pam "kissing that Mexican". Even if he maybe didn't intend to kill him, I'm sure he started to beat him and his rage just got the best of him and there was no turning back. What is equally disturbing, is that both Domini and Damien had solid alibis for that time period. The only reason one could think that someone would make the concerted, and possibly dangerous, effort to take the bikes up to the bayou to be submerged, was to give themselves time to create an alibi. That leaves many years unaccounted for. Whats more suspicious, is that Buddy originally told police that he was with his family barbecuing on the 5th but when his mother spoke to Fogelman, she never mentions anything about Buddy being home with her that night. and apparently to Pam too, iirc discovering this is what lead to her statement that she believes he was involved in the murder of her son. VICKIE: UM, WEST MEMPHIS POLICE HAD ALL OF THE AREA ROPED OFF, VICKIE: I WENT TO THE DEAD END IT WAS YOU KNOW. He believed that the men, this time, saw the boys spying and killed them. Shortly after arriving home, Terry was out in his driveway with Amanda, saw the boys outside Jamie Ballards home and called them to come to the house. I learned through my connection in the drug-trade that Mr. Hobbs preferred sexwith young boys. 4:00 Chris leaves leaves Pams house to meet up with Stevie and Michael who are out riding their bikes in the neighborhood. The two teens apparently complied with Terrys demands and ripped the clothes off of the children. After Terrys attack on Michael, I believe Terry left him on the ground unconscious. VICKIE: IT WAS COPSRIDGE: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT DEAD ON? I've no doubt he killed Stevie to "get even" with Pam. And then, twenty years later, a letter is found that had been sitting untouched in the prosecutions possession for a year. (Charlotte Bly interview). 5:30. In 2011, Jamie Ballard, her sister and her mother came forward when they discovered that Terry Hobbs claimed to have never seen the boys on the 5th. According to Bennies statement, Terry stopped for a moment to yell, Im going to teach your fucking ass! He admits that they would go to the woods and hide either behind a tree or in their clubhouse, wait for a group of men to arrive, and then spy on them. Actually, Buddy and LG are theonlytwo people in twenty years of suspects and allegations that had family member come forward and say that they had blood on them following the murders. After the boys were attacked and stripped of their clothes, they were tied up. The reason for this is because LG lived very close to both the Byers and the Moores. Terry Hobbs absolutely killed the boys and the neighbor girl said he had seen them right before the boys died. What stands out to me, is that no one has ever suggested before that the injury to Chris began as a bite. My suspicion is that LGs parents knew he participated in this crime ( I will touch more on this later) and Narlene, being LGs aunt, probably had some limited knowledge of his participation, too. The Blue Beacon Woods was connected to the Robin Hood Hills which was the last place the three boys had been spotted on the night of the 5th. Would project a macho, heterosexual, in-control image. According to Bennies statement, Terry stopped for a moment to yell, Im going to teach your fucking ass! If Terry wanted things to turn sexual, his predatory mind would have thought of ways to lead things in that direction. AARON: IT WAS EVERY DAY BUT, IT WAS EVERY TIME, BUT IT EVERY TIME BUT UM, THE FRIDAY. JMB is a freaking nut but I think he loved Michelle so much that when Chris died, she did, too. After Terrys attack on Chris groin, was when, allegedly, David hit Chris till Buddy believed he was dead. Both teens allegedly confessed that on the late afternoon of May 5th, 1993, they had been walking around Lakeshore trailer park when Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby pulled up next to them. For the rest of the night the families, neighbors, friends and police search for the boys. He allegedly admitted to Bennie that he had participated in the murders with three other men, LG Hollingsworth, Terry Hobbs and David Jacoby. In part 3, when suing Natalie Maines, he said he wanted The Dixie Chicks to be "humiliated" as punishment when asked what he really wanted out of the lawsuit. RIDGE: THESE MEN. RIDGE: OKAY. NARLENE: She meant the mommy, the daddy and the son,(LG) she said I dont know whats going on over there and she said, they are making me nervous, shes a christian girl, she said and I got out of there, I said yeah, I get bad feelings around them too. Since Jacoby knew that Hobbs was with Pam at 9pm, he clearly meant that Hobbs had left for the two hours that Jacoby had previously claimed they were together. "I was yelling for Terry to get out, and ultimately Terry ran out of my home and ran downstairs into his unit. Have you had a drug dealer named Ray? Basically, he believes that Stevie was a sexualized child. When Dixie told her of him coming in to the laundry in the small car she asked if she was sure that it wasnt Richard Simpsons car.
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