No 3 August 5th 1997. Opening ceremony.

year. Especially China has a very good team. I think it’s quite open this year, perhaps Russia or Syria have teams that are strong enough."
Today StFW Hartmut Nienaber is the coach for the German men team. Not every country has a coach who has been awarded CISM Goldstar of Merit.

We wish him and his team good luck!

Pictures from yesterday.

A future pentathlete

A future pentathlete?

Flying with the syrians....

Flying in to tomorrows competition with the syrians.


Weather forecast

From Tuesday 1200 to 2400 hours.
Partly cloudy with chance of shower. During night chance of fog.
Temp: Daytime: +22 C
Night time approx.: + 14 C
Wind: Light nothern breeze

From the preliminary meeting on August 3rd at 1700 hours.

Jury of Appeal

Mj Gen Liangping FANG, China
Lt Col Leon de WOLF, Belgium
Lt Col F LODBERG, Denmark
Brig Gen Mowafak JOMA, Syria

Technical Jury

Mj Lennart EKLÖF, Sweden
Mj Karl-Björn ANDERSEN, Norge
Mj Felix MUFF, Switzerland
Lt Col Yuejie ZHANG, China
Mj Luiz CORREA, Brazil
Anti Doping Commission

Mj Gen FANG, China
Brig Gen Johann PUCHER, Austria
Lt Col KARLSSON, Sweden

List of sponsors.

Main Sponsor
Bofors AB
Silver Sponsor
Bronze Sponsor
Norabel Hansson
Norma Precision AB
Hesselin Entreprenad AB

Entré Sponsor
Hägglunds Vehical AB
Casco Products
Scandinavien Airlines System
Prize Sponsors
Bro Möbler
Kvaener Turbin AB
Additional Sponsors
Kommunal Värmland
Kristinehamns Energi
ICA Kvantum
Värmlands Bilförsäljning AB
Charterbuss AB
Arno-Remmen AB
Nya Gummicentralen
Flybo AB
Rätt pris
Wiréns Åkeri AB
Vänerhamn AB
Scana Björneborg AB
Gårdfelds Kyl AB
Järn och Maskin
Guldfynd AB
Byströms Blommor
Tommys Närköp
Dan Linné Bygg AB
Nordic Husbilar

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