No 2 August 4th 1997. The first training day.

obstacle-race and running.
I have even trained some new techniques."

What about support for your sport?

"All the 3 military branches, Army, Navy and Airforce help us.
We also have a strong support from our government."

Military Pentathlon in Sweden

Colonel Birger Almlöw

The Commander of Bergslagen Artillery Regiment and Chief of the Swedish Military Pentathlon National Team Colonel Birger Almlöw

Sweden is with no doubt the most successful nation during the history of Military Pentathlon.
In 1951 both the team and the individual championship were won by Sweden.
The world champion was Bengt Lorichs.
This was the beginning of a successful era for our country.

All together 16 team gold medals and 13 individual championships were won by Sweden during the years 1951-1977.
One of the most famous Swedish pentathletes was Bengt Åke Christiansson who with five individual champion-ships and a number of team titles during 1962-1968 belonged to the most successful in the world.
Our latest champion was Rolf Nilsson who was fortunate enough to win when his own regiment organised the CISM in 1971.
Magnus Haeger, who individually is the best pentathlete Sweden ever has had, so far, had the hard luck to compete with the "superstars" Nienaber (FR Ger-many) and Engeli (Switzerland) and therefore he never became individual world champion.
In utility swimming Sweden has achieved great results during the latest CISM and holds the world record through Peter Norrmén.
A young and well trained Swedish team has developed during a couple of years and will maybe soon once again fight for the world championship.


Individual champions:

Bengt Lorichs (51, 52),
Åke Moberg (53, 54),
Göran Rönnquist (55),
Stig Lekberg (59),
Bengt Åke Christinansson (62, 64, 66, 67, 68),
Rolf Nilsson (71).

Military World Championship in team:

51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 68, 70, 71, 75, 77.

Swedish records:

Shooting 200 points
Krister Rhönnstad, B-G Nilsson

Obstacle run 2.17.9 min
F Alpberg

Obstacle swimming 25,2 sek
Peter Norrmén

Grenade throwing 211.9 points
Magnus Haeger

Cross country 25.27 min
M Johansson

Ind classification 5.539.1 points
Magnus Haeger

Team classification 21.653.8 p
Bengt Björklund, Magnus Johansson, Krister Rhönnstad, Peter Norrmén

Swedish team

From left: Carl-Johan Erlandsson, Jörgen Jansson, Johan Eklöf, Christina Cedervind, Ulrika Gillerfors.

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