Officer in charge of the 45´th military Pentathlon Military World Championship
1997 Colonel Tommy Johansson.
The 45th Military Pentathlon Military World Championship 1997, is organised by the Värmland Brigade with full support from the Bergslagen Artillery Regiment and the Värmland Regiment.
This years championship is probably one of the biggest military competitions ever arranged in Sweden.
The organiser of the champion-ship has sent out invitations to more then 110 nations.
It is going to be a big happening in Kristinehamn from August 4th to 10th.
Around 300 foreign military men and women are expected to come and lend colour to the regiment and to the town.
It is not the first time Sweden arranges Military World Cham-pionships in Military Pentathlon. In 1971 the competition
was held in the city of Örebro, in 1977 the champion-ships were held in Kristinehamn and in 1987 in Stockholm and now we are back in Kristinehamn.
The extent of this years championships will be twice as big compared to the last CISM.
We have a big task in front of us and we will do our utmost to give the participants the very best of conditions.
The opening ceremony will be held at the town square in Kristinehamn on Monday August 4th.
The Supreme Commander of the the Swedish Armed Forces has agreed to be the celebrant. The audience and the competing teams will be entertained by the Army Music Corps and by surprises in different forms.
We welcome everyone to the 45th Military Pentathlon Military World Championships, leaders, team captains, trainers and of course the Pentathletes.
Brigardier General Johann Pucher, Austria. President PTC Military Pentathlon
Brigadier General Pucher is responsible for that CISM rules in the championships here in Kristinehamn are obeyed. Cases not provided in the CISM Regulations for Military Pentathlon or cases in dispute surfacing the cha-mpionships will be decided by Brigadier J. Pucher.
Hopefully he will have an uneventful and pleasant stay here!
The Organizing Commitee with CISM PTC President in Military Pentathlon.
From left: Mj Håkan Grahn, Col Tommy Johansson, Brig Gen Johann Pucher, Mj Lennart Eklöf and Mj Jan Ekman.