I miss them. google_ad_type = "text_image"; I'd feel 30 years younger if I could just get 2 packages (okay, maybe three. These were definitely the best cookies. It was fun watching everyone scramble, grab, and nearly fight over who was going to get the Bisco's sugar wafers. We would eat them all in one weekend!! My sister and I wear talking about these cookies and I had to google them. ITS NOT NOT FAIR!! I have tried to find something similar, but no way can anything else compare. I just saw this Comment Page Today; I Agree with Brenda who wrote earlier this very day, and so many, many others eho commented over the past 12 years, that IDEAL COOKIES were the Absolute Best snack of childhood and beyond, to whenever they stopped being made. My father and I used to eat these all the time in the 70's. They were the best ever! I cannot believe that I found this site. Some of these gingerbread cookies take months to make. I thought I was the only one who did that - not anymore after reading these comments. Sorry Mother and Daddy, you couldn't stop us!!! I have been trying to remember the name of this candy bar for yearsI was talking to my mother tonight ( 85 years old) and was reminiscing about the clark bar type of cookie I used to crave.the name Ideal name came to my mind..I googled it and Here I am !! ISO: Nabisco Ideal cookie bar clone recipe : PJ Virginia - 3-27-2006 : 1: Recipe: Ideal cookie bar information : Halyna - NY - 3-27-2006 : 2: Ok folks, you can duplicate the taste of these Ideal cookies. Our memories are strong. IDEAL COOKIES ARE A FAR CRY BETTER THAN ANY OTHER THEY MAKE. an update: I just received a msg indicating that my note referenced above was not deliverable to "cis@nabisco.com". "Little Debbie" calls them "Peanut Butter Crunch Bars". I just stole one of my kids' Quaker Chewy Dips Peanut Butter Chocolatey Granola Bars. I knew they were peanut butter logs - I couldn't remember the Ideal part. TOO. Is it deliberate? NOTHING COMPARES, not even close.Ideal Bars were easily the greatest cookie ever mass produced,SORRY OREO, but its true. They were our special treat. Why Nabisco did away with them, I'll NEVER know!!!!! Maybe they can assist to get them back, They were the best cookies EVER MADE nd NOTHING compares. Little Debbie are close. I had often wondered what happened to Ideal Bars. I think I saw the Nabisco executives all testifying before congress and each one in turn said "Ideal cookies are not addictive" and they had to pay millions in a settlement. I remember them from 50 yrs ago . Thanks a bunch, Nabisco. You have many loyal customers. Ideal cookies were the best cookies ever. I was looking up pinwheel cookies and came across Ideal. I remember hiding them to keep them for myself. I would love Nabisco to bring this delicious chocolate delightful cookie back! Every trip down the cookie isle, I scan every shelf looking for them. I have been watching for those Ideal Bars for years and did not realize that Nabisco had quit making them. i.ve been looking for those ideal bars everywhere.when i was younger i used to babysit i took my money and go to the store and buey ideal bars and eat the whole package they were so good.i wish they would bring them back!!!!!!!!!! Oreo Big Stuf was introduced in 1984 and was about 10 times the size of a traditional Oreo. We would stock up on them when we knew snowstorms were approaching. Oh my God I too loved them my sisters & I would put them in the fridge as well & I would love to have them back. The best cookie ever - my Ohio farm raised husband never tasted one. The Little Debbie bars don't even compare to Ideal Bars. You also need to bring back the Famous Cookie Assortment. As the others have said I can't believe that we all have been craving Ideal Peanut Butter Logs. Wonderful cookies the kids and I loved them then they disappeared! There's one candy bar, Peanut Butter Twix, that kind of reminds me of the essence of Ideal, but still not the real thing. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! All these comments make me want to cry, for i too lost an old friend when the ideal peanutbutter bars were discontinued, i am a diabetic now but i would give a little toe for a pack of those sweet logs, twix has or had a p-butter cookie that was simalur but nothing compares i will boycot nabisco products till they bring back the best cookie in the world!!! He figured out that, since Kelloggs admitted it wasnt interested in doing anything with the cookie brand, he legally would be able to cancel the trademark and re-use it. I found this site this morning. I loved them, too! They were definitely the BEST cookies ever! Keebler makes a Pretzel bite that is as close as it gets, but still not Ideal!!!!!! Ideals were awesome cookies. Funny that ideal cookies are one of the few things I recall from my early years. These cookies made every tastebud in your mouth stand up and take notice!! I just got finished telling my kids about the best cookie I ever had-the Ideal bar- and wondered what happened to them. ASAP! I have longed for the Ideal cookie since I got married! I have missed these cookies and have tried with much disappointment to find a replacementPlease, Nabisco, bring them back! (He liked Peanut butter and banana sandwiches, too). I do think it is wise for new management to revisit that decision againlet's hope. I, TOO, LOVED Ideal Bars growing up and into adulthood. I do all the shopping! I thought I was the only person who could remember these cookies! I was in elementary school and my Mother used to buy these cookies for herself and give us kids two and hide the rest. It's just barely enough for the 2 pie crusts I needed to make this morning, where it used to be plenty with leftovers. BRING THEM BACK!!! -- I'm in! The Ideal cookies were also a great treat in our household. If products don't seem to be popular with our consumers, and demand starts to drop, a decision is made to discontinue the item. I'm 51 years old now, and my only fear is that if Nabisco ever introduces this cookie again, I would promptly buy a couple of packages of them, pour a nice glass of cold milk, eat through the first package, and probably a few of the second. They were perfectly balanced, the right size and flavor. The Ideal Bars by Nabisco was the best cookies that one could buy from the store. The loss of these cookies was devastating. NOW!!!!!! Best cookie EVAH! Should they bring this back it would totally destroy the sales for all the other peanut butter cookies out there. A lot of people would buy them. It just hit me like a ton of bricks. They were much butter than the dry poptarts we are forced to have as replacements today. After a little research I have discovered that Nabisco was bought by Kraft back in 2000. This was a huge part of my childhood and teen years for my siblings and parents. I would sign a petition to bring them back in a minute. The taste brought back a memory from 30+ years ago. If someone else beats you to the punch, it's your loss, and our gain. It is now Nov 2016 and still NO IDEAL cookies on the shelf..why can't Nabisco sell their Recipe for the Ideal Cookie to like a Wegmans?? He was going on about what happened to "his" peanut butter bars. I used to sell Nabisco cookies, and Ideal bars were a great seasonal item, just like Mallomars and Pinwheels. Stay tuned for Chapter Two: The First Bite. The peanut butter part of the Ideals was slightly salty, and that is what made it so good. I do remember them mostly being sold in the cooler months as the chocolate would melt very easily and most houses did not have air conditioning in those days. She would always get furious as to why we were sneaking hers when we had our own. I found something that reminds me of the Ideal Peanut Butter Bars. Very sad when something that evokes such passion is discontinued.. Wow, I thought that I was crazy for still looking for these great dark chocolate covered cookies. These cookies were highly addictive! But I have to askdid anyone else first peel the chocolate off with their teeth before launching into the cookie? I need one for myself!). Best cookie ever !! LET US ALL PROMISE TO CALL NABISCO AND PLEAD FOR THEM TO BRING BACK THIS COOKIE. I have been looking for these cookies for years now! Little Debbies just don't work for me. Come on Nabisco make my day!!!! They are amazing! I loved IDEAL bars!! I agree, Ideal Bars were the BEST! I sent the link to this page to Nabisco today. I have fond memories of getting these and grandmas house! Only it turned out, four years later, to also be a game-changer for Nabiscos Oreo. Me and my Dad loved them. I still have dreams about these cookiesonce came home for lunch from school and mom had gone to a meeting. It was the first thing we would go for when we got to the store. I have never tried them. I have e-mailed Nabisco begging for them to just bring them back as a seasonal item or a limited time only so me & my sisters could stock them in the freezer but I think if everyone would e-mail them maybe they would listen. they really left an impression on me. Years later my husband and I used to joke about it being a "single serving package" because for us it was. If someone starts a petition or figures out were/how to contact Nabisco I know many people who would sign or write or call. Miss them so much. WILL YOU PLEASE BRING THEM BACK IF EVEN FOR A SHORT TIME (possibly like the recent "Pepsi Throwback" offering Pepsi did with their original sugar recipe/formula), BUT THEY MUST BE ORIGINAL RECIPE - PLEEEEEESE???!!!!!!!!!!! I can not remember the name. My best friend in grade school used to get them every week, and she would share! DON'T cheapen the ingredient deck! My husband raves about Ideal cookies. 2023 Atlas Obscura. please bring back this tasty, tasty treat. were they to good for human cunsumption? I certainly DON'T, and my not buying cookies shows it!!!! Wonderful, great combo!! You can find alot of copycat recipes for these cookies if you google "ideal nabisco cookie bars". my mother and I would share IDEAL cookies and talk. These were indeed the best store bought cookies ever made! I talk about them and people have no idea what I am talking about. They will make tons of $$$ dough on this cookie annually. My dad and I reminisce about them, too. I love the peanut butter filled pretzels at Trader Joe's, so I may just have to try it. But the shift wasnt enough; in 2001, Kelloggs had bought the Keebler brand, putting Hydrox under yet another corporate owner, and by 2003, it had stopped selling Hydrox altogethersans a brief reprieve in 2008 after enough consumers complained that it briefly changed its mind. Make them again! OMFG. I know it sounds crazy but all of these comments made me feel better. Maybe they stopped making them because they were too expensive to make. I would start with me first and the pass them down to the next generations! They were the Best Only draw back was they melted so easily. When we wanted peanut butter and chocolate at my house when I was a kid in the '60s and '70s, these are what we ALWAYS got. Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in making our lives better. The taste is still on the tip of my tongue. It just as well that they don't bring back because I think I would overdose on them or balloon to 400 lbs! They are the best cookies ever made! Under the Jewish dietary laws of kosher, pigs, the source of lard, are a forbidden food. I've been scouring store shelves since, but no sign of them or anything close. I'm on a mission now!!! Wow, how I miss those peanut butter bars. Thanks. Brand history. These cookies were literally like crack. I LIVE IN SOUTH LOUISIANA AND WE ONLY HAD IDEAL COOKIES IN THE COOL MONTHS. I also searched for them in the past. I've even told my kids about ideal bars. I was so bummed when they discontinued them. I love the taste of peanut butter and chocolate and the IEDAL cookies are the reason why. I am quite positive that they would fly off of the shelves as long as they have the same original taste, and are as close to the original product in every way as possible. 2. We kept ours in the fridge in the summer so the chocolate wouldn't melt off!!! Do we have to wait until the Kraft foods no longer has the patten on the cookies. Come on you guys bring them back. Glad to know others remember them and they were not a figment of my imagination. What surprises me is they still make the Pinwheel which was the same line..even the same color package..kind of their higher end type cookie. I would base my weekly calorie intake around these cookies! Was there a special machine needed which cannot get parts anymore? More and a few times we paid for an empty pack. My grandmother used to always have Ideal cookies in her cabinet when she lived in Arizona. Cookies today do not compare with IDEAL cookies - they were and still are the best! Yesterday a friend gave me a homemade treat that reminded me a lot of Ideal Bars. IF WE ALL MAKE A CALL WITHIN THE NEXT 3 DAYS, MAYBE THEY MIGHT WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE; WHICH BY THE WAY GOES GREAT WITH AN "IDEAL" BAR. The truth was a bit more complicated, however. )which got me thinking again about the best cookie ever, IDEAL! I guess it was supposedly the heat that they stopped manufacturing these cookies. Really? Everytime we get together we talk about how we bit off both ends and used them as straws to drink milk. We could not get enough! I just got finished eating Reese's Sticks that I had gotten from the fridge and I thought of the Ideal cookies!! The assortment packs included several types of cookies and were marketed for families or parties because of the variety they offered. I think I made a request for Vermont Country Store to find them but never heard anything. I have tried to find an alternative over the years, to no avail. I think it must be at least 25 years since they were available. They used to not be in the stores during the summer months but come fall they would be back on the shelves in Texas and I LOVED them! I miss you Ideal cookies. My sister used to buy them and hide them under her bed and i would steal them. I have NEVER tasted another cookie that was anywhere near as great as Ideals. If they ever do, there is going to be mass hysteria and total chaos around the world!! Nothing will ever compare to Ideal Cookies! We called him the "cookie monster" I care for my Mom who is 82. i never thought i would be so besotted with a cookie, but i love this cookie and was so disappointed to learn they were no longer made. They were so delicious out of the refrigerator. Anyway, these little growths were easy to bite off, and would lend a fairly pure chocolate experience, one that only hinted of the peanut butter explosion that loomed on the not-so-distant horizon. Then, I'd eat the ends of each bar first. Let's get on the 'stick' and urge them! They were better than the Oreo with peanut butter in the middle, and that is saying a lot because I love those Oreos. I think of these cookies often. They'd have a hot stock on their hands if they did! Nothing made today compares! Oh what i wouldn't give for an Ideal cookie! They were a very high quality cookie. I cannot believe there are others out there like my family. Submit a link to more information about Ideal Cookies. Nabisco we NEED these cookies! like everyone else, Ideal Cookies where the best ever! More information. "Squeaky wheel gets the IDEAL" Put this in your Header to Nabisco. If you got a package that didn't have enough PB, they were almost tasteless. Please bring them back Nabisco!!!! I've often remembered the ideal bar with fondness and wished I'd had one. OK Nabisco, you have had your fun - BRING THE COOKING BACK!!!! LOL I swear I wish they would bring those cookies back. When I was a kid my mom sent them to me at sleep away camp since they were my favorite!! When I was growing up my mother would buy IDEAL BARS and hide them too.I have 7 brothers and sisters and when we found them they didn't last too long.My mom would be so mad she would spank our butts.The next time she bought them we would do the same thing.They were worth every whack!Please bring them back,my mom is too old to catch us now!
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